Welcome to Zentemps

About Me

General Information

  • I'd prefer to be called Eus. You can also call me with whatever nickname you like, as long as it's appropriate.
  • I use they/them for pronouns. I'm okay with feminine terms like "sis", "ma'am", etc., but I prefer the masculine or gender neutral ones.
  • I speak Indonesian, English, and basic Japanese.
  • Adult, over 20 years old. My birthday is on December 7.
  • Sagittarius sun, Aries moon, Gemini rising, Capricorn venus.
  • ESTP-A, 9w1 sp/sx 936.
  • I occasionally swear. I sometimes keysmash and abuse caps lock as well.

Before You Follow

  • My account is FUB free. Soft block to break mutuals.
  • Send me a DM if you want to become mutuals, otherwise I won't follow you back.
  • My account is SFW.
  • My account is a safe space for the LGBTQ+ folks.
  • My yume covers NL, BL, and GL. Some of them involve polyamory or harem.
  • No sharing for Kuon, Wilbert, Wolfraud, Alyaska, Istyndet, Erralde, and Sephie. The rest are either selective or otherwise okay with sharing.
  • I may join in conversations, especially if we share mutuals.
  • I will interact even if we don't share fandoms.
  • My social energy and attention span is on the lower side of the spectrum.
  • If I make any mistakes or you have something important to say, let me know via DM.

Do Not Interact

  • ... if you are below 15 years old.
  • ... if you are an "oshi is mine" type of person.
  • ... if you publicly self-ship with real people. This includes V-tubers.
  • ... if you can't differentiate between fiction and reality.
  • ... if you think it's okay to harass people over fiction.
  • ... if you fit the basic DNI criteria.

My Dream World

While I have yume in various fandoms, this account covers my yume in Shadowverse only.

If you're on mobile or if you want to look closer at the images, you can always open them in the new tabs by right-clicking or long-pressing the images.

Equestris Dignitas

My OCs for the fandom Shadowverse.

Quadrant Alpha: Humanly Creations
⚡ Agusa ⚡ ☄️ Dian ☄️ 💧 Soli 💧 🌙 Raka 🌙 ❄️ Arshe ❄️ 🔥 Cien 🔥
Axatoir, Princely Warrior Obsidian, Mourning Stargazer Solitaire, Hopeful Starseeker Raklan, Moonlit Kinreaper Murlashe, Faith Keeper Cien, Zestful Servant
Axatoir, Princely Warrior Obsidian, Mourning Stargazer Solitaire, Hopeful Aegleseeker Raklan, Moonlit Kinreaper Murlashe, Faith Keeper Cien, Zestful Servant
he/him he/him she/her she/her he/him he/him
Modern AU: 🥁 Modern AU: 🎀 Modern AU: 🐾 Modern AU: 🎼 Modern AU: 🎨 Modern AU: 🎸
Quadrant Beta: Godly Creations
⚜️ Faja ⚜️ 🌹 Vidi 🌹 🌻 Soneil 🌻 🌸 Ethel 🌸 🌷 Mylo 🌷 🌼 Tori 🌼
Faja, Argent Will Vyrendia, Rosebound Balladeer Soneil, Pleiades Patron Etealune, Natura Regina Mylosphere, Successor Sublime Fumitory, Nature's Advocate
Faja, Argent Will Vyrendia, Rosebound Balladeer Soneil, Pleiades Patron Etealune, Natura Regina Mylosphere, Successor Sublime Fumitory, Nature's Advocate
he/him he/him they/them she/her he/him he/him
Modern AU: 💅 Modern AU: 🍹 Modern AU: 🌱 Modern AU: 🧸 Modern AU: 🧩 Modern AU: 🐝
Quadrant Gamma: Gods
💫 Ley 💫 ☀️ Keenis ☀️ 🌟 Xesha 🌟 🌠 Tosca 🌠 ✨ Lien ✨ ⭐ Ion ⭐
Arleye, Leapgate Origin Keenis, Wandering God Xeschillie, Girl from Arnica Yjikartos, Ever-Jubilant Deity Relienner, Soothing Death Elcionne, Guide of Afterlife
Arleye, Leapgate Origin Keenis, Wandering God Xeschillie, Girl from Arnica Yjikartos, Ever-Jubilant Deity Relienner, Soothing Death Elcionne, Guide of Afterlife
she/her he/him she/her he/him she/her he/him
Modern AU: 🎲 Modern AU: 🎧 Modern AU: 🎰 Modern AU: 🀄 Modern AU: ⛸️ Modern AU: 🦋
Quadrant Delta: Humans
☘️ Givalta ☘️ 🍀 Orison 🍀 🍁 Nierre 🍁 🌿 Lyra 🌿 🌾 Poplar 🌾 🍂 Lasty 🍂
Givalta, Defiant Seer Orison, Leaper of Light Nierssio, Knight of the Mists Lequera, Doomsday Refugee Poplar, Unsung Hero Glastiel, Phantasm's Call
Givalta, Defiant Seer Orison, Leaper of Light Nierssio, Knight of the Mists Lequera, Doomsday Refugee Poplar, Unsung Hero Glastiel, Phantasm's Call
he/him she/her he/him she/her he/him she/her
Modern AU: 🩰 Modern AU: 🛸 Modern AU: 🛹 Modern AU: 🏹 Modern AU: 🤖 Modern AU: 🥏

Shadowverse Portal

My comfort characters whom I yume with.

👻 Arcus 👻 🌀 Grimnir 🌀 🧿 Jafnhar 🧿 🌪️ Hnikar 🌪️
Arcus, Soulful Manager Grimnir, Divine Stormspear Jafnhar, Warring Flame Hnikar, Warring Thunder
Arcus, Soulful Manager Grimnir, Divine Stormspear Jafnhar, Warring Flame Hnikar, Warring Thunder
he/him he/him he/him he/him
Modern AU: 🐠 Modern AU: 🕹️ Modern AU: 🕯️ Modern AU: ⚙️
🎶 Lishenna 🎶 💥 Galmieux 💥 💕 Valnareik 💕 🐦 Octrice 🐦
Lishenna, Omen of Destruction Galmieux, Omen of Disdain Valnareik, Omen of Lust Octrice, Omen of Usurpation
Lishenna, Omen of Destruction Galmieux, Omen of Disdain Valnareik, Omen of Lust Octrice, Omen of Usurpation
she/her she/her she/her she/her
Modern AU: 🎤 Modern AU: 🔧 Modern AU: 🎹 Modern AU: 🎾
🎐 Kuon 🎐 🐺 Aragavy 🐺 🛡️ Wilbert 🛡️ 🥊 Karula 🥊
Kuon, Founder of Onmyodo Aragavy the Berserker Wilbert, Grand Knight Karula, Arts Master
Kuon, Founder of Onmyodo Aragavy the Berserker Wilbert, Grand Knight Karula, Arts Master
he/him he/him he/him he/him
Modern AU: 🎬 Modern AU: 🍳 Modern AU: 🎱 Modern AU: 📖
⚔️ Masamune ⚔️ 🦊 Ginsetsu 🦊 💠 Gilnelise 💠 👑 Yuwan 👑
Masamune, One-Eyed Dragon Ginsetsu, Great Fox Gilnelise, Omen of Craving Yuwan, Dimensional Avenger
Masamune, One-Eyed Dragon Ginsetsu, Great Fox Gilnelise, Omen of Craving Yuwan, Dimensional Avenger
he/him she/her she/her he/him
Modern AU: 🚀 Modern AU: 🛍️ Modern AU: 💿 Modern AU: 🤿
⛓️ Wolfraud ⛓️ ⚖️ Azord ⚖️ 🎯 Valse 🎯 🗡️ Alyaska 🗡️
XII. Wolfraud, Hanged Man Azord, Duke of the Mists Valse, Champion Deadeye Alyaska, War Hawker
XII. Wolfraud, Hanged Man Azord, Duke of the Mists Valse, Champion Deadeye Alyaska, War Hawker
he/him he/him he/him he/him
Modern AU: 🎮 Modern AU: 🎻 Modern AU: 🎷 Modern AU: ✒️
🏵️ Antemaria 🏵️ 🌺 Magachiyo 🌺 💉 Sephie 💉 ☠️ Barbaros ☠️
Antemaria, Huntress Convict Magachiyo, Barbed Convict Sephie, Depraved Convict Barbaros, Briny Convict
Antemaria, Huntress Convict Magachiyo, Barbed Convict Sephie, Depraved Convict Barbaros, Briny Convict
she/her she/her she/her she/her
Modern AU: 💄 Modern AU: 💐 Modern AU: 🧪 Modern AU: ⚓
💡 Cutthroat 💡 ⚰️ Istyndet ⚰️ 📍 Erralde 📍 🐍 Garodeth 🐍
Cutthroat, Discord Convict Istyndet, Soul Convict Erralde, Troth Convict Garodeth, Insurgent Convict
Cutthroat, Discord Convict Istyndet, Soul Convict Erralde, Troth Convict Garodeth, Insurgent Convict
he/him he/him he/him he/him
Modern AU: 📷 Modern AU: 🍰 Modern AU: ♟️ Modern AU: 🏀
🔫 Kyrzael 🔫 🐲 Drazael 🐲 🎭 Simael 🎭 🔱 Uneriel 🔱
Kyrzael, Killshot Enforcer Drazael, Ravening Enforcer Simael, Cleansing Enforcer Uneriel, Winged Enforcer
Kyrzael, Killshot Enforcer Drazael, Ravening Enforcer Simael, Cleansing Enforcer Uneriel, Winged Enforcer
he/him she/her she/her he/him
Modern AU: 🧶 Modern AU: 👗 Modern AU: 🧼 Modern AU: 🦢

Dream Configuration

Quadrant Alpha - Humanly Creations
Ship Abbreviation Type Canon Emoji Modern Emoji Storyline Leitmotif
Hnikar × Agusa hnigusa BL 🌪️⚡ ⚙️🥁 Isle of the Will TBA
Grimnir × Arshe grimshe BL 🌀❄️ 🕹️🎨 Murlashe Idyll TBA
Kuon × Dian kudian BL 🎐☄️ 🎬🎀 Fantaisie Colosseum TBA
Aragavy × Dian aradian BL 🐺☄️ 🍳🎀 Fantaisie Colosseum TBA
Wilbert × Dian wildian BL 🛡️☄️ 🎱🎀 Fantaisie Colosseum TBA
Karula × Dian karudian BL 🥊☄️ 📖🎀 Fantaisie Colosseum TBA
Drazael × Soli drazoli GL 🐲💧 👗🐾 Adieu d'Amour TBA
Antemaria × Raka anteraka GL 🏵️🌙 💄🎼 Moonlit Sephira TBA
Magachiyo × Raka chiyoraka GL 🌺🌙 💐🎼 Moonlit Sephira TBA
Sephie × Raka sephraka GL 💉🌙 🧪🎼 Moonlit Sephira TBA
Barbaros × Raka rosraka GL ☠️🌙 ⚓🎼 Moonlit Sephira TBA
Jafnhar × Cien jafien BL 🧿🔥 🕯️🎸 Journey to Winter TBA
Quadrant Beta - Godly Creations
Ship Abbreviation Type Canon Emoji Modern Emoji Storyline Leitmotif
Octrice × Faja gilneja NL 🐦⚜️ 🎾💅 A Cradle's Song TBA
Alyaska × Vidi alyavidi BL 🗡️🌹 ✒️🍹 Knight of the Roses TBA
Wolfraud × Soneil wolsone NL ⛓️🌻 🎮🌱 Arcane for the Dead Goddess TBA
Ginsetsu × Ethel ginsethel GL 🦊🌸 🛍️🧸 Serenade of Eternal Night TBA
Istyndet × Mylo istylo BL ⚰️🌷 🍰🧩 The Seeder of Jollity TBA
Uneriel × Tori unetori BL 🔱🌼 🦢🐝 Ellucian Blessings Festival Overture TBA
Quadrant Gamma - Gods
Ship Abbreviation Type Canon Emoji Modern Emoji Storyline Leitmotif
Galmieux × Ley galmiley GL 💥💫 🔧🎲 The Rite of Stellation TBA
Lishenna × Ley lisheley GL 🎶💫 🎤🎲 The Rite of Stellation TBA
Gilnelise × Keenis octreenis NL 💠☀️ 💿🎧 Symphonic Sketch of the Sea TBA
Valse × Xesha valsesha NL 🎯🌟 🎷🎰 The Girl from Arnica TBA
Cutthroat × Tosca cuttosca BL 💡🌠 📷🀄 Joy of World's Desiring TBA
Erralde × Tosca errasca BL 📍🌠 ♟️🀄 Joy of World's Desiring TBA
Arcus × Lien arclien NL 👻✨ 🐠⛸️ La Campanera TBA
Simael × Ion simaion GL 🎭⭐ 🧼🦋 The Force Named Destiny TBA
Quadrant Delta - Humans
Ship Abbreviation Type Canon Emoji Modern Emoji Storyline Leitmotif
Valnareik × Givalta vallata NL 💕☘️ 🎹🩰 Scenes of Forgotten Childhood TBA
Yuwan × Orison yurison NL 👑🍀 🤿🛸 A Singing Without Words TBA
Azord × Nierre azonierre BL ⚖️🍁 🎻🛹 Israfil's Canon TBA
Masamune × Lyra masalyra NL ⚔️🌿 🚀🏹 The Truth's Marksman TBA
Garodeth × Poplar garolar BL 🐍🌾 🏀🤖 From the New Zentemps TBA
Kyrzael × Lasty kyrzasty NL 🔫🍂 🧶🥏 The Heathen in the Tower TBA
Pub: 28 Dec 2022 10:53 UTC
Edit: 27 Sep 2023 06:28 UTC
Views: 1636