general info
my name is eyra but you can also call me pisces, ana, flans or argus
she/her, feminine terms only
transfeminine, femflux, pan, demiaroace, aceflux, objectum
autism, adhd, gad, ptsd, npd nd depression. also hypersexual nd hyperromantic. suspected did or osdd
chronically ill, phys disabled cane user nd wheelchair user
i'm a minor. currently 15 years old, turning 16 on may 3rd!!
i am an alterhuman. specifically a songkin/musickin my kinlist is here but i need to update it
i'm taken by robbie my dearest!!!!! i love him so much <33
byi / boundaries
i have no dni except for anyone who is going to be hateful or mean
i block freely nd only block people who i want to stay away from
i am uncomfortable with insulting jokes nd usage of slurs (especially r slur)
my memory is kinda bad so reminders for things are always appreciated!!!
i use tone tags when i think they are nessasary nd i appreciate people using them when needed too
if you send me random friend requests i probably won't accept unless we've interacted a lot nd i consider you a friend
dm-ing me is okay if we have interacted before
my triggers are: pictures nd mentions of blood, SH nd suicide, child abuse nd neglect, SA/rape, grooming, harmful kinks/paraphillia, pedophilia, shotacons. dead animals (specifically dogs nd birds.) ... other things aswell, but these are the ones i think people should know about b4 interacting. but remember, anything can be a trigger.