Good morning/night everyone!

About me

I'm an ethics philosopher, which means i'm willing to learn and cuestion myself, so if i say or seems that i believe something problematic, you can safely tell me so. I apologize in advance if i was discriminatory against your community.

i'm also up to respectful debates, which i love, but they take a lot of time and energy from me, so don't push it, please.

My Identity

Like my bio says, i'm a white latine agender person. You can call me Soliquyl. You can refer to me as you please, but try not to use gendered terms like woman, man, etc, unless they are informal terms, or used in an informal context. Despite that, i still could refer to me as a woman due to that being my prior identity for most of my life, and still being viewed as one. Don't worry though, if you use a term that i may not like to be refered as, i will calmly inform you.
I also identify as aroace, which is short for aromantic and asexual, and i'm very protective of my community.

Some other stuff is:

  • I'm not disabled, except for possible mental health problems that i may have.
  • I'm not vegan or vegetarian.
  • I'm not religious.
  • i'm from Argentina.
  • I'm an artist.
  • I stay indifferent when it comes to discussing ethics.
  • I don't identify as LGBTQ+ because i don't see myself in the community, no other reason. I do, though, identify as queer.
  • I self-diagnose as autistic. No, i won't go on the internet saying that i am autistic every hour (because i may not be), and i don't believe that i'm "officially" autistic just because i think so. I just think i may have autism.
  • I don't use nor plan to use some political labels. Respect my decision.
  • Yes, i'm "latinx", there's really nothing wrong with saying latinx, a lot of latine people use it. It's just an inclusive way of saying latino.

Some of my ethics/philosophy

  • I believe you can't be truly a good person if you don't actually try to be one, and you and everyone else should cuestion their morals, beliefs, actions, biases, etc. If you don't, i believe you are easier at being manipulated, and most likely to be obnoxious.
  • I believe everyone has biases, racist and colorist biases, misogynistic biases, LGBTQphobic biases and more, and if you're aware of this and don't try to unlearn them, you're an actual bad person.
  • I believe everyone should try to be a good person, and if they don't, they should be viewed as weird and cuestionable, because they are more susceptible to being discriminatory, etc, and that is horrible, and no one should want that.
  • I also, despite everything i mentioned, understand that there are people struggling with mental health, and is hard for them to make efforts to be ethical, or do other stuff. I understand this system doesn't allow or teach people to do the right thing.
  • I support men's health activism, as in men are also hurt by misogyny, as i support feminism.
  • I believe that sometimes, you have to be indifferent, so you can make rational conclusions, and not get distracted.
  • I support MOGAI, and some other marginalized identities (i'll elaborate later), use tone indicators (but sometimes forget to, please tell me to put one on my post if it needs it) and respect any pronouns, unless it's a disrespectful set of neopronouns, in that case i won't misgender you, but i won't use your pronouns until we reach to an agreement.

Marginalized and Misunderstood Identities i Support

  • Attraction to things, it isn't unethical and i support.
  • Attraction to living beings except non-human animals (dogs, cats, etc) (excluding otherkin). I really don't see anything wrong with being attracted to a flower or something.
  • Xenogenders and neopronouns.
  • Otherkin or transpecie.
  • People with personality disorders like ASPD, NPD and "psychopathy".

Stuff i don't support

  • Putting down and humillating people who cuestion things (that you may consider normal and okay) and people who care about nowadays issues.
  • Believing that fatness is gross.
  • Discriminating against the marginalized identities mentioned earlier.
  • Using "psychopath", "narcissist" and "sociopath" as an insult. Or using mental conditions to describe their personality or quirks.
  • Finding the slightest thing cringe. That's being an intolerant person and oneself should work on that. I may also add that i myself have high intolerance for a lot of things due to mental health problems. What we shouldn't do is go to the internet to post about it or say it out loud because is wrong.
  • People who invert on Crypto.
  • I'm not comfortable with "pro-shippers" and most NSFW accounts.
  • I'm actively against anti-LGBTQ+ people, anti-feminist people, anti-vegan, and hate speech.
  • Celebrities and related. Most of them have done racist stuff and still are being supported and glamorized. I try my best to not support some of those famous people, if i do, warn me, please.
  • TERFs, SWERFs, Transmeds, some exclusionists, classists, antisemites, people who DON'T cuestion their biases, actions, own logic, beliefs, morals and thoughts.
  • Being acephobic and arophobic. More specifically, believing ace people can't have sex, and aro people can't be in a romantic relationship, etc.
  • Spending time calling polygamy/polyamory weird, unethical, immoral in their posts, or think it is the negative kind of weird.
  • I tolerate religious people, but to be honest, i don't have good expectations or impressions for any of them and i'm critic of them. I still will help and support religious people, because i don't have any traumas with it. I'm cautious that i may have racist biases when criticizing religions, i know there exist ethnic-religions.
  • MAP, zoophiles and related. You should go see a therapist and don't feel proud or think acting on your attraction is okay. I support those who seek help and don't act on their attraction.
    Thanks for reading!
Pub: 05 Jun 2022 09:11 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2023 17:20 UTC
Views: 1852