" The Dragon's Treasure; ETA's URL Hoard! Contact me on twt to trade! Current URL count: 80! "
Not trading !! // Somewhat attached/less likely to want to part with it !! // Willing to trade for just about anything !! // If it has a link that means the url is in use and not for trade!
Misc/Uncategorised: EthanTheAnnus thesilliestguy ajrband glooby gloopster sparkleon critsandbits blorboposting Toothshocksys
Just Roll With It (Podcast): bebochannel dmgrizzlyplays dmcondifiction dmcharlieslimecicle dmbizly dmbizlychannel dakotacolestyle HitPodcastJRWI chosenonegillion goldthief kubakenta ashewinterspd apotheosiscampaign jrwiprimedefender dakotacolepd lefrogofficial williamwisperer drunkensailor gooblecks oathoftheundersea dukeddukemdukeofdook laalma captaintastrius justrollwithitshow rockandrules itisyourdestiny harlemshade olliejrwi hotmode sewerraviolis alphonze cantripjrwi gunmetals chipbite critkiss hardmode vyncentsols williamwispp finntidestriders deadwoods callnch charlieslmccls nategrizzly troyjrwi blinkjrwi runtjrwi aeonjrwi
Warrior Cats: crowfeatherwc firestarrusty lightsinthemists brokenstars breezepelts leafstars
Lego Monkie Kid: macaquelmk sunwukonglmk
Zero.Blue.Orion (TTRPG Podcast): zeroblueorion wyettslaight wyett lukaludomir stewflannagan effiebarret elisamorse heathmarker gmofdoom lancerttrpg
Marvel: botstar
Video Games: lambscult slimeranching plorts onlycansthirstdate
Youtube: El_backflipo
@EthanTheAnnus on twt!
(Won't respond elsewhere!)
Link to my twt!
" URLs piled up like a dragon's hoard... "