NPC Checklist 4 dummies

Heads up, this is long, if you're allergic to character counts feel free to click off. I've tried to boil it down as much as reasonably possible without it becoming robotic.
The intention for checklist is just that - a checklist, not a guide. Go ahead and fully complete the entire region by yourself first, and once you're done come back here if you want to clean up shop with minimal spoilers so you can see everything the game has to offer (rather than crutching on Fextra telling you what the final boss is because you want to know where Patches is in this game - yes, the final boss's name is unironically present on Patches Fextrashite page, don't look).
The only things I will 'spoil' are the names of Graces / ambiguous places (which in their own right don't usually reveal much). If you haven't found where I name and I don't mention anything else about where they are, it's because you really should be able to find them blind.

Main Body of the Guide

Step 0 - Blind Playthrough pitfalls and the Limgrave / Stormveil mini-Points-of-no-Return warnings.

Explore the game blind, and only use the relevant section of this guide guide after you're fully happy with having explored the region beforehand. If I say a Grace / Place is easy enough to find, it's because you really can find it simply by zooming in on the map and using it to look for structures you've missed. Often times too, if you have an item related to a quest, it's description can give you a pointer.

For pretext, ignore even reading Step 1 of this guide until you reach the pre-boss Secluded Cell Grace at the back of Stormveil Castle. You can challenge the boss of Stormveil, but run the risk of accidentally defeating it before cleaning up questlines.
There's only two other ways to interfere with any quests at this point, and they're pretty obvious;

1. There's a way to get past Stormveil Castle without actually going through it - if you find it accidentally, turn back and ignore it. In progression terms, the game will think you 'skipped' / beat the boss if you rest at any Grace after it (though you can technically explore without resting).

2. When you reach Redmane Castle, feel free to take the 'boss' on there at any time; but make absolutely sure you clear the place before you use the Grand Lift of Dectus or take on Caria Manor during Step 2. Otherwise, the entirety of Redmane Castle will become a ghost town because of a questline, and you'll ironically need to defeat the actual late-midgame boss of the place before you can loot the place and take on the 'boss' again.

If you want to "progress" steadily without spoilers that even the game throws your way, avoid trapped smoke-chests if you can react to them fast enough - they all lead to latergame areas that may 'spoil' the scope of the game for you (or at least, it did for me when I intentionally got smoke'd). If you do get caught in one, resting at the nearest Grace to your location won't brick quests (just don't rest at any Grace after that - either return to your area via horseback without touching another Grace or fast-travel out). All of them are 'safe' (enemies aside), they're just potential spoilers for your travels.

Step 0.1 - 'Help - I'm impatient and retarded, how do I start Melina's quest & The Main Storyline?'

To begin with, if you're another newfag whining that you want to level up because Tree Sentinel is kicking your ass, fuck off and figure it out yourself. Here's the only hint you're getting: Explore More.
Close this doc now if this was your issue, you're sorted.

No, that doesn't mean continue reading, you blind retard. Close the doc and put some more hours into the game if that was your issue, it'll honestly fix itself.


If you've somehow managed to fuck that up, you genuinely have brain damage / have somehow managed to softlock the game. Congrats. I do not know of any single way you can mess up Melina's quest introduction unintentionally as of writing; since the game railroads you pretty well into it. Here's what you're 'supposed' to do naturally;

  • Rest at any 3 non-cave / non-crypt / non-underground graces, and Melina will appear (usual blind order being First Step, Church of Elleh, Gatefront Ruins - but any order is fine).
  • If you decline, she will continue to appear as an option at every Grace thereafter. You don't have a choice, you have an illusion of choice - you can freely upgrade your weapons via the two overworld anvils, but will be unable to upgrade your character levels or use a horse until you're onboard with her. In NG+ you can still level up and ride the horse, but the following is why she's non-optional.
  • At the next new overworld Grace after the one you accept her at, you'll get a prompt to teleport to Roundtable Hold (usual blind grace being Stormveil Shack). This is the true illusion of choice that makes 'Maidenless' runs impossible (outside of wrongwarps) since you must visit Roundtable Hold at least one point to speak to an NPC there to pass into a lategame chokepoint, and from there, beat the game.

If you were 'somehow' having problems, now you can play blind.




Step 1 = Wider Limgrave Checklist & Liurnia mini-Points-of-no-Return warnings

To preface; if you're rushing through a new twink playthrough, make sure you remember to head to Roundtable Hold and speak to everybody there before moving on. While blind players should do this fine, twinks often forget this when checking things off and can miss some stuff.

  • Melina
    ~ Since she's part of the main quest, nothing you can possibly do can brick her progression.
    ~ If you want some optional dialogue with her, you can choose to chat with her at the following Graces. You should be able to passively find all these Graces with absolute ease just going off of what the map shows you, don't look them up. Non-repeatable dialogue per NG, but they're nice.
    • Stormhill Shack
    • Third Church of Marika
    • Fourth Church of Marika
  • Varre
    ~ If you somehow didn't find him, he's right in front of you from the First Step Grace.
    ~ Just do as he asks you to do. As you progress the main questline, he'll finish his business in Limgrave.
  • Kalé & Blaidd
    ~ Kalé is located at the Church of Elleh, basically the closest structure you can see from the First Step. You're either retarded or a real anarchist (read: retarded) to have done everything but visit this place.
    ~ Exhaust his dialogue, buy the thing, exhaust it more.
    ~ After you've rode along the main road through the Mistwoods you should have heard a cue. Back to Kalé.
    ~ Do what he quite obviously asks you to do (the range you can do it in is ridiculously forgiving, so anywhere near the location will actually do). If you're new to the franchise, it's in your initial menu screen, to the right. You can actually see what you're after if you look up before doing the thing.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, fuck off and level up for a while (don't need to overlevel, just enough to do Stormveil will do). You'll struggle doing this low (even despite the required summon) - while it won't brick, you want your new friend to survive the following step for some bonus dialogue.
    ~ No idea how you were supposed to do this step blind, don't blame yourself. Go to Forlorn Hound Evergaol (very easy to find, don't look it up if you haven't found it, just explore some more). While you should have attempted one of these already and realised how endame they're scaled, you've actually got to clear this one. Inside the Evergaol itself you can summon Blaidd via Yellow Summon, dialogue. Clear the Jail, leave jail, exhaust dialogue outside, done. If you did this jail while exploring, just report back, basically the same.
  • Renna
    ~ Wait until night-time, head back to the Church of Elleh after getting Torrent from Melina. Once she's spoken to you, quest's done for this part of the game.
    ~ A thing to note that the game doesn't make clear - in the lore of this game, major characters often have a false name to disguise who they are. Astral projection is also a thing, as you can see with Renna, and is used throughout the lore to mislead you (even when you know it exists). That's all you need to know for you to connect some later dots related to the lore by yourself.
  • Roderika, Hewg and Aurelia
    ~ Stormhill Shack, aka the crossroads between both ways to the road into Stormhill Castle. Exhaust dialogue, until you see Aurelia.
    ~ If you can't figure out what she wants, Liftside Chamber, take the closer lift down, look for a pile in that area / listen for dogs. Should be obvious what you want and what you need from there. Return, exhaust dialogue, she now moves to Roundtable. Don't forget to do this step before moving on.
    ~ Once she's arrived in Roundtable Hold, bounce between her and Hewg until they're exhausted. Back at Stormhill where she was located, free stuff, back at the pile with the dogs, more free stuff. Done for now.
    ~ If you skip this region, she won't brick because of how important she is (she'll just auto-move to Roundtable), but you'll miss a Gesture, lots of dialogue and won't immediately get her reward. You get Aurelia at Roundtable instead.
  • Bernahl
    ~ Warmaster's Shack (semi-missable as the structure isn't indicated on the map, just West of Stormhill Shack, in the forest), exhaust dialogue, don't need to specifically do anything else right now as he does nothing at this point in the game, and this step is optional in his questline.
    ~ Spawn at a nearby Grace, return to his shack at night, you'll see somebody else who features later in the game. Changing the time to night at his shack won't immediately trigger, since you're too close; change it a different nearby grace and travel there.
  • Sellen
    ~ She's at one of only the 5 Ruins in Limgrave - just look for her if you haven't found her. Do the obvious, find Sellen, exhaust dialogue. This questline is gradual until a later point; but you can choose to hand her any Spellbooks you find and you get more dialogue as you buy them out / get more familiar with her (though she's not the only spellbook-translator vendor).
    ~ If you've found Sellen somewhere else, ignore it for now, that's for later.
  • Boc
    ~ Extremely missable NPC, if you go through the area too fast (horseback) or only touch on the outer edge of his cue, you'll miss it entirely.
    ~ Agheel Lake North, between the telescope and the bridge. Wait on the cue, do the obvious. Can't find him? Just roll with it until you can. You'll bump into him a some point.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, do the obvious. If you can't remember what he said, there's only 2 places on your map fragment that demi-humans infest, he's at one of them.
    ~ Once there, exhaust dialogue, do the obvious thing you'd do there, return, exhaust dialogue. Questline done for now.
  • Yura
    ~ You can do either of these in either order
    ~ 1. Head East from the First Step, follow the coastline; under the Ruin Arch, you'll meet Yura. There's a nearby Grace, southern exit under the arch, to your right.
    ~ Beat the boss that occupies the huge Lake in the middle of Limgrave (don't summon, you'll want access to your horse for it), go back to Yura, he'll give you a QRD.
    ~ 2. Head North through the lake, under the Bridge. Let events play out, don't let Yura die by using him as a meatshield or the entire questline will brick.
    ~ Speak to Yura further up the River, done. If you did this first, he'll teleport back under the arch, but you'll miss his intro dialogue there. Done.
  • Patches
    ~ He's back!
    ~ Your old friend Patches is back.
    ~ He's your friend!
    ~ If you count the shitty BluePoint remakes as separate games (as you should), this is actually his 9th appearence in a FromSoft title. Sure he missed Sekiro, but that's Sekiro's problem, not Patches's.
    ~ You'll first find him in a cave along the river North of Agheel Lake.
    ~ Slight misunderstanding, knock some sense into him - don't go all the way, it should be pretty obvious when to stop. You mechanically cannot fuck this up in a single hit, even if you're heavily overtuned. This technically makes Patches the sturdiest thing in the game.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, choose whatever, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Once things have settled, punch him a few times until he aggros. Let him reduce your health, lay off completely after the cue, use what he gives you (it can be finnicky, it does work if you're at the right range). Patches will understand. You can do this now or later, just as long as you're at this stage in the game.
    ~ From here, buy some things from his shop (ideally the boss item - it's unique, with multiple interactions; including but not limited to the obvious related bosses, but also acting as a portable button for Catacomb devices - Imp Flamethrower-Lifts, Chariot Destroyers etc)
    ~ Refresh via teleporting to a grace, exhaust new dialogue, Patches will reward you. Do the obvious, return to him.
    ~ Questline done for now.
  • D & Gurranq
    ~ Found on the road in the North of Limgrave (easy to find), there's a field boss in a nearby. Delay doing it, exhaust his dialogue first, do the field boss, he'll move closer to where you fought it, exhaust again. If he's gone, he'll be at Roundtable because you left the area - just bring him the field boss reward
    ~ Follow what he tells you to do, you'll find yourself with Gurranq in a latergame area. He's safe, though if he ever gets angry, smack some sense into him and leave him come to his senses.
    ~ While trying to avoid too many spoilers - If you like D, don't ever give him anything, now or in the future.
  • Kenneth
    ~ Found on the top of an Arch in the middle of Limgrave, on the road en-route to the Third Church of Marika.
    ~ Straightforward quest, do as he says, you only need to kill the Blood Knight (best done at the area via the ladder up, isolating the two of you).
    ~ Return, get your reward.
    ~ As of 1.03, some of the cut content from this quest was restored; hence the questline is no longer over, just finished for now. Previously, his questline ended in it's entirety here, and if you're on a character which reached this point before the patch, there's a seemingly high chance you're unable to progress, even by aggro'ing and resetting via the Church of Vows. If you want to see it, seems you'll need to see it on a NG.
  • Irina & Edgar
    ~ This questline is optional, but is required for a later optional quest to proceed. If you don't like how it's going, you can 'pause' it indefinitely after this region; skipping on the later quest (once it's active) at no penalty other than the faith catalyst reward at the end.
    ~ Irina is a short distance away from the only bridge into the Weeping Isles on the main road - while it sounds obvious location, it's somewhat easy to miss, as she's tucked just behind a small wall. Exhaust dialogue, look for Edgar, do the obvious. He's not on a timer, so there's no need to rush, just clear the place out at your own pace.
    ~ Relay back, do the boss of the mini-region, head back to Irina, return to Edgar to exhaust dialogue, return with him to Irina, exhaust dialogue. Irina & Edgar Questline: Complete.
  • Alexander
    ~ Found South of Saintsbridge (Northern region of Limgrave, look for it if you haven't found it), if the sound cue wasn't enough, take the way up just down the road West.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, do the obvious (don't worry, you can't break it), exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Third Church of Marika, head up the slopes to the North West, look for an entrance, exhaust dialogue. If you can't figure out how to help him, head on up, it's somewhere close by in the neighboring region, should be obvious on the map. Clear the place, do the obvious, questline done for now.
  • Gowry & Millicent
    ~ At this point in the game, the quest is somewhat lower scaled than the region it's in. You should be able to complete it for now if you're ready to go for the Lord-Boss of the Limgrave region, as this checklist is intended for.
    ~ You should have found Gowry's shack by yourself if you've done the fun right thing and explored Caelid - if not, stop being a pussy and explore Caelid - you don't have to 'do' anything there or fight anything yet, just snoop around. It's an experience. For future reference, you can avoid his guard dog by jumping up the left-side of the outcrop.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, head into the swamp; explore, it's actually not that hard to figure out what he wants because there's only 2 things of note in the swamp. While on horseback, you don't build up status, but otherwise stick to the landmasses if you get knocked off your horse.
    ~ Don't do the obvious just yet, first check the centre of the swamp, just in-lake from Aeonia Swamp Shore Grace on the Western side of the swamp, to completely optionally 'meet' Millicent early if you haven't. Don't forget that she does not have access to a horse; connect the dots from what I've told you. Now do the obvious part of the request, return to Gowry with what he wanted, get the answer to the Sellia puzzle (that you might have accidentally figured out already). Rest and return to Gowry for what he mentioned.
    ~ While Sellia is technically optional (there being two 'ways' to get into Dragonbarrow, then dropping down from there to get to the Church of the Plague), the route to the Church described by Gowry is the most straightforward. Sellia is actually a lower-scaled region, and can easily be cleared at this point in the game, (unlike the rest of Caelid lole, did you enjoy that experience) and the boss of Sellia is completely optional (even for this quest), but is scaled for this point in the game, so best fought now.
    ~ Headache bitnow, just refresh and check both places before refreshing again - repeat until Millicent is absent from the Church and Gowry is in his shack. From here on out, the 'reward' is that Millicent becomes a repeating boss summon - none of these summons are required to progress her quest, all of these are optional, none of these give any extra dialogue / rewards. Play with her if you want.
  • Gostoc
    ~ This NPC is on the mandatory path through Stormveil, at the gate. Exhaust dialogue - don't open the gate, follow his path.
    ~ Continue until you hear him laugh, return to him, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Gostoc also works like Slenderman, provided you don't open the main gate of the castle. If you're not looking for him in certain areas, he may potentially warp behind you at three locations - the ruined tower along the Castle Wall path, part-way through the first section of the inner rampart and above Rogier's spawn on the Chapel's Roof. You do need to progress quite a bit past his 'points' for him to move there; the easiest of which to see him at being the Chapel Roof (as you're likely to take the elevator shortcut back up, at which point he's clearly visible on the roof if you head back out without resting at a Grace).
    ~ If you didn't realise; this [censored] will passively steal 30% of all the Souls Runes you leave upon death regardless of your choice. Kill him now (before the boss of the region) if you want them back, leave him if you're on any patch past 1.03 as he'll offer an exponentially more valuable reward later.
    ~ Once you beat the Lord-Boss of the region, you can find him in the Boss arena, with some additional dialogue.
  • Rogier
    ~ Optional NPC summon before Margitt, not required for his questline.
    ~ Located in the Chapel you should naturally move past as you progress from the Rampart Tower (provided you didn't miss that Grace and immediately do the roof-parkour section to get down). Exhaust dialogue, this is the end of the questline for now
    ~ Ideally explore and clear out Stormveil before the Lord-Boss, for future ease of progression. All of Stormveil. Up, down and all around.
    ~ If you can't figure out how to open one final shortcut door, look for a ledge to jump to near some Jars.
  • Nepheli Loux & Gideon Ofnir
    ~ Almost at the end of Stormveil entirely; from Secluded Cell, backtrack past the troll, in a cellar on the other end of the corridor. Exhaust dialogue, she'll be available for summon for the final boss of the region.
    ~ Speak to Gideon about her, exhaust dialogue.

Invaders for Limgrave

  • Bloody Finger Nerijus @ The River before Murkwater Cave (Mandatory clear for Yura / Patches questlines)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Reduvia
  • Recusant Henricus @ Stormveil Colosseum (Northern semi-circle structure)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Hammer Talisman
  • Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater @ Smouldering Church (yes, it's Limgrave turf)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Sacred Scorpion Talisman

Invaders for Caelid

  • Millicent @ Lake of Aeonia Shore (Doesn't appear once questline is progressed, and I basically told you to go there anyways)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy. [Nothing else]




Step 2 = Liurnia Checklist & Lift of Dectus mini-Point-of-no-Return warnings

To not brick anything here; don't ride the Lift of Dectus (this counts as a Grace), and don't rest at any graces in Altus. If you want to travel through Altus (again, provided you don't rest at graces), you've got to go via the Ruined Precipice route - you can rest at any Grace within the Ruined Precipice, but after that, it's classed as the next region.

  • Melina
    ~ Same as before, no mandatory stuff, just optional encounters giving you information on her. She can be spoken to at;
    • Lake-Facing Cliffs
    • If you've progressed Boc's questline until this point, East Raya Lucaria Gate.
  • Ranni
    ~ See below, she has a huge quest chain that's very easily bricked, because the scaling is deceptively out-of-order. While she's at a later part of this region, you should specifically leave her until last.
  • Varre
    ~ Heads up, if you don't want your character to canonically have a broken, bleeding fingernail, don't do this questline. There's no real reason not to do this line otherwise and it doesn't show on your model at all, but if you're heavy into RPfaggotry (hey, this is an RPG, I'm being empathetic here), you can get an identical item shortly after this region, and don't miss out on any areas (albeit delayed later on in-game)
    ~ ...
    ~ Chances are that once you beat the Lord-Boss of the previous region, you rushed back to Varre. Exhaust dialogue, he'll be off. He tells you where he'll be heading, just explore and you'll find it easily.
    ~ He gives you a few items to.... 'use'. If you're playing online.... motherfucker, just fucking use them. If you're playing offline, you can substitute his quest with various other signs around the world tied to other questlines - though it will take far longer to do. Do it 3 times, any result, he's pleased.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, now you've got an item that requires you find something. You've got three choices on how to do this; you don't need to know about the other two methods in detail (tl;dr one in a church, one... 'looted'... off the obvious NPC of that description in the same region) because there's only one that's objectively the best. You should have found the Four Belfries - go there; you've got a selection of 3 'magic, but hole's. Anticipate which one would be the best; if you already used the item you're given from passive exploring, don't worry, the other two can be found in magic-based above-ground areas. Run all the way to the end of the area, grab what you need from the first room, don't forget to check the staircase before it and grab all the shit from there for a different quest.
    ~ Return, exhaust dialogue, you can use the both the items you just got indefinitely. Varre tells you to delay using the Medal - but this isn't for any narrative reasons; you can Grace-out easily, the area has an alternate way in later on in the game and it won't immediately throw you in front of a boss if you were worrying in that regard. Use it sooner, rather that later for an optimal... 'experience'.
    ~ Questline done for now.
  • Boc
    ~ Exhaust dialogue at Lake-facing Cliffs (if he's not there, reload at the grace and he'll appear - if you skipped this, you didn't really miss any dialogue), as you progress, he'll move to East Raya Lucaria Gate (actually the Northernmost part of the bridging, not Easternmost), exhaust dialogue there.
    ~ Once you've defeated the boss of the region, buy the Boss's cloak from the Old Finger Maiden back at Roundtable Hold. Back to Boc, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ You should naturally obtain something else in this region via passive play, relevant to Boc. Don't give it to him yet, delay until the next region.
    ~ Not much in terms of this questline here. Done for now.
  • Thops
    ~ Church of Irith, easy find. Exhaust dialogue, he wants a spare key, you can't give him the one you get first time around. Second key is in the Academy, if you want a hint, look at the roofing after the miniboss
    ~ Choose to give him the key or not; you get the most from giving it him and and can do it whenever. Schoolhouse Classroom Site, backtrack a bit and he's just behind the wall. Thops Questline: Completed.
    ~ One thing this you'll have absolutely no idea about when going in blind is that his Gesture is the real reward of this quest - Erudition. If you equip any of the Raya Lucaria stone helmets and perform it, during the second half of the Gesture your crystals will light up, and a 'signal' is sent out. This is literally mentioned nowhere in-game, there is no way you could know this outside of extremely specific circumstance. Keep this in mind as it's used in some puzzles, but has no function outside of this.
  • Hyetta
    ~ To begin with, to start this questline, it requires you to have completed Irina's Questline from the Limgrave stage. If you haven't done it, go do it, it's unaffected by points of no return.
    ~ Hyetta is first found basically next to the first Grace in Liurnia, hard to miss. First item she's after is an extremely easy find just past the Lord-Boss of the previous region's throne room, barely minutes before meeting her.
    ~ Hyetta is then found Northward at the Purified Ruins, an obvious location you should already have found. Relevant item is within the same location, just look for it.
    ~ Hyetta is now located off the beaten path, near the Gate Bridge Grace (where the broken up southern bridge from the Academy connects to the landmass) on the side of a rock formation slightly East / North East. Easy to miss, just look around a bit. The item she wants is on the other side of the damn map, as a drop within the Revenger's Shack (easy spot to find, you should have found it already, if not, explore more). Here's the annoying part now (so read slowly, then read it again), give it to her, exhaust dialogue, walk a bit away until a cue, speak to her again to exhaustion, refresh the area via Grace, speak to her again and exhaust her dialogue for the third damn time this step. Should work.
    ~ Finally, she'll be at Bellum Church, right from the Statue, on the road towards the Grand Lift - both easy locations. If she's not here, chances are she's still at her third location because you dun fucked up, go back. She wants a different item this time. It's located in this area of Liurnia, no need to head back to the lakes, just explore around the Grand Lift and you should find a pretty eye-catching place. Take a right and head up the hill / slope, what you're after is just before a Church. Return, exhaust, done for now and you won't see her for quite a bit of time.
  • Rogier & Fia
    ~ Rogier is now on the balcony at Roundtable Hold. Exhaust dialogue, if you've kept up with D's Questline, you'll get some bonus dialogue.
    ~ I genuinely have no idea how you were supposed to do this naturally, especially with online play enabled. The 'real' trigger to his quest is heading back to the lowest point of Stormveil (you can get their either by a jumping puzzle from the Secluded Cell or via a drop near the Liftside Chamber, yes you can survive it). Major enemy is technically optional, but I doubt you'll get far without clearing it. You've got to inspect a fucking bloodstain down there, just next to the strange thing on the floor.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, exhaust dialogue with Fia, do the obvious. What you're after is hidden, if you don't find it immediately, look around again.
    ~ Note: If you're a waifufag, you'll get entirely different dialogue from Ranni throughout her questline if you progress this line past this point. Less 'kind', more 'reluctant'. You don't get a reward for this quest here out, just semi-important lore information and a redirect to Ranni's questline. Entirely optional. Give Rogier what he wants, exhaust dialogue, refresh via Grace, exhaust dialogue again for semi-CRITICAL information. Delay what he asks until you want to start Ranni's questline.
  • Rya & Blackguard Big Boggart
    ~ Rya can be found next to the telescope of the region. Exhaust dialogue. When she says 'down the way', she means the North East, to an unmarked structure on the map.
    ~ Talk to the lad there. He's cool. Exhaust dialogue, do the obvious.
    ~ Acquire prawns after doing the obvious, it's setup for later on top of the innate benefit of prawn acquisition.
    ~ Obvious what you should do from here on out. You'll get something as a reward, keep hold of it, but don't follow it until you're done in this region. Quest's done for now.
  • Patches
    ~ Patches!
    ~ Your best friend Patches is back, now at the Scenic Isle Grace. On the offchance you didn't find it, it's the island directly West of the telescope of this region, North East of the Laskyar Ruins Grace.
    ~ Your best friend Patches tells you a KEY piece of CRITICAL information. Follow it to the absolute letter (yes, the wheel goes down too, explore more) - remember to avoid the arms, only the grab qualifies for what you're after.
    ~ Benefit from Patches wisdom.
    ~ While you can get quite a bit of cool loot, don't rest at any Graces past than the most straightforward one - you are skipping areas, and this will brick questlines if you venture further than you're supposed to. Don't cross obviously unintended areas, and if you find the miniboss by going past the Grace, it's optional. DO NOT REST AT ANY GRACE PAST THE WAY-OUT OF THE MINIBOSS ROOM, IF YOU DO CHOOSE TO TAKE ON THE BOSS NOW. YOU CAN OPTIONALLY TAKE ON THE BOSS IF YOU WANT, IT'S THE 'LEAVING' THROUGH THE EXIT THAT WILL FUCK YOU. THE GAME WILL THINK YOU'VE SKIPPED LIURNIA, AND SEMI-BRICK SOME QUESTS.
    ~ Go back, thank Patches for his insight and generosity, exhaust dialogue. Quest's done for now.
  • Diallos
    ~ Somewhat easy to miss, Academy Gate Town Grace, head directly North. Exhaust dialogue, Roundtable Hold, Exhaust dialogue, questline done for now.
  • Latenna, Albus, Nepheli Loux, Ensha & Gideon Ofnir
    ~ Leads from the previous Nepheli and Gideon step. If not, clean it up.
    ~ You can take approach either at either time, though you'll likely come across (and want to do) Latenna first, after the Lakeside Crystal Cave. Exhaust dialogue; now head under the huge under-arch region on the map and look around.
    ~ You'll find Nepheli under a bridge; exhaust dialogue, shortly after you'll find Albus ('hidden' but obvious), exhaust dialogue. Enemies optional, but recommended; Nepheli will be an available as an NPC summon.
    ~ Follow Albus's instructions, do the obvious, job done.
    ~ The spooky spergy skeleton 'edge..., lord!' LARPer in Roundtable Hold now has business with you. Deal with it. Nothing you can do can change this and unless you want to miss a region, they're not worth overthinking. Exhaust dialogue with Gideon, exhaust Nepheli.
    ~ You should have an item from the Four Belfries, give to Nepheli (if not, Anticipation), exhaust dialogue.
    ~ (Post 1.03 only, was cut content at launch)
  • Yura
    ~ Extremely missable point of his quest, look around the Northern Bridge out of Raya Lucaria for a sign. Do the obvious, then once you're finished with it, turn around and (looking toward the Academy) you'll see him at the railing on the right-hand side. Exhaust dialogue, questline done for now.
  • Miriel
    ~ Just exhaust dialogue. He gets new dialogue throughout the game, just talk to him every now and again.
    ~ This guy is the best tutor in the game for the scrolls / books you find - he's split affinity, and he has no 'progression'.
    ~ Aside from this... nothing to do here.
    ~ Visit at night.
  • Iji
    ~ Found just past Kingsrealm Ruins, just next to the Grace. Exhaust dialogue (more if you've done Blaidd's questline up until this point), done for now.
  • Great Horned Tragoth
    ~ The final NPC of this region, and extraordinarily missable. If you're not going to use the Grand Lift of Dectus, Ruin-Strewn Precipice Outlook. If you miss him or prefer not to summon, you get another chance later in a less anti-summon area; but it's most reliably done now.

Invaders for Liurnia

  • Edgar, The Revenger @ Revenger's Shack (Won't appear if Irina's questline isn't done, mandatory clear for Hyetta's questlines)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Shabriri Grape, Banished Knight's Halberd (+8), Raw Meat Dumpling x 5
  • Festering Fingerprint Vyke (Mandatory clear for Hyetta's questline, but will appear with or without her)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Fingerprint Grape, Vyke's War Spear
  • Preceptor Miriam @ Divine Tower of Liurnia
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Magic Downpour
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Lucidity
  • Moongrum Carian Knight @ Just before Rennala
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Carian Knight's Shield
    Mistranslation, supposed to be 'Moonglum'; a reference to the Elric Saga.




Step 2.1 = The Ranni Questline & How Not to Skip It: Part 1

Note, this is only here because of how easy it is to brick the quests here, and thus can't be done out-of-order. You can start on the Ranni's quests whenever you feel like, but you need to do it's quests in a specific order to see everything.
If you ignored me at Step 0 and used the Grand Lift of Dectus, congratulations, you've bricked / skipped a chunk of this quest chain; and so can only start this questline after beating the 'new' boss at Redmane. The boss isn't easy *wasn't easy, thanks 1.03, thanks shitters, and you'll likely have to put this midgame chain off until mid-lategame.
Likewise, progressing into the Altus Plateau early will brick the some of the quests here too, for the same reason. Especially easy to brick if you didn't listen to me with the Patches bit. Less obvious, more understandable, bricked nonetheless.

  • Ranni Pt. 1, Iji, Seluvis, Blaidd, Alexander, Great Horned Tragoth & Thorelina
    ~ To begin with; head to the large dungeon in the North of Liurnia. If once you look for her in the obvious place, she's not there, congrats, you've fucked this step and a chunk of dialogue; ignore this and skip down two spots. Otherwise, do the obvious; you can choose either option and change you mind later - no penalty or covenant exists in this game anyways, so just do it. You've got to speak to everyone before you can leave, exhaust dialogue anyways. Speak to everyone again in their 'real' locations, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Don't do what Seluvis asks of you yet.
    ~ Head where Blaidd mentioned, South side of the Aqueduct before the jump pad, exhaust. If you're heading there repeatedly from the grace, go on the left side of the collapsed pillar (don't follow the ledge, unless you want rude interruptions). May as well clear the area if you haven't already (though optional and not required for progression) - there's two bosses down there. First is obvious, second is a bit more hidden - just look around the woods and head up a collapsed pillar to an obscure gate.
    ~ Return to Seluvis, (again, delay his personal request); relay the message and do as he asks.
    ~ Follow the new instructions to the obvious spot in the South East of the world map for a Festival. Make absolutely sure to speak to everyone in the plaza and exhaust their dialogue; do the obvious from there. If you missed Tragoth before, while unreliable, you can get his thing now via summon provided you haven't progressed the Manor. If you watch a cutscene, don't worry, it repeats and makes the boss available any time you refresh. Do the obvious... or... 'try'....
    ~ You can complete the previous step whenever you feel like over the course of the next region without anything bricking, to get it done once you're up for the challenge. Once you're done, make sure to talk to everybody in the arena (there's 3). Maybe tour around the full scope of the arena...




Step 3 = Altus / Leyndell Checklist & Erdtree mini-Point-of-no-Return warning

As a few heads up in advance for this one;

  1. Delay restoring the Great Rune for the boss of this overall region if you intend on completing all the optional bosses. There's a nice little detail you'll only understand later, and you won't miss out on anything (aside from the delay).
  2. You *can* take on the boss of the Volcano at any time during this point (levelling is almost identical between the two regions, the place is just littered with higher-end enemies for your level), with the way a certain quest is set up, you'll want to clear the boss of the Capital first. There's three ways into the Volcano proper, all easily missable, but the 'intended one' is via the obvious bridge into Gelmir you'll be able to see on your map to begin with. Once you're past the obvious rope bridge into Gelmir, you're looking for a ladder, not a bridge.
  • Melina
    ~ Same as before, no mandatory stuff, just optional encounters giving you information on her. If you reach East Capital Rampart (not the one after boss required to leave Leyndell, the first 'proper' Grace within Leyndell), all of the following will no longer be available, as she will have left. She can be spoken to at;
    • Abandoned Coffin
    • Outer Wall Battleground
    • Second Church of Marika
  • Rya
    ~ Extraordinarily finnicky and missable stage of her quest, which in all honesty is completely optional; and is better skipping once you've got your dialogue fill.
    ~ She has a split-spawn. If you've fully kept up with her quest, she'll be the first thing you see after riding the Grand Lift of Dectus up (before you even leave the Lift platform, to the left) - if not, she'll be at Erdtree-Gazing Hill. Exhaust dialogue, she offers you something, feel free to accept or decline, though it will skip over some exploration and the satisfaction of doing something manually - you get no extra dialogue if you do accept, so this is entirely optional.
    ~ If you've entered the Capital, entered the Manor (the manor hall proper, not the 'basement' from a different quest), went through the portal mentioned in Fia's questline or missed her on your first way through Altus entirely, it's possible she won't be here and will have skipped directly to Tanith.
    ~ If you accept, see the the Tanith questline for how to get the most out of her.
  • Millicent & Gowry
    ~ Just North of Erdtree-Gazing Hill, you'll find Millicent, exhaust dialogue, explore and at some point you'll find what she wants. If she's not here, clean up her quest and she'll be back here - you won't have missed anything.
    ~ Explore the nearby region; it's an easy find in a pretty shady place you'll probably want to check out anyways. Return, exhaust.
    ~ Start chasing windmills. After the peak of windmill chasing, refresh via that Grace, Millicent should be visible nearby. Exhaust dialogue. If you did this before the previous step, there's no change, so don't worry, you didn't scuff anything.
    ~ Return to Gowry, exhaust dialogue, new stuff in stock, buy and exhaust dialogue.
    ~ ...
    ~ ?
    ~ What the fuck is this guy saying?
    ~ Punch some sense into the old man (no weapons, just unarmed, rough him up until the obvious happens - doesn't brick anything)
    ~ ?!
    ~ Acquire the CRITICAL information.
    ~ Refresh the area by resting at any Grace, return to Gowry's shack, exhaust dialogue. Try it again if you want, though it's exhausted after the first time. Questline done for now.
  • Boc
    ~ Once again, a mini-Point-of-no-Return; exhaust dialogue at Altus Highway Junction, as you progress, he'll be at East Capital Ramparts, exhaust dialogue there.
    ~ From the previous region, feel free to give him the obvious item from before, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Split choice on Boc's fate now - he'll start going on about something; you have three choices now. If you give him what he wants, remember that he doesn't have a Great Rune. If you do nothing, once you've finished this region, he'll try to head to where he described anyways, but to a less fruitful result. Think of an alternate way to 'speak' to Boc to talk him out of it - you won't get an immediate reaction, but if you've said the right thing, when you next speak to him, he'll have new dialgoue to exhaust, and will avoid the fate from the above.
    ~ Boc Questline: Completed.
  • Yura
    ~ If you've kept up to date with him, he's at the Church of Marika of this region, haven't found it yet, explore.
    ~ Exhaust, acquire loot, do the obvious, done for now.
  • Corhyn & Goldmask
    ~ If you progress past this region, the quest won't be bricked; Corhyn will simply brick himself over the events in the main story. He does give the bulk of the dialogue however, and as such, it's recommended to do this beforehand. You can use Pope Miriel to learn from books if he shits brix.
    ~ Exhaust Corhyn's dialogue at the Roundtable, and he'll be on his way.
    ~ Since there's a good chance you've already explored this region, go via the main road of Altus toward the huge bridge, at some point you'll find him with ease.
    ~ Look for Goldmask within the region, you should definitely be able to do this without being told. If you can't, keep exploring, follow the roads.
    ~ Find Goldmask, tell Corhyn, refresh via grace, exhaust both their dialogues.
    ~ They'll move to the Capital once you enter; up on the far ledge from the Colosseum. Exhaust dialogue, be presented by a bullshit 'puzzle'. First of all, beat the miniboss of the upper Capital, look up and see an item. Figure out how to get up there, then use it and get the some incantations. Look for a unique floor-message in a side-area after said miniboss, then you actually have to both equip and use the relevant spell on top of the message itself
    ~ No place else near what you're trying to figure out will work, it's got to be on top of the message - yes, it's bullshit. If you don't meet requirements, see a few steps below.
    ~ Gasp, as the entire narrative you think you know so far gets confusing from the CRITICAL INFORMATION you learn.
    ~ Relay the CRITICAL INFORMATION to Goldmask.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue with Corhyn; questline is done for now.
    ~ ...
    ~ If you're an in-game retard / minimum-possible INTlet minmaxer, you CAN complete this quest in the far lategame (don't progress past any of the major Point-of-no-Returns), just by temporarily adding INT on via items - 34 from Items, the lowest possible INT starting class is 7 = Total of 41, the INT needed to cast your spell is 37. Corhyn will brick himself in the process and you'll jus miss out on dialogue - but just relaying straight to Goldmask gets you your rewards. Here's the QRD, and where you get them all, in rough progression order;
    • Godrick's Great Rune (+5 INT) - Defeat the boss in question, restore his rune at the conjoined Divine Tower, use a Rune Arc when you need the INT.
    • Twinsage Glintstone Crown (+6 INT) - From the Debate Parlor Grace at Raya Lucaria, head out of the miniboss room towards the boss, hug the left-hand side until you see some roofs. You can jump on them. There's two paths through the jumping puzzle, each offers a different Crystal Crab at the end of it, with a 3rd crab where the two paths rejoin. You can't get all 3 crabs at once, just loop around and do it again so you don't have to clear the enemies. Obviously, kill the crabs to get the hats, one of which is the Twinsage (double faced) one.
    • Intelligence-knot Crystal Tear (+10 INT) - Put inside your Wondrous Physick, found in a bowl just East of Iji's location / below the cliff you're on at the Road to the Manor Grace, in a small valley.
    • Stargazer Heirloom (+5 INT) - Progress Ranni's questline, it's at the top of the Liurnia Divine Tower that you're forced to go through anyways. If you've somehow managed to irreversibly brick Ranni's questline before this point and are a low-INT starting class, you're going to have to put a some points in INT; as it's impossible to cast the spell without it in the combo. Try a Celestial Dew at Pope Miriel's place, that might fix Ranni for you.
    • Marika's Soreseal (+5 INT) - Very lategame, from the Elphael Inner Wall, backtrack, down the ladder to the right of the clearing, follow the street to the the end, it's inside a double-stonesword door. If you don't need the extra 2 INT because of your starting class, you can use Marika's Scarseal instead and do this much earlier - Worshippers Woods, Siofra, backtrack a bit and head up a collapsed pillar, through a hidden portal on top of a larger pillar, closer to the woods than the lake. Major enemy is technically skippable, it's on a corpse at the base of a waterfall just past it.
  • Patches
    ~ Patches!
    ~ You can find Patches far before you arrive at Tanith's place, via the intended way up the Volcano.
    ~ Rainbow Stones lead the way to riches...
  • Sellen & Jerren
    ~ Via natural progression up the Volcano, you should have activated all the Graces. If not, repeat until you find one that's got some magic to it in the name.
    ~ Back to Sellen, exhaust dialogue, follow directions. The answer to this is extreme fucking bullshit, because the 'hint' she gives you is wrong. A better hint without spoiling anything would be to look for a Sorcerer up from the Church of the Plague, then look for a hidden wall / cave near him. You don't need any hints after that.
    ~ You can pause the quest indefinitely at this point, if you choose..
    ~ Follow the instruction, look for it. If you haven't found it before this point, she's somewhere within the green region of the map, keep exploring, don't look it up. Grab her stone, she'll now be gone from Waypoint for good. Reload area, go back, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Head over to the Three Sisters, go into the ruin cellar. Can't find it, look harder where the Dragon roams / roamed, it looks out of place. Don't look it up. Inside there, there's a wall you can roll inside with a secret; otherwise do the obvious.
    ~ Rennala's bossroom, two signs, make your choice. You can also choose to 'pause' the questline indefinitely here if you want as a third option. Rennala isn't dead, she's just hidden behind a curtain. Pretty obvious what the consequences of each one are, though neither scenario bodes well for Sellen. Yellow gives a weapon, offers a new spell, gives Jerren's unique set and two unique sets to be looted from where the Masters were; Red gives an Ancient Dragon Stone - both give Sellen's helmet. On the positive side - Pope Miriel can always teach you new sorceries, regardless.
    ~ Sellen & Jerren Questlines: Complete
  • Alexander
    ~ Requires you having progressed to get him to the Festival, and beaten that boss to get him to start moving again.
    ~ Somehow, you were expected to stumble across him in Liurnia - if you can't find him, take the road up to the Artist's Shack and explore yourself. Don't skip over the dialogue, listen extremely carefully to why he's there since it's a subtle hint for something vital you can find - otherwise he asks you to do something - again, it's safe to just play along (wincing aside), he'll be fine until cue. Exhaust dialogue; as for the hint on how to solve the puzzle - don't drop a slippery or a greasy item, throw a slick one at him. Exhaust, done here he's off to somewhere else. Again, if you listened to why he's there, you should see something - figure out how to get there, don't overthink it though. The way there is pretty simple.
    ~ If you explore where he mentioned he's headed to, the only thing you need to know is that he won't spawn in a dungeon. Should be obvious, since there's only one other place which satisfies where he says he's going. You'll get a cue from a distance off, exhaust dialogue after doing the immediately more pressing thing there if you hadn't already. Done for now.
  • Tanith
    ~ See below, she has a huge quest chain that's easily bricked.
  • The Great Jar
    ~ You may have come across a huge Jar in Caelid - about now is the time you can sort it out. If you can't figure out how to get there, look at the map(s), work it out yourself.
    ~ Ideally clear the approach beforehand, don't run by or you'll regret it. Speak to The Great Jar (the trigger is a bit in front of it), 3 random signs appear each attempt, deal with all of them, acquire reward when the Great Jar jiggles, done.
  • Blackguard Big Boggart & Dung Eater
    ~ Dung Eater should be at Roundtable, exhaust, you lack what he's after.
    ~ While you should find him relatively easily via exploration if you are up to date on his questline, look for Boggart in the moats of the region. Exhaust dialogue. Acquire crab.
    ~ In the Capital itself, you can start to find some of the items Dung Eater is after it's not dung, the checklist is in a stage after this and before he bricks, so you don't spoil yourself - look for them yourself naturally otherwise. Once you find one, return to Roundtable, exhaust dialogue - if you haven't already, also talk to Roderika.
    ~ If you don't like Dung Eater, the moment you find him, you can kill him in his cell without 'releasing' him for basically all his rewards, saving Boggart from the obvious fate in the process and keeping the Shrimp / Crab vendor open for business. If you want the other reward that's associated with Dung Eater, let him free. Dung Eater is in the sewers. Yes, it's a labyrinth down there, just explore moar.
    ~ Back to Roundtable, do the obvious, back to Roundtable, exhaust. From here on out, you can feed him his items in his sewer location, but you can't finish until the next stage.
    ~ It appears he might be schizo with his red-version; since his red version seems to be the one who ties himself to a chair. Paradoxical, yes, but it is what it is.

Invaders for Altus

  • Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger @ Revenger's Shack (Mandatory clear for Yura's questline)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Eleonora's Poleblade, Purifying Crystal Tear
  • Dung Eater @ Leyndell Upper Moat (Mandatory clear for Dung Eater / Blackguard's questlines)
    = Progression
  • Maleigh Marais, Shaded Castle Castellan @ Northwest of the Shaded Castle
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Antspur Rapier, Marais Set




Step 3.1 = The Tanith Questlines & How Not to Brick Them (Volcano edition)

  • Note this is only here because of how easy it is to brick the quests, and thus can't be done out-of-order to see everything. You can take on the Volcano whenever you feel like, but you need to do it's quests in a specific order to see everything. The Volcano is scaled higher than Altus and equally to the Capital, approach each area in whatever Order takes your fancy. This is only in reference to the questlines there.
  • Melina
    ~ Same as before, no mandatory stuff, just optional encounters giving you information on her. She can be spoken to at;
    • Audience Pathway (provided you haven't beaten the Lord-Boss of this region, just before the Lord-Boss of this region)
  • Tanith / Preliminary Stuff
    ~ Whether you got here manually or via Rya; Tanith is the predominant NPC of this region, and her quest progression is tied to all the other NPCs in her locale.
    ~ Firstmost, there is no such thing as commitment in this game, covenants don't exist. Nothing you can do here will negatively impact any other questline in the game aside from removing a few NPC summons (often replaced by a different member of the Manor), just play along.
    ~ Tanith's requests are so braindead journalist-mode easy, that they even have markers on the damn map as to where you need to go. Seriously, you literally need to be lobotomised not to comprehend what you need to do.
    ~ After every request, the NPCs within the Volcano Manor all get new dialogue - as such, you ought to progress them alongside Tanith, and shouldn't do one at a time.
    ~ Once you see Scarlet (you'll understand), pause Tanith's quests and make sure you've completed every other NPC's questline. After that that request, Tanith will be set to a looping Point-of-No-Return.
    ~ Don't beat the Lord-Boss of the region until you've cleared all the Volcano Manor quests. Doing so will advance most of them all to set Points-of-No-Return.
    ~ (Potential with 1.03) Once you have cleared the region's Lord-Boss, don't speak to Tanith until you finish cleaning up all the post-boss quests, you get an item she may yet have use for from a different questline; however speaking to her after this step definitely bricks this. Could be a worthless item right now which requires more post-game patches to do anything, might not, too early to tell.
  • Rya
    ~ The primary secondary questline associated with the Volcano Manor. Regardless of if you missed, partially helped or finished helping Rya at Liurnia, Rya will now be located here. Exhaust dialogue to begin with. Rya's questline progression is directly tied to Tanith's questline progression.
    ~ After Tanith's first request, exhaust dialogue with Rya; after finishing Tanith's second request, exhaust dialogue with Rya. While not direct, she gives a pretty huge hint as to what you need to do next to progress. If you're somehow too retarded and still can't figure it out, just roll with what she tells you, I can't make it any more clear than that. It's only after the Grace you can continue her questline.
    ~ Rya, exhaust, Tanith, exhaust; clear the dungeon up until the miniboss.
    ~ Progression from this point appears to be optional, however clearing the Lord-Boss after pausing here just bricks her quest and gives nothing.
    ~ Give Rya the QRD, exhaust, reset via Grace, look for Rya, exhaust Tanith, acquire the goods.
    ~ From the miniboss, there's two elevators - one for progression, one which opens up as a typical shortcut later. You can reach Rya via both, but the easiest is by taking the shortcut. Just go down to the magma area and hug the walls, jump through a window, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Ending choices now; either do as she says, do as Tanith said or do nothing and return a few times. You can keep the item from here for a later questline; though it offers nothing but extra dialogue and you won't miss anything at all if you choose to use it here.
    ~ Rya Questline: Complete

~ If you've completed his business on the outer-Volcano, he'll be at the Manor.
~ Part-way through your contracts, he'll have a contract of his own. You can't just journalistmode this marker location, it's in the boss room; just behind you from the Grace. Look around for a bit. If the Lord-Boss of Caelid is still available and you haven't got summoned Tragoth yet, do it now.
~ Return, exhaust, reward 'reward', refresh, exhaust, reward.
~ Once you're done with the Manor entirely, post-Lord-Boss, Patches will be on his way to somewhere Shady.... I've told you more than enough, figure it out, explore more if you don't get it. Once you find him again, do the obvious; though as of 1.03 the questline ends here. If you want his set, kill him now as it's the last chance you'll ever see him and there's no other way to acquire it; if you want to gamble on his questline being re-added to in a later patch, leave him alive.

  • Diallos & Jar-Bairn
    ~ Find Diallos, exhaust dialogue; once you've finished at the Manor or dealt with the person clearly linked to him (no consequences, don't worry), he'll have an unprompted dialogue cue. Don't miss it by trying to talk to Bernahl, hear him out. After that, he'll disappear.
    ~ If you're playing an unpatched version of the game, this is where the questline ends. Diallos shipped with his questline cut because....reasons? As of 1.03 the following has been re-added.
    ~ All I can say is that this quest is just fucky in it's progression. There's no clear way to actually progress it, just check back every now and again, and something might happen. You can't directly refresh via Grace, I found it's easiest to go there manually each time.
    ~ Diallos is / will be in Jarburg. Don't know where that is, do Alexander's quest; don't look up where it is, you can find it just fine provided you know where Alexander's been. You have to have exhausted Jar-Bairn a few times to get him to come over; Diallos will be in the shack down bottom. Exhaust both dialogues
    ~ ??? Wait? ???
    ~ Do some other stuff for a while, quest's weird in it's progression.
    ~ Head back, exhaust Jar-Bairn, exhaust Diallos, whether you give him a nice line or a cruel one; the rewards are the same.
    ~ Refresh via Grace, Jar-Bairn, exhaust.
    ~ Diallos's Questline: Complete.
  • Bernahl
    ~ Part-way through your contracts, he'll have a contract of his own. Go there, do the thing, return, exhaust, reward.
    ~ Once done with the Manor entirely, exhaust dialogue; questline ...basically over.
    ~ You'll see him much later in the game - do the obvious before you deal with the boss of the area he's in, because he's uniquely the only one in the game that can brick if you deal with the boss; given legacy dungeon mechanics. May be patched as of 1.03, but don't risk it.
  • Mystery Nigga....
    ~ Found at the end of the hall after the first request, exhaust 'dialogue', don't need to to anything else.
    ~ At the end of the Volcano Manor, you'll get a reward when you return.

*Invaders for Gelmir (Since you're delaying the boss for this overall questline)

  • Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater @ Corpse-Stench Shack (Gelmir approach via the main road)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Butchering Knife
  • Inquisitor Ghiza @ Volcano Manor Upper Floor
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Ghiza's Wheel
  • Tanith #2
    ~ NOW, you can complete the Scarlet Quest; though it does require you to have cleared this entire wider-region already, delaying the Lord-Boss. Functionally, completing this offers a completely optional 'reward' / shortcut (you'll understand if you get all the way to the end of the dungeon relevant to her), but finishing the request is required to progress her questline. If you're wondering, when you find out 'what' the reward is; no, it's not something irreversable at all. For the request itself, there's no real gimmick to it unless you want to Poison / Rot them and stall - sorry.
    ~ If you've got everyone else sorted, and have done Tanith's Scarlet Quest - now you can deal with the Lord-Boss.
    ~ See above (Tanith #1) for the potential brick, as of 1.03; do that. In short, clean up the other questlines post-Lord-Boss if they have an extension.
    ~ Once you've cleared the Lord-Boss, exhaust dialogue, Audience Pathway (for a reason), look for her, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ As of writing, there is no continuation from the quest from here. While 1.03 did prove FromSoft are willing to re-add cut questlines, there is currently nothing left to this questline. If you want her stuff, kill her, deal with the retrospectively obvious consequences (you need to right now for an achievement anyways); if you want to err on the side of caution, leave her alive for a potential future patch to add back the cut content - though it's highly unlikely ALL of it is coming back because it was tied to it's own cut ending.




Step 3.2 = The Ranni Questlines & How Not to Brick Them: Part 2

  • Ranni
    ~ Congrats, you beat the Lord-Boss of Caelid. Or you should have by now. Go do that.
    ~ Make sure to speak to all the people in the boss-arena; Blaidd, Alexander and Jerren (farther on another hill), tour the outskirts of the arena for spectacle.
    ~ Before speaking to Ranni, try 'speaking' without speaking to her. Only one does anything, should be obvious which (even if you have no way of really knowing, so I don't blame you). Bonus dialogue.
    ~ Ranni should be awake, exhaust dialogue; look for the obvious thing that showed up from the end of the Lord-Boss of Caelid. You don't need a hint, take advantage of the opportunity to just travel through the world looking for it. Trust me, it's nice running through a semi-complete map now. You cannot miss it; just note it didn't go too far (despite the implication of the cutscene).
    ~ Explore.
    ~ Once you fight the most straightforward boss down there, if you're having trouble, there's 2 access points to 2 mini-areas from across the large field to one another. Look for them; you're after the mini-city, not the hanging aqueduct.
    ~ There is a chest underneath a GIANT SKELETON in a chair. THIS IS YOUR POINT OF NO RETURN, AND WILL BRICK EVERYBODY'S QUESTS ASSOCIATED WITH RANNI. DON'T LOOT IT (yet) until you finish her companion's questlines, to get their stuff.
  • Seluvis & Nepheli Loux / Dung Eater
    ~ You should be able to figure out where Seluvis is located.
    ~ Exhaust dialogue, you now have / had a Potion to burn and a choice to make.
    ~ Either feed the potion to Nepheli, and you get her Spirit Ashes. As of 1.03, it's unclear if you can do this after her questline or if this option is bricked if done after that point. Give to Gideon for nothing. Alternatively; if you're progressing Dung Eater, once he's free and progressed sufficiently, you can force-feed him the Potion, and you get his Spirit Ashes - but bricking his quest.
    ~ ...
    ~ Optional part ahead.
    ~ Seluvis now has an extension to his quest; and while it's supposed to brick Ranni, you can actually use a Celestial Dew to see what happens and continue undeterred.
    ~ Clean shop out, exhaust dialogue. If you can't find it, there's a map sold by a merchant, but it's just easiest to say it's somewhere in the middle of the overworld region that's the same color as the thing he wants.
    ~ Do obvious, exhaust dialogue, acquire reward.
    ~ This is the point you can put on hold and is optional; talking again past this point adds another obvious step with more dialogue all around, can be fixed with Celestial Dew afterwards.
    ~ Seluvis Questline: Complete.
  • Pidia
    ~ Find a way to drop down back into Caria Manor, exhaust dialogue, done for now.
  • Fia
    ~ This quest is not directly tied to Ranni, but it's progression is. While you can get here earlier than starting Ranni's questline with appropriate pathing, it's generally best to leave it until afterwards, regardless of your choice for Rogier, since they require you to beat the Caelid Lord-Boss to reach D's Brother... or find 2 hidden false walls in an area you wouldn't have guessed.
    ~ From Hallowhorn Grounds 2: Electric Boogaloo, look for some Jellyfish, then keep looking around. If you don't get it, keep looking around. Do the obvious, find D's Brother, don't do anything yet.
    ~ Choice time - you should find a new NPC. You can choose to give him what he wants (provided you have it on you). This is completely optional; but in doing so makes him available as an optional NPC summon for some bosses and extends Fia's questline with what should be pretty obvious consequences for actions (you get what he asks for back, along with what he uses). Again, completely optional, and can even be delayed indefinitely and still work if done before NG+.
    ~ Do the obvious shortly after your decision. If the Grace wasn't obvious enough with what you should do next before you lit it, just look around. Keep looking around. Keep looking around until you'd rather be dead (I can't get much more on the nose than that).
    ~ Explore. Progress. Explore some more. Do the obvious. Head up, to the top, do the obvious there, Fia's to the left. Exhaust dialogue, hug, exhaust dialogue.
  • Ranni Pt. 2
    ~ Now all the above is dealt with, feel free to go back to the spookster on the chair and pick up what you're after. Ranni, exhaust dialogue. She'll be heading off now.
    ~ She semi-tells you where to go, but if you can't figure out, head to where you'd usually head in regards to Great Runes for the region; loot the place before using the item (deal with the bastard Sorcerer by chasing him down or invis/stealth backstabbing him), return to the entrance and use the item, repeat.
    ~ Return to the Rise, follow the quite obvious hint, travel, explore.
    ~ Keep playing with your dolls.
    ~ Keep playing with your dolls.
    ~ Keep playing with your dolls.
    ~ Develop schizophrenia.
    ~ Congratulations, you have schizophrenia. Welcome to the club.
    ~ Progress, play with your doll by the campfire some more, progress, deal with the obvious enemy, progress until it's like you can't progress any more, get in the coffin.
    ~ From there, smooth running on what you should do. Deal with the thing, head up to the top, ohhh, so that's how you get up there, start following the path, that thing again, into the building. Light the Grace, pause. If you didn't take some time, stop here, once again, Point of No Return for some quests.
  • Fia Pt. 2
    ~ Congrats, you'll have got you were after from Ranni's quest. Exhaust dialogue, keep on exhausting dialogue, make sure you've exhausted dialogue because the game's fucky and it's not clear. If you're doing this early / before finishing Liurnia, the questline is on pause now until you've progressed to the plateau.
    ~ Return to Fia, she should be in a different position. If she's not, you scuffed the last step, exhaust dialogue for real this time, refresh, find her in a different position. Interact with her, the last word of the place you see mentioned is literally the opposite of what it is. Take the hint, then do the obvious.
    ~ Upon returning, interact again. Fia Questline: Complete.
    ~ Bonus Optional Round - If you progressed D's Twin Brother, refresh, exhaust dialogue, refresh, do the obvious. D / D's Twin Questline: Complete
    ~ Cut content bonus addundum; Fia's original name was Lady Yulia. Guess that was too unique, after all, we've gotta have Fia, Rya, Hye(tta), Irina and Enia. It'd be confusing otherwise. Godforbid some of the names are similar. Also, since you have no way of learning this through normal means, its highly likely D's Twin Brother is called Devin and while you can learn it in-game, for posterity's sake, D's real name is Darian.
  • Pidia, Seluvis, Blaidd & Iji Pt. 2
    ~ Go to Seluvis and Pidia, do the obvious there.
    ~ Go to Iji, exhaust, look for Blaidd in a location you've already been to (should be obvious). Your choice doesn't actually matter, Blaidd will progress regardless, but you do get dialogue if you speak to him.
  • Ranni, Blaidd & Iji Pt. 3
    ~ Head down to the cellar aaaaaand exhaust dialogue. Technically done now, just a little more.
    ~ To finish up, go back to Ranni's Rise, use your schizo-powers again at the Grace, exhaust dialogue, it 'slightly' improves the relavent ending by a barely noticeable degree. Also, listen for the cue, you can choose to deal with the obvious there or leave indefinitely (before you choose to deal with it, look around the area for context as to what's probably going to happen if you progress). If you continue, report back to Iji then fully leave the area and return to Iji, for a final time...
    ~ Ranni Questline: Complete.
    ~ Note, that her endgame ending is extremely easy to accidentally fall into now that you're done here - it's via a summon sign just before the very obvious final choice. If you want to dodge it, don't even check it - because it's the only sign in the game outside of Radahn's boss that's instant-summon. Checking it out will instantly throw you down her ending.
    ~ And now since we're fully at the end of her questline (the longest combined one in the game - and indicative what the effort intended for the other questlines linked to other endings may have been like at one point), it's time for fun fact time! You should have figured this out during gameplay, but Ranni's real face is her ethereal one, and the doll is that of her Tutor - but you've seen that ethereal face already, and likely without realising. After all, Ranni has a mark on her right eye.... but who has a mark on their left eye?.... Yes, the ethereal face is identical to that one.




Step 4 = Mountain Checklist & THE Point-of-no-Return #1 warning

This will assume that before reaching the Mountain, you have completed all the previous questlines to this point, and thus 5 previous Lords on the map. Once you beat the regional boss of the Mountaintops, you can go to the Grace at the Forge - DO NOT USE THE OPTION TO DO PERFORM A SIN / LISTEN TO THE FLAME - THIS IS YOUR MAJOR POINT OF NO RETURN, AND WILL BRICK MULTIPLE QUESTS. ESPECIALLY LISTENING TO THE FLAME, BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN GET A CONFIRMATION.

  • Melina
    ~ Same as before, no mandatory stuff, just optional encounters giving you information on her. She can be spoken to at;
    • First Church of Marika
    • Frenzied Flame Proscription (This is a secondary point she will brick past, her 'dialogue' is a warning, the full name alone is spoilers. If you fell through a floor - this is the one.)
  • Morgott
    ~ Yes, Morgott is an NPC much like Ludwig from Bloodborne, where his corpse can be spoken to in his arena for some additional dialogue post-fight. No rewards, just context to clue you in on what's going on in-narrative, especially for lorelets. He's behind the Throne, between the Grace and the Stairs up - listen carefully, because he's only going to say his lines once.
  • Nepheli Loux / Kenneth Haight / Gostoc
    ~ Find them all in Godrick's Throne Room. Exhaust all, rewards, done.
    ~ Only triggers once Morgott is dead.
    ~ Nepheli Loux / Kenneth Haight / Gostoc Questline: Complete
  • 'Yura' & Hyetta
    ~ While technically doable at the Altus stage, it's optimally done now.
    ~ Zamor Ruins, just ahead, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Do as he says (if you didn't / can't find it, explore the streets of Leyndell some more), explore down there (if you're lost / can't progress, drop down the holes that appear to be traps), look around some more after you think you're at the absolute bottom, head down even further via jumping puzzle. If you want the items, bait the attacks.
    ~ Down there, you'll find Hyetta (if you've progressed her questline). Exhaust dialogue, rest at grace, dialogue at the grace itself.
    ~ Point of no return time, completing the puzzle in this room will perma-anger a very close NPC, will brick all future interactions with them and will semi-lock you into one ending unless you follow some semi-specific steps on another questline. Make sure you're happy with where you're at, only then continue. If you want off Mr Flame's Wild Ride; you're going to have to beat the generally-accepted hardest boss in the basegame.
    ~ Solve the puzzle via relatively obvious means (just listen to what Hyetta says). If you can't figure it out, "Dress for a sauna" is the only hint you'll need.
    ~ Exhaust Hyetta, acquire context, rest at Grace, ohshitohfuckohshitwhatdidIjustdo, read the above, do Millicent's questline or decide Chaos is best anyways, and continue undeterred.
    ~ Return to Zamor, check where 'Yura' was. As a result of finishing 'Yura''s quest, he's now summonable for some bosses.
    ~ Yura & Hyetta Questline: Complete
    ~ Cut content bonus addundum; Kalé was originally supposed to have a Ranni / Tanith tier lengthy questline connected to this, with multiple interconnections. This would have seen him travel across the world with the plaer, moving after every boss (from Caelid's Rotview Overlook, where you would need to defeat a Giant Crow for him; to the Altus Caravan Abandoned Coffin, to the Frenzied Flame Proscription), to discover what happened to his people during their Great Caravan - and aggro'ing if you ever killed any merchants as he implied at the start. This was cut for unknown reasons, and his related ending (which he would unlock if you reached the end of it, along with Hyetta's completion) was streamlined into something anybody can achieve with no prior setup.
  • Millicent & Latenna
    ~ Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Grace, exhaust dialogue
    ~ You should be up to date with Latenna's questline. Travel through Ancient Snow Valley Ruins, after a while you'll get a auto-prompt. Follow it. (If not, it doesn't matter, explore and after a boss you'll be railroaded into it anyways)
    ~ Once you have the full Medallion it should be obvious what to do - if you're just having trouble 'doing' it, Switch Actions on that spot when you're there.
    ~ Explore the region. Halfway through you'll get another prompt.
    ~ (It's not exactly clear what to do now, so don't worry if you're playing blind and checking this now) Look for a large woman in a structure, you'll get a prompt in front of her. There isn't that much in the way of 'places' here, so it should be easy. Latenna Questline: Complete. Again, feels abrupt, and again, cut content was supposed to see you, Latenna and the Large Woman head down to the underground for business there.
    ~ ...
    ~ Continue undeterred. Explore the region, do the obvious, complete areas.
    ~ When you 'arrive' somewhere new, continue exploring, you've got a while yet.
    ~ Prayer Room Grace, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Return to Gowry, exhaust dialogue.
    ~ Defeat the miniboss just a short backtrack from the Drainage Channel (to the left if backtracking), make a choice between which ending you want for her.
    • The Yellow Sign offers her 'happy' ending and the most loot, along with a unique talisman you can't get on the other path. If you've locked yourself in on another questline's ending-route and want off of it, you have no choice but this one. Walk to her carefully afterwards, don't drop down on her, you'll understand. Refresh via grace, revisit once.
    • The Red Sign offers a unique talisman you can't get on the other path. Refresh via grace, revisit once.
      ~ Either way, return to Gowry's Shack to acquire loot. If you chose the Red Pill, this is the end.
      ~ If you chose the Yellow Pill, beat the Lord-boss of this optional region, use the thing on the big obvious thing, get the rewards. This should be the last quest you complete in the game provided they don't patch any of the cut ones back in. Millicent Questline: Complete.
      ~ Cut content bonus addundum; while it wasn't 'cut' content as much as it was 'altered' content with the intent of adding more to the overall story - Millicents original name was Malenia, and the two were indeed one and the same, with Millicent's VA being Melania's original VA and her having lines indicating that the player initiated the boss fight with her (on top of referring to the player closely). This is also why Malenia appeared in so much initial promotional material, despite ultimately being a side-boss. Perhaps it was changed to add more about Millicent’s Sisters and the lore surrounding the Scarlet Rot, perhaps it was changed because having the secret boss of the game be even more secret and tied to a sad ending for an NPC was too much to ask for from the player. Either ways, this was a deliberate change over just being flat-out butchered off, so consider this more like a 'relic from development'.
  • Aurelia
    ~ Should be obvious what you need to do and where, by the mere knowledge that she has a micro-questline. While the place is optional, you can't miss it on the map, don't need to spoil anything since you should easily come across it.
  • Goldmask
    ~ If you've progressed enough, you'll find Goldmask aggressively T-Posing the tree on a bridge in the Mountaintops - if you haven't found it, look for it yourself, it's obvious, there's not that many. Exhaust dialogue with Corhyn, end of questline for now.
    ~ If you did Rya's questline and still have the potion, try feeding it to Corhyn, you're safe to do so and it affects nothing other than give dialogue.
  • Varre
    ~ You now either should be at the level for Mohgwyn Palace via the Crest-route or have naturally found the alternate way into Mohgwyn
    ~ There's an invader in the Lakes region of Mohgwyn, it's best doing it now. Clean out the area before the chokepoint, once you get invaded, backtrack a bit; you don't want to be dealing with the Crows while you do it.
    ~ From Dynsty Mausoleum Midpoint, there's a red sign, use it, do the obvious, look around the immediat area once you've done and exhaust dialogue afterwards. Varre Questline: Complete.
  • Dung Eater
    ~ To get his reward, you need 5 of what he's after - 6 of which are in the game, and 2 of which you need to have already had. At minimum, you do need to be at the Haligtree to finish up, making this one of the last quests in the game to 'finish'.
    ~ Once you've fed him all his items, you'll have successfully defiled him (just as he did to others), making him very happy, as that's unironically what he wanted all along. Collect reward, refresh via Grace, return for loot. Dung Eater Questline: Complete.
    ~ As for a checklist on Seedbeds;
  1. Leyndell; East Captial Ramparts, Across the wall section, down the stairs, then up into the large tower-building. On a chair in the middle of the first floor.
  2. Leyndell; Fortified Manor, head outside and to the right, use the wooden shed roof to get up onto the upper floor. On a chair where Dung Eater would be.
  3. Drop from dead Blackguard
  4. Volcano Manor, post-Godskin section of the dungeon, when you go back into the more refined manor-y area, look for a Stonesword door. Head down via the cages, should be obvious from there.
  5. Haligtree Prayer Room, run to the end of the first section, jump down to where the scarab is, run up the roof-brace on the other side; end of the platform past the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.
  6. Haligtree Prayer Room, before the first double-Valkyrie room, jump to the roof-brace, jump to the platform, follow the stairs down.

Invaders post-Leyndell

  • Bloody Finger Okina @ Church of Repose
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Okina Mask, Rivers of Blood
  • Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater @ Consecrated Snowfield River
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
  • Sanguine Noble @ Consecrated Snowfield East (North of Yelough)
    = Activates the portal to Moghwyn Palace, Sanguine Noble Set
  • Nameless White Mask @ 'Entrance' to the major part of Mohgwyn Palace Lake
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, White Mask Set
  • Recusant Bernahl @ Beside the Great Bridge (backtrack from Boss room)
    = Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Bernahl's Bell Bearing, Beast Champion Set, Blasphemous Claw, Devourer's Scepter
  • Maureen, Mary, Amy and Polyanna @ Drainage Channel (Optional clear for Miilicent's questline)
    = Post-quest rewards




Step 5 = Post-Farum Checklist & Endings (and how to unbrick your way out of 'a' decision)

Note, you've got a few points of no return here. First is beating the final boss of Farum Azula; second is initiating the obvious final boss gauntlet. For the former, sadly there's no way other than to spoil what's going to happen after that point - just have all your affairs in Leyndell tied up / complete (checklist below). The latter is the final section of the game; so after that point you'll be getting your ending. NG+ isn't immediate (you're free to explore and initiate at any time), but you can't delay choosing your ending after that point.

  • Bernahl
    ~ Post-Godskin Duo, Beside the Great Bridge grace, head the opposite way of the boss gate. Finish up your business with Bernahl, Bernahl Questline: Complete. Finish BEFORE beating the boss of Farum at all, or he won't be there.
  • Alexander & Jar-Bairn
    ~ Before beating the boss of Farum, make sure you've finished with Alexander. Speak to him, choose to go ahead or not. Exhaust dialogue, finish up; if you chose to do as he asks, give the obvious to Jar-Bairn to get an additional reward after refreshing at Jarburg. Questlines: Complete.
    ~ If he's not here, make sure you've done the previous steps and exhausted dialogues, he's pretty clear that he's headed here.
  • Gideon
    ~ While it should be obvious, it's easy to forget about. Gideon wants the locations of 3 of the secret bosses in the game - one is in the sewers, the other two are in the Consecrated Snowfield and basically exploring after you FIND THE ALBANAURIC WOMAN. It's not enough to simply find them, you have to defeat them too. Finish them up before progressing after the final boss of Farum, or he'll be unavailable to speak to. You can beat the boss there, just don't progress after it.
    ~ The more you tell him, the more he knows.
  • Goldmask & Corhyn
    ~ Found in the Leyndell (post-Farum only, the last possible questline in the game), if you've kept up with his questline he'll be at the Colosseum again. Exhaust; Goldmask Questline: Complete.
    ~ Talk to Corhyn if you've kept up with him, exhaust, refresh, return, do the obvious; Corhyn Questline: Complete.


Beat the final boss! All the questlines should be done by now.

Choose your favourite questline's ending. Ideally do it blind and pick your ending by following the heart of the cards.




Twink-Proofing Questlines

When making a twink to invade lower level regions, you should also know that your highest-ever obtained weapon level is also taken into account when searching for invasions, typically in a bracket of +-1 tier of Smithing Stone level (to prevent +25 / +10's from being used to unfairly crush new players and their gank squads) - and if you didn't, now you know.
The following questline-based actions will brick your twink (permanently; as in, you'll need to start again), if you intend on invading in a lower upgrade level than their ruinous 'rewards. I've also listed the various items you will miss out on entirely by having to avoid the action taken, for posterity.

  • DO NOT KILL PATCHES = Unless you want his +7 Spear. You can otherwise progress his questline unaffected.
  • DO NOT EVEN TALK TO ROGIER. EVER. = Unless you want his +8 Rogiers Rapier at the first point you ever speak to him after Godrick (including when you check his corpse). It's just not worth even going near him, avoid him entirely. Since this is the only way to acquire Rogier's Rapier, this also means it's impossible to use this particular weapon as a twink at any summoning range outside of +8, outside of the use of cheat engine acquisition.
  • DO NOT KILL EDGAR / DO HYETTA'S QUESTINE = Unless you want his +8 Banished Knight's Halberd. As a result of being unable to kill Edgar, you will be unable to finish Hyetta's questline, and thus unable to acquire the Frenzied Flame Seal Talisman and may need somebody to mule it for you.




Hoax / Non-Existant NPCs

  • 'Bloodhunter Raz' does not exist. He was a well crafted fabrication from an Anon on Fextra, implied to be related to Bloodhound Knight Darriwil from Blaidd's quest. 'Wore' the Bloodhound Set, and was suffering from an illness, but wished to aid the player, and would apparently appear for summon for both Margit and Godrick if talked to at his locations; before 'losing his mind' entirely and disappearing. Fooled many-a-wiki-reliant-retard in the first few weeks of the game's release.
  • 'Huebert the Exhile Shardbearer' does not exist. He was a well crafted fabrication, this time confrimedly by one of /arelads/, implied to be located under an illusory floor within the Lake of Rot during he first few weeks of the game's release (leading to people randomly aimlessly rolling around in the rotswamp) - and was proliferated to the point that normalfags even began pestering lore personalities in the z-celeb scene of the souls franchise as for when they'd touch on him.
  • 'Zanzibart' & the boss 'Myrmidon of Loss' do not exist. Not as much a hoax, but a joke that backfired, after a questline author that worked on Borderlands got salty (along with many other devs) after Elden Ring's majorly successful release in the face of mainstream Western development practices. The joke being the nature of the souls franchise's 'hands-off' approach to missable quests and cloudy lore; that a boss known as Myrmidon of Loss could have a phase-transition simply saying "Zanzibart....forgive me..." and it would be heralded as good writing, the complete opposite stance of spoonfeeding the player everything. Naturally this blew up in his face, and Zanzibart / Myrmidon got quite a lot of hype from people running with it as if it was an actual encounter, ironically or not and quite a chunk of art for them has been, often with Myrmidon as a Spartan-esque warrior with a double phase fight.




NPC /fa/ and NPC Killer Shopping List

Sometimes, you just want the shit they're wearing, early. This is is what you get in reward for each NPC kill, and if you even can kill some of them;

NPC /fa/ /k/ Earliest Kill-Rewards Notes / Impacts
Albus ~ ~ ??? ~
Alexander ~ ~ Standard Warrior Jar Shard (default loot from every enemy of his species) Killing early loses access to the Shard of Alexander Talisman and the Companion Jar Talisman.
Aurelia ~ ~ ~ Barely an NPC.
Bernahl Beast Champion Set; finish his quest or kill early Devourer's Scepter, Greathammer; Finish his quest or kill early Entire set + Weapon + Blasphemous Claw + Bell Bearing Killing early misses out on Gelmir's Fury Pyromancy and the Raging Wolf / (non-helm) Errant Sorcerer sets.
Blackguard Big Boggart Prisoner Set; sold by the Merchant under the Voidspawn at Uhl Palace Ruins, Ainsel + Unique Mask only attainable after he dies Iron Ball, Fist; only attainable after he dies Unique Mask, Iron Ball, Bell Bearing If killed before he offers Boiled Prawn / Crab, no other way to acquire them; and won't offer any Seedbed Curse unless Dung Eater kills him.
Blaidd Blaidd's armor; Can only be obtained at the end of the entire Ranni questline. Furfag headpiece is at the top of the wall behind Seluvis's Rise Royal Greatsword, UGS; Can only be obtained at the end of the entire Ranni questline. No reward. You cannot kill Blaidd early. Or, well, you can try, but he has infinite chugs, respawns after every death, maintains aggro whenever you go near him and drops nothing.
Boc Noble Hat; Rare drop from Hollow Aristocrats, found wandering in Limgrave, Altus and past Raya Lucaria Debate Parlor Great Knife, Dagger; Rare drop from Demi-humans of the same build Boc can be killed at any point you find him, and offers no rewards. Can be killed at the finishing point of his questline for different betrayal-dialogue.
Corhyn Prophet Set, Leyndell Hermit Merchant. Wears a unique version of the chest; attained either by killing or progressing his questline (and him dying) Flail, ...Flail; Gatefront Ruins Wagon-Chest & Golden Order Seal; Minor Erdtree Church Grace, Leyndell Bell Bearing with what he knows and unique Chestpiece Doesn't brick Goldmask's quest if killed.
D Twinned Set; Got by either killing, progressing or finishing his questline Inseparable Sword, Greatsword; only after finishing his / his twin's questline Entire set and his relevant Bell-Bearing, not the sword. Killing D and progressing his twin's questline turns him on you instead of Fia.
D's Twin (Initially) Guilty Set; Chest in Murkwater Cave, that triggers Patches. He doesn't wear the Guilty Hood. ~ ~ Can't be killed early (immortal shield).
Diallos Hoslow's Set; From basically-finishing Tanith's questline; Unique Mask from either killing or finishing his questline Hoslow's Petal Whip, Whip; progressing Tanith's or finishing his quest & Distinguished Greatshield, Greatshield; Hermit Merchant's Shack (Altus) Diallos's Mask, Hoslow's Petal Whip Can be killed early in Liurnia, though it's a narrow window. To dual-wield the whip, both Tanith and Diallo's quests must be finished.
Dung Eater Omen Set; Only from killing him or finishing his questline Sword of Milos, Greatsword; only from killing him or finishing his questline Omen Set + Sword of Milos Earliest point to kill him is in his cell. As long as you don't say he can leave, he won't and won't progress (even if the door's open)
Edgar Banished Knight Set; Drops from said enemies (major Silver Knights within Stormveil, and other locations) Banished Knight Halberd, Halberd; Drops from said enemies that wield it Shabriri Grape, Banished Knight's Halberd (+8), Raw Meat Dumpling x 5 Can be killed at Weeping Isles for the same rewards as his invasion. If you killed Irina, he'll attack you at her spot, but only rewarding Banished Knight's Halberd (+8)
Ensha, The All-Hearing Royal Remains Set; In Ensha's spot after dealing with them Clinging Bone, Fist; In Ensha's spot after dealing with them ~ Cannot be killed early while in Roundtable Hold.
Fia Fia's Set; only by killing or finishing D's Twin's questline ~ ~ Can be killed manually without D's Twin, it's just a small window near the end while she waits on the Rune of Death; will continually fire Ancient Death Rancors while sat, drops nothing. Notorious underwear piece (Deathbed Smalls) is unattainable via normal means, and as of 1.03 on the banlist as a cheated item.
Gideon, The All-Knowing All-Knowing Set; late story progression All-Knowing Sceptre, Hammer; late story progression ~ Cannot be killed early while in Roundtable Hold.
Gostoc Commoner's Set, drops from trashmobs that wear it ??? Dagger Glass Shard, Silver Pickled Fowl Foot, The Bell-Bearing to his shop and all of the the 30% of Runes he stole from deaths in Stormveil (latter before Godrick only) ~
Gowry Sage's Set; Liurnia, Stillwater Cave ~ Critical Information Killing him has no impact on his questline, does not require Celestial Dew to 'fix' and is intead highly reccomended to do at least once.
Goldmask Goldmask's Set; acquired after finishing his questline. Mask is found on the last broken fragment of the first bridge he's on (same side of the valley, absolute end of the fragment, just keep going) ~ ~ Uniquely, dies without changing whichever pose he's in, and does not stagger.
Gurranq ~ ~ Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone Killing early means you lose access to all his beast-rewards (Clawmark Seal Catalyst, Bestial Sling Incantation, Bestial Vitality Incantation, Beast's Roar Ash of War, Beast Claw Incantation, Stone of Gurranq Incantation, Beastclaw Greathammer and Gurranq's Beast Claw Incantation)
Hewg ~ Hammer, ...Hammer; In Leyndell at his spot in the real Roundtable hold. If you want his 'true' hammer, it can be obtained from the Remeberence obtained from the final boss. ~ ~
Hyetta / Irina Traveling Maiden Set; Shack of the Lofty (Mountaintop). They also wear a Prophet's Blindfold (Capital Outskirts Hermit Merchant) ~ Irina's Letter (if not progressed) / Frenzyflame Stone (if progressed) Auto Wrath of Gold's when attacked, but will die the next hit after.
Iji Iji's Mirrorhelm; only acquired at the absolute end of Ranni's quest chain, from Iji. The near-identical Nox Mirrorhelm can be found in Cliffbottom Catacombs (Liurnia), behind a Swordstone door Troll's Hammer, Colossal; Old Altus Tunnel Just disappears, leaving nothing and bricks Ranni's questline (unless Celestial Dew'd). If you're wondering what the helmet gimmick is - as long as you wear it, Yellow signs won't appear (untested as to it's interactions, both in terms of Host's warding off Invaders or Invaders warding off Hunters)
Jar-Bairn ~ (You can get a Jar hat from progressing Alexander's questline) ~ ~ Aggro's every Jar in Jarburg on you and bricks Diallos's questline.
Jerren Eccentric Set; killing 'early' or finishing his questline and siding with Sellen. Flamberge, Greatsword; Redmane Castle, up a ladder, behind a Pumpkin Head Eccentric Set, nothing else ~
Kalé Unique armour cannot be obtained. Mundane Ver. is Nomadic Merchant's Set; part of the way down the Cathedral of the Forsaken, bait the enemies to attack the tents Merchant Backstratcher Weapon are likewise offhand Shamisen unattainable Kalé (and all other merchants in the game) can be killed from the getgo just for their Bell-Bearings. Some merchants have different gimmicks (some try to escape via mule, some take a stand... 'etc')
Kenneth Ruler's Set; Abandoned Coffin(s), Altus Erdsteel Dagger, Dagger; Either by progressing his questline or in Leyndell, NW of Avenue Balcony in a pit watched by a Broken Gargoyle Golden Seed, nothing more - note this isn't neccessary, as there are more Golden Seeds than the flask cap Careful, as the Demi-humans he's always nearby, while not aggroing on him, can damage (and kill) him.
Latenna Blue Silver Mail Set; Either from killing her or grinding the Albanauric Wolf-Archers in Snowfield Albinauric Bow; exclusive drop from Albanauric Wolf-Archers Blue Silver Mail Set, nothing else ~
Master Azur & Lusat Master Azur's / Lusat's set; exclusively after finishing Sellen's questline and siding with her. ~ ~ Barely map props.
Melina Unique armour cannot be obtained. Mundane Ver. is Traveler's Set; Scarlet Flower just next to the Haligtree Roots Grace (different shade to Millicent's) The Blade of Calling (Dagger), Jump from the minor lift before the Grand Lift of Rold Can't be killed by conventional means, however even finding some way to 'kill' her in the overworld simply instacasts the same unique incantation that she'll autocast if she dies while summoned for Morgott's fight, a large and extravagant heal with the SFX of a tree blooming. Useless, since to even spawn her, you have to be resting at a Grace (thus will be at full HP) - she will return as usual, the next time you rest at a Grace, since it's unscripted. This incantation is currently unattainable in any way, even via the use of cheat engines, and is totally unique to Melina. ~
Millicent Unique armour cannot be obtained. Mundane Ver. is Traveler's Set; Scarlet Flower just next to the Haligtree Roots Grace (different shade to Melina's) Shamshir, Curved Sword; Highroad Cave, hidden cave along the Northernmost part of Limgrave's River / North from under Saintsbridge (Used offhand if attacked before getting the prosthesis) x5 Sacramental Buds + Golden Runes if invading; Nothing if killed in the overworld before getting the Prosthesis; Prosthesis Talisman after Defeating her as an invader has no impact on her questline. Easy to accidentally kill by dropping on her at the last stage of her quest. If killed early and on the Frenzy-Flame ending path; you're hardlocked into it.
Miriel ~ (You can 'wear' a turtle shell by equipping the Great Turtle Shield and 2H'ing your weapon) ~ His Bell-bearing (with what you currently have studied with him) and 12 Turtle Neck meat Can actually be killed, just has a boss-level healthbar (he's lying when he says he's immortal). Miriel's Mitre / Hat is curently unatainable through legitimate means
Nepheli Champion's Set; Merchant on the road along the South of the Aeonian Swamp, Caelid Powerstanced Stormhawk Axes, Axe; Four available, x2 from her, x1 from Leyndell Roundtable Hold Courtyard, x1 from Castle Sol after a dropdown from the central building roof Stormhawk Axe x2
Patches Leather Set; Exclusively attained by killing him in the Overworld Spear, ...Spear; Either killing him, or grinding outcast knights wielding one (red-scarfed ones) His +7 Spear, his Leather Armour and his Bell-Bearing with whatever available upon killing him If killed; you lose access to the Bullgoat set and the Magma Whip Candlestick.
Pidia ~ ~ Pidia's Bell Bearing and a puppet spirit ash (Nepheli or Dolores) depending on Seluvis's quest outcome ~
Ranni Snow Witch Set, Renna's Rise elevator up, then just behind you ~ ~ Just disappears. Can be 'killed' at any time she's awake, even as far into the quest as literally just after recieving the MLGS after the proposal without talking to her to finish up (bricking her ending, but with custom betrayal dialogue of how dissapointed / lonely she'll be)
Renna See above ~ ~ Just disappears.
Roderika Noble's Set; Altus East Windmill Pasture (the Northernmost Windmill). Unique hood is found where you got the Chrysalid's Memento after giving it to Roderika. ~ ~ Can't be killed at any point in the narrative, even when in the overworld.
Rogier Spellblade Set; Only from progressing his questline Rogier's Rapier; only from progressing his questline ~ Completely unkillable via aggressive means.
Rya Upper-Class Robe; Leyndell Hermit Merchant ~ Daedicar's Woe Talisman Can't be killed early (immortal shield), only at the end of her questline.
Sellen Scholar's Robes; Uncommon drops from any Raya Lucaria mage wearing it. Unique Witches Mask only acquired from finishing her questline (either ending) ~ No reward. Just disappears.
Seluvis Preceptor's Set; from Seluvis after Ranni's point-of-no-return ~ ~ Just disappears.
Tanith Consort's Set; Killing at the end of her questline. Only acquired after dealing with the muscle. ~ ~ (Delayed) Remains in a safe zone for most of her quest, only vulnerable in Rykard's arena.
The Great Jar ~ ~ ~ ~
Thops Scholar's Robes; Uncommon drops from any Raya Lucaria mage wearing it Academy Glintstone Staff; Exclusively from killing or finishing Thop's questline Academy Glintstone Staff and Bell-Bearing ~
Varre War Surgeon Set; Invader at the Lake of Blood, Mohgwyn's Palace only be acquired at the end of questline 5 Bloodied Fingers, nothing more. Once Mohg is dead, you can still get the weapon, however no more invaders means no more chances are getting that armour.
Yura Ronin's Set; Only by finishing his questline. Nagakiba, Katana; Killing or progressing his questline Nagakiba (but not the armor) Killable at any point.




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Pub: 29 Mar 2022 05:26 UTC
Edit: 09 Apr 2022 09:37 UTC
Views: 3303