i'll be adding to this but anyway dni if you:

  • fit the basic dni criteria
  • support endo-systems
  • don't support d/as, i/ds or irls
  • are radinclus
  • dont think arospec and aspec people are lgbtq+
  • are a proshipper. i fucking hate you bitches
  • if you are truscum and/or transmed. fuck you
  • idc for nsfw really so go ahead and like my posts or rts or whatever but don't comment or dm me trying to talk to me cuz ill just block
  • support or are an mspec "lesbian(s)" or mspec "gay(s)". you people aren't lesbian or gay, lesbians can't like men and gay men can't like women simple as that. you're harming real lesbians and real gay men fuck you
  • dont support xenogenders or neopronouns
  • dont support self diagnosises
  • support dreamsmp or are in any subtwitters for it. mcyttwt is fine as long as it isn't related to dreamsmp or dreamteam whatever the fuck it's called
  • are under 12. adults just dont be weird to me and we're cool
  • actively hate on my interests, comfort characters and/or kins around me for no good reason.
Pub: 09 May 2022 15:07 UTC
Edit: 12 Jun 2022 20:12 UTC
Views: 64