Sunny's CD

Sorry if it's terribly written. I don't speak English and I had to manually translate it because the translator referred to Sunny as a girl.
Postscript: please recommend competent translators

Sunny is horny and decides to look for porn on the Internet

He discovers that there is a bad signal and the pages do not load. Thanks, he had a plan.

He had gotten a CD for this kind of situation. He rummaged in the deepest corner of her drawer until he found the small box with a white woman with long black hair posing provocatively on the lid. He would never admit it, but he had specifically chosen this CD because the woman looked so much like Aubrey. He put the CD in his old laptop and got ready for action. But something was wrong. He immediately noticed that the video was not what he expected. the disc contained a hentai about two brothers, the younger brother, a boy sickly resembling him, and the older sister having sex anywhere imaginable while the younger brother had the most overreactions and cheesy I've ever seen, even the Sweetheart's program was less exaggerated

Sunny had obtained the CD through questionable methods, after all, he is only a 13-year-old boy.

It was a normal day, he and Kel had planned to go buy some comics, after a while of looking at all the new comics and the new CAPITAN SPACEBOY comics, they saw the guy from HOBBEEZ open the door behind the counter and they could see that there was a box on which was written "CAPITAN SPACEBOY number 80 and number 81"

"Psst...Sunny, did you see that?"

Sunny looked at him for a moment before burying his face back in his comic strip.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Sunny ignored him.

"Come on, Sunny, imagine being able to brag to Aubrey about the fact that we read those comics before she did?"

This time, Sunny agreed, maybe Kel could be dense, but he knew Sunny well enough to know that he likes to tease Aubrey too, or at least that's what he thinks.

So, conveniently, Pedro had something urgent to do and he couldn't leave the store unattended, unfortunately his only option was two kids who would probably snoop around the store when he wasn't around, but he was willing to take that risk. I quickly approach the boys and tell them:

"Look, I need to do something, can you watch the store for the rest of the day?"

"Of course!!!!!!!"

Pedro gathered up several papers, gave Sunny the keys and ran like a bullet for the door, just as a precaution, Kel went to the window pane to see where he was going.

"Mierda, no debí haber aceptado la petición de esa chica" I say before disappearing from Kel's sight. Immediately afterward, Kel ran out the back door and into the warehouse.

"This is going to be interesting" Sunny thought before entering as well.

From one moment to another, Sunny and Kel were in the wet dream of any teenager who lives locked in his room, there were a lot of things to see from Limited Edition Consoles to higher quality plush toys, but what attracted was the section of “special requests” What would be there? Great was his disappointment when all he found were 10 life-size Sweetheart pillows. He went to pet the stuffed animals, but when he saw...

"Oh~" Just by looking at the cover he could feel that he had a boner, hormones overcame reason and, as soon as he regained his composure a bit, he took the little box and hid it in his shorts.

The day went by normally without any problem, it was time to close and surprisingly the guy hadn't arrived, they would have spent the night in that place if it wasn't for the fact that neither of them was willing to put up with the hours of scolding that their mothers, so they both spurned each other and went home.

Sunny thought about that day. He had not attach importance to the fact that there were things with that "nature" in the shop, but seeing this, many questions popped into his head from him.

Why was this camouflaged as a normal porn video? Who had asked for it? Was the HOBBEEZ guy okay with this or did someone sneak this in amongst all the stuff? Is there a group in Faraway that distributes this kind of stuff?


Before he could ask himself any more questions, all the hairs on his body stood up as he realized that the video in question was still playing, and to his horror, he could hear his sister getting out of bed


Unlike expected, all Sunny could feel was the pleasant warmth of his laptop and his sister's breasts squeezing his back. Mari slowly picked up the CD case, rested her head on Sunny's shoulders, and without taking her eyes off the screen said:
“Do you like what you see, Sunny? ~ Would you like to fuck your sister, you little pervert? ~

Pub: 28 Mar 2022 03:06 UTC
Views: 973