Sunny pranks Hero.

"Hey, Sunny!"

The black haired 12 year-old, turned around to see his friend. Kel smiled brightly as his toothy smile shown. (Even if he was missing one of his teeth.)

"I was thinking, why don't we prank Hero? In fact, Sunny! I DARE you to prank my brother!"

Sunny blinked. Guess he was pranking Hero...

"Ahhh~ Nothing better than relaxing after a hard day of work."

Said Hero as he sat down on the family couch. However, as he closed his eyes, Hero heard... ticking?

"What's that-"

Without warning, Hero was launched in the air. He hit the ceiling with force before falling to the ground, hard. Groaning in pain, Hero rubbed his face as he saw the sofa had an airbag in it, which was currently, inflated.

"What the!?-"

Just then, Sunny came from the closet, wearing sunglasses. Clapping his hands, he pointed at Hero before saying.


Hero stared in confusion as Sunny dove out the open window.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 04:24 UTC
Views: 626