/erg/ Farming Guide

For specific consumable crafting materials, I recommend using CTRL+F.

[Specific Enemy Equipment Drop]

  1. Don't even bother until lategame, unless you want it to take ~2.5x as long.
  2. Silver Scarab Talisman (+ .75x chance) is found in Hidden Path to the Haligtree, drop off from a broken railing to an invisible floor, instead of going down, stick to that side, roll the hidden wall, it's there. If you somehow haven't got it, Silver-Tear Mask helmet is the drop from the boss of Nokron (post-Radahn meteorite site entrance) and Marika's Soreseal is looted by backtracking from Elphael Inner Wall, down the ladder to the right and in a Stonesword Room at the end of the corridor (for a combined total of + .13x). Silver Pickled Fowl Feet (+ .5x) are optional, but if you're only after 1 item, recommended to make it more bearable. If you intend on grabbing everything in the game without PCheating it in, spending 2 tears respeccing (1 to respec, 1 on the way back) to 99 Arcane (up to + .99x) is recommended to save time in the long run, but overkill if you're only after a few items. With those items combined, you roughly have a x2.75 modifier to item droprate (x3.5 at 99ARC).
    What you're after usually will have a drop rate of 1%, meaning you're on average going to have to farm the same enemy ~35 times on average (as oppose to 100+). To temper expectations, by 'average', that could mean the 1st try or the 69th try - both equally likely.
  3. Find a Grace semi-close to the enemy you want to farm (make sure they're actually wearing / using the item you want or it won't be in their drop table), kill, reset. There isn't much more of a gimmick to it aside from optimising if you can oneshot the enemy in question, so you don't have to deal with any other variables.
  4. I highly recommend to put on some music for the duration. If you're strapped for ideas, perhaps I could recommend something smoother, to keep you from smashing your screen after the 200th Altus Sword-Noble drops nothing; https://youtu.be/UwGtKExkgTs

Common Equipment Grinds

Will be added to as people anecdotally ask;

  • Noble's Slender Sword = Raya Lucaria Debate Parlor, up the left ramp for a small concentration of a few Nobles; touring the entire courtyard post-RWoR has ~20 Nobles.


Consumable Materials

Most overworld enemies are intended to be hunted / die in one shot, as such, it best to have a cheap wide AoE attack / Ash of War to spam to grind them out. Also, most of these enemies have guaranteed-drops or extremely high droprates, so a Silver Scarab / Pickled Foot is mostly optional (see below for each) - any drop rates mentioned will be the seeming default rates, pre-Discovery multiplier.

Purchaseable Materials

If you don't have the runes to spare, note most of these also have a relevant farming location.

Material How
Thin Beast Bone / Hefty Beast Bone / Ruin Fragment / Sanctuary Stone / Cracked Crystal / Turtle Neck Meat / Sliver of Meat / Lump of Flesh All available from the Bell Bearing Hunters; Warmaster's Shack (Limgrave) + Church of Vows (Liurnia) + Isolated Merchant's Shack (Caelid).
Bloodrose Kill the Merchant hidden in Moghwyn caves, and his Bell-bearing nets you an infinite amount from the shop too. Before you're able to get this, farming around Fort Haight will do you.

Commonly used Materials

Material How
Thin Beast Bones / Sliver of Meat / Beast Liver / Budding Horn / String Craftsman Shack, Gelmir. About 20 sheep spawn just North East along with 5 Monkey-Demihumans. Earlygame, Isolated Merchant's Shack (Weeping Peninsula) has 7 sheep just a bit South East.
Turtle Neck Meat Summonwater Village (Limgrave), just South on a small platform. The gap between the destructible fences point at it. Yes, they do respawn.
Flight Pinion / Four-Toed Fowl Foot Below The Well (Siofra). 6 Birds on the ledges just behind you, Herbs inbetween.
Herbs / Erdtree Flower Four Belfries Grace (Liurnia); 4 Flowers close by, 3 Herbs on the other side of the Belfry; run a loop around the Belfry and grab them all.
Great Dragonfly Head Heart of Aeonia / Commander Niall's Grace, just North East, a group always spawns. A Whip is ideal if you've got nothing else that reaches them.
Tarnished Golden Sunflower / Grave Violet / Rowa Fruit Jarburg (Liurnia) - note that many of the unmentioned rarer flowers here are 1-time pickups.
Mushroom Agheel Lake South, one literally next to you. Doesn't seem to get better than this, enjoy the Grace-refresh loading screens.
Melted Mushroom / Dewkissed Herbs Nokron Grace (Limgrave Undercity), jump the railing the the left, shitton of both.
Root Resin / Crystal Bud / Gold-Tinged Excrement Just do a anticlockwise loop around Revenger's Shack (Liurnia) - Bud, to Mushroom, to Resin, Erdleaf, to Bud (slightly hidden), to Excrement to Resin, to Grace. On Torrent, takes a ~10s once you get used to it.
Sanctuary Stone / Land Octopus Ovary Scenic Isle (Liurnia), nearest Large Ruin Chunk has a hug concentration of Sanctuary Stones, with a Land Octopus inbetween. High striking damage to the beak basically guarantees a Critical, very easy to kill. Alternatively, lots of Sanctuary Stones on Liurnia Divine Tower Bridge.
Poisonbloom / Miranda Power / Cave Moss / Budding Cave Moss / Crystal Cave Moss / Toxic Mushrooms Stillwater Cave (LIurnia), just loop the first major room (jump in the swamp, run it to the end, back via the ledges); tons of Miranda enemies, and lots of moss up top. Tank the poison, perhaps put a Fire WA + infuse your weapon of choice with Fire to speed things up. Poison Mages commonly drop Toxic Shrooms - ignore the bats, they drop no materials.
Frozen Rowa / Fire Blossom Run around the Bridge Pillar next to Ancient Snowy Valley Ruins, jump up the little ledge. 4 of each each run.
Gold Firefly Road of Inequity (Altus) Side-Path, drop down via the jump pad, x7 there. Wormface is easy enough to avoid.
Silver Firefly Back of Groveside Cave (Limgrave), equip a Beast Repellant Torch.

Less-used Materials

Material How
Crab Eggs / Strip of White Flesh Third Church of Marika (Limgrave), farm the crabs on the beach
Cracked Crystal Old Altus Tunnel, 9 nodes immediately from the entrace, you can ignore the miner
Gravel Stone / Great Arrows / Ruin Fragment The approach to the Great Jar from Deep Siofra (Caelid), Gravel Stones spawn just under the first Golem. Kill the Golem for guaranteed arrows, the minefield bombs drop guaranteed Fragments.
Living Jar Shard / Raw Meat Dumpling Uncommon drops from Large Jar Enemies, (guaranteed only on the first kill, ~1/8 chance after), Stormveil Secluded Cell and backtrack.
Albanauric Bloodclot Uncommon drop (~10%) from any Albanauric-type enemy. Best farmed in the enclosed basement at Volcano Manor via the locked door to the right (opposite Patches, need to run the entire dungeon to get there, drop from the cages) While Raya Lucaria Academy Gate Town is tempting, the open field makes it inefficient.
Arteria Leaf Common drop from the Yetis at Giant's Gravepost. No real exploit, just gotta kill them, even the ones which attack the crows don't actually deal any damage to each other. Fire damage or high stancebreak can make this slightly faster.
Blood-Tainted Excrement From Moghwyn Palace Approach in the 'corridor' from the red-Albanauric lake area to the Bloodcrow lake area (one next to a group of Reds, one on the far shore, one on the left before Bloodcrows).
Eye of Yelough / Yellow Ember Yelough Anix Tunnel (Snowfield), grab a ton in the Ruins; especially the farthest building. Equip a Beast Repellant Torch for the rats.
Fulgurbloom Castle Sol Main Gate (Mountaintop), huge patch to the West.
Glintstone Firefly Tons on the crystals, West of Folly on the Lake Grace (Liurnia)
Altus Bloom Rampartside Grace (Altus); either contiually grab the single one next to you (faster depending on load times) or follow the road North to grab 10 more before stopping just above Woodfolk Ruins and reset then.
Beast Blood / Lump of Flesh / Golden Rowa Auriza Side-Tomb (Altus), Beast Blood is a guaranteed drop from the Large Runebear (you're able to sneak up on it); Lumps of Flesh + Hefty Beast Bones from the minor bears, Golden Rowa all around.
Golden Sunflower Hermit Merchant's Shack (Altus); Around the nearby Minor Erdtree
Human Bone Shard Windmill Village (Altus), the first gathering place has loads of Celebrants. Otherwise, ~10% droprate from Skeletons / Celebrants
Old Fang ~10% droprate from Boars / Misbegotten, no real place to grind aside from running through Castle Morne (Weeping Peninsula).
Rimed Crystal Bud Around the frozen trees in the Snowfield; Inner Consecrated, across the river on the right-er side is the fastest.
Faded Erdleaf Flower East of Aeonia Swamp Shore (Caelid), small patch of them
Silver Tear Husk Nights Sacred Ground (Limgrave Undercity after Nokron), loads in the building to the right.
Volcanic Stone Tons between the Seethewater graces (Gelmir).

Easy to acquire, but no 'good' farming spot

Material How
Slumbering Egg Common drop from overworld Owls at night. Try the Limgrave / Weeping Peninsula region?

Don't bother unless necessary

The following I'd advise against, because the grind just ain't worth it. These have ~1% default rates and do not respawn after collecting them from their overworld pickup points, making them functionally semi-limited;

Material How
Stormhawk Feathers Exhiled Knights (Red-scarfed / hooded ones); best done at Stormveil Cliffside. The bird-enemies drop Flight Pinions, not Stormhawk Feathers.
Aeonian Butterflies Infant and Adult Rot-bugmen; best done at Caelid Waypoint Cellar.
Trina's Lily Aeonian Cleanrot Knights (this being the only material really worth it for Sleep pots - still a hard grind); Inner Aeonia / West of the Heart of Aeonia.
Formic Rock Any kind of Ant-type enemy; best done at Ainsel River Downstream.
Golden Centipede Swamp-zombies between West and East Windmill Pasture.
Nascent Butterflies Erdtree-Flower-Undead, such as the ones outside Altus Minor Erdtree Church.
Sacramental Bud Bloodrot Dogs or Haligtree Knights.
Miquella's Lillies Elphaelian Cleannrot Knights

Finally, as an >inb4, "Hidden Plumage", "Moon Egg" or "Golden Dung" don't exist; just wiki bullshit.



>inb4 you're here to grind out runes because you're too shit to beat the boss with what you've got
>>i shiggydiggy
You best be here to quickly get a twink up to a desired level.

To set yourself up, grab the Golden Scarab (+20%) - acquired by clearing the Abandoned Cave in Caelid (x2 Cleanrot Knights Boss). From Smouldering Wall, follow the wall East, drop down two ledges, there's a root you can traverse across the valley with. You don't really need Gold-Pickled Fowl Feet (+30%) since in relative terms it's a short buff, you'll be getting so many runes already, it's just an optional addition.

  1. Earlygame, killing Greyoll (Dragonbarrow mega-dragon) nets you 90k Runes, and as of writing, if you kill it before it's death animation completes / acquiring the Dragon Hearts, you can reset it by resting at the Fort Farroth Grace while keeping the runes - resulting in a loop every ~6 minutes. Use status to chunk his health off with %ages (Bleed is best used; Flail can be acquired from one of the carriage-chests at the Gatefront Ruins or Uchi can be acquired from Deathtouched Catacombs - though any can be used). Greyoll's Roar debuff nukes your Attack and Defence, but not your stamina. Spam lights at his tail where there's no other dragons, proc status, kill, reset him quickly.
    You can optimise slightly by maxing your stamina via grabbing the Wondorous Physik / Stamina Tear (Limgrave Church of Marika) and putting the Turtle Shell on your back (grabbed by using the Castle Morne Rampart Jump to get on the Tower). Make sure you're naked or at least minimum burden and have Torrent accessible to get back to the Grace ASAP once you get the runes.
  2. Midgame / after Godrick, finish Varre's questline, get your ticket to Moghwyn Palace. Backtrack to the Palace Approach Ledge-Road Grace, from there, fire a single projectile (arrow / bolt, consumable darts won't work) at the Bloodcrow down below. The Bloodcrow will suicide off trying to chase you because of it's hyper-aggression AI, netting you 13k runes every 20-30s, at the 'cost' of one arrow / bolt.
  3. Postgame in the same place, once you've got the Sacred Relic Sword (Final Boss Remembrance) upgrade it to +9, just turn slightly to the right and use the Wave of Gold Weapon Art on the unsuspecting Albanaurics - at appropriate upgrade level, it's an instakill. Bolstered with the WA's passive rune gain increase. About 100k runes per minute, if you get ino a good rhythm. If you're on your way to Lv792, this is the method, aside from drop-duping Lord Runes with a co-operator.




Link back to the main doc: https://rentry.org/ergPocketGuide


Pub: 02 Apr 2022 07:14 UTC
Edit: 09 Apr 2022 09:37 UTC
Views: 1571