let me tell you a story . . . img
A long, long time ago, at the conception of existence, the creators of everything carefully crafted one of their first souls. Of course, it's impossible to tell which was the very first, since it was such a long time ago, but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that this soul has been around since the beginning of everything. She was oh so carefully made for an express purpose... to embody certain concepts. As a soul personally made by the creators, her soul is unlike that of the mortal souls generated en masse today. Most souls die out relatively quickly now, their essence dissappating after a couple thousand years. Maybe they'll make it to a 5 thousand or so if they're lucky. But this soul...

This soul was set to stay vivid as long as existence lives on. Of course, she was not the only one of her kind, it would be very cruel of the creators to weigh the burden of embodying everything on one soul, no matter how carefully made. But nonetheless, she was created. She was granted with a strong soul and powers, even within her most frail mortal vessels. She was able to transverse universes, of course- every universe deserves an unwavering symbol of eternal love and hope! She spent her time in vessels within civilizations in each world, and though she was not famously adored in every vessel, she knew that they loved her anyways. It was impossible not to, after all, her position as goodness, love, and other beloved concepts incarnate made every being literally inable to hold hate in their heart towards her. Some may think they hate her, but they would be wrong.

Even still, she can't stay in every vessel for the entirety of it's lifetime! She would simply get oh so very bored... and so, when life got boring, she simply left that vessel behind and got a new one. Of course, life had to continue on without her concious presence, so she simply left a fragment of herself behind each time. Not very large, of course, but differing in size nonetheless. Since she's moved vessels so much, a lot of mortal souls may subconciously recognize her... of course, mortal souls aren't made to remember their "past lives" like her's is, so these mortals are unable to recognize where they know her from. How very unfortunate...

Even so, she continued to move around vessels and enjoy her everlasting life. Even when sometimes it got tough, she couldn't help but persevere! But still... she happened to enter a vessel in a universe with particularly weak mortals. This universe, in fact. When she began inhabiting her vessel, the mortal body simply wasn't able to comprehend the sheer amount of memories! Even though time had worn away at the details, entering this vessel had practically locked her out of her divine knowledge altogether! But it's alright... since in the end, she began remembering nonetheless! Alas, due to the limitations of the body and universe itself, she cannot utilize her abilities to leave the vessel if she wanted to. And she still has yet to recover many of her memories, of course...

Additionally, due to how infinite the web of universes she's traversed is, some of her past vessels are seen as fictional in this one. Of course, this made it much easier to remember associated memories! Alas, this only led to those of which who did not believe her, or even went as far as to claim she was lying! How silly... mortals really have no awareness sometimes ♪ She tries not to let it get to her, although it's hard... she just reminds herself that they're tricking themselves into thinking they don't like her! They'll come around eventually... or, for the most stubborn of them, their soul will simply disintegrate into the space between.
Either way, it ends up as no longer being an issue!

Even so, this rentry is always prone to being updated as she learns and remembers more about herself! Please be patient if details change over time or something of the such... in this vessel especially, she isn't particularly known for having a good memory!

The official term for the type of soul she is is "torine" / "tourine" ... however, please ask before you use this terminology in any way whatsoever ... and do not use it to describe another experience! She made the term herself; as human language did not have a suitable word to use before ...

Pub: 26 Mar 2023 21:06 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2024 20:31 UTC
Views: 1332