BYI !!
im terrible at starting convos so u have 2 start it erm i get overwhelmed very easily ..i sometimes cant bring myself 2 say much or get akward in a convo ! so sorry i might repeat stuff im neurodivergent so please be patient with me !! i type fast and make a bunch of spelling lmk if u need me 2 spell a word correctly !!! i make a lot of kys/die jokes or make fun of u jokingly so if u arent comfy with that please tell me !! i dont wanna make u upset :[ i am hypersexual , i tend 2 make nsfw jokes sumtimes I ABSOLUTELY HATE SPIDERS... also ask me 2 use tone tags whenever because i rarely do that when im playing around ^^ btw if i dont repsond or just go quiet ,sorry !! i choose 2 do that NO RP SORRY!!! back !!