basic dni criteria

  • racist, xenophobic
    ... zionists, antisemites, islamophobes, anti-native (+ anti land back), anti-immigration, anti blm/support alm, etc.
  • MAPs
    ... aka actual honest-to-god pedophiles and their defenders. i have nothing to say, just kys
  • misogynistic
    ... especially transmisogynists, mgtow, trads, pro-lifers
  • lgbt+phobic
    ... terfs AND tirfs/baeddels, exclusionists, transmedicalists, think bisexuality is a 'regressive/uninclusive' label, demonize polyamory, weaponize or unnecessarily use asab language in any way
  • intersexist
    ... general discrimination + fetishization of intersex bodies and genitalia
  • ableist
    ... includes both delegitimazation and bigotry towards physical + mental disabilities
  • shit politics in general
    ... conservatives, right wingers, cop sympathizers, nationalists of any type
Pub: 19 Mar 2024 15:32 UTC
Edit: 27 Mar 2024 21:49 UTC
Views: 79