Piss Poor Performance

"Isn't that right, Mr. Martin?"


The accomplished hand of the teacher made quick strokes with the felt tipped marker as she moved to complete her writing of a fairly complex mathematical equation upon the whiteboard. Above the quiet squeaks of the marker as she left behind a trail of blocky lettering and exponents, the dozed snores of the student were soon apparent. The rest of the class turned their heads, noticing their classmate, only the bronze hair topped head of his visible, his face hidden by the crumpled up hoodie that was held in his arms. Finished at the whiteboard, the teacher caps the marker and sets it back down in the magnetic tray, which stuck to the surface, turning her eye towards the silent student. The rest of the class exchange an amused look, watching the math teacher approaching the slumbering pupil, her black stiletto heels clicking on the polished tile floor with every step. Bryce peacefully slept, oblivious to the searing instructor that stood in front of his desk.

"Bryce!" she barked, kicking at the leg of his chair.

He loudly snorted and fluttered his eyes, before snapping them open, looking up at the teacher, a drivel of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Huh? Wh-what?" he mouthed, his drowsiness still clouding his mind.

"Are you sleeping in MY class?" the teacher scolds, crossing her arms over the navy blue blouse that clung to her figure.

"Huh? Uh, just resting my eyes? Why, wassup?" he grumbled with a yawn.

The students laugh at the insultingly casual response, which got a rise out of her as well.

"You are not paying attention and are napping instead. Unless you pay attention, you're going to fail today's abstract algebra quiz! You don't even know your monoids from your quasigroups!" the woman snaps, hands on her hips, the thick brimmed glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose as she bends down to meet his level.

"Abstract what? Oh. Uh, yeah. Sorry 'bout that." he smacks his lips, squinting his eyes at the board.

The numbers, brackets, and variables not making a lick of sense to his dulled brain.

"Now, get up there and solve for x!" she orders, now holding a ruler in her hand, the muscles in her neck tensing up in anger as she bats the end of the wooden template against her palm.

Gulping, Bryce looks around the room, jumping in fright as he realizes every desk in the room had been turned to face him, feeling the dozens of judging eyes burning into his body.

"At once, Mr. Martin!" the human yells, somehow now directly behind him.

"I-if you insist." he swallows, feeling his legs tremble as he pulled himself up from his desk, knees nearly buckling from the weight.

The second he leaves the comfort of his desk, the students double over with laughter, the mix of human and anthro laughs frightening the shivering human, whipping his head side to side, wondering what the hell was so funny.

"Forget something at home?!" a sheep taunts, pounding his fist against his desk as he heaved with laughter.

"What?" Bryce shrugs in confusion.

Looking around the room, it was soon obvious that all of their eyes were trained on his groin. Normally, this might be a guy's fantasy, but now, it was a nightmare. Perplexed by what was wrong, Bryce cranes his head down, cheeks flushing with realization. No wonder it felt oddly cold in the classroom. Hard to be warm when he worn nothing but the flesh he was born in.

"Yikes!" he yelped in an amusingly feminine tone, crossing his legs, stealing a manilla folder from the teacher's desk and a textbook from a student's.

He holds the items in each hand, covering his rear and between his legs as he awkwardly waddles up the whiteboard, keeping his backside covered as he drops the textbook from his crotch to pick up the marker, tugging off the cap with his teeth.

"I'm still waiting, Bryce." the teacher comments, sitting at her desk, grading homework that was assigned the previous night, unfazed by his nudity.

The human whines and examines the board, the text from before no longer present. Instead, it was covered by a grid that spread from one side to the other, a handful of numbers scrawled into some of the squares.

"I don't know how to do Sudoku!" he protests, randomly filling in the squares with no rhyme or reason, the marker growing dry after only three numbers.

While he was busy finding a fresh marker, the door to the classroom is violently kicked open. Everyone in the room turns their heads, watching as the stout woodshop teacher lurches inside, holding a student in his arms. While a fish wasn't anything new at the school, this one wasn't like an ordinary anthro. The legs and waist were close to a human's, but those features morphed into the literal body of the aquatic creature. Its scales were dried and chipping away, like flakes of dandruff, which was odd if you considered how wet and slimy it's body still appeared. Its superior mouth snapped open and shut as if trying to communicate, it's gills flaring open at the sides of its long and thick body as it convulses on the ground.

"For the love of god! There's no water in this school! Someone help!" the beaver cried, barely able to keep control of the Lovecraftian beast of a fish, while it flopped around in his arms.

Bryce turned to see what the commotion was about, instantly dry heaving at the scene at the back of the classroom. The bulbous eye of the fish locked onto Bryce, who was revolted at the oily blackness that made up its pupil, the unsettling protruding lens of the iris nearly bulging from its body. The human refuses to look anymore, shutting his eyes, choking down vomit. There was one silver lining though. No one was looking at his naked body anymore! He let out a sigh of relief once the disconcerting scene was no longer visible. Out of sight, out of mind. That is, until he began to feel a vicious mucus sliding against the tips of his toes. Snapping his eyes back open, Bryce looked down in horror at the fish that floundered at his feet. He opened his mouth to scream in dismay, but rather than his voice, a rapid triplet of beeps was heard, repeating over and over and over again.

The notification LED on his vibrating phone flashed as the alarm chirped. He woke up with a start, shooting up in bed, twisting his neck as he looked around the room, unsure if he was awake or not. Catching his breath, he reached over and slapped his fingers down on his phone, blindly tapping at the screen, until the irritating alarm ceased its cry.

"Why the fucking fish again?" he sighed to himself, rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes.

With his heartbeat back to a normal pulse, he turned on his bed, reluctantly throwing off his covers, feeling the wonderful embrace of his trapped body heat fading away, replaced by the chill of another cold morning. Dropping his feet to the floor, he picked up his phone, checking the time in case he had slept through some of the alarm. Luckily for him, that didn't appear to be the case. Why did high school start at six in the goddamn morning? Maybe it was this district. Bastards rarely even delayed school, even after getting a foot of snow overnight that one winter. He wouldn't be surprised if that was the case again in a few more weeks.

"Honey, are you up?" his mother called from outside the door, rapping the wood with her knuckles.

"Yeah, thanks." Bryce yawned, pulling himself up from bed, walking over to his closet.

"You want anything for breakfast?" she asks.

"Nah. Not much of an appetite." he frowns, sliding open the door to his closet, picking out a t-shirt and tugging it off the hanger.

"Suit yourself." she shrugs, her footsteps sounding down the hallway.

Pulling the shirt over his modest frame, he turns and sidesteps to his dresser, tugging a drawer open to find a clean pair of jeans. It was rare for him to wear the same pair more than two days in a row, being the neat freak that he was. After pulling on a clean pair of socks, he gets back up, dropping his wallet, phone, and keys in his pocket, ready to start off the day.

The airbrakes of the bus exhale with a hiss as the lumbering vehicle comes to a rest in front of the school. As the students yawn and retrieve their backpacks from the floor, the equally sleepy bus driver grabs hold of the handle that controlled the door, pulling it over to the side. Bryce, sitting at the first row due to him being the last stop, was quick to feel a frigid gust of damp air rush into the bus, penetrating the thin windbreaker he chose to wear. Taking a step forward, he felt his shoe struggling to lift from the floor. Looking down at the dingy floor of the bus, Bryce discovered a pink strand of chewed bubble gum bridging the gap between the sole of his shoe and the sugary wad that was smooshed into the aisle. Groaning, he kicked his leg forward, snapping the gum free. He exits the bus in a huff, needing an extra bit of force with each stride of his right leg from a reminder of the gum that clung to his shoe.

"Off to a great start." he grumbles, shifting the weight of his bag to his other shoulder.

Approaching the entrance of the school, he shoves the door open, comforted by the toasty interior of the building. The hallways were modestly filled with chattering students, a fair portion probably in the cafeteria for an overpriced and underdelivered breakfast. At the moment, the only thought he had was cleaning off his shoe. What kind of swine just spits out their gum on the ground? Assholes!

Rounding a corner, he power walks down the hallways, making a beeline for the nearest bathroom. Maneuvering his way through the crowds of students that congregated in front of their lockers, he soon arrived at his destination. Bryce walks around the bend and enters the men's restroom, the clean and sterile white porcelain sinks and tile giving him some peace of mind. Bless that janitor. He stands in front of the sink, reaching down to yank his shoe from his foot, flipping it over to examine the damage.

"Great." he growls, seeing that the pasty bubblegum had made a home in the grooves of the sole's tread.

Dropping his backpack on the counter, he fishes out a pencil, a dull one at that. The human waves his hand in front of the faucet to trigger the sensor, the water automatically spilling from the faucet with a soft click. After running his sneaker under the water, he starts to scrape away at the gum with the blunt end of graphite, tracing along the lines inside the sole, pausing to wipe the pencil off on a paper towel. It was slow progress, but only a small wad of gum had actually clung to his shoe, thankfully. Still, he was less than pleased. Containing his anger, he plucked out a core of bubblegum from the center of the shoe, where the most pressure had been applied during the initial impact. After flicking the pink nuisance out into the trash can, the shoe was relatively clean once again. The shoe drops to the ground with a clack, stuffing his foot back inside. With an irritable exhale, he looks at his pencil, now sticky with the candy. Shrugging, he tosses it into the trash can as well, before walking back out into the hallway.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he looks around at the dwindling number of classmates. How long was he in there for? Curious, he digs his phone out of his pocket, checking the time. Hmm, only five minutes until first period. Seems he took a bit longer than he would have liked. Oddly enough, he notices how the notification light on his phone was still blinking. He thought it was only from the alarm this morning, but apparently not. Swiping down from the top of his phone, he sees that he had received a message in one of the apps he'd installed. This one wasn't your typical social media application, however. Feeling a thump in his chest, he unlocked his phone, tapping on an innocent looking icon, one of a pizza, something that didn't seem out of place or suspect. With how much he frequented the cam site, Bryce was happy to see that they offered an app as well. Displeased with the stiff interface of the mobile site, a streamlined app was just what he was looking for.

Tapping it open, his screen is overtaken with a less than school appropriate website. After opening his profile, he sees that there is indeed a new notification. Half expecting it to just be a new video from one of the many users he subscribed to, Bryce felt his palm grow moist at the sender.


[2019-05-01 05:28] maneater85: free after school

[2019-05-01 05:28] maneater85: ?


"Fuck." Bryce sucks in a breath, both in excitement and from seeing the message was from nearly an hour ago.
His fingers anxiously type a reply on the digital keyboard, hitting send.


[2019-05-01 06:26] PM_ME_YOUR_FEET: yeah ill be free. have 2 hours before my parents get home.


Bryce stares at his phone, eagerly awaiting a reply. Expecting to see the words, "maneater85 is typing...", any second now. Then, a minute goes by. And another. And another. And with the section of pixels beneath the chat window still vacant, the bell for first period rings, breaking Bryce from his concentration.

"Goddamn it." he curses, for more than a single reason.

Tossing his backpack over his shoulder, he turns and sprints down the hallway, towards his first class. It was foolish of him to think that she'd be getting back to him so soon. After all, she still had a class to set up and teach. Being the first class of the day, Ms. Holt was probably busier than usual getting ready as well. Oh well. Live and learn.

His footsteps pounded down the empty corridors, the heels of his sneakers squeaking as he slid to a halt in front of a classroom.

"Room 122: Algebra."

Oh, how he hated math.

The human grabs the handle and jiggles it, discovering to his horror that it had locked, either deliberately or by accident. Swallowing his pride, he nervously knocks on the door, shifting his eyes to the side, too embarrassed to look through the window at the approaching teacher. There didn't seem to be much purpose to knocking as the class had clearly heard his panicked attempt at opening the latched door, but he was in no clear mindset. The door easily opens from the other side as the instructor unlocks it, holding it open for him.

"Didn't realize I had locked it." she states, waving him inside, a slight accent of her native tongue.

"I'm so sorry. I stepped in gum on the bus and had to clean my shoe and took too long and then the bell rang-"

"Bryce, it's okay. Things happen. I didn't even start the lesson, so you can take your seat." the woman smiled.

"Uh, thank you, Mrs. Garcia." he meekly nods, brushing past her, ignoring the bemused looks of the rest of the class.

He walks to the center of the neatly arranged square of desks, dropping his back and sitting down in his assigned seat. Unzipping his backpack, he pulls out his binder, dropping it on the desk. The teacher steps up to the whiteboard, greeting the students, hoping their mornings had gone well so far. She steps over to her desk, opening her lesson plan. After a quick glance, the human woman moves back to the whiteboard. Bryce reaches back into his bag, retrieving a notebook. As he readies himself to take notes, he then realizes he was out of a pencil.

"Don't tell me that my only one!" he mentally yells, poking his fingers into the various pockets of his binder.

Finding nothing, he goes grabs his backpack and quietly sets it in his lap, digging through the books and loose pieces of paper. As his fingernails scrape the canvas bottom of the back, Bryce silently curses. Kicking the backpack underneath his seat, he leans over to his classmate.

"You got a spare pencil?" he quietly asks the sheep.

Michael turns to the sound of the voice, his the slits of his feral-like eyes narrowing.

"What? No pencil?" the sheep replies, already writing down the first line of operations the teacher wrote up on the board.

"Nope. Lost mine." Bryce shakes his head.

"Yeah? No pencil, but I hope you have a quarter." he smirks.

Bryce frowns.

"I don't have a quarter." he hisses.

"Then you don't have a pencil." Michael laughs to himself.

"C'mon, what can you buy with a fucking quarter?" Bryce scowls, watching another line of equations appear on the board.

"I wanna get a pack of gum from the vending machine during lunch." the sheep shrugs, jotting down whatever the teacher wrote.

"Dude, I have gum in my pocket. I'll give a piece, alright?" Bryce offers, the page in his notebook still untouched.

"I dunno. I think this is still worth a quarter." the sheep grins, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

Getting fed up, Bryce starts to raise his voice past a whisper.

"It's a fucking pencil. Wood. Graphite. Those things cost a fraction of a goddamn penny." the human rumbled.

"This? This is no mere pencil. This is a Dixon Ticonderoga. The Cadillac of stationary and note taking. An eraser that won't smear or tear the paper. This is worth more than twenty-five cents. I'm giving you a deal. Keep up the attitude and that'll change." his classmate hums, lifting his pencil, sliding it against his upper lip as he gave it a sniff in a taunting manner, the way you would a fine, aromatic cigar.

"Listen here you fucking slab of mutton-"

"Is there a problem back there?" Mrs. Garcia asks, turning her head to the side, enough to glance back at the source of the commotion.

Bryce, fuming, tries to calm himself.

"I don't have a pencil. Do you have a spare I can borrow? Even a pen will work." Bryce asks the teacher in the smoothest tone he could muster.

The teacher wordlessly sets down the marker and retreats to her desk, pulling open the drawer, removing a pencil from a bundle that was held together with a rubber band. She walks back over to Bryce, the sheep innocently continuing to take notes.

"It's already sharpened." the teacher states, handing the fellow human the pencil.

"Thank you." Bryce nods, managing a smile.

"Just be sure not to forget one tomorrow." Mrs. Garcia comments, returning to the white board.

"You got it." he replies, turning his focus from the snickering sheep to the clean page of his notebook.

"Now, where was I?" she asks herself, glancing over what she'd written down already.

The tip of his pencil scratched against the paper, catching up on his notes. As he looked up at the whiteboard, he'd occasionally look at the teacher. She was easy on the eyes. Her natural tan skin, a pack of freckles no larger than the tip of a needle, which pocked the gap between her shoulders, visible with the deep neckline of the dress she wore. A happy married Latina beauty. Of course, he always noticed the shoes she'd wear. High heels, peep toe heels, wedges, or even a plain set of flip flops. He had little time to see what color her nails were, not when he was already behind.

"Alright, guys. I'll give everyone another few minutes to get caught up, before I put up the next set of notes, okay?" Mrs. Garcia announces, returning to her seat to go over the rest of her lesson plan.

He reaches the end of the page and, luckily, the last of her notes. For now at least.

"This pencil was free. Pretty sharp too. Wonder how far I can jam it into your thigh?" Bryce discreetly mentions to the sheep.

"That's a peasant pencil. I doubt that could even get through my hide. And don't tempt me. Then I might have to show you what a lamb shank really is." Michael grins, twirling his pencil between his fingers.

"Can't go five minutes without talking about your dick, can you?" Bryce rolls his eyes.

"You know that wasn't what I meant, but I like that. Looks like you get a new nickname, buddy." the sheep chuckles, peeking down at his groin.

Bryce shakes his head, drumming the eraser of his pencil against his desk. He wondered what kind of after school activities awaited him today. The sessions he'd gotten with the lynx were still few and far between. That being said, to say they were memorable would be an understatement. With impeccable timing, Bryce was soon aware that the phone in his pocket had begun to vibrate.

[i] whirrrrr [/i]

New notification.

His hand slapped at his pocket, hoping to quiet the sound, eyes flicking to the teacher who seemed to pay him no mind. Was it a message from the lynx? It better not be more spam in his email. Getting caught checking his phone would probably not end well, but there was no way Bryce could wait until the end of class. He had to know now. Looking back up at Mrs. Garcia, Bryce slid his notebook closer to his body, leaving himself a gap of an inch or so to look down through. Pencil in hand, he acted like he was finishing up his notes, while cautiously removing his phone from his pocket, setting it in his lap. The tip of his donated pencil floated above the page, dancing in the air as his other hand tapped at the screen of his phone, waking it up. Sure enough, a new notification. Bryce swiped at the screen, bringing up the notification, seeing the app it originated from.

Fuck yes.

He was stupid, but not stupid enough to actually open up the porn site on his phone in the middle of a classroom. The actual message itself would have to wait, until after class.

"Taking some upskirts?" Michael jokes, a little too loud.

Another classmate looks over and sees the human's phone, saying nothing at the juvenile joke. The comment didn't miss the teacher's ears either, who didn't hear exactly what was spoken, but the volume at which it was said had caused her to lift her head. Bryce looks over at Michael with another glare, inadvertently making eye contact with the teacher as he moved back to his phone. He quickly shoves his phone back into his pocket, dropping his head back to his notes, breaking the troublesome stare. Before he did, he could see the disappointment in her fed up eyes.

"Alright, class. That's enough time, I believe." she states, standing back up, picking up the eraser to remove the notes from the board, giving herself a clean slate to work with.

Bryce refused to give that asshole sheep the satisfaction of a reaction, taking his anger out with a gleeful fantasy of ratting out Michael's slacking behavior during gym class to the lynx. She'd sort him out real quick.

Class dragged on and on, Bryce doing his best to understand and memorize the formulas and equations that littered the white board. Math was never his strong suit. He could deal with numbers and such, but throw in some letters and order of operations and he was lost. He still did well enough to avoid a horrible grade. The only class where he held a C average. He glanced up at the clock, seeing they had a few minutes to spare as the lesson ended. Shutting his textbook, he dropped it back into his backpack, going over his notes, forcing his stubborn brain to absorb the information he was given today. Better do it now, then when he had to cram for an exam.

"So, can I get a piece of gum?" the sheep chuckles, doodling in his notes.

"Yeah right. I got something else you can blow." Bryce growls.

The lemur seated next to him clicks her tongue in disgust at the foul reply, shaking her head as she faces away from him.

"How the hell am I always the bad guy?" Bryce shakes his head in disbelief, the bell then ringing as class ended.

Laughing, the sheep tosses his things into his bag, getting up to hurry out of class, before the hallways got too crowded. Bryce's face sours, setting his notebook back into his backpack, hoisting it up onto his shoulder as he leaves his desk.

"Bryce, can I talk to you for a moment?" Mrs. Garcia asks, waiting for him to near her desk, not wanting to embarrass him in front of the others.

His mouth goes dry at the question, not needing to be in trouble right now. Not when Ms. Holt was offering him a session after school. He couldn't get detention. Hmm, at least if the lynx wasn't the one directing it.

"What is it?" he calmly asks as the classroom grows empty, standing in front of her desk.

The thirty year-old looks up at him, shutting her binder.

"Are you having any issues in class? Not able to focus or anything like that?" she asks, clicking the pen that was in her hand.

"Um, I don't know. What do you mean?" Bryce winces, wondering if she'd seen his stares.

"Well, you seem to be distracted and, I don't mean to sound rude, disruptive. Being late, talking in class, and I noticed you on your phone." Mrs. Garcia lists, crossing her legs.

The human's cheeks redden, feeling a sweat on his brow at the accusation. She wasn't wrong, either.

"Look, I know that people suffer from attention disorders and things like that. I just want you to know that if that is indeed what's wrong, then we can try to work around it. You can talk to your parents or the counselor if you're having difficulties in class. Your grades are improving a bit and I'd hate to see that progress stop." she says in concern, giving him a sympathetic smile.

Bryce stayed quiet for a bit. Looks like he wasn't in trouble per say. He certainly was distracted by many things that he couldn't honestly give an answer for, due to obvious reasons.

"I just....it's been a rough few weeks for me. First, my ankle gets messed up. Then, I have to take up a longer shift at work. Then, my mom gets sick and I have to be the one cooking dinner for a week. Today, I didn't get a good night's sleep and I already told you about the gum. I'm just a bit flustered today. It sounds dumb, but it all kinda snowballs, I guess." Bryce sighs.

"It's okay, I understand. I just want the best for my students. If things are hectic and you're having trouble with anything, you can always talk to me or any of the other teachers. We're here for you, okay? Try not to make a mountain out of a mole hill. These times pass." the woman smiles, reassuring him.

"Thank you. I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to-"

"Shhh, Bryce, please. It's okay. No need to explain anymore, I understand. Just take a deep breath for me. You gotta just let your mind go sometimes. Not in class, of course, but when you can. Now, I don't want to make you late again, so you should get to your next class, okay?" Mrs. Garcia says, her pen continuing to click as she spoke.

"You're right. Thanks again. Hoping tomorrow will be better." he smiles back, turning to walk out the door.

"Mhm. Anytime." she smiles, turning back to tomorrow's lesson plan.

Bryce leaves the room, breaking into a lazy jog to make up for lost time. As he headed for history class, he quickened his pace, running down the hallway. It wasn't to get to class faster, but to give himself an extra minute, turning to enter the bathroom once again. Fumbling for his phone, he pulled it from his pocket, opening up the app. Scrolling to his messages, he eagerly read the newest one he received.


[2019-05-01 06:41] maneater85: meet me in the auxilry gym. u know the routine.


The auxiliary gym? That's a new one. Bryce's fingers tapped against the screen, firing back a message, saying that he'd be there. He wasn't going to question the location, not when she's calling the shots and offering up a meeting. Hmm, how would things go in class today? Would she find a reason to pull him aside to chat for a second?
The questions and scenarios running through his mind were silenced by the cry of the school bell.
"Goddamn it, not again!"

After a rough morning, the rest of the day seemed to take an upturn. Decent lunch, aced a test in economics, had all his homework done, and didn't get picked to present a group project, until tomorrow at least. All Bryce could think about is how it would the day would come to climax, in more ways than one, after school. Was she going to be in her usual aggressive mood as usual or did she has something more sensual planned for him? Taking a look up at the clock, seemed he'd be finding out very soon. His eyes followed the minute hand on the clock, slowly ticking and ticking and ticking down to the end of eighth period. After that, only his final class remained.

Gym class.

Only then, could all his questions be answered. Bryce anxiously gnawed on the wooden length of his pencil, his incisors and canines punching through its yellow exterior. C'mon and ring, already! History class used to be just a normal class for him. That is, until he began to see Mrs. Holt. Now, eighth period filled him with equal parts excitement and trepidation. Not like that class wasn't an adventure to begin with. He never knew who the lynx would be chewing out or tearing into that day. It usually proved to be pretty entertaining as long as it wasn't him with his back to the wall. Somehow, that seemed to be happening more often. Was she doing this on purpose? Well, of course! That growling vixen made it her life's work to ensure him that he belonged to her. A plaything. Prey to a superior being.

At long last, the bell finally rang. Unlike most classes where he wasn't in a hurry, Bryce was the first one out the door. His heart thumped against his ribcage as he hurried down the hall, his legs going into autopilot as he took the habitual path towards the gym. Passing by the office, the human jogged down the hallway, turning to the long stretch of tiled floor that led to the locker rooms and, more importantly, her office. Hoping he would find her, he shot around the corner, eyes wide as he anxiously peered into the glass window, frowning at the emptiness that greeted him. Damn it. She was probably taking care of something down on the track. Oh well. He was more than capable of passing her a message during class.

His mood slightly soured, Bryce drove his shoulder into the door to the boy's locker room, opening it with a thud. With no one else inside, the human walks over to his locker, dropping his backpack down on the bench. Like normal, he had already dialed in the first two digits to his combination, allowing him to pop the lock open with a quick spin of his fingertips. As it snapped open, he took off the lock, dropping it onto the bench with one hand as he works on undoing his pants with the other. Kicking them off, he yanks off his shirt, snatching his uniform and balling up his casual clothes, before stuffing them into his locker. Knowing how his classmates could be, he ends up jamming his backpack inside as well. Sliding his lock back into place, he turns in time to see the first arrivals.

"I know it's bullshit." Carter sighs, the human tossing his bag to the ground.

"I fucking told you that she wouldn't keep us inside!" the sheep gripes, following behind.

"I don't know why we're surprised. Just wait until it snows." he adds, approaching his locker.

Michael moves beside his friend, noticing Bryce, blowing a bubble with the wad of gum he was chomping on. Rolling his eyes, Bryce ignores the taunt, walking around the two of them, thinking he would be able to get a hold of the lynx, before class started.

"What's your hurry? In a rush to freeze your nuts off?" Carter asks, starting to change into his dress code approved gym clothes.

"I need to make up a few laps, she said, or else." he lies, thinking of an excuse on the spot.

"That woman's got a hard on for you." the fellow human snorts.

"Better him than me." the sheep adds, kicking off his shoes.

Bryce pulls the door back open, letting them change in peace. He had better things to do. As the others start to walk down towards the locker rooms, Bryce heads in the other direction. His tennis shoes clomp on floor, casually walking to not arouse suspicion from the others. Hearing the doors open, he looks over his shoulder, seeing the crowd had disappeared into their respective changing rooms. Alone once again, he sprints the remaining stretch, shoving open the crash bar of the steel door with a loud bang.

"Shit!" he immediately shivers, wondering why the dress code didn't change when it was so cold out.

His shoes squeak across the frost that coated the sidewalk, hurrying down the path towards the track. Over the short distance, his eyes could make out the towering form of the gym teacher. Seeing that no one else was there, a smile quickly grew over his face. Keeping his pace, Bryce jogs alongside the fence, until he reached the gate, which was already unlocked and opened wide.

"If you think this is getting you out of warming up, you're sadly mistaken." Holt greets, her back to him as she upturned hurdles that had toppled over.

"Nah, I just thought I could get a few seconds alone with you." he huffs, already working up a sweat from the short run.

"We have two hours alone or do you need to tell me something new?" the lynx questions, jerking the cumbersome hurdle up with ease.

"It's all good. I still have that time to share." the human clarifies, walking beside her to lend a hand.

"Then what do you want?" she growls, stopping to watch him.

"Maybe a hint as to what you have in store for me?" he hopefully asks, grabbing the beam of the hurdle.

He straightens his back, nearly falling flat on his face as the hurdle refused to budge.

"Maybe some strength training." the lynx taunts, slapping his hand away, kicking the hurdle back upright.

"Maybe." the human chuckles.

Behind him, he hears the telltale clunk of the exit door being heaved open.

"Don't ask." Bryce groans, turning to take off down the track.

"Uh, alright then." Ms. Holt raises a brow at him getting a head start on his laps.

The rest of the class promptly arrive, knowing the fallout that would come from being late. Carter and Michael exchange an amused look at Bryce being forced to sprint already.

"He ain't gonna be able to jump over shit." the sheep comments to his friend.

The lynx makes sure that two lanes of the track aren't blocked by the hurdles, before starting her lesson.

"I know it's cold, so we're going to do an extra set of stretches. I'm not carrying anyone up to the nurse with a sprain again. Third period learned that the hard way." Ms. Holt instructs, her top zipped up more than usual, leaving her whistle hanging out in the cold.

She looks over the rest of them, most of them rubbing their arms for warmth.

"Normal stretches, of course." she comments, throwing a look over to the Yorkie.

"I haven't done that in weeks!" Daphne frowns, shivering in the cold.

"Are you talking back to me?" the lynx challenges, sounding only half serious to the ears that were trained to interpret her subtle tones.

"No, ma'am." she shakes her head, giving the lynx a brief smile.

"Alright, then." Ms. Holt nods, upper lip giving a brief twitch.

Stepping to the side of the track, she rubs the icy crystals from the lip piece of her whistle and gives it a sharp blast.

"Get going! And you aren't done, until they're done, Mr. Martin!" she yells, barking over at Bryce as he wound around the bend behind them.

"Yes, ma'am." he panted, brushing passed her.

"Take your time, since you didn't stretch out. Don't be getting hurt on my watch." she quietly comments as he moves by her.

"Gotcha." he nods, slowing his pace a bit to give himself time to catch his breath.

Regretting the excuse he made to the guys, he trudged down the track. He wouldn't want to have been the first class. Even as the sun rose, there was still a bit of cold on the in-track, though most of it was beaten away by the feet of the class as they jogged. As he grew to finish his second lap, the class had only stretching out and were just starting on their first. Frowning, he kept his pace, catching up behind them. Hearing running behind him, he turned his head to the side, watching the lynx jog past him. With those long legs, she took great strides with each step, effortlessly catching up with the class. She shouted further instructions to the students that showed either a lack of effort or sloppy form. Certainly not disrespectful or anything, just her usual comments. Seeing that she was too quick for him to catch up with, he kept his eyes back on the ground, watching for any slippery patches. As he grew close to the start of the track, Bryce collided into something. At first, he thought it was a goal post for how much resistance it gave, feeling like he could have ran into a wall for similar results. Well, maybe he should have kept his eyes forward after all. To his surprise, it was the lynx.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. This." she seethed to herself.

Confused, Bryce looked down, eyes widening. Those beautiful, black, running shoes weren't looking as good as they usually did. Tilting her hefty foot, she revealed a stretchy trail of pink bubble gum that was now glued to her shoe.

Wait a minute!

Bryce shot a look across the track, searching for the sheep. There! As always, he ran beside Carter, the two talking and making snide remarks to whomever they ran by. To the human's delight, he could just see the lack of movement in Michael's jaw. He's the spitter! That cocksucker!

"Who?" Holt shook, rage in her eyes as she jerked her head towards Bryce.

"The sheep." he tattled, taking great pleasure in doing so as well.

"There might be a delay in our fun. Just meet me there." she hissed, turning tail and charging in the opposite direction.

The human took off into a sprint, fueled by a need for a closer seat to this! His feet stomped on the track as he ran, grinning ear to ear, rounding the curve just in time to see Holt reaching her target. He watches as she nearly slams into the surprised ram, the birds scattering from the branches of the trees that lined the outside of the fences at the deafening screams of rage. Carter doesn't stop for a second and runs right by her, leaving his friend for the wolves, err, lynx. The sheep frantically lied and tried to save himself, falling down on his rear, not evening understanding what he did wrong. Ms. Holt then promptly lifts her shoe, nearly kicking him in the face as she shoved it forward.

"And how do you explain this!?"

The closer he got, the more he heard the whimpering bundle of wool.

"It was an accident! I-I-It must have fallen out of my mouth!" he bleated.

"And do we allow gum in class!?" she raged, now grinding her sole into the track to remove the bubble gum, resembling a bull ready to charge.


"No! We don't! So WHY did you think you were special enough to do so!?"

Bryce laughed to himself, savoring the moment that he passed by, seeing the terrified sheep becoming misty eyed in fear of the teacher, never having been scolded by her like this before. The hotheaded feline was double over, bellowing at the sheep, eyes wide with a sadistic fury. From her workout of teaching nine classes and the recent sprint around the track, the heat from her body was causing steam to rise off of her fur, curling around her track suit, before dissipating into the air. She looked like she just rose from Hell itself.

"That'll teach you." he said to himself, jogging around them, the rest of the class stopped to watch the scene.

The bastard got to Bryce's shoes and now he was going to gum-up the ones that he planned to buy! Whatever she did wouldn't be enough in his eyes. The human passed the others, smiling to himself, having seen all he needed to. Right now, he still had some laps to complete.

"She's really taking her time." Bryce says to himself, checking his phone.

As he looked at the time, the brightness from the screen illuminated his face. Since she requested the auxiliary gym for them to meet, the room was less inviting than the main gym. No windows wouldn't be a bad thing, if he was able to turn on the lights. He didn't know what she had planned and didn't want anyone that could possibly be left inside the school to see the light from under the door. When he left the track, the weeping ram was dry heaving, after performing his eleventh set of push-ups. Ha! Bryce ran laps on a sprained ankle when she tortured him. Push-ups would have been child's play in comparison.

"Where the hell is she?" he huffed to himself, twiddling his thumbs, listening to the soothing sound of droplets falling inside of a vertical hot water pipe he chose to sit next to.

The sound was nice, but so was the warmth that is provided. He didn't know how much longer to wait. After class, Bryce went to the locker room, sat down inside one of the bathroom stalls to hide from the others. After a bit of time, he left into the empty locker room, before leaving and heading to the other gym. Now, he did nothing. Just sitting. Sitting and sitting. Waiting.

Bryce let out an impatient sigh, before hearing another. Huh. Hey, an echo can be a fun way to entertain himself. Wetting his lips, he pursed them a began to whistle a tune, which was repeated back to him, after a split second. He continued for a few seconds more, pausing to rewet his lips, soon growing bored again.

"Hellooooooo." he playfully called.

"Hello." the echo bounced back with an eerily feminine voice.

Bryce jumped and yelled in fright, the voice turning into a sneering laugh. His hands slapped against the wall, until they found the light switch, flipping it on. With the room finally lit, he was quick to see the lynx, who was now standing toe to toe with him.

"Fuck! Don't do that!" he squeals at the extra scare.

"It's fun." Ms. Holt grins, stepping backwards away from him.

"You were in here this whole time?" Bryce frowns, keeping a careful eye on her.

"Mhm." she nods with a laugh.


The lynx points to a rolled up wrestling mat that sat in a corner, wide enough for someone her size to comfortably lay down beside and stay hidden.

"But why? Seems like a waste of our time." he complains.

"You know that saying about how cats like to play with their prey, before killing them?" she asks, now standing on a another wrestling mat that he hadn't noticed was taking up most of the floor.

Bryce stays silent, not liking where this was going. Hmm, though the tightening of his pants told a different story. Hearing his silence, the lynx bends down and unties her shoes, slipping them off and dropping them to the side.

"Cat got your tongue?" she rumbles, pointing at the spot in front of her.

Gulping, Bryce nods and removes his shoes, joining her on the mat.

"I think I'm going to be more forgiving today. I'll make you a deal. You pin me, you can do whatever you want." Ms. Holt states, her thick tail swaying across the mat.

"R-really? LIke....if I wanted to...uh-"

"Anything." the lynx emphasizes in a velvety tone.

"Oh...I see." Bryce inhales, contemplating all the fantasies he'd wished to become a reality.

"But, if I win, I can do whatever I want." Ms. Holt adds, returning to that bass-filled rumble of her voice.

He didn't even need to hear the second part. He'd be a fool to not accept. Besides, she'd already done enough to him. What else was there to do that wouldn't visibly injure him? No way she'd risk jail time for a stupid bet.

"Let's do it." he eagerly nods.

In one swift movement, the lynx extended her leg and kicked out his feet. Not a second after he landed hard on his rear was she already behind him, throwing her arm around his throat.

"Mmmm, glad to hear you say that." she hissed, tightening the hold on his neck.

"I thought you said we're pinning each other?" Bryce whined, clawing at her forearm.

"I did. Need to soften you up first." the lynx huffs, releasing her grip on him, shoving him over onto his belly.

"No, you don't!" he squeaks, rolling like a log to avoid the lynx who missed and instead landed on the mat.

She looked up at him with sneer.

"Good. Don't make it easy."

Oh, he didn't like those words.

The teacher climbs back to her feet, squatting slightly, arms at the ready, held just in front of her body. Not knowing what to do, Bryce matched her pose, earning a snort from the lynx.

"First time? And I do mean wrestling." she chides.

"How did you know?" he fires back, figuring he'd just do what the professionals did.

He'd watched wrestling growing up and had seen a match or two of MMA, so he had a vague grasp on what to do. What he did know, was that all you needed to control was someone's legs. You have their leg, you have the power. Putting one leg back, Bryce shot forward, diving at her limbs. Telegraphing his takedown, the lynx steps to the side, slapping her hands down on his back, before grabbing his shirt and launching him forward. Wobbling off balance, Bryce is thrown against the rolled up mat, hitting it with violent thud.

"In case you didn't hear me, I said that I didn't want this to be easy." Ms. Holt scoffs, crossing her arms.

"And in case you didn't hear me, I said I never did this before." he retorts, standing back up to face her.

"Fine, I'll just beat on you then." she shrugged, earning a look from the human.

Well, that approach didn't work. Switching up his tactics, Bryce took a hesitant step closer, deciding to try her upper half this time. He waves his opened hands up and down, thinking it might throw her off. Unimpressed, the lynx didn't even bother going into a defensive stance. Instead, she stood her ground, arms still crossed. He fired his hand forward, taking her by the wrist. Pulling on it, his heels kicked into the mat, doing nothing but inadvertently drawing himself closer to her. She refused to budge, not even visibly struggling as she kept her arms crossed.

"C'mon! I'm gonna plant your ass on the mat!" Bryce threatened, curling his toes as he kicked at her shin in desperation.

She kept her eyes placed on his own, looking quite bored. Finally, she allowed her arm to be taken.

"Success!" he thought at first, pulling out arm completely straight.

Problem was, he didn't have a plan. To be honest, he didn't think she'd let go. Before he could solve his issue, the lynx yanked her arm back with full force, bringing Bryce along with it, taking him by surprise. As she pulled her right arm back to her body, she sidestepped, bringing up her free arm, locking her elbow as she drove the inside of her elbow joint into his sternum. During the strike, she swept her arm downwards, using the momentum to send him reeling down on his back, knocking the wind out of his lungs. The resulting crack of the impact giving the lynx a reason to smirk.

"That move isn't exactly regulation." she chuckles, flexing her arm.

Bryce stayed down for a bit longer after that one. His hand went to the forming bruise on his chest, groaning in pain from the clothesline. Fucking hell. Refusing to give up, he forced himself to stand. He returned to the same pose, though he kept his arms close himself this time.

"Someone is angry." he observes, clearing his throat.

"It's easy to go from zero to ten if you're always riding a nine." the lynx replies, returning to her defensive position.

She found it amusing to reverse whatever half-assed attempt at an attack he threw her way, but decided to go on the offensive this time. Seeing his face wrinkle in thought of his next move, Ms. Holt leapt forward, dropping to her knees, wrapping her arms around his left leg. With a hold of his limb, she continued forward, knocking him down on his back as she landed on top. Taking control, she grabs hold of his left wrist, pinning it down to the mat. No longer dazed, Bryce tries to push her off, the lynx simply slapping at his feeble hand. The lynx drops forward, her elbow landing dangerously close to his ear, putting more weight on his trapped arm. With her free arm, she snakes it underneath the one holding his arm, curling her fingers around her own wrist. With a tight grip, the lynx cranks her arm upwards, while simultaneously pulling his down, putting a tremendous amount of pressure on his rotator cuff, causing him to yell out almost instantly.

"Fuck!" he yelps, kneeing her in the belly in another attempt to rid himself of the aggressive feline.

Snickering, she cranks again, threatening to do enough damage that would create a serious injury. Bryce frantically slapped at her back and thigh in submission. Looks like it was the only thing he saw on TV that actually did anything as the lynx relented and let go of his arm.

"Pussy." the teacher hissed, sliding off of him, but staying on the ground.

Growling, Bryce turned over to stand up, foolishly showing his back to her. Quick to take advantage, hooking her arm around his right, clapping her hand against the back of his head. Using the half Nelson to keep control, she then swoops his head down to the ground, his forehead hitting the mat as she grabbed at his right wrist. Now doubled over and completely in her control, she forces his arm against his back and slowly drives it upwards, forcing his arm to move backwards in its shoulder socket. Hissing through his teeth, Bryce was unable to even signal his submission, praying the lynx wouldn't hurt him too badly.

"Can't even fight back. Probably one of those guys that loves getting manhandled by a tall girl. Who am I bullshitting, that's exactly what you are. Guess I forget the slime I was talking to." she growls, grabbing him by the hair.

Controlling his head, she roughly forced it downwards and swept it side to side, Bryce squealing at the painful friction burn from the wrestling mat.

"Maybe you need some encouragement." she states, tugging his head back up, his sweaty forehead leaving behind a sticky trail on the mat.

Stretching her leg, the lynx dips a toe into her shoe, flinging it onto the mat. Spinning them both to face it, she bends Bryce down, letting his face hover above the shoe.

"You want it? Don't you? So fucking badly. I know you do. The ones you have at home are probably stale by now. You need it fresh from the source, don't you, pig?" she taunted.

Bryce whined and tried to nod, the pungent scent of her paw stink wafting up to tickle his nostrils.

"Say it."

"I want your shoes. I live for your paw sweat. Goddamn you." he swallowed, the teacher lowering his head, his nose brushing over the top of her running shoe.

He stuck out his tongue, licking over the laces, taken by surprise as she shot his head down, slamming it into the mouth of her shoe. His nose cracked against the insole, whatever pain he'd normally feel being drowned out by the dank scent that crept into his nose, greedily sucking in the sweaty mist that was collected inside the shoe. Still sniffing, he stuck out his tongue, hungrily licking up the remnants of her sweat, flicking it over the porous material that made up the insole. The lynx then released him, standing back up, giving his ass a kick for good measure.

"You have a free shot." she claims, watching him take her shoe, gripping it as if it was a priceless jewel, keeping his face inside.

Bryce didn't even hear her. Whatever attack she left herself open for was ignored, too busy worshiping that ripe shoe of hers. God, how he loved those big paws. He loved worshiping the temple they resided in as well. Like the human pig he was, he snuffled around, sniffing at the sodden toe bed of her footwear.

"Guess you failed that test." she snapped, kicking between his legs, feeling his hard member for a brief moment.

Yelling in pain, Bryce fell to his side, clutching his testicles.

"Get up!" she barked, cocking her leg back to kick again.

Bryce was quick to obey, standing back up, face reddened.

"Come at me." the woman demanded, taking her position.

Obviously, this was a trap, but he couldn't say no. Taking a breath, he ran at her with all his might for a tackle, only adding to his demise. Her hands shot around his back, grabbing at the band of his underwear. Keeping his momentum, she yanked his underwear up, hearing him squeal at the fabric that cut against his groin. This wasn't all, though. The lynx then hoisted him up in the air, his foot even hitting the overhead lightbulb as she held him, before allowing them both to tumble backwards. He landed square on his back, their combined impact loud enough to make their ears ring with the crushing slap against the mat.

Feeling broken, Bryce whimpered in pain, turning on his side. Unfazed, the lynx slides behind him, moving her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together. Her arm draped around his neck, pulling his head against her chest, looking to choke him some more as he hadn't had enough punishment.

"Maybe I should just break you in half. Do the world a favor. We've both lived a good life." she pants, her heels touching his clothed cock.

Bryce groans and sticks his hips out, forcing his erection against those furry paws. She was quick to notice, pressing her soles down, trampling his manhood through his denim jeans. He was swollen and eager, the forearm across his throat keeping him in place, squirming in her hold. The human panted and whined, weak and too sore to defend himself. An internal dilemma was affecting her student, wanting to break free of the stranglehold, but refusing to leave with her feet caressing his cock. Of course, this wasn't a coincidence. Ms. Holt enjoyed abusing him and seeing how much he would take, so long as she pleasured him. Knowing him, it was a good thing she thought ahead and took a few ampoules of smelling salts with her. Bryce still gave a weak attempt to fight back, trembling in her hold, rocking his shoulders back and forth, sluggishly thumping her arm with his fists.

"Pathetic." she hissed in his ear, jerking her arm back for a moment, tightening the hold.

Gurgling as his trachea was asphyxiated, Bryce felt the corners of his eyes growing wet with pained tears. Ms. Holt didn't keep the hold much longer, loosening her hold to give him a moment to breathe.

"Got some pent up aggression, do you?" Bryce coughs, keeping himself from fighting back.

"You can say that." the lynx purred, squeezing his member between her heels.

"It's Michael, isn't it?" he accuses, sucking in a breath as she touched him.

She narrows her eyes at the mention of the ram's name.

"I thought so." Bryce adds, tensing the muscles in his legs as her paws tighten around him.

"You don't know how hard it is to control yourself. Knowing that putting your hands on a student will get you a fired and a lawsuit on top of it. That smug little fuck. Always acting like he's hot shit." she growled, grinding her teeth.

"What would you do to him?" Bryce asks, starting to notice that her grip was slipping at the distraction.

The feline's tail coiled and twitched at the slew of thoughts that spilled into her mind.

"I wanted to stomp him when he was on the ground. Make him clean off the gum from my shoe with his tongue. I doubt he's fucked up like you, so he wouldn't enjoy it either." she huffed, curling her toes, the claws scratching over his zipper.

"Go on." Bryce encouraged, feeling how the lynx was now rubbing herself up against him.

"Make the entire class watch. Sometimes you really have to make an example of someone. I've been too lenient with those assholes." Ms.
Holt rumbles, grunting as Bryce started to grind back against her.

Hmm, seems that he may have found a weakness.

"Yeah? You want them to fear you, don't you? Respect isn't enough anymore." Bryce groans, the lynx having opened her legs a bit more.

He felt her hot breath over his neck, hearing her pant as he thrust back against her sex, surprised by how turned on she was becoming.

"Yes! And they will." she huffed, pulling him against her, angrily massaging at his groin with her paws, lightly kicking at his shaft.

"Starting with the sheep?" he questions, gyrating his rear against her, able to feel the heat that was building up inside of her pants, wondering how aroused she really was.

Her tail thrashed behind her, now hugging Bryce against her body, bucking her hips against his ass, feeling herself growing wet with heat. At this point, she wasn't even thinking about what was happening, only focused on getting off. Her thin underwear clung to her sex, smeared with her honey, desperately seeking a release.

"Him and Carter. Those two never leave each other's side. They deserve to be humiliated together." she whines, starting to squeeze Bryce with her thighs.

"Do it. They're beneath you. They're lost and need your guidance and discipline. Take them in for detention. Show them what true restraint and authority is." Bryce hissed, his arms now behind him, groping at her thighs, moving one hand between her legs, his fingers alive and drumming over whatever they could reach.

Turning the tables on her, Bryce violently pumped his fingers, attacking her groin, blindly trying to pleasure her in the awkward position, made even worse by his continuous bucking against her sex. The fruits of his labor were apparent as the lynx began to make sounds he'd never heard from her in the past. Mewing, she clung to him, her paws no longer moving, only pressed to his rock hard member now. Unable to see, Bryce moved his fingers to wherever the hottest area was, feeling her lust burning between her legs, grabbing at her, squeezing and kneading at her through the track pants, now aware of the dampness that resided there as well. Either he was doing better than he thought, she had a hair trigger, or was just so damn pent up that anything would have set her off. The lynx let out a sharp and strangled groan, once again tightening her grip around his throat, clinging to his back as she climaxed. He could feel the gush of fluid bursting from her cunt, squirting through the nylon material, Bryce soon feeling it seeping into his jeans from their close proximity. She trembled behind him, squealing and whining as she gave a final thrust, biting down on his shoulder in a post orgasmic heat, drooling over him as she wet herself.

Impressed and massively aroused by her climax, Bryce quickly finds her grip had faltered. She may have forgotten their deal, but he was still aware and had been given a window of opportunity! Breaking free of her hold, Bryce hooked his arm under her thigh, yanking it up above her head, his hand cupped around the wetness of her leg as he tried to pin her. This was it! He was going to win! Whatever hopes he had, soon came crashing down as the lynx gave him a dirty gaze and fired her leg forward, throwing him off of her. Without a pause, she pounced back on top of him, snatching his leg, jerking it up into the air, briefly lifting his body up as well.

"You think I'm that stupid?" she snapped, dropping back to her knees, forcing his leg up and over his head.

Bryce yelped out in pain, both his back and leg joint popping as his limb was forced back at an unusual angle. With his leg pushed back, the lynx squats over his backside, pinning him down for the count.

"One." she growls, thrusting her hips forward, bucking against his ass.

Bryce whined at the humiliating act.

"Two." she continued, following with yet another thrust.

Well, guess it was time to see what the real punishment would be.

"Three!" the lynx finishes with one last buck, before dropping his legs and standing back up.

Hissing in pain, the human rolls to his side, rubbing his aching lumbar.

"Good job. You beat someone who never did this before." he grunts, moving to stand up.

A quick flash of the lynx's foot stopped him in his tracks, snapping it up, catching him under his chin.

"Not so fast. Stay on the ground." she smirks.

Her foot moved down, pushing the toes of her sock against his lips, Bryce parting them to allow those fabric covered digits to enter. They wagged against his tongue, giving him a muted taste of her paw flavor, wiping the damp cotton against the bumps of his taste buds. He savored the musky essence, pushing his tongue up, sticking it out as far as he could, stretching it along the underside of those toes.

"Take off my sock." the lynx hissed, pulling out, leaving just enough inside for him to bite down on.

Trapping the extra fabric with his incisors, he kept his head steady as she yanked her foot back, revealing that alluring bare paw. He was able to appreciate the sight for a mere second, before it fired forward, slamming against his groin. The violent act was followed up with a gentle and tender rub, caressing the tent in his pants.

"Get it out." she commanded, still wearing her usual stern expression.

Biting his lip from the kick, he frantically tugs on his zipper, his stiff manhood flopping free, the veins bulging with need. Keeping his legs spread open to leave as much of his cock exposed as possible, she stomps down on his cock, smothering the flesh with her sweaty foot fur. Moaning in both pain and pleasure, she slowly rubbed it up and down, feeling his heartbeat through his dribbling prick. Listening to his whimpers and groans, she moved her paw and stroked him with the black speckled pawpad, Bryce huffing at her used sock as the wrinkled skin tickled over his tip.

"More, please." he begs, sealing the sock around his nose, using both hands to utterly suffocate himself, ensuring the only thing he breathed was that addictive paw scent.

"I think you're forgetting who's in control here." she sneers.

Her toes curl without warning, exposing those dangerous claws as they poke against his pink shaft. The human whines and suppresses his cries with the sock he continued to press against his mouth. What would have been a wonderful paw massage, though an unorthodox one, was turned into both heaven and hell. While the sole and silky smooth fur kissed his erection, those claws scraped down against his skin with every stroke, causing his eyes to sprinkle with tears of torment. Goddamn her. Pulling back her claws, she pinches the exposed glans of his cock, trapping it between the furry digits, wiggling them around. Bryce shouts in response, rocking his hips against her beautiful toes, slathering them with his watery pre. His was beyond worked up from all their "fun". Though he was a poor wrestler, he oddly enjoyed their encounter. It was the closest he'd ever gotten to her that wasn't just a foot or fist. Of course, in her true nature, that was still done with violence.

Bryce timidly moved his hand forward, keeping one to himself to continue huffing her stink, while the other crept towards her foot. Seeing that she hadn't kicked it away, he figured it was okay. The human lays his hand on her paw, running his fingers through the plush fur, keeping in pace with her massages. She only allowed this for a moment, before extending those claws out once more, this time assaulting that sensitive tip. The claw pressed against his cockslit, taunting him as if she was going to slip it inside. Bryce cried out in fright, his manhood visibly shrinking to escape her clutches. Grinning, she moved her foot back a tad, using just her big toe to jab him in the tip. Balling his hands into fists, Bryce sucked in a breath, letting her have her fun, while he swallowed any complaints. She added another toe to the mix and then another, all three of their claws resting on his glans, poking down against it, even flexing her toes to scritch down on the nerve filled tip. His fingernails jabbed into his palm, crying out at her abuse, knowing how much she was enjoying it. Peeking an eye open, he was reminded of the giant wet spot on her track pants, saturated with her feminine nectar, the spicy scent filling the area around her.

Retracting her claws, she went back to teasing him with her soft paw, using the fluff on her heel like it was a feather duster, brushing it over his skin, tickling him with the light touch. Ms. Holt lowered her foot even more, sitting it on his erection, slowly shifting her paw over him, once again returning to that loving embrace of that welcoming foot. Her toes spread enough to accommodate his shaft, sweeping over the sides as she worked her paw back and forth. Her pace progressively grew faster, looking down at him with a smirk, seeing her student so engrossed with the sock still in his hand, loudly sniffing at her powerful stink. She drummed her toes down over him, dabbing the veins of his cock with the warm pads, before pushing them down onto him. Those digits rubbed and wiggled against him, causing Bryce to moan louder at her affectionate contact. Upping her speed, she grew faster and faster, a small pool of pre spreading over the mat underneath his cock. As her speed increased, so did the heat and passion in his moans, thrusting his hips, throbbing with an impending orgasm.

Ms. Holt wasn't a stranger to his body's language, immediately ceasing the footjob, those claws shooting back out, leaving behind a red welted trail, adding to his maltreatment.

"Goddamn it!" he cried out, listening to her cackle as she ruined his chance of an orgasm.

"You know why I wanted to meet?" Ms. Holt grins, still working his manhood with her foot.

"To abuse me?" Bryce grunts, shutting his eyes, his cock still spitting out a wad of pre, despite the pain.

This response elicits a chuckle and a smirk, nodding at his answer. She lifts her leg into the air, stomping it downwards over his cock, stopping just in time above it to avoid a permanent injury. Bryce yelps in fear, frowning up at her as she laughs once again, returning to stroke him.

"Don't forget, I can do whatever I want. Those are the terms we just agreed to." she purrs, curling her toes to use their knuckles over him.

"Yeah, I know. So, is that why you wanted me here? To wrestle me and make me lose some bet?" Bryce huffs, relieved that she went back to pleasing him, though not expecting it to last.

Without a word, the lynx pulled her foot back, staring at the human. Confused, he watched as she moved her hands to her waistband, eyes widening as she undid the drawcord.

"You've been a good slave for me." she chuckled, hooking her thumbs into her pants, throwing them down off of her body, kicking them to the side.

Bryce gazed upon her semi nude figure, her black, satin panties drenched with her orgasm. In awe, he couldn't reply, choosing to instead watch her strip.

"And I think it's time to make this more official." she states, dropping her panties next, revealing her sex to him for the first time, since him peeking on her in the shower did not count.

His jaw drops, staring at her pink cunt. The pudgy labia already spread apart, soaked with her fluids as well as the excess amount of fur that framed her more intimate of places. Her fat, stiff clit looking particularly sexy.

"I think I need to anoint my slave." she grins, stepping closer to him, standing above him.

"Uh, what?" Bryce asks, unsure as to what she meant.

"Shut up and enjoy." the lynx huffs, slightly bending her knees, spreading her lips apart with her fingers as she begins to urinate.

Bryce is caught by surprise as a hot stream of her piss erupts from her urethra, splashing over his shirt, instantly soaking and staining it. The lynx lets out a sigh as she reliefs herself, looking down at the stunned human. It was far from what he expected. His shirt was already sticking to his chest, saturated with her fragrant piss and she was just getting started. Arching her hips, she aimed upwards, dribbling over his face. He held his breath and closed his eyes as he was pelted with her heavy stream, his hair becoming a wet mess in seconds.

"That's a good boy." she purrs, watching as he grew wetter and wetter.

He never thought of her wanting to do such a thing and it wasn't something he'd ask for either, but it was having an effect. The hot fluid splashing over him, sticking to his clothes and body hair, able to smell the pungent aroma that was marking him. It was all bizarre, but unbelievably arousing to him as well, which he didn't expect either. Bryce accepted the baptism without a word, starting to relish in the lynx who used him as a personal urinal. A puddle began to form around his body, hearing the droplets of piss pummeling onto the wrestling mat beneath him as well.

"Give that shoe some love." she demands, her stream fading.

Assuming she was done pissing, Bryce opened his eyes, jamming his erection inside. Sadly, it wasn't as warm as he'd hoped, but still damp with her perspiration. Giving it his all, he rutted it with all his might, finally getting her permission to please himself. His scratched tip ground against the worn in grooves left by her paw, whining as he defiled her smelly shoe. The lynx grabbed his piss soaked hair, holding his head backwards, glaring down at him with a mischievous expression. She then shows that she was far from done, another wave of her piss squirting from her twat, spilling against his face. Bryce was unable to hold back his moan, feeling that hot, perverted liquid splashing over his cheek as he molested her running shoe, growing closer to his orgasm.

"Keep going. I'll tell you when you can cum." she huffs, wiping her pissing cunt over his nose.

Scrunching his nose shut, he nods and rapidly slaps his cock into the opening of her shoe, pushing himself faster and faster. He could feel the spurts of pre spitting from his cock, soon on the verge of his orgasm.

"Fuck, I'm so close." he heaves, the lynx pushing him back to sit back down.

"Good. Let me help." she grins, squatting back down.

With what was left in her, she forced out another steam of her dank urine to spill over his cock, aiming over the pulsating mast, pissing against his tip. Bryce gasped and loudly moaned, those fat drops of urine pelting down on his glans, quickly coaxing out his orgasm. With one final cry, his cock visibly jumped, before slinging out thick, pearly streams of his seed, which sprayed over the mat, landing with a heavy slap. One after another, after another, flew from his manhood, draining him of all the pent up cum he saved for such an occasion. He watched as his seed cut through the stream of piss, arching up into the air, staining more of the mat as his orgasm finally faded.

"Holy shit." he gasped, her stream finally coming to end as her bladder emptied.

"That's the stuff." she sighed, stepping around the puddle of piss.

"I didn't expect that." he swallowed, laying on his back.

"And that's why I didn't tell you." the lynx nods, picking up her clothes, hanging them over her shoulder, not feeling the need to get dressed back into the stained pants.

"I....loved it." he admits, body stained and reeking of her scent.

"Well, I think you have enough time to get home and take a shower. Might want to change into your gym clothes, cause those might be done for." she advises, standing beside him, after stepping into her urine.

"Yeah, good idea." he nods, flinching as she lifted her foot.

To his relief, it was an offer, instead of a demand. Smirking, he leaned in, taking her biggest toe into his maw, sucking the thick digit clean of her urine, not minding the taste. With a few more sucks, he pulls back to rapidly swipe his tongue over her wet sole, looking up at her as he finished with a series of sucks to each of her toes, followed with a kiss.

"That was fun. Word of advice, don't try out for wrestling." she smirks, walking back to the door.

"Noted." he nods, bundling up his clothes, standing up to follow her out.
She pushes open the door, holding it open for him. As he walks out, he looks back at the huge puddle left on the wrestling mat.

"Uh, should we clean that or something? Might be bad when someone finds it." he questions, looking over at her.

"Nah. I'll just blame it on one of the assholes in a class of mine."

"Can it be Michael?"


Pub: 05 Feb 2023 08:01 UTC
Views: 368