Business Name:
FOR SPANISH AND EUROPEAN CITIZENS - NEW ZEALAND Government of New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority NZeTA - Official NZ Visa Online - Autoridade de viaxeselectrónicas de Nova Celandia, solicitude oficial de visado en liña de Nova CelandiaGoberno de Nova Celandia
C/ del Dr. Álvarez Sierra, 3, Cdad. Lineal, 28033 Madrid, Spain
+34 913 83 43 00
Business Email:
[email protected]
Electronic Visa
Owner / Official Contact Name:
Millie Drake Fuji
O métodomáissinxelo e cómodopararematar a aplicación en liña da New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority ouNZeTA é sacarun par de minutos e cubrir o sitio web. Só se require unpouco de informaciónbásicacomo o teunome, osdetalles do pasaporte, a saúde e as datas de chegada. Podesenviarnosuncorreoelectrónicooucargar a túaúltimafoto facial. Podes facer fotos co teuteléfonomóbiloucosmembros da túafamilia.A foto non ten quesermoiespecíficaporquenosencargaremos de axustar a túafotoparaquesexaaceptablepolosaxentes de inmigración. O goberno de Nova Celandiaprefirequesolicitea visa de Nova Celandia en liñamediante o formulario de solicitude NZeTA. Debes facer o pagomedianteunhatarxeta de débitooucrédito en liñadespois de completarunbreveformulario de solicitude en liña. Cando pagas as taxasparaentrar en Nova Celandia, xaestáspagando a taxa de visitantesinternacionaisquexaestáincluída.Como recibiríasunha NZ Electronic Travel Authority ouNZeTApara Nova Zelandaaprobada.Semprequerematesaaplicación en liñaNZeTA, a aprobación da filaenviaracheporcorreoelectrónico en 72 horasoumenos. Ásvecespodelevarmáis tempo debidoáscomprobacións de antecedentes.O NZeTAou New Zealand Visa Online conectarase co número de pasaporteutilizadoparacubrir o formulario de solicitude NZETA. No momento no que se verifica o visado no control de inmigración e fronteira no aeroporto, aaprobación do visadoserárevisada polo oficial. É imprescindiblelevar o correoelectrónico de aprobaciónouimprimir en papel. Non é necesariovisitar a embaixada en ningúnmomentoninobter un selofísico no pasaporte. 191 países son elixiblesparavirpor mar e 60 países son elixiblesparavirporaire.Todosospaíses son elixiblespara Transit by Auckland International Airport. Osseguintespaíses son aptosparachegar a Nova Zelandaporvíaaéreamediante o métodoNZeTAou NZ Visa Online: Alemaña, Francia, Estonia, Grecia, ReinoUnido, Suecia, Portugal, ReinoUnido, Eslovenia, Dinamarca, Letonia, Malta, Hungría, Lituania, España e Irlanda , Luxemburgo, Eslovaquia, Italia, Croacia, Polonia, PaísesBaixos, Bulgaria, Bélxica, Chipre, Checa, Austria, Finlandia e Romanía. The most simple and convenient method to finish the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority or NZeTA online applicationis to take out a couple of minutes and fill on the website. Only a little bit of basic information is required like your name, passport details, health and arrival dates. You can either email us or upload your latest face photo. You can take photo with your or your family members mobile phone. Photo doesn't have to be very specific because we will take care of adjusting your photo for it to be acceptable by the immigration officers.New Zealand Government prefers you to apply New Zealand Visa Online using NZeTA Application form. You need to make payment using a debit or credit card online after completing a short application form online. When you pay the fees to enter New Zealand, you are already paying for International Visitor Levy which is already included. How would you received an approved NZ Electronic Travel Authority or NZeTA for New Zealand. Whenever you have finished the NZeTA online application, the fila approval will be conveyed to you by email in 72 hours or less. Sometimes it can take longer due to background checks.TheNZeTA or New Zealand Visa Online will be connected to the passport number used to fill the NZETA Application Form. At the point when the visa is checked at immigration and border control at the airport, the visa approval will be reviewed by the officer. It is imperative that you take the email of approval or print in paper. There is no need to visit Embassy at any stage or get physical stamp on the passport. 191 countries are eligible to come by Seas and 60 countries are eligible to come by Air. All countries are eligible to Transit by Auckland International Airport. The following countries are Eligible for coming to New Zealand by Air using NZeTA or NZ Visa Online method, France, Estonia, Greece, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Denmark, Latvia, Malta, Hungary, Lithuania, Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech, Austria, Finland and Romania Citizens.

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Pub: 16 Feb 2024 07:46 UTC
Views: 34