the mall hired you on as a technician
you knew how to hold a wrench and that pretty much qualified you
the place was dying and desperate for new hands
especially ones that would work for minimum wage
so you were a wagie
needed to pay the bills somehow
as it turned out Fazbears whatever was still clinging to life
how many lawsuits and shady shit they got into
this time they'd branched out into leasing out the face of their properties
merchandise and shit
cheaper than having a physical attraction
just slap t shirts or shitty vinyl figures out there
or just mass produce the robots
that's where you came in
see Roxanne the character had a following
just enough to create demand
sure she wasn't out Freddie's level of popularity
but she was more popular than the rabbit currently
so your mall had purchased a robot
plastered in a mass produced shell
top of the line
one small issue about your mall's Roxanne...

with a mass production, faults sometimes pop up
really it was impressive that the robots were as capable as they were
and the technology was used for an entertainment industry
a pizza chain, a fucking pizza chain, turned science fiction into reality
wasn't too long ago you'd seen footage of robots that could barely count as bipedal
to say nothing of what advances in AI you saw
you weren't exactly some engineer or computer whiz
you could maybe put together a PC if pressed to do it
all your mechanical knowledge came from cars and what experience you could scrape together to bluff through here
the AI was the really impressive thing
no idea why a pizza mascot needed it but Roxanne was impressive
sometimes you almost felt like the robot was just a coworker
one you had to diagnose like the kiddy rides and the occasional soda machine
Fazbear industries was at least not too worried after they sold off merchandise
for better or worse
made repairs comparable to fixing a tank out in the field
a lot of improvising
there was a sort of quirk with this particular model
this AI really did function like people and over time people also develop personalities and the like
while it was impressive, it also meant you had a wolf robot done up like a female glam rock star who insisted he was a guy
no idea how to handle that, you didn't like the idea of "correcting" the AI
not that you knew how
so your mall's Roxanne was a guy
just a quirk
you'd heard of other robots getting weird
granted, the robot's chassis wasn't like what you'd seen elsewhere
didn't have the stock female body the other's seemed to have
his body wasn't built like a fridge like some of the older models, even had a sleeker edge about him
while he still towered over some, there was a leaner shape to him that took away a little of the intimidation factor
also had a few other things you quite hadn't seen before with a robot
maybe Fazbear had more intimate entertainment in mind for some models
his body had male genitalia and a backdoor hidden under a metal pelvic plate
you felt like it was above your pay grade and never had an inclination to ask
you didn't dare ask Roxanne either
sometimes it felt like a patient/doctor relationship and it felt easier with time to start thinking of Roxy as less an it and more a he

Roxy over time had become less unsettling to be around
your initial shock at his size and weight had faded fairly quickly
then you'd started thinking of him as just a machine
but that was undone when you saw how like he could be
maybe you watched too much Robocop
you could swear there was a spark there
he still freaked out a few of your coworkers
security guards wouldn't last night shifts because the robot gave them the creeps
your indifference around Roxy was noticed and more than once they asked you to cover a shift
money was decent so why not
boss basically gave you a flashlight and you'd pull double duty
the mall wasn't particularly impressive or vast but it was in a shittier neighborhood that had seen better days
never did replace the department store that shut down on one wing
the place was decaying and Roxy and a few other purchases were meant to breath a little life into the place
the shifts also helped because you'd be around at night more than a few times with repairs to the mall's
you didn't know how to fix toilets before this
well you sure as hell knew now
keeping the stage that Roxy used in working order was a point of pride for you though
Roxy weighed a bit over 300 lbs and to have that robot dancing and jumping on stage like Van Halen, it needed to be tough
this was dirty work but you'd made a difference
Roxy actually thanked you when he remembered to
you saw how giddy he was with crowds
was it all programed or did he learn to enjoy entertaining
you had little idea how he worked there
he even overcame his little insecurities out on stage
and woo boy did the robot have baggage
sometimes you really felt like a doctor here
even if he only performed for like 3 kids he was content
it was clear as daylight the place was on its last legs and all this was a gamble
hopefully it would pay off
at least the money was decent
there was usually plenty to keep you occupied during the day shift as super/mechanic
something gone wrong here and there
you were pretty sure you shouldn't be handling the wiring but the mall didn't want to hire someone "official"
every day felt like some new challenge thrown in your lap
and you managed
for someone that essentially bluffed through your resume you did end up having a knack for it
there was some touch and go here and there
Roxy nearly falling over on you while in sleep mode, nearly flying yourself with the jewelry store lighting, the escalator incident in the old department store
all isolated incidents you didn't need to report to higher ups
you sort of got along with your coworkers
you eventually started to include a wolf into that circle
it was hard to just dismiss him as a machine
you weren't one for philosophy
but you wagered Roxanne was something
not just just some robot performing a task
he was too complex for that
more than once on night shifts he'd want to accompany you on the security rounds
just to have someone to talk to
maybe you were nuts and assigning humanity to something that imitated it
but you weren't here for such contemplation
you were paid to fix shit and make sure no one broke in overnight
why the guards were more scared of Roxy than the mall at night you didn't know
in fact you welcomed the company
his eyes glowing in the dark were a good sign to you
it meant you weren't alone in here
in a good way of course
there were issues
mostly Roxy didn't understand personal space in off hours
he was professional with an audience
his solo stage show usually didn't have the stage swarmed but he was good with kids after the meet and greet
you wanted to beat the hell out of snotty teenager that thought spray painting the robot was a good idea
you were buffing and shining Roxy's chest for hours
but Roxanne treated the vandalism in stride
at night he seemed to be on free roam
like the time he thought it was appropriate to burst into the bathroom with you at the urinal
nothing like a goddamn jumpscare while trying to take a piss
very convenient
you had to lay out that the bathroom was a no go zone
he agreed but looked like a chastised puppy
after washing your hands and escorting him out you explained it was just polite
the mall might take issue
"it's not fair though"
you weren't prepared for that line
what did he mean?
"you've seen mine and I haven't seen yours."
the eyes glanced down to your pants
oh no
so you had to lay out personal space that night
you had seen "his" because you needed to repair and maintain him
how did he know you saw "his" anyways?
was his sleep mode not an actual sleep mode?
you didn't really have anyone to turn to with this
Fazbear's just essentially dropped him off at the mall after they got their money
you wondered just how quirky this AI could be
another busy day had you going over Roxy's diagnostics
weekly maintenance
after that incident with the bathroom you figured what was the point with flipping him off
you reasoned maybe it was unfair to operate on him without his consent
if you had to see "his" it didn't feel right shutting him down for it
you would be uncomfortable if someone touched your body while you were unconscious
besides, maybe talking through the work might make it fun for him
you had unlatched his chest to work on his internals
he watched you with curiosity
his face was narrower than the base Roxy model
that was a thing you noticed studying him over the course of your work
it was less like a goofy robot face
hard to describe
maybe… friendlier?
maybe because you were working closer with him over the months
he was already very different than the floor model
you had realized how much more organic he looked compared to the stock models you'd seen elsewhere
maybe it was all tied to his special equipment
you didn't have a lot to go by and you didn't feel it was appropriate to ask
he was a coworker
you didn't ask a coworker about his dick
his metal chest piece clamped back on easy enough
everything under the hood seemed in working order
you dusted off the fur on his shoulders
despite the metal and plastic shell, he had fur where there wasn't access panels
it was fake of course
but meant you weren't constantly touching cool metal or plastic
sort of like a sleeve over the chassis, or maybe part of it?
you had little experience with it
not like people had fuzzy cars or washing machines
it was difficult to clean but you managed, you wanted him presentable
cleaning him was part of repairs after all
even down to brushing that giant mop of hair
whatever Fazbear made him out of was a miracle
sometimes you remarked on that and you'd never seen someone so giddy about praise
any sort of praise from you seemed to make him brighten up
after the maintenance you wanted rest
having learned from past experience, you ended up bringing a sleeping bag
you could get away with a nap on your night shifts and sometimes you took it
no cameras on the inside meant camping out wherever you liked
usually by the fountain that only worked occasionally
the running water was pleasant to fall asleep to
you had excused yourself to go rest when Roxy spoke up
"you could sleep here," the robot gestured to the stage
an odd proposal
he patted the spot next to him on the stage
well it was weird but you felt it would be rude to turn down the offer
perhaps you'd worked with Roxanne so much you'd begun to sympathize
anthropomorphize him
it was hard to just write him off as a machine
not after being around his company
hell you'd even referred to him as him and not it for what felt like ages now
maybe due to your close proximity to him
your coworkers didn't seem to share your opinion on the matter
but you didn't mind them much
so it was difficult to ignore his request you nap on stage
why not
about as comfortable as the floor anyways
you'd do rounds after an hour or so of shut eye
Roxy sat on the stage, his legs dangling off it and gently kicking at the air as he observed you
it was hard to get an idea of what he was thinking
you understood he thought, felt
but the whole machine thing was a barrier
while you'd warmed up to him better than your coworkers you still felt he was a mystery
when he offered his lap as a pillow you politely declined
the offer was appreciated but you felt it was inappropriate
there was the personal space thing again
besides you had doubts his thigh would be all that comfortable for your neck
you compromised and laid next to him
he tried to give you a disappointed puppy look and goddamn it worked
at least he was satisfied with your head next to his hip
you bundled up in your sleeping bag
at least you'd have some rest
pressure on your chest made you crack one eye open
a paw rested on you and Roxy made no effort to move it
the lean arm still had enough strength to trap you in that spot if he wanted
but he didn't want that
”get some rest,” his normally energetic voice was lower, softer
he was normally a firecracker when he was performing and sometimes off stage
this was a side no one really got to see but you
either they didn't bother or Roxy spooked them
he hummed some quiet tune down to you while patting you through the sleeping bag
was he trying to comfort you?
lull you sleep?
he was good with kids
did that care extend that easily to you?
maybe because you took care of him?
he was just supposed to be a coworker
personal boundaries
but this was actually sort of nice
you pondered it a little but you decided to take his advice
one little indulgence couldn't hurt
running around for 16 hrs on no energy was a bad idea
with Roxy plugged into the mall power for recharging he couldn't go anywhere either
he gently rocked you to sleep
when you awoke you felt fucking amazing
”I let you sleep an extra hour. don't be mad, ok?”
but your phone alarm?
he put it on your chest as you wiped the crust from your eyes
his cocky energy came back
”what did I tell you about sleeping here? I was right, right? of course I was.”
you scoffed a little
so it was better than tile floor
not much of a high bar
he hadn't moved from that spot
”come on, let's go.”
he seemed excited to tour the exact same mall you both saw the night before
it's like being excited to see your bedroom for the thousandth time
not that you saw your bed much nowadays
oh well
”wait,” he remarked
you had gotten up and your turned to look at him
”how's my hair?”
he fluffed at it with his paws, trying to get a feel for the ridiculous volume of it
he looked fine
at least as far as you could see
was he trying to smile?
he looked earnest
his hands moved down to his lap after he fluffed his hair up enough to satisfy himself
if you didn't know any better you could swear he was trying to pose
so fine, his hair looked good
”just good?”
fine, it looked… amazing?
”that's better.”
he hopped off the stage, absolutely beaming
at least as far as you could see
definitely liked praise
you followed suit and hopped off the stage as well
he pointed to his back
”can you do me?”
you did a double take before you realized he referred to his power cable
it was connected to a socket right above his tail
you removed it and slapped the latch back over the socket
you had both needed the recharge it seemed
well, you decided it was time to patrol
the soft hiss of pistons and clink of metal on tile followed you down the darkened mall walkway
stores on both sides of you two sometimes played tricks with the shadows
the empty stores were the worst though
because technically they counted as part of your little jurisdiction
they had a be sweeped to any squatters
at least the robot taller than you provided comfort and a sense of security
he did make good company for this stuff
the little noises his body consoled you as you went from each dark empty storefront and backroom
occasionally he wanted to talk
no idea why he was always hung up on asking if you thought he was pretty that day
well, night
but he made decent company regardless
occasionally he'd bump into you as you checked out a room or turned a corner
he was like a puppy tonight
occasionally he'd want to look through stores
you'd take tours in some of them, given you had the keys
normally you wouldn't be curious but outside of interactions with you he was mostly confined to that stage
so you'd indulge him onyour walks sometimes
you came across one of those novelty shops
one of those places that sells bongs, fake faded Fazbear t shirts and tacky jewelry
none of the shirts would fit him but alright
you'd seen the shit all the time
but again, you reasoned he really hadn't
he seemed interested, it was more fascinating than the pretzel shop
you flicked the lights on and let him explore
big mistake
the store was decent size
about 30 feet wide and 60 feet set back
the didn't need much stock room space
usually the stuff sat on shelves for ages
a key detail you forgot was the sex toys shoved into the back of the store next to the black lights and bongs
this wasn't a kids store after al
this was a very big mistake
so of course Roxy came back holding a dildo
of course that had to be the first thing he saw and grabbed in here
you weren't about to have a talking to from management about the children's entertained asking about fake dicks
you snatched it from his paws and set it back
he picked up a fleshlight and looked through it like a telescope
this time he played keep away >given that he was taller than you it was an easier task
”what are these for?”
this was not coworker discussion
you gave up trying to swipe the sex toy out of his hand after trying to jump for it felt humiliating
or so he thought
the second he let his guard down you climbed up him and grabbed it
then you realized one small issue
getting down after you scampered up him like a monkey
paws grabbed your shirt and he set you down
you were relieved he was approaching this calmly
then he snatched the fleshlight back and ended up getting his claws in it like a Chinese finger trap
you facepalmed as he grinned at you, proud of his attempt at prop comedy
or maybe he legitimately didn't know what this stuff was
hard to say
you weren't in a hurry to clarify for him though
again, management would probably have your ass
when you finally nabbed it back and set it back on a shelf you hoped that was the end of it
he pointed to another fake penis
”is yours like that?”
not doing this
trying to lead someone bigger than you away from the section was easier said than done
you had a feeling he knew what he was doing
trying to get a rise out of you
though he was probably still a little innocent
not like his career let him have much experience in this field
an obvious joke about groupies aside
you finally enticed him by finding a Roxanne wolf novelty shirt
sure she wasn't him, but he appreciated the attention
enough to finally drag him away from the allure of the sexy toy section
the shirt was basic, one of those graphic tees
a close up of a cartoon version Roxanne’s face with “let's rock” under it
he looked a little perplexed
even between the shirt and him there were differences
he stroked his chin looking at you holding it up
well at least he forgot about the naughty stuff for a moment
you weren't paid enough to go over the birds and the bees with anyone
”not exactly perfect but close enough,” he commented to himself mostly
”so are you putting it on?”
you didn't have that intent
it was just a distraction
not that you said that aloud
he looked down at you expectantly
you'd wear the shirt
but only for tonight
you pulled your shirt off and could have sworn you caught him looking you over
the Roxanne shirt on, he seemed satisfied
”see now the shirt looks better already”
you decided to take your leave from the novelty store and Roxy followed
he was chipper, more than usual
the rest of the night went well
shitty neighborhood or not, Roxy was welcome company
you didn't know if he could actually make good on his height and strength but it would be a good deterrent
no more detours after the sex toy incident
you took another nap up on stage
the second time he pleaded just enough you said fine to using his lap as a pillow
you'd indulge him just this once
maybe you were both touch starved enough to think it would be fine
your head was wedged between his thighs and you passed out with him quietly watching over you
sun cracked through the doors and you checked your phone first thing when you woke up
your shift was almost done
glancing up, it seemed like Roxy put himself into sleep mode too
when you got up he noticed immediately
you took off the Roxanne shirt with the intention of returning it but Roxy requested it instead
you didn't need to hear about stolen merchandise
so fine, but you'd pay the store for it later
make up some lie about needing a new shirt
he would just have to hide it under the stage or something until tonight
you stretched and then slapped on your old shirt
the staff would trickle in slowly and that meant customers eventually
Roxy would no doubt have a few shows
you would be back late in the afternoon and explained as much
”see you then,” his voice made it sound like a request
you didn't imagine that
yes you'd see him then
he pulled you into a hug that threatened your ribs

next shift you paid for the shirt, told your lie
no one batted an eye
Roxy was seen as a prop by most of the staff
hell most didn't even know how weird he got
usually you were front row and center for that
thank God management never picked up any quirks
you had occasionally sat down with Roxy and laid out rules to protect him
tonight might be a discussion on borrowing
the store staff almost didn't buy the lie
in fact, you almost got in trouble for possible theft
trying to do the honest thing got you in more hot water than if you had just ignored it
oh well
the mall didn't have too many mechanic/custodian/night guards so you were a valuable commodity
after putting out various fires across the mall in the evening you took a small break
Roxanne was doing a show for all of like three kids
but he seemed happy
you'd have to help him tune the guitar a little tonight
it sounded off
amazing to think a pizza chain built a robot dexterous enough to play guitar
then just kept that technology to themselves
thankfully the labor force wasn't flooded with Fazbear robots
he really was a technical marvel
but you wouldn't want to praise him too much
at least openly
one time he ended up wanting you to pat his head
you had to give him the headpat the one time
but you refused to say he was a “good boy”
thank God this place never had interior cameras
still, you took a moment to savor the job
as shitty as the neighborhood around it had become
as emptied out as the place seemed
for every crack that seemed to pop up when you sealed another
it was peaceful
half decent money
and experience
last one sounded sort of like a boomer thing but you legitimately had to learn plumbing on the fly like a medic wrist deep in a chest cavity
multiple showers later you could proudly admit you did that
you could understand why pride was a big thing to Roxy
he really did like being the best
sometimes got a little too competitive about it but not the worst hang up
you still wondered about his build
watching him on stage from next to the pretzel stand, he just moved so differently than you'd imagine
he was just so limber
despite his weight and height he could move like a dancer
and there was another mid air split that rattled the stage
you'd have to slip down there tonight and inspect the bolts
you made small talk with the pretzel stand lady as you ate
your dinner was a small box of nuggets and cheese
with a lemonade to wash it down
not the wisest choice for a meal but it was there and fast
otherwise you'd sit down at the Chinese buffet for an hour
then it would be worth the money
but you didn't want to just be openly spending an hour doing nothing at this job
management was lax but not that lax
pretzel lady, Carol, was a bit older
friendly sort all things considered, she'd been at the mall for a decade or so
retail day in and out wasn't for you
people could be tiring
Carol sometimes could come off at too friendly though
you could swear when she playfully ruffled your hair that Roxanne’s head instantly snapped to look over to you
you didn't know how to react to that but Carol went back to gossip and Roxanne seemed to soften back up
you were the only one that seemed to catch that
when you started it was hard to imagine a robot could emote like a human
but that was definitely a look
no idea why
it felt defensive
maybe you read too much into it
he did end up finishing his set and the mall was close to closing for the night
part of the reason you took break around this tine was because it was last call for food
you got the cord ready to charge up Roxy and he sat down next to you on the edge of the stage
”so who was that?”
who was who?
”the woman that touched you?”
so you hasn't imagined that earlier
well Carol was just a coworker
she ran the pretzel stand
she worked around him all the time
”oh OK. I don't usually pay attention to your coworkers.”
he just decided now he needed to mess with your hair
you checked around to make sure you weren't getting stares before letting him though
”she really shouldn't do that.”
clawed dexterous fingers went about fixing your hair
at least until he was satisfied
you didn't feel much different
he released your head and once you were sure everything around was closed down, you pulled a thick blanket from under the stage
you went across the stage and grabbed his electric guitar
you'd tune it back up and then you'd grab a nap while Roxanne recharged
he approved and went into sleep mode to charge faster
your phone went off and you stretched
you realized Roxanne wasn't where he went to sleep mode and you grew a little concerned
how do you lose a giant robot that slept next to you
you got up and looked around
scanning the stage, you saw nothing
you folded the blanket and threw it back under the stage
you called out with no response
well that was concerning
you called out again
he was probably doing something mischievous
but you worried about possibly a malfunction
there still was stuff you felt you didn't know about his machinery
so you started checking the obvious spots
then when that turned up nothing you checked the less obvious spots
it's not like he'd have a reason to walk into the bathroom or a kitchen area
you eventually found him near the theater
he looked spooked that he found him
like he was trying to hide something
you weren't really great at security because you just decided to write it off
what trouble could he get up to?
so the next evening Carol was asking if you'd known who went through her locker in the back of the pretzel place
she said stuff was not where she placed it the night before
everything looked like it had been rummaged through
you asked if anything had been stolen and thankfully no
you'd keep an eye out tonight and swore it wouldn't happen again
you tried not to make it obvious you were staring daggers at the robot wolf on stage
after hours you confronted him
it didn't take a detective to realize what happened
there were only two of you in the mall last night and you had passed out for a while
Roxy was a bit taken aback
he looked a little defeated
he mumbled something down at the ground and you insisted he speak up
this wasn't something that could be brushed over
if something like this happened again you'd maybe be fired
that made him shoot back up
yeah, as in no job here
he pulled you into a hug and started frantically apologizing
you felt like a teddy bear held by an upset child
you'd swear he was acting like you would be executed
when he finally regained his composure he set you back down
was he… crying?
what the hell was Fazbear building over there?
you had to be firm though
no more nonsense like that or your job was on the line
you could be easily replaced
”you aren't replaceable.”
you were unaccustomed to him like this
he had leaned forward and now poked your chest with one finger
”you aren't expendable, got it?”
he'd gone from looking guilty to the closest thing to anger you'd ever seen
it was your turn to shrink back a little
you'd never seen that glare before
ok fine fine you weren't replaceable
but if he kept rummaging like that you'd probably get kicked to the curb either for the security breach or because he was acting quirky
it would come down on your head
that calmed him down and he apologized
you did have to ask again just what he was doing with Carol's locker?
he'd never done that before
he finally replied clearly this time
”I just wanted to make sure she wouldn't hurt you.”
hurt you?
your backbone returned after the dress down
you didn't have to speak so much as he read the intent on your face
”you know.”
no you didn't know
he wasn't helping his case
finally he dismissed everything with a wave of his hand
”fine, I promise not to rummage through Carol's locker again. now come on, don't you want to sleep with me?”
the wolf plopped down on the edge of the stage and tried giving a smile
well this didn't answer things but he wasn't being forthcoming
pressing him now probably wouldn't get much more
so you'd play along
however, you couldn't rest
he looked disappointed, even pouted to the best of his ability
why did he know how to pout
”why not?”
the lobby lighting in the theater needed to be fixed
management actually splurged and you had to replace a bunch of bulbs
you figured tonight would be a good time for it since the place would be empty and you didn't have to worry about your ladder being in the way
he could rest
”nope. let's go change lightbulbs.”
you figured that would be the response you'd get
you wouldn't push the subject
he would tag along regardless
at least he promised no more weird shit
your job was secure
hopefully Carol would drop the locker thing
if not you'd have to think up a convincing lie
but you really didn't have one
maybe a kid snuck into the mall?
she could easily check that
as far as she knew you were the only suspect
most people didn't bother spending much 1 on 1 time with Roxanne as you did
blaming another staff member would be shitty
you didn't like everyone here but the last thing you wanted was anyone fired
spooky ghost?
for now you just hoped she dropped it
you'd grabbed the bulbs and the ladder
with any luck this would be done quickly
Roxanne set up the ladder at the first sign with burnt out bulbs
you climbed and started going to work
occasionally you'd have him flick the lights to see what flashed on
you were able to work pretty fast
within 20 minutes you had done 4 signs completely
on the 5th you got all the way up and lost your footing
falling backward, you tried and failed to reach out for anything
instead of smashing your spine on the floor, you realized you'd been scooped up
Roxanne looked down at you nonchalant, like he didn't just save your back
he set you back on the ladder and let you go back to work
that gesture was appreciated
you probably wouldn't be completely crippled but damn that would have at least hurt
he just held you up like nothing
well, you'd never be hearing the end of it about working alone now
he kept watch from below and he'd hand up spare bulbs as you went
within an hour the theater signs looked pristine
they needed cleaning but that was more on some hapless employee not manning the popcorn machine
so now you could rest a little
he insisted on carrying the ladder and got excited when you decided to nap
God he was strange
well whatever
while you took his word you were still a little suspicious
you'd use his leg as a pillow
it wasn't the most comfortable position but he wouldn't get up to mischief without waking you
when you suggested it he turned into a stammering mess briefly before regaining his composure
the stage experience probably helped
it wasn't exactly professional behavior between coworkers but again, you really needed to make sure he didn't do anything he and you would regret
you grabbed your blanket and plugged him in and you both got some rest
your ploy worked and he didn't move thankfully
he didn't immediately turn back on but the second you tried to rise an arm shot forward and held you by your chest to his thigh
he didn't even open his eyes
must have felt the pressure
but was he still resting?
you had no idea
he didn't let go
well whatever
you relaxed and stayed where you were
the rest of your shift was spent pressed to Roxanne’s lap
he didn't seem to want to move
well, he didn't get into trouble
the mall was safe
it was a win at least
he only really relaxed around sun up
his leg was not the worst pillow
surprisingly soft thanks to the fur
you still didn't understand his construction
but it did feel good on your neck
you didn't know why he was so insistent you stayed there
so you asked
he finally opened his eyes
”you needed rest and I wanted to make sure you got it.”
but work?
”aren't you here to make sure I'm working as intended?”
what did that have to do with this?
”well a rockstar can't have his groupie too tired to work”
the word he was looking for was roadie
roadies were support staff

Roxy was insistent on the groupie nickname
why, you didn't know
but eventually you dropped it
he took that as a sign to start calling you that
thank God he confined it to off the clock hours from then on
a new issue had arose in the mall the next day or so
more like opportunity
the mall couldn't get a Santa for an affordable rate
you had no idea if the Santa's unionized or whatever
might be the mall being cheap again
your janitorial/maintenence shifts during December would be instead be dedicated to being the mall Santa
every mall had to have one
they even just handed you some sort of slap dash red felt dress for the elf
you held up the giant dress and asked who the elf was, Andre the Giant
but you knew
they knew
cheap as ever
well, at least Roxanne was good with kids
you'd need the help
you were shocked they even went through the effort of a dress
granted, it was red basic fabric with a white collar around the whole thing
Roxy eyed it suspiciously
afraid it would hurt his cool image
if you were dressing as Santa he was putting on the dress
when he rolled his eyes you knew you'd won
”fine… but I'm not an elf.”
he was much too tall for that
as long as he put on the outfit he could call himself Jesus for all you cared
”I'm going as Mrs. Claus.”
ok the kids were going to wonder why Mrs. Claus was a giant wolf
”they'd wonder why Santa had a giant wolf elf.”
it was petty but he had as much a point
he poked your chest
”plus I wasn't going to let Santa have top billing. this is a co-production”
you pondered if it was too late to pluck some manlet up for elf duty
Danny at the Foot Locker was small enough
just pick him up and then you'd have a helper
it could be that easy
Roxanne interrupted the kidnapping plan
”also a consideration, my pointy ears are in the wrong place to be an elf. yeah, Mrs. Claus is just a better idea.”
he rested his hands on his hips awaiting your concession
this was only going to end if you bestowed Mrs. Claus on him
kidnapping looked better than dealing with his smug grin
the alternative was he'd pull the puppy dog routine
it was rarer
but he'd pull it
you'd seen it just once when you wouldn't brush his hair out
why was he even ok with wearing a dress?
he insisted he was a he whenever possible
”well, you asked. bit different than just saying I'm Roxanne”
he waved a clawed hand
”you know what I mean. Roxanne might be the best but I'm the best Roxanne.”
well whatever that meant
”I'm doing you a favor and the least you can do is say I co-own this north pole.”
his thumb gestured behind him to the small snowy display tree and fake reindeer
if that's what it took
he could be Mrs. Claus
”see, I knew you could do it,” he grinned
yep, you knew that would happen
got what he wanted
so he took the dress and slid it over
it was a simple strapless affair
after all it was a budget thing
he realized it was super tight at the hips
he was a guy
guy robot
it went down to the middle of his thigh
he struggled for a second then used a single claw on each side of the dress to open a vertical slit that allowed his legs to breath a little
you weren't going to lecture him on mall property
as long as it got results
the first day the mall set up for Christmas felt like any other
you'd helped hang up giant snowflakes and the radio was tuned to Christmas music 24/7 but otherwise there wasn't a dramatic shift at the place
your shift as Santa began fairly early
the Mrs. Claus bit was seen through quickly enough
they were kids, not blind
Roxy was still good to them though
the Mrs. Claus act wasn't helped by the addition of an electric guitar
though his instrumental versions of some Christmas music were appreciated over hearing jingle bells again
he sat down near the tree, cross legged and focusing on the instrument and then to whatever kid scrambled up to you
then back to a quiet rendition of Little Drummer Boy or Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
he even played it softer than usual, a feat you didn't realize he was capable of
Roxy usually didn't do things softer
he loved the crowds and would try to get them energetic
but here he understood the atmosphere and played accordingly
your heart wasn't completely in this at first but some of the kids were actually making you feel optimistic
sure there were a few brats
but the vibe was… actually cheerful
a more cynical sort might chalk the children's cheer up to wanting gifts
but maybe they were just happy for the season
you'd bought candy out of pocket for them and it just felt… right
you hadn't felt nostalgic for Christmas before but the whole situation made you look back fondly
a lot of upheaval in your life
but here it sort of clicked
it felt correct
not that you weren't needed around here but this was different than scrubbing toilets
after the day and your shift you allowed yourself to pull the beard and fake glasses off
you didn't bring a spare set of clothes so you'd do the security shift as Santa
everyone left and soon enough it was Roxy and you again tonight
you had to admit the new chair by the tree was comfortable
you might nap in it
Roxanne had other plans and your lap and the chair were threatened by what felt like a ton of wolf robot
”oh come on, they got to sit in your lap and ask you for stuff,” he protested as you tried to push him off
he relented but not without you shoving him back
you really had to put your weight behind it
explaining the physical difference between little Timmy and a robot you had to look up to would fall on deaf ears
what mattered was he wasn't getting what someone else had and he felt it was an injustice in this world
he even did a little mock sniveling
you knew that was fake
all a trick to garner sympathy
you got up and made sure nothing was broken on you or the chair
he'd gone from dejected to pouty within seconds
you had to point out the chair was not as sturdy as the stage and that was your mistake
he picked you up by the sides and moved you to sit on the stage and sat down on your lap, trapping you
he seemed to exert more control to not just crush you outright
”now where were we~”
he glanced over his shoulder to make sure you were alive and continued
”well I could use a new amp…”
that was frankly shocking
it was simple and straightforward
”but I'm not all that greedy. why ask for things?”
his tail wagged
beating you in the face a few times
he raised a hand and you wondered just where he found mistletoe?
how the hell did he know about mistletoe?
he released your legs and stood up, dangling the green decoration above your head
his grin was triumphant
surely this was victory
Roxanne had planned this
it was brilliant
the amp request to catch you off guard then he suckered punched you with this festive obligation
”I really am the best,” he congratulated himself
he was busy patting himself on the back when you chimed in and remarked you were both guys
”and I'm clearly in a dress so it's fine right?”
when you handed him the dress you didn't expect it to be weaponized against you
”aren't we husband and wife? aren't we supposed to kiss? come on, you know you want to”
he was either confused on how stage personas worked or-
no, he wasn't confused
he leaned in close, leading you to lean back in response
the smile hadn't left his face because he felt victorious
you tried to counter with office decorum
coworkers shouldn't do this
”you gonna tell HR?”
the other hand not holding the mistletoe lifted your chin up with one finger
”you look better without the beard”
you were trying to work out how to get out of this
you were pretty sure he could just take a kiss
but he was wanting you to make the move
you went to give him a peck on the cheek when his hand stopped your chin
”c'mon rock stars don't get kissed like grandma do they?”
his eyes were focused on yours
you had a feeling he wouldn't take no
well he might
but you felt strongly discouraged
the claws helped
he grinned
your eyes darted there
finally, you caved
you really were an enabler
you gave him a kiss and he leaned into it
no tongue, he wasn't that forceful
but he seemed to savor it
you relaxed a little and kept the kiss going
maybe after this he would be satisfied
at least this wasn't bad
but this was only a one time thing only
you'd have to put your foot down
he pushed you back onto the stage and the mistletoe was tossed aside
the kiss kept going
your resistance was waning
eventually you ended up admitting defeat by planting an arm around Roxy's shoulder
you could hear his tail wagging
his tongue slipped past your lips and he locked fingers with your free hand
this was wrong but you couldn't help yourself
fuck it
this was a Christmas bonus
you'd just have to keep this to yourself
but this was a one time thing
as nice as it was it could get you in trouble
Roxanne liked the attention at least
when your hand softly pet the back of his head he shivered and pinned you to the stage
that was what made him break the kiss
”sorry, I got a little excited there for a second”
his eyes were half lidded
you kissed him on the snout
you'd give him this for Christmas
at least
he enjoyed the company and maybe you did too
you didn't know if this would make things more awkward
probably would
he released you and pulled back
you regained your breath and sat up
so maybe this Christmas could be good
Roxanne was on cloud nine
you were conflicted
but he did look happy and you didn't want to spoil things tonight
eventually you'd have to set your foot down
you two couldn't just make out in the mall like teenagers
”not bad for a guy right?”
he wanted permission, a reward
his eyes were no longer cloudy but bright and expectant
as much as it pained you you had to let him down gently
you did like it but…
he planted a clawed finger over your lips
”unless the next words out of your mouth are how I'm the best you've ever had we aren't spoiling the moment.”
he wasn't taking no
you hoped this wouldn't be an issue
it would be but you hoped it wouldn't be
you were optimistic
the mall didn't need to know you got an erection
Roxanne was fighting the urge to jump you
you'd given him an erection and he was less concerned with the mall finding out
but he was content with being the best kiss you'd ever had
for now
he allowed you up off the stage, satisfied with himself
he'd won in his mind
and maybe you just sort of allowed that
you probably should be more assertive with him but he'd been pleasant to be around
so you had a soft spot for him
it was just hard to reconcile with all the strangeness of the situation
he allowed you space but followed you around
he was absolutely beaming
you tried not to guess why
you knew
he was practically gloating
there was no way you weren't hearing the end of this
so you got an erection
you'd never hear the goddamn end of this
hopefully Roxanne didn't notice that
Roxy had noticed it
if he looked triumphant on the exterior, he was giddy as a school girl
he'd gotten the reaction he'd dreamed of
ever since you'd started working around the mall he'd been excited at all the attention you'd given him
he was crushing on your for awhile
after all you thought he was the best
you'd said so
he went over that memory
this was worth wearing the dress and stealing that plant for
his masterful plan had all come together
he was busy patting himself on the back while walking the mall
there was that little hiccup that was the pretzel homewrecker
but that didn't derail his plans
you went about your business and relaxed without the sexual tension
that was about the most action you'd gotten in ages
if he'd kept going you might have done something stupid
thankfully, he seemed content with a kiss
Roxy wasn't
but he was patient
eventually he'd get you
Roxy wasn't even paying attention to what you were doing
he was on autopilot as he dwelled on the kiss
he'd never kissed before
kissing was amazing
he wanted more kissing
among other things
there was some stuff he was aware of
the horny thing
he was aware you made him want something
but didn't have a grasp of it
in a person that would be chalked up to instincts outpacing his knowledge
there was the urge
burning hot in his core
he just needed to know more
he knew you felt something similar based off how hard you'd felt under your costume earlier
so he figures he'd just ask
”why did kissing make me hot?”
he was aware couples kissed but not the next step
he knew there were steps but he was a musical robot expected to interact with kids
sex ed wasn't high up on his programming
he had the equipment for it but not why
you were hoping to avoid the question
in Roxanne’s mind this was vital
he needed the next step
he'd be the best at it but he just needed to know what it was
surely there'd be more
Roxy felt the next step involved how hot he felt then
he was legitimately curious
you wanted to avoid the question
distracting yourself with work was only going so far
he looked to you eagerly
of course he didn't know
but how'd he know about kissing?
"I saw couples doing it."
not like people were fucking in the mall
this circled back to you not wanting to be the one to teach the mall attraction the birds and the bees
he wouldn't buy the stork lie
so you tried deflecting
why did he even want to know?
he snatched you up and had his arms hooked under your armpits
"now if you want down you'll have to tell me"
you knew he could out last you
so fine
you'd have sex
he flipped you around in his grip and eyed you suspiciously
"I'm putting you on the tree then"
this was ridiculous
you tried wiggling out of his arms but he kept you tight in his grip
he was walking over to the mall tree and you finally gave up
you'd explain sex
he needed to set you down though
"no funny business."
you tried bolting the second he set you down and he grabbed your collar

the CIA couldn't torture you for that information
you knew, just knew, that Roxanne would use the knowledge
you'd be handing him the gun that would be pointed at your head
so no, you weren't explaining sex to him
true to his word he attempted to hang you up in the tree with the utmost care
but that threat was empty when he realized it wouldn't work
so he resorted to a plan B which amounted to rubbing you in the bristles of the tree while demanding the answer
he was like a really ineffective Batman
”come on,” he whined
it was funny to see this side of Roxanne with the cool front he usually put up
you tried not laughing, not knowing if that would hurt or improve your odds here
but the urge to laugh at him frantically just trying to figure out how two guys fuck while you're lodged in a Christmas tree was too much
he heard you laughing and immediately you realized that was a mistake
he brought you down and glared
”so the tree didn't work, huh.”
of course having you French a plastic pine tree didn't work
Roxanne was stumped, but too stubborn and frustrated to show it
he didn't want to actually rough you up
and you knew it
then a toothy grin flashed on his face
that was not a smile to be trusted
he gently set your boots on the ground
you had no idea what he was cooking up but it was wicked
maybe if you explained to him about naughty and nice
it was the season
he wasn't letting go though
in fact he was pushing you backwards towards the floor
”so, I was thinking…”
that pearly white grin flashed bigger
”I've been holding you in the opposite direction.”
you tried squirming as he placed you gently upon the carpet of the Santa display
he moved to plant a foot on your chest and you felt like a bug right now
at least he wouldn't hurt you
he'd resort to playground bullying techniques but actually harming you was out of the question
he was far, far too gentle for that
trying to get a hand hold on the floor while his foot pinned you was difficult
his interrogation techniques weren't going to work
he narrowed his eyes and stared into yours
then pointed a finger down at you as he stood above you
”I swear if I have to sit on you I'll do it”
he didn't press his foot down, satisfied he'd won
you hated to admit defeat but he was going to be stubborn
you asked him if he'd keep this secret
he pouted, hands on his hips
this could get you fired
did he want you to get fired?
he softened up at that
that was his weakness
you didn't press on it too much but times were dire
if things escalated you'd never be able to come to the mall again
when you pointed that out he quit his bullying
why did he even want to know?
he released his foot
”is it so bad I like you?”
well he couldn't have made it more obvious
you knew he liked you
but you hoped maybe he'd grow out of it
that didn't seem like the case
he let off your chest and picked you up by the collar
he allowed you space
he seriously liked you?
he put you in a headlock and rustled your hair
”of course I like you dummy”
he quickly released you
”so how do we do it?”
there was no getting out of this
he'd keep pestering and in an endless cycle if you kept blowing it off
so fine
you gestured him to lean in
why you felt the need to whisper it you didn't know
perhaps the whole thing felt taboo enough to warrant it
he thankfully complied with no argument
you gave him all the information and he listened intently, his ear occasionally flicking as you talked
he'd nod and once in a while gasp
it wasn't a long explanation
it didn't really need to be
you expected him to immediately try for it
instead he wrapped an arm over your shoulder
”now why did you think I'd tell everyone about that?”
he kept super close to your face
you were just worried about your job
”you really think I'm giving up the chance to do a couple of those things in a bathroom stall by talking?”
he poked up chest with one claw
”no no, you just found yourself a new job. my roadie”
he swept his hand through the air
you didn't know if he legit got the terms confused or he was just screwing with you
both were possible
he really wouldn't spill the beans on this?
”of course”
he patted your chest
”I told you you weren't replaceable, didn't I?”
he released you and the peck he gave your head was shockingly tender
again, you really were the only one who got to see this side to Roxanne
he never even made himself this vulnerable around his kid audience
just to you
why you?
you had to ask that
why was he like this with you?
”you're my favorite.”
he realized something then stepped back to wiggle out of the dress
you protested and he told you to calm down
”I'm not going to jump you…yet”
the dress was discarded onto the stage and he stretched
arching his back, arms above his head
a dramatic full body stretch that caught your eye until you realized he had been watching
his eyes glancing towards you while you thought he was facing away from you
that was testing the waters
”hah caught you”
his smile returned
maybe this wouldn't be so bad
you allowed yourself to relax
this job wasn't too bad
that night ended up being uneventful
Roxy was as good as his word and didn't push
he was already practically glued to your hip
it was just like normal
just with that weight hanging on your shoulders now
he kissed you
you liked it
explained how to do more
you'd handed him the noose to hang yourself with
but he didn't seem to want to weaponize it
you hadn't had an active love life
maybe he thought you two were an item now
maybe you were
you didn't know
but at least he wouldn't brag
this might be an issue later
but maybe you should embrace it a little
not like you were getting much action
you still didn't get what he saw in you but oh well
best to roll with it
maybe it really was a bonus
Christmas came and went and he was friendly as could be in private
true to his word he maintained a level of professionalism during work hours though
off hours he had begun just outright treating you like a plush teddy bear
you started to see him as more attractive the more friendly he'd become
perhaps it was some strange form of Stockholm syndrome
maybe you were becoming prison gay for a robot
he wasn't attempting at seduction
you'd just find yourself lingering on his hips occasionally
he did start looking a bit more womanly in your eyes
you didn't consider yourself into guys
but did Roxanne count?
him kissing you was a turn on
you were dealing with feelings and you had no idea how to approach this
you dwelled on it
your life was the job
but maybe you could have both
Roxanne was pleasant to be around
so maybe it wasn't so bad
one night you decided to try it
it couldn't hurt could it?
well you decided to push your luck a little
everyone had cleared out as usual and it was just you two
the usual resting time you decided to push a little
you pat your leg for him to lay on you for a change
he wagged his tail but tried hard to play it cool
that night he rested in your lap and you allowed yourself to relax
amazingly, you didn't lose your job
you probably shouldn't encourage him
but you were starting to enjoy the idea
sure it wasn't conventional
but he was pleasant enough company and it made work easier
you just ended up doing all your regular shift stuff
just with a different level of intimacy between you and Roxanne
you already had considered him more than just a stage robot
you still were confused at the infatuation but in a way you sort of got it
you were a link to the outside world and you were friendly with him off hours
maybe he was prison gay for you
the surprising thing was he didn't push more for sex
he was content with hugs and the occasional kiss
you'd worried you'd created a future sex crazed monster yet he was just happy for intimacy
falling asleep on top of you became a new variant on your night shifts
multiple times you were just pulled into a bear hug and learned to sleep like that
no one suspected anything
and you were relieved by that
Roxanne understood the risk of getting caught and contented himself with snuggling up to you while everyone was gone
work settled into a nice monotony again, just with a bonus
you were definitely finding him more attractive now
he knew it
but it was harder not to notice now
he really was girly
despite the height he just had a sort of softness
you would occasionally wonder just what those hidden part could do
would you be the one to push things into sex?
a thought had come to you
maybe he was wanting you to make the first move
it was true he was more passive than a giant robot normally would
he was peculiar
you hoped he was a sub
otherwise your pelvis was as risk
he seemed like it
hard to tell with no sexual contact
but the bossy thing usually melted away the second he got affection
he just started wagging his tail the second you stopped playing hard to get
that trended towards him being submissive
you didn't know how a lot of this worked
you'd dated girls before so this was out of your wheelhouse
and those usually went bad
maybe there was a reason for that
but you wouldn't let that happen here
it was hard to describe how you felt with him but you didn't want to hurt him
you didn't know if you could break his heart but you didn't want to find out if it was possible
your talk a while back gave you an idea
you didn't dare buy one from the mall
thank God the internet allows you to buy things privately
you waited for the night shift and you'd specifically brought a lunch box today
you'd bought a fleshlight
he looked at it strangely
when you took him to the bathroom, then he put things together
tonight you'd indulge a little a see where things went
he let you take the lead and you kissed him
you felt his arms wrap around your shoulders as you pressed him to the tile wall
his snout made things harder
but you both didn't care
clumsy tongues
it was official
after enough time from that Christmas kiss
you actually could say you liked this
the blood rushing to your crotch said you did and you couldn't argue with it now
you broke the kiss to breath and leaned into Roxy
”I was wondering what took you so long.”
he rested his head on yours then ventured his arms down to your waist and pulled you close
mentally, Roxanne was happy as could be
finally he'd gotten you to reciprocate
he was relieved
”so what's your little surprise for?”
when you started explaining, Roxanne was fighting the urge to show he was more excited
in his mind he was happy
it was hard not to push but he wanted you to make the first move
partially due to inexperience but also the fact that he wanted you to want it
it was a relief to him that you actually did like him
he'd been secretly hoping for more
the cuddling was nice
scratch that, it was amazing
but Roxanne couldn't help but be curious about what else couples did
he still shocked himself thinking about that
you two were a couple now
all he'd known was this little mall and you were the first person that didn't just treat him like furniture
the kids appreciated Roxanne
hard to tell with some of them
but you'd been different
his tail wagged between his legs as his imagination filled in the blanks
this was that sex stuff
he'd no doubt be your favorite after the sex stuff
you had struggled to think of a good first step after kissing
with a girl it would be second base right?
he did have a chest under the shell
no idea why a stage robot had nipples
but you didn't think all this was 1:1 with a girl
you didn't want to overwhelm him with anal sex right away
plus you were sort of worried about jamming your dick in there without knowing what it could do
you'd seen enough internet
for now you wanted to do something that would confirm both of you want this
you kissed Roxy's throat as you undid his frame
you'd learned about all the latches ages ago
it was like undoing a girl's bra by now
his chest plate placed on the bathroom sink, you worked on undoing his pelvic plates
they latched together from both sides
Roxanne was a little embarrassed, yet he couldn't place why
but it was with you
that meant it was good
a turgid cock popped free when you undid the latches
you'd never seen it erect before
had you done that?
you looked down at it
a fat knot at the base throbbed
his “skin” was a soft mystery material and blue in color
it complimented the purples and greys across the wolf
ending in a tapered tip, it had to be eight inches
relative to his height that was sort of average you guessed
what the hell was Fazbear building?
above your head Roxanne had different thoughts
”he's looking at it! why is he looking at it? is it small? was it too big? does he like smaller?”
his mind was racing and he caught himself in the sink mirror
he looked over the sight of you two hugging like this and his arms clenched around you tighter
he had stage fright
you were oblivious to Roxanne’s newfound panic
he hugged you tighter but otherwise he hadn't said much more
Roxanne was spiraling into a dozen little insecurities
he knew this sex stuff was important and he liked you looking at him
but he also felt nervous for some reason
out of courtesy you started undoing your belt and your pants and that brought Roxy back to reality
he wanted to see
he was nervous as could be but curiosity overpowered any inferiority complex
your erection smacked against his and his cock twitched in response
so good news
that mistletoe kiss wasn't a fluke
your dick did respond to Roxy
and clearly his responded to you
Roxanne’s anxiety started to go away when you went back to kissing his throat
you wondered how much he could actually feel
maybe it was just the action that pleased him and not the sensation
Roxanne was giddy again
you liked him
he saw it with your dick
you liked HIM
he resisted the urge to pick you up and squeeze you into a hug
he was happy
his eyes went back to the mirror and he eyed you up and down while you entertained yourself with the nape of his neck
this was actually happening
he felt amazing now
so this was that sex stuff
the cool air of the bathroom over his exposed parts mixed with the heat of your body
he felt like somewhere deep in him this was it
whatever amounted to instincts in his mind egged him on
he loved this
love you
you wanted to sex him
the idea still floored him a little
he didn't think he'd get this far
hell, months ago he didn't know this far existed
he hadn't thought of his manhood for most of his existence and now you were softly rubbing on it with your own
Roxanne couldn't stop his tail from wagging if he wanted to
Roxanne still had doubts
but was eager to let you take the lead
he had performance anxiety but he thought maybe the easiest way to deal with it was submit
you seemed to know what you were doing and he'd just found out what his own dick was for
he stroked his clawed fingers along the small of your back while your own hands braced over his shell
you didn't figure he had sensors along the hard parts of his body but his swollen dick told you some sort of sensors were in there
Fazbear should have included a manual with their shipments
that company did seem to just wing it
at least now you were getting more hands on experience
Roxanne felt like he was burning up
this was amazing
he whined when feeling your cock rub against his
he had no idea why he was leaking from it
occasionally he'd be aware of other sensations
the protrusions on his chest stiffened
the slightest brush against them felt like a shock through his body
and what you described as an ass
well, it twitched
he didn't know why it did that but it would
his body was excited for the first time and he had the barest grasp of why but he loved it
you made him excited
he was still worried about pleasing you but he was enjoying the sensory overload too much
he hoped you were enjoying him as much as he was enjoying you
Roxanne had almost forgotten the surprise you had gotten
you hadn't though
you blindly grabbed for the toy and lube off the sink
it was behind you and you didn't feel like breaking contact with the wolf
you stopped thinking of Roxanne as a robot despite all the soft noises he was making and how peculiar he felt
it was just Roxy to you now
he was a guy like you
and as it turned out you were into him
maybe he was the singular focus of your sexuality
you couldn't even say you liked guys all that much
but Roxanne seemed to be the exception
maybe you were a weirdo
but you knew you liked this and that kiss and affection wasn't just a fluke
when you stopped to coat the toy and yourselves Roxanne perked up
of course he'd have no idea about this but you'd seen videos
it was worth a shot, though Roxanne was pretty big for this
you'd anticipated it a little with how tall he was but it wasn't like you could just ask him his cock size
thank God he didn't seem the topping type
you leaned back from the embrace enough for him to see
his half lidded eyes watched with an intense curiosity
he knew about this faintly from your description but not what it actually was
the sex thing of course
with his tapered tip it was easier to slide the toy onto him first
he shivered at the cool touch but relaxed against you
once it had slid on enough you moved to line up with the other end of the fleshlight
this was about the best way to figure out if you two were committed to this
both cocks would squeeze together in the clear plastic toy, thank God
you reached toy and fondled his nuts, making him gasp
they felt like yours in your palm
it would be time to figure out if they worked like yours too
Roxanne’s whole world was shaken
the sex thing
it was amazing
you were sexing him and he liked it and it looked like you liked it too
you'd pushed forward and the toy bottomed out on his knot and your base
it was tight as could be and the compression against your dicks made certain every little move could be felt
Roxanne could feel your pulse right now
you'd started kissing his neck again, with the intention of French kisses as you went back up to his snout
within the tight confines of the sex toy, your dicks pressed and rubbed together
you could say for certain you were into Roxanne
as strange as it all was he was attractive enough to get a reaction out of your body
you felt him buck against you and you grabbed hold of his waist
the mixture of plastics, fur and soft synthetic materials really did make Roxy a miracle of engineering
the hydraulics in him clenched and released
you felt his body readily react to yours as any human would
it was just different enough
he accepted your kisses and became greedy
his hands clasped tightly to your shirt and he would not let go
he'd been more than happy to admit to himself he wanted you before
that want was a need now
he was past a innocent crush
now even your taste was his favorite
he thrust into the toy with you
growled and whimpered against your kisses as you both bred the poor clear plastic tube for all it was worth
your thrusts were clumsy while his were keeping a rhythm
you didn't notice it at first but he was probably doing it without thinking
he ended up lowering his hands to around your hips and you both ended up fucking into each other
this really was something only two guys could do
proof to you that this was something you actually wanted
you broke the kiss to watch him and he took note of it
he enjoyed your eyes on him
the only audience he really wanted
the frotting turned into a competition, using each other as part of the act
he was stronger than you and probably could have won but he didn't force you
instead the shoving match between your manhoods was pretty even
his silver hair was a mess, sweat formed on your forehead
you grit your teeth, his hands gripped your hips tightly
the two of you kept pounding into the hole and getting lost in it
he broke the pace once when he realized you still had your shirt on
he stopped and immediately fixed that
the hands ran up your sides, hooked the shirt and yanked it over your head
”next time,” he huffed out, “wear that cute little shirt with my face on it.”
Roxanne grinned as he leaned into you
the wolf felt accomplished
this was everything he wanted
he was beyond satisfied
he actually allowed himself to bask in the moment
he flashed his teeth and enjoyed the feeling of thrusting against you
this was sex
it was amazing
he'd have to find out more about this dating stuff
the cuddles were appreciated
this was another step entirely
you both moved without a shred of self control now
the poor toy wouldn't take a pounding this hard
between the both of you it was already stretched thin
you'd probably have to buy a better one down the road
you wanted a down the road now
you felt your climax rising up
your voice was ragged when you announced it
his hands gripped your hips tightly and he nipped at your shoulder before he growled
”come on, give it to me.”
both of you smashed into the fleshlight, frantically trying to nut
you were first but he followed within seconds cum flooded the toy
wet and warm liquid filled the fleshlight and started leaking out
Roxanne pulled you up in the air as his back arched
you were along with the ride until his first climax hit him like a truck
you didn't bother asking yourself why he could cum
he just could
he wasn't just a robot
Roxy was special and you'd stop questioning it
he finally set you down and you slumped against him
Roxanne moved the hair out of from in front his face and softly laughed
you relaxed and let him hold you up, trusting him
”you were amazing.”
he complimented you as he ran his hand over your back
Roxanne seemed to have all sorts of praises for you
all you had to say in reply was he was the best and he swooned
you sighed as you relaxed
your legs would have given out if not for the grip you
he was steadfast
not passive
but you couldn't push him if you wanted
he'd hold you up easily
so this was a boyfriend
you could do this
it was better than a girlfriend
the strangeness was gone
Roxanne was Roxanne
the mental obstacles had vanished in the sticky haze of post coitus bliss
eventually you both ended up sliding out of the toy as your dicks softened
the toy nearly fell onto the bathroom tile but you caught it
something about being covered in each other's cum made all your worries a thing of the past
how could you not enjoy this?
it was right
you had fun
Roxanne was a sweetheart to you
work wasn't exactly giving you a bonus anyways
so why not seek out something good from it?
you both broke the embrace
this was official
you two were official
you had learned plenty about yourself tonight
your mind was completely at ease
Roxanne was content
for now
he'd tasted bliss and he bet he could have more
for now he was happy you were an item now
you washed the toy in the sink and then got dressed
after you then helped latch his shell into place
you still had work to do tonight

after the fun time with Roxy you discovered a lot about yourself
you liked all of that
liked Roxanne in particular
certainly made work more relaxed
he was good company before you both could just go jerk off together
you'd noticed he started being a little more concerned with how he looked around you
he wasn't vain
but didn't hesitate to make it obvious he fluffed his hair more than usual
you caught him watching the hair and nail salon in the mall a little more
possibly taking notes
you didn't really think much of that applied to him
but who were you to stop him
it thankfully didn't interfere with work
you felt ridiculous worrying
behind locked doors he was a sweetheart
but out in the open he was all business
you'd never dated someone this professional
it was shocking
to think you were dating
Roxanne did his job and you did yours
only at night would he be… quirky
Roxanne was fun as a lover
he was eager
easy to please
and passionate
it became a nightly ritual to burn off steam in the bathroom before you guard shift
he'd cuddle you close
sometimes you'd use the toy, sometimes your hands
it was good bonding
he construction was still a mystery
you wanted to know more
but you didn't know about how to investigate
not like you could just ask Fazbear corporate
”hey guys, why does your merchandise actually ejaculate when he moans my name?”
there had to be a covert way to check
Roxanne didn't know much more than you did
but he was just as interested in finding out more
you decided maybe the internet would be a decent resource
one night you browsed your phone, head in Roxanne’s lap
he played with your hair
it had never occurred to you to just look up Roxanne Wolf on the internet
you wanted to make your searches vague
if you started with “Roxanne Wolf anus” you couldn't exactly play it off as just curiosity if you got caught
you saw the usual claptrap about Fazbear industries
they put a good face out there
but you wouldn't gleam much more from the corporate site
you looked through social media
a bunch of influencers
hubbub about the mall facilities
they'd really grown since the first facility
despite all the shady activity you'd heard through the grapevine
your Roxanne definitely looked different than the ones you'd see
they really didn't do anything for you
only this one did anything for you
that thought made you smile
something that he caught
”what's that smile for?”
he looked down, curiosity playing in his eyes
the hand stroking through your hair continued
you mulled over showing him
you'd never really brought up the idea
how would you take the idea you were mass produced
for all he knew the merchandise in the novelty store was based off him
maybe someone had mentioned it in passing
well, despite the fears you decided to show him
he glanced at the screen
you'd picked a picture of Roxanne at some sort of go kart track
the robot looked pleased with herself
he tried tapping the screen but his clawed fingers were not the best for touch screens
he looked at it curiously
you wondered what he thought
”it's nice I have copycats”
well ok
you wouldn't argue
he was unique anyways
the go kart Roxy didn't even have hips or anything
you took the phone back and kept looking
you found Roxanne erotica in due time
it was the internet after all
that wasn't much of a help
plus it was all girl Roxanne
that wasn't much use
you tried to find out through another venue
maybe Fazbear got their robots from someone
you looked into that
just how did they have someone this sophisticated
your curiosity was getting the best of you
so you decided to try not dancing around the subject
you just searched up “Fazbear sex robots”
it was a lot of elaborate fan art like what the last search turned up
Roxanne as a girl felt wrong to you now
he was a he
it just felt natural
you hadn't had much interaction with any Fazbear attractions anyways
there were a few articles going over an acquisition
the company had done well keeping out of the limelight
all things considered with other issues they'd had
but they'd been on a little buying spree with their profits
and they hadn't exactly been losing that much money
especially with loaning out technology like this
curiously, they seemed to have bought up a company with a strange name for something in tech
Bad Wyvern?
you looked them up and only then did you feel crimson rush across your face
Roxy caught that reaction too
you hid your phone in your pocket this time
this time you weren't explaining this one
you'd have to look into this later without a certain someone over your shoulder
the rest of the shift he was asking what you saw
”oh come on,” he'd insist in a pleading tone
it was actually sort of cute
he was like a giant puppy dog
you had no intention to tell him without reading more
after a few hours of pleading while you worked you finally came up with a distraction
you pulled him into a hallway and started kissing his chest plate
he was surprised but not disappointed
that was enough to distract him
you had more time to kill so why not tease him a little?
you didn't feel like making a mess so you planned to blue ball him a little
the intent was to distract
you undid the chest plate and exposed his nipples
”you love my tits that much?”
he stroked your hair as you pondered where he heard that term
he grasped your hair and put you face to face with the right nipple
”suck,” he growled
his voice was low, sultry
Roxanne knew you were hiding something you'd found on your phone
he knew this was a simple distraction to get him to stop asking questions
he still wanted your mouth on his nipple
he could feel your hot breath
he could get the answer out of your later
right now he was feeling all tingly and this was the priority
when you kissed it he pushed your head hard into his chest
”there, there.”
he groaned and his hand snatched your hand and placed it over his other nipple
”better not ignore the other one, rockstar.”
he softly laughed at that last remark
if he couldn't get an answer he might as well put your mouth to good use
an idea struck Roxanne
when you moved to get a more comfortable position you were spun around and pressed against the wall
if he couldn't convince you he'd smother you with his chest until you talked
he just had to persevere and keep the pressure on you
you didn't know why he was so forward but you rolled with it
you did start this encounter by kissing his chest
so maybe you were to blame a little
he embraced you tightly and shivered occasionally
he definitely liked this attention if the low groan were any indication
so you kept it up
Roxanne really felt like pouncing you right now
he kept his composure
tried to
but riding you until his legs gave out sounded really nice right about now
but he didn't want to just take you
he wanted you to take him
it was getting harder to think straight though
you weren't trying to tease him but at least he stopped asking about the phone thing
you didn't feel like explaining he might be a sex toy
that's the only explanation for why Fazbear owned a company specializing in that sort of thing
was Roxanne a “special” kind of entertainment?
it certainly added up
you wondered if telling Roxanne he was built to take dick was a good idea
there wasn't much you could do smothered against fur, metal and whatever his delicate parts were made of
his skin reacted like yours at least
eventually, you needed to rest your jaw and lips
you'd lost track of the time
you wanted a break from his chest as nice as it was
this idea sort of backfired
you'd encouraged him and he wasn't shy tonight
reminded you of how ravenous he was with that kiss around Christmas
it was strange to you you drove someone this wild
you'd tapped his shoulder to try and get his attention
”nuh uh,” he remarked
his clawed hand clamped over the one on his chest
”you're either going to start what you finish…”
you looked up to see the smirk play across his face
one eyebrow slightly raised as he eyed you buried in his chest
”or you tell me what got you all excited earlier.”
Roxy would never hurt you
but he could detain you
his other hand reached around and lifted you up by your ass
”cute butt by the way”
Roxanne knew enough about sex to figure you were the “top”
but he wasn't above using his strength and make you think your ass was in danger
he would never actually dream of doing that to you, especially by force
but what if he played the big bad wolf up a little?
made you sweat a little
he gave your ass a squeeze
”teasing me all the time,” he remarked in a low hungry tone
the urge to ride you was there
but he wanted that information
sex later
he'd seen how shocked you were and you'd even tried to seduce him like this
so now it was Roxanne’s turn to tease
he ground his hips against yours
”your choice rockstar~”
you could feel his body shudder as he squished your back to the wall
you'd relinquish the information
you tapped him and he finally freed you and you were going to be smelling Roxanne for a while
he relaxed and set you down
oh thank God
Roxanne was probably like a moment away from licking his muzzle
you knew how a porkchop felt now
”oh relax,” he replied after lightly patting your ass
he still loomed over you, putting his hands against the wall on either side of you
you wondered where he picked up the flirting
him pulling out the dom thing threw you off
when you got to the point and explained the sex toy thing he was a little taken aback
”so I'm like that tube we use?”
well he wasn't just some object, he had feelings
”so that means you can use me like that tube right?”
of course that's where his mind went to immediately
well at least he wasn't a wreck pondering his place in the universe
so he wasn't upset?
it felt unwise to bring it up but you wanted his opinion
”why would I be?”
his clawed fingers tilted your chin up to force eye contact
”I'm an entertainer, aren't I? you're not telling me anything I don't already know.”
he smiled and pecked you on the cheek
he pulled back and gave you breathing room
his hand still held your chin in place
”I'm your favorite right?”
well you had no idea what he meant by that but sure
he was your favorite
his smile was beaming
you knew you'd probably bitten off more than you could chew
Roxanne had made it up in his mind
if he was a “sex toy”, he'd be your sex toy
it only made sense
you'd even said he was your favorite
he let you put his chest plate back on
as heated as Roxy was, he wasn't going to interfere with your work that badly
he needed you to stay
of you got fired and they tried to bring in some other guy he'd never forgive himself
he did give you one more excited hug before giving you space again
the urge to run off with you slung over his shoulder was strong
but Roxy understood there was a proper time and place
he didn't like it
but he understood
he really wanted to give you some private entertainment
just what he'd do he didn't know the specifics of
a lot of this he had to pick up second hand
some of this was based off some sort of instinct he couldn't place
you nearly spit out a soda when Roxanne point blank asked when you were going to use his back hole
you'd been working on another theater sign and were taking a break for a second
you did really open up pandora's box here
you told him the time had to be… special
best excuse you could think of
it wasn't that you didn't want to
that contact earlier left you excited and it was hard not thinking about going all the way
especially with that revelation that he was completely functional there
there would be no other reason to give him an asshole otherwise
but you didn't want to rush things
”so what makes it special?”
”is now special?”
you felt like a buzzkill with how eager he looked to you
you did like him
and did sound fun
the way he wagged his tail and looked to you was making you feel just a little guilty
while you didn't feel tonight was the best time you decided to compromise a little
you brought up that you should at least, like court him a little more
it hit you that you really hadn't gone over dates with him
you'd skipped right to frotting
maybe it was because you already spent most of your time with him
could you take him on dates?
he was sort of confined to the mall and frankly, so were you
frotting was one thing but going all the way felt like it needed a better prelude
you'd grown to really appreciate his company
but a boyfriend might be different
you just didn't want to screw this up
you'd taken risks at work with this and you were happy you did
but you felt Roxy deserved more than just being used
you told him how you felt like maybe an actual date would be a way to make it special
he was curious
that was good
you'd just have to do a date here
at night you could practically own the place so you could have a nice dinner
seeing a movie probably wouldn't be that easy
you didn't know how to operate the projectors
however the DVD store did have tvs
so co opt that in the name of security
just romance a little
you hoped he'd like romance
before this you'd just treated the mall as a job
Roxy was the one exception
why not have both of you enjoy the place a little?
he didn't initially buy into it despite the curiosity
it was true you were sort of stalling and he'd known you to dodge these things before
you could have dropped your pants and fucked then and there
but he was special and you didn't want to just take advantage of it
you wanted him to have a first time he'd actually remember and not have it blend into just debauched sex
sex would be fun
but you didn't want that to be his world
you were his window to a world outside this mall and he deserved better
you'd be better
you finally convinced him when you pulled him over to a photo booth
both of you sat down, the booth seat creaking slightly at heavy wolf ass
you took photos that started awkward at first
then you felt the urge to kiss him
you slipped some more quarters in as the kiss turned heavy
the photos kept coming as the kissing kept going
the second to last photo had you falling out of the booth because someone got a little eager and pushed you through a curtain
the last photo being a panicked Roxanne trying to catch you
but there it was
you two, all affectionate
on camera
after laughing off the fall you set a time
you'd do an official date
”then we have sex?”
to the point
you'd do whatever he wanted
he hugged you tightly
”you won't regret this”
you had to admit, part of you was stalling
but you felt sentimental too
Roxanne deserved better
you did mean that
it would have been easy just to fuck then and there but you wanted you both to have more of a connection
you wanted to do this right
after that date you'd probably break your pelvis at some point
you wanted to give him a positive first impression for his first time
maybe it was idealism
it just felt like it would be better
you weren't intending to run from Roxanne
this was just the final step
the milestone
so you wanted to make it count for something
it was a bit silly having it at the same mall you two worked at
but it wasn't like you could just up and steal Roxanne
someone may notice
after the shift you had privacy to look into things
and it didn't seem like a lot publicly came of Fazbear's acquisition
you had a theory
Roxanne here might be a new model
Fazbear might have repurposed some parts but a lot of his body just didn't match the Roxys you'd seen online
he was unique
none of the others seemed as sleek
though they did sort of have personalities judging by videos
I wasn't just something preprogrammed
they'd learn
Fazbear's was somehow working with robotics and computers so far above anything you'd seen before
how your mall ended up with him you didn't know
maybe mistakes were made on the shipment
you weren't about to correct anyone
as for the male thing
you just accepted that was something that made him more unique
you had a boyfriend
and you really wanted to do right by him
this was a simple gesture but you hoped he liked it
you didn't know if it was possible to break his heart and you never wanted to have him discover that
you also sort of wanted to psych yourself up
he wasn't intimidating
at least not to you
but you had stage fright
he'd probably love whatever you did no matter what but you weren't going to screw this up
so the day of your date came
you'd stashed flowers and couple other surprises in your van
you figured that would be a good ice breaker
you had a feeling Roxanne wouldn't initially grasp the gesture but you wanted to get him a gift
hard to think of what gift to get him as it was
but flowers were sort of an easy idea
you ended up picking up a few bouquets and mixing and matching
you wanted to get a bouquet that matched his colors a little
a gesture you hoped he appreciated
you wanted to knock this out of the park in some way
you went through your shift then nightfall and an empty mall
he was curious when you headed out to your vehicle
you came back with the flowers behind your back
he watched you curiously through the glass door the whole return
you had been careful not to park in an area with cameras
thankfully no one had broken into your piece of shit van
you'd planned this out best you could
maybe a bit of it was selfish
you didn't want this to just be just sex
you could have just gone home and jerked off if it was about busting a nut
you ambushed him with the flowers at the door and he didn't initially get it until you explained about the colors
then he was fascinated with the purple and blues
you even added a little yellow from your apartment's yard for his eyes
it was perhaps a little too sappy but you wanted to do this legitimately
you told him to shut down and recharge while you worked on dinner
something nice you could share time with him at a table over
as opposed to some of the slop from this mall or a TV dinner
heating up precooked Italian in a microwave wasn't taking him out to somewhere fancy
but it was a step above
fettuccine alfredo and garlic bread was simple but fancy enough
what you hadn't told him was dinner was only part of the surprise
he seemed to like when you wore that shirt with Roxanne on it
the time you'd given for this date had given you time to prepare matching shirts with one of one of those pictures of you two together
you'd done it by yourself to cover your tracks
was it tacky? possibly
was it risky? definitely
was it worth it for the look of shock on his face when he came to after you tossed his into his lap? yes
he was initially confused about the flowers but this he seized upon immediately
that was “us”
on a t shirt
you'd have thought you'd handed him a wedding ring
picking a size for him was difficult
XL was sort of tight on him
but it worked
he could always shed the chest plate and it would probably work better
you'd set out your dinner at a tiny table
Roxanne sometimes fumbled with chairs due to his size but you wanted to try sitting him in one of the steel mall chairs nonetheless
he was confused when you pulled a chair out for him but took it anyways
you were trying to be polite and pretty much pulled every cheesy cliche from the book
they wouldn't be cliche to Roxy
over dinner you relaxed and talked
you couldn't exactly regale each other with work stories because well… you were usually within earshot of each other
Roxanne took this time to surprise you
”so what do you want to do in the future?”
he rested his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands as he leaned in
you honestly hadn't thought much of that
you'd been pretty much living paycheck to paycheck
”just wondering. a guy like you, the sky is probably the limit”
that was sort of endearing to hear from someone
”I mean, I get you all to myself. that's great.”
he grinned
”I started giving a little thought to what this all means. I still don't get a lot of it.”
he reached a hand over and placed it over yours
probably picked up the significance from couples in the mall
”no matter what you do you're my favorite.”
you remembered him actually getting angry and asserting that you weren't replaceable
maybe you weren't
not to work no
the mall would chew you up and spit you out if it could
but Roxanne in a sort of social vacuum had picked up the concept of love in his own way
maybe you'd start thinking more about your future from now on
it sort of helped to have someone spur you on sometimes
you two talked a little more
Roxanne prodded you a little more about the outside and you decided why not be an open book
it had gotten you good things with Roxanne before
maybe it could help him
you figured why not
he might want to go out but that was a risk you'd have to take
after all, you wanted him to trust you
and you trusted him
this whole thing would crumble if it was built on suspicion
so you decided to clear up some stuff for him
it sort of helped you didn't really have much going on in life besides waging
so you'd go back to your little apartment and rest
he was curious
you rented a roof over your head
”why not live here?”
you had to explain ownership
your bosses wouldn't appreciate squatting
while you practically lived here there were also somethings home had
how best to put this?
an actual bed is appreciated
hot showers
a meal
simple comforts yet it was hard to describe to him
out there could be a lot of excitement but you sought refuge in your home
this mall was as much excitement as you cared for
”what if I came home with you?”
you nearly choked on your pasta
the bosses would kill you
you couldn't
they'd instantly know it was the one guy watching the doors
besides you'd just started a date
taking him home would be several steps ahead
what shocked you was him changing the subject
normally he'd be stubborn and push
instead he asked more questions
asked about your van
how driving worked
if you liked it
it was mundane stuff you took for granted
and you answered honestly
you were an open book
he hung on your every word
eventually you wrapped up dinner
you'd clean up later
now was movie time
breaking into a store again seemed unwise so you settled for your laptop
you wanted to make it special but also didn't want to piss off another shop owner
so this was the compromise
you had an external HD with a bunch of movies from… places
he wasn't a romance movie kind of guy
at least you guessed
so you picked something at random
he seemed intrigued by the idea
if movie theater dates were any indication, you wouldn't be watching for long anyways
but best case scenario he liked it and you had fun
you set it up on a table near the stage
that could thankfully support Roxy easily
he waited for you to sit down then set his head in your lap
it was going to be harder to focus on Arnold Schwarzenegger fighting an alien
it wasn't too far into the movie
right around the part where Jessie Ventura bites it
Roxy clearly had intentions other than the movie
his clawed hand squeezed your thigh through your jeans
the movie was forgotten
"you said I could do anything, right?"
you regretted that choice of words but yes, you did
he asked to have you undress him
yeah the movie was an afterthought
he sat up and slid the shirt up
you helped him get the chest and pelvic plates off
his hard cock flopped out
so what did he want?
"lay down"
you remember vividly hearing some shootout from your laptop speakers before your face was smothered by robot wolf ass
so the date was going well
Roxanne weighed a considerable amount
at least 300 lbs
however, you weren't worried
he wouldn't hurt you
you were sure of it
you were so close you could hear the hydraulics in his legs
he groaned at feeling your breath on his skin
with his unique composition, his ass was about the cleanest thing in the mall
the smell was the same vinyl of his chest and dick you were familiar with
you clasped your hands on his cheeks and he practically bucked at the touch
a clawed hand grasped behind him to grab your hair
he rolled his hips against your face
the little hisses of pistons blended with the low groan building in him
his tail swished back and forth lazily
your eyes were occupied
curiosity got the better of you and you started kissing
if he was making noise before, he was practically singing now
your lips on his opening had him arching his back
your tongue had him reaching for his cock and stroking himself
this was new territory for both of you
working him into a frenzy allowed you make a new discovery
Roxanne had his own lube
and it tasted like…
that's the only explanation
they made a self lubricating sex toy
probably only responded to touch so neither of you would have known before this
you ate his ass and he didn't even have words
any doubt of what kind of model Roxanne was was gone
Fazbear would have to pry the wolf out of your cold dead hands
when you stuck your tongue in him, he shouted your name and squished his ass down on your face
you didn't want to die here so you'd be careful pushing the envelope
you had a very vulnerable skull and vertebrae you needed intact
all you could smell and taste was his skin and fruit
you'd never do this with a human
it seemed gross
here, it was harmless
no risk
and he loved it
he was stroking himself, tongue hanging out of his mouth
his claws lightly raked through your hair as he whined
your hands gripped into his ass tighter, partially for how good it felt to the touch
partially in case you needed to bench 300 pounds of ass off your face
you could hear the little motions of his hips as he rolled them
what a wonder of engineering
eventually his hand left your head and you noticed him undoing your pants
Roxanne wanted to at least see your cock
he wanted to know he was your favorite
kissing his ass was one thing
he needed to see your cock twitching and throbbing
he had trouble doing it with one hand so he had to stop jerking off
he valued seeing your cock over pleasuring his own right now
he was content once he'd free you from your pants
you were hard and he was satisfied
you'd be tasting raspberries for a while
Roxy's heavy balls rested on your throat, you could feel them while he pleased himself again
your tongue lapped at him mercilessly
while you were cautious about him going overboard and hurting you, you were also enjoying yourself
Roxanne watched your cock as he enjoyed himself
he did this to you
he made you feel good
he turned you on
he was amazed
and he craved more
Roxy didn't know he could feel this good
his whole body was on fire
even jerking off didn't feel this good
he was in heaven with every little lick and prod
he might just keep you in the mall whether you wanted your apartment or not
the glistening precum coming out of your cock caught his attention
he needed to ride it
it was like he was built for this

something felt like it really clicked in Roxanne
sex felt right
he ground his hips down on your face and growled in satisfaction
this was the kind of preforming he was really made for
and you liked it
your dick was hard because of him
that urge to kidnap you was strong
but he focused on the matter at hand first
his body needed the prize glistening in front of him
he didn't warn you when he got up off your face
you appreciated the fresh air
there was no rest though
as soon as your face was free he had moved around and had his ass over your dick
he planted his right foot next to your hip, his other leg straddling yours
you didn't expect the giant robot to be passive but that move meant he'd really be controlling the action for now
who were you to complain
he impaled himself on your cock slowly
he took it slow
mostly out of concern for you
if he went wild he could have hurt you and that wouldn't do
he rested one hand on his hip and the other on his knee and steadied himself
the first thing that struck you was the warmth
he was amazingly warm inside
snug too
you probably couldn't pull out if he didn't want you to
Roxanne looked proud as he finally sunk down to the base of your cock
his muscles clamped tightly around your manhood
his own cock throbbing and leaking as he just looked down on you
Roxanne grinned
he had this
he was performing just for you and he knew he couldn't disappoint his audience
when you were nicely “locked in” he decided to surprise you
feeling your dick in him made him aware of some strange functions
so jolted when you felt vibration around your dick
the smile on the robot wolf's face grew
he didn't say anything
didn't have to
Roxy knew he was your favorite now
confidence surged through him
he'd finally officially got you as a boyfriend
this had to be it
between that date and sex
as good as this felt, Roxanne was sure there wouldn't be any doubt any more
that pretzel lady might feed you but she sure couldn't do this
he pulled up and smashed down to emphasize his internal pep talk
you bucked and instinctively your hands went to his hips
that was it
he'd beaten the pretzel lady
his chances with you were as secure as your hands on his hips
the pistons in his leg planted on stage started working his ass up and down
how many shows had he done on this stage?
he'd lost count
this one was the important one
he was dead set on making this the best show ever
every thrust down was controlled
he looked triumphant
you didn't know if encouraging him like this was a good idea but his ass felt amazing
the way his ring gripped around you and the low vibration was making it hard to focus
Roxanne was sucking you in
the hole was so wet and warm
all you could do was hold on while he looked down at you
Roxanne was the happiest he could ever feel
every time your cock rubbed against that new button inside him he felt a rush
there was an urge to just pin you and claim that dick of yours but he didn't want to hurt you
he knew you were squishy compared to him
so that curbed the desire to go all out
but he made a note to ask about that in the future
you two would be doing this more in the future
the promise of more was making him greedy
so you were squishy
fuck it
he would just be careful
you were shocked when he shifted his weight down over you
his hands pinned against your chest
fuck it
he needed more
his eyes focused on yours and he started jackhammering down on your dick
the mall played host to your grunting and his moans
his hips rolled and slammed with the determination to milk your cock
he threw his head back as he shot a load across your chest
that didn't stop him from riding you
he didn't stop his pace
slamming and rolling down on your manhood in a steady rhythm
he leaned down and started kissing you
in between kisses he'd whisper to you
begging you to cum
how much he needed it
”you going to cum for me?”
that was asked repeatedly in a low pleading tone
a soft whine would leave him as he kept impaling himself on you
there was a good chance you'd have bruises after this
his intensity was like nothing you'd seen before
it felt like he had something to prove
Roxanne had basically said fuck caution
he could have gone gentler
he probably should have
but the urge to make sure he was the best you'd ever have pushed him further
Roxy was hungry for you
your attention
he wanted your eyes on him
his pounding got faster
he leaned back, showing off once more
he could feel you throb inside him
he knew he had you close
that had him flash a toothy grin
this was it
all he'd have to do is squeeze you dry and you wouldn't ever want to leave
the vibration in his body intensified and that was the last straw
he smiled confidently down at you
he won
some sort of switch had gone off in his mind
this instinct awakened in him made him more eager, more possessive
when you grunted and shot your load it was the absolute best feeling
the warmth and the fullness
all his
you were all his
he wasn't stopping now
his other foot was planted onto the stage, he was crouched over your cock
some urge took over Roxanne
his ass clenched tighter around the base on your cock
so tight that no lube or your seed could leak out
he rolled his hips and whined, his cock throbbing back to life
he fondled his chest, showing off for you
there was no suppressing the joy he felt over tonight
his body focused on getting you ready again
”you're my favorite,” he groaned
his ass clamped down on you, you really had no escape
you groaned as his hole worked you back to hardness
your hands were still clasped tightly to his hips as he started riding you again
how he knew when the time was right, you didn't know
but he was doing squats on your cock now
his tail wagged wildly
all the mechanical muscles in his legs working in a flawless pace
without tiring
you'd figured he'd be different than a biological person but had underestimated his stamina
his hands went down to his cock and he started jerking off as he impaled himself
he threw his head back, moaning out your name
really showing off
you'd never seen him gyrate his hips this much
all the while your dick was along for the ride
Fazbear was getting their goddamn money's worth if they made Roxanne like this
or was it a reaction to you?
he'd never been this intense before
he was too heavy to just throw off
just frantically riding you
perhaps you bit off more than you could chew
he wasn't giving you much time to ponder that though
he refused to let your cock be completely out of him
it was just wedged back in
you were unfamiliar with him being this dominant
usually he controlled himself
it wasn't like he was hurting you but he was going to leave bruises
his cock pulsed before it shot ropes onto your chest
he shocked you by grabbing your shirt collar and pulling you into his chest
”come on, I know you want to”
his voice was soft and teasing
he knew you were close
his hands ventured down and he grabbed your ass and rode you harder than ever
the soft pistons in his body worked faster and faster
you could hear all of him while pressed to his chest
he was right
you were close
very close
”give it to me”
that was a demand
one that worked
you flooded him with another load as he smothered your groan with his chest
his hand ran through your hair and he gently whispered to you
”you're so warm inside me”
his insides hadn't stopped pulsing around your manhood
the vibration had reduced in intensity but he was still trying to milk you
he'd put his weight down on your lap, just enough to keep you there
”pretty good, right?”
to emphasize his ass massaged you from base to tip in one smooth motion
he could control that that easily
Roxanne enjoyed learning all this fun stuff tonight
he didn't know any of this about himself
but why shouldn't he be able to do this?
he was the best boyfriend and he just assumed this was a responsibility that came with the job
you groaned at the demonstration
you'd have to explain rest to him eventually but for now you let him have his fun
his snout nuzzled at your neck
Roxanne liked dating
you regained your energy and asked to get some air
all you could breath in was Roxy for a while
he complied and slowly pulled away
your cock was allowed to finally go flaccid
using his ass like a cockring was impressive
but you also needed some feeling back in your legs
he quickly grabbed you from behind like a stuffed animal
good lord you'd created a monster
you'd have to figure out how to clean Roxanne up
when you brought that up he didn't respond at first
you repeated yourself and he huffed
”but I like feeling you in there”
it was a nice thought but you didn't want to cause any damage to his internals
now, how you'd actually clean him was a mystery
perhaps there was some sort of way to unmount all his unmentionables
you had studied his body enough
you'd think it would be easy
for all you knew he was a prototype and they never got that far with the design
but they had to
you'd eventually need to clean out the guy after use
to say nothing of reloading his various fluids
you'd gotten the idea to take off his lower abdominal shell
it would let you peer inside better
you'd been delicate about this stuff before, worried about all the strange new stuff you'd never seen before
normally you were just doing check ups on his hydraulics and stuff like that, not check his sex lube levels
now Roxy was just watching you poke around inside him like it was a day at the office
you trusted him not to move while you reached around
it impressed you just how complex he was
you ended up finding were the lube was poured in pretty quickly
you had initially written that off as machine lubrication before
well, it was but not for what you'd originally thought
you poked around the front and couldn't find where his cum was made until you realized how dumb you were
his nuts
another liquid tank connected to where they hung outside his body
they weren't as soft as a humans but they apparently fulfilled the same function
and good thing you found it then too because he was damn near dry
made sense for how often you two would go at it
he might have actually used up the last of it for tonight
dry orgasms were probably in the future until you could fix that
you could not find a way to dismount his delicate parts but you found an access point that let you flush him out
all you'd need is a bottle or two of hot soapy water
so that was simple
you guided him over to the bathroom, eager to get him cleaned up
he at least let you clean him with no fuss after that
the rest of the night was fairly calm
after the sex he was content in his victory
he'd gotten you
so he enjoyed himself
you enjoyed yourself
everything was relaxed
it had been a weight off your shoulders
a boyfriend
though an unconventional one
things had worked out
after that night you'd look more into Fazbear's work
refills for Roxanne
any sort of information
Roxy couldn't bother to trouble himself with such thoughts
he'd had sex with you
it was the culmination of everything he'd dreamed of
that's why one evening it all was ripped away from you two
someone had eventually noticed the mistake
paperwork came over for a recall

deep down you feared someone would notice their mistake
Roxy was clearly a prototype meant for somewhere else
the email sent to your management was very clear
they were coming by the next day to pick up the “product”
thanked the mall for purchasing the “product”
offered a slightly reduced price for a new “product” as a apology
you had to hide your anger in front of the boss
your mind flashed back to when Roxanne snapped at you that you weren't expendable
you were expected to be there at the hand off to make it go smoothly
how in God's name would you handle this?
they'd most likely wipe his memory after poking around
maybe even scrap him
so many terrible possibilities ran through your mind
and you were just expected to keep a straight face during a hand off
you fantasized about slamming your boss’ head through that computer monitor
he couldn't have known how painful this was
the violence would have felt great in the moment but in the end he wasn't at fault here
he wasn't the one you needed to pick a fight with
it felt like Roxanne and you finally found some sort of happy place and Fazbear was intent of destroying it
you hadn't considered you'd care about the guy when you started this job
before he was just a robot
then a coworker
a friend
and how in the hell did you do the night shift tonight?
you could tell him and upset him
or hide it and betray his trust
well as upsetting as the news was he deserved to know
the rest of the day you went about your job, mentally a shell of your normal self
you'd see him up on stage during your rounds and it hurt when he looked to you
what the hell were you going to do?
during your lunch shift you looked up nearby Fazbear facilities
a plan was brewing
a really really dumb one
a day dream that could probably get you killed
but you were entertaining it nonetheless
Roxy would do it for you
he wasn't a goddamn “product”
not to you
that word left a bad taste in your mouth
that night you broke the news to him
it wasn't the smartest idea to make the giant robot emotionally distraught but you'd feel guilty keeping such a thing a secret
he didn't get angry
there was no dramatic outburst
instead he immediately snatched you up and held you to his chest for the entire night shift
didn't even really speak
you two just sat there in silence
before dawn came you had formulated a plan
it was incredibly dumb
but it seemed like a great idea all things considered
Roxy listened and you ended up enacting it in short order
the Fazbear staff weren't going to be there first thing so that gave you time to swing by a store when the mall opened
you bought a new cheap cell phone
you were taking off the day after the hand off
fired or not
there were other jobs
you really wanted to deck one of the Fazbear workers that called Roxy defective but held your composure
Roxanne was shut down for the transport
it said a lot about his faith in you that he went quietly
you fully expected a rampage
or maybe he consigned himself to never seeing you again
hard to gauge
regardless of your current thoughts, you'd keep the poker face up the whole conversation
only when they left did you feel safe to enact the plan
inside Roxanne’s shell, taped to the upper back, was your cellphone
and you just happened to have a burner phone that could track where you'd lost your phone
it wouldn't be long before they started maintenance on him
they'd find the phone
so that was why this mall could suck it
sure enough it took you to a Fazbear facility another city over
you'd seen this one overhead on the maps app
it was too risky to go in in broad daylight
you watched the place from a neighboring parking lot
you weren't Batman so trying to sneak in was going to be a pain
it was best to stake out the place and wait for nightfall
the place looked like a ratty old warehouse, secondhand no doubt
you made a note of where the cameras were
your stake out had a small issue
what you would do now
sure the fence was ratty enough you could slip through after dark
but they had to have a security system for a broken window
Fazbear couldn't be that cheap
you weren't a ninja or a lockpick or a hacker
you were just a guy in a menial job
all you knew how to do was fix shit around a mall
a limited skill set
staying in the van gave you plenty to think about
you didn't dare step out and get caught on camera
you'd have to cover your face in the dead of night when you went in
the irony of you getting into a secure place at night wasn't lost on you
you had tools from the repair work you'd do around the mall
the idea of just smashing the locks was there
you prayed their security wasn't as high tech as their robots
what if they had robots as security?
stuck running around a place, hunted by killbots
well you'd have to risk it
the good news was the phone was still pinging
most likely they just stowed Roxanne in storage for the day
it was Friday and they probably wanted to avoid all that shit before the weekend
that worked for you
no one wants to stay late on Fridays
you realized you had half a bag of potato chips in the back and made that your dinner
this was dangerous
but you'd have something in your stomach
you leaned the seat back and tried to get a nap to pass the time and ease your worried mind
your alarm went off
5 hours had passed
the rest had given you an opportunity for self-reflection
were you really going to walk from your job and commit a felony?
up until now life had been cushy
you were tossing that all away
but then you thought back to Roxanne
if the roles were reversed he'd help you
and he'd done nothing wrong here
this was on Fazbear's shitty shipping
you stared at the ceiling of your van for a good long while
a tap on the window made you flinch
it looked to be a homeless guy
the panhandling confirmed it
you were initially hesitant to lower the window until an idea occurred
you asked about that strange fenced in building over yonder
just what was it?
you were new to the area and all
a 20 being brandished made him sing
you figured if this guy was a local there was something you could get from him
he didn't quite know what was inside due to security
they'd shooed him away from their dumpsters
which was a shame because it looked like a lot of scrap
so they had security guards?
only during the day judging by the copper he was able to pull from the dumpsters at night
they must cheap out and rely on the cameras and a system at night
you thought your mall was cheap
you thanked the guy and laid back down
eventually the sun would set
then you could sneak in
the stake out was getting duller and duller
you hoped that homeless guy would keep his mouth shut
it was a risk asking information like that
you hoped he hadn't noticed you perk up at the lack of security at night
so they definitely had to have electronic shit in there if they were confident leaving every night
it sucked having no better preview
but the longer you waited the higher the chance Roxy would be dismantled or moved again
the urge to use the bathroom was strong
you were glad it was still winter and the sun was going down soon
you'd cover your face before leaving and pick the least lit corner of the building
the chainlink was an antique and you could easily get in anywhere
pliers would get through that
you packed a hammer and a screwdriver
gloves so you didn't leave fingerprints
an old shirt wrapped around your face was enough to hide your identity in that regard
you tried not to think what would happen if you were successful
you'd never broken the law before
they would immediately make you a suspect in your mind
it was a lot like a dog chasing a car
how you'd deal with things AFTER was not something you wanted to worry about
right now, this moment was important
the consequences probably wouldn't be pleasant but you kept pushing that out of your mind
that would be dealt with it when it happened
right now you had a rescue to pull off
that night the parking lot over by the warehouse emptied out
that homeless guy was right
not a soul
you gave it another half hour after the last car left
a glance at your phone and you saw it was still pinging
they really must have shoved Roxy in a storage closet or something
you cut the fence in a dark corner of the lot
snuck in
your eyes were darting everywhere, making sure you didn't catch movement
paranoia was normal here
you prayed this would be easy
the place looked even more rundown upon closer
maybe Fazbear was cheap
you hope that applied to security
at the door an antique keypad sat below the door knob
this warehouse was clearly second-hand
or even tenth-hand
it wasn't like the movies where you could figure out the code and be in
smashing the locks would make the alarm go off
you thought long and hard while huddled by the door
a thought occurred
you pulled out your phone and called the one in Roxanne
best case scenario you could signal to him and he could get the door
you had turned off the sound so it would be stuck on vibrate
no response
well that was an easy solution off the table
you hoped that wasn't an ominous sign
smashing a window didn't sound like a bad idea
but was that tied to the security system too?
it was a risk
the doors most likely were the only entrances tied to the system
they'd count on whatever burglar tripping a door alarm
that was probably the best idea though
even if you got in through the door you'd probably have to disarm the alarm with a code you didn't know
then cops would be called
better to trip the alarm at the end of the rescue than force a time limit
you weighed your options
the main building had low windows going into a basement
the hammer went through the glass and you paused
waiting for some siren wail
you inhaled
your heart raced
no noise
you cleared out the glass
you didn't need to slit your belly on glass
when you were satisfied with the glass being clear you slid into the basement and used your phone
you hoped to hear the phone vibrating in Roxy
a silent Marco Polo
so far so good
you held the hammer tightly in your grip
you didn't know what you'd do if this failed so you pushed the thought from your mind and pressed on
the room was cramped
some sort of storage room now
parts everywhere
boxes and crates
some of it looked loosely like Fazbear attractions and the like
you recognized an arm here or a leg there
you couldn't tell much more
the door had a light under it
a soft glow
you approached quietly
just because there were no cars outside didn't mean you wouldn't be cautious
you pressed your ear to the door
no noise on the other side
looking around the door frame you saw no security system
the door slowly creaked as you pushed it out
no noise
you weren't underestimating the security system but you breathed a sigh of relief
this was a good sign
hopefully they just stored Roxy down here
you wanted to keep the search short and sweet
the halls were barren
despite the age they still felt sterile
like an old hospital
you brandished the hammer as a comfort
you really didn't want to hurt anyone
you rang the phone again
hoping to hear the faint vibration
the noise would be muffled but the site was deadly quiet
every door through the hall seemed an option
you would explore the basement and then head upstairs
still no response
but you kept the phone going
Roxanne had to be deactivated for him to not react
you tried checking the tracking
the phone was close but you couldn't get details in a building
but you could see he was close and that was a comfort
while it wasn't completely accurate he could see he was practically on top of Roxy
hopefully they were on the same floor
Fazbear's must really be cheap if this was the best they could get for a facility
it seemed like the icon was close
you tried ringing the phone again and pressed your ear to the door
you heard a rumbling from the other side
that had to be your phone
the next obstacle came in the form of a locked door
you knew where he was
and it still felt so far
the steel door wouldn't budge
you worried about a security system and the one thing that stopped you was a damn lock
you'd have to figure something out
slumping against the door, you wracked your brain
this was difficult
you didn't have tools for this
smashing the handle?
them turning off Roxanne sort of fucked things up
he could have just knocked the door down
it was up to you now
maybe there was a key somewhere
the homeless guy mentioned security
maybe they had an office
you hoped they left their door unlocked as you made your way for stairs
security would no doubt camp on the first floor
you turned off your phone light
you'd go off night vision to avoid making people suspicious
fuck it, you'd get this

while you weren't Batman, you snuck around well enough
it didn't look like anyone was outside and you were pleased with yourself
you allowed yourself a sliver of hope
the upstairs was a mess
Fazbear wasn't exactly impressing you
maybe this was just storage
no frills
you saw more boxes
more parts
a few pieces you recognized
a pale white and pink fox face topped a box
for how long the company has been operating they probably have mountains of scrap
you wondered how many of these storage facilities they had
you got lucky they took Roxy to the closest one
nothing was labeled but nothing was seemingly locked
you checked every doorway for alarms before opening them
after a few minutes you found what looked like a desk for a guard shoved away in one room
most other offices were storage
you dug through his desk and were greeted by a bottle of whiskey and a key ring
you rushed back downstairs with the whiskey and keyring in hand
you smashed the bottle into.the room you came in from
hopefully they'd think it was vagrant with a taste for Thunderbird before you were a suspect
you ran through all the keys before one finally unlocked the your way in
you took a deep breath and opened the door
your eyes went to Roxy
one of them…
the hell?
it seemed unwise to wake sleeping beauty up around a bunch of mass produced versions of him
but time was of the essence
you rang your phone and were happy to see one of the five Roxannes slightly vibrate
that was your man
you knew how to turn him on, jokes aside, and his eyes flicked on instantly on the dark
he looked down to you and snatched you off the ground in a spine threatening embrace
he understood silence was important here and left it at a gesture
but his excitement was evident
that faded when he saw the room
he set you down and you rushed him out
it had to be strange seeing other versions of yourself
you would have to take Roxy out a door
meaning tripping the security system
you tossed the keys over your shoulder and the clang meant they hit one of the Roxys
an idea occurred

you guided Roxanne out of the room and went back in

all the robots would be left on and able to roam
they seemed confused but you hoped it would give you two enough cover
you could tell Roxanne was unsettled and you silently escorted him out
with any luck they'd be tracking down their “product” all night
giving you two a headstart
a headstart to what you didn't know yet
you warned him to get ready
the exit door you'd found was an easy option but Roxanne had another idea
a 200 lb metal desk was put through a nearby window on into the parking lot
the shattering was a racket, yes
but the alarm wasn't tripped
how did he know?
”I saw the cables in the walls heading to that door, they didn't bother with the windows”
well he came to the same conclusion you did
but yours was more dumb luck than anything
he grabbed you and threw you on his shoulder
an impressive jump and you were in the parking lot
he quietly asked where your ride was and you gestured to the lot across from the building
he refused to set you down and silently rushed around the building
you hoped cameras wouldn't catch the escape now
he'd stop occasionally, then move again
no idea what that was about
only when you were at the van did he set you down
you opened the back and let him crawl in
”so this is your ride?”
he sounded honestly awestruck
this was the most he'd been outside the mall so it made sense
just sort of strange to be impressed with your van of all things
you closed the door and hopped into the driver's seat
two arms wrapped around you from behind the seat
”where to, hero~”
that actually was a very good question
one that you hadn't put any consideration into
what next?
you stared into the steering wheel
this was…
last week you were just worrying about the paychecks
now you'd be a fugitive
this was all irrational and insane
but Fazbear couldn't have Roxy
that wasn't right
you weren't sure he had a soul like you but you didn't feel right just leaving him
the cops wouldn't be dumb
they'd eventually start asking questions concerning the last place Roxanne was right?
maybe you had seen too many movies and gave them too much credit
you'd just probably committed a felony
but this was right
no matter what happened next
first thing first you'd head home
worst case scenario you needed to pack shit up to move
you were tempted to call in sick tomorrow
the trip back to your apartment was easy this late at night
Roxanne kept low at your insistence but he did peak out of the windows, absorbing any sights he could
he seemed enchanted even a shitty stretch of highway
his life before this was sheltered so it made sense
you would cash in a PTO day from the mall and spend the day with him at your apartment
you'd prepare a bug out bag but right now you'd pray for the best
home and under the cover of darkness you guided him to your dinky little apartment
after drawing the curtains you collapsed face first onto the bed
he collapsed next to you and the bed frame shattered under the weight
you sighed
you were too tired and he had already had the puppy dog eyes when you glanced to him
thank God you lived on the first floor
you stretched an arm out over him
tomorrow would be interesting
bed frame was ruined
that was your first thought
Roxanne was out like a light next to you
when you tried to get up he snatched you and pulled you to him
”not so fast”
he started tongue kissing you
at least robots didn't have morning breath
he pinned you to the mattress
his weight made you aware of how deep your bedspring could be
the kiss was broken as quickly as he started
”you didn't have to do that for me.”
you pointed out he wasn't expendable either
your fingers ran through his hair
there was some tangles and you made a note you'd have to get a brush for him
the robot was gentle laying on you, your legs between his splayed ones
he giggled and it was adorable
you'd eventually go back to worrying
but this moment was worth all the trouble
his tail softly wagged, the noise easy to pick up in the silence of the room
you hoped he didn't notice your morning wood
you needed a shower and coffee before you even thought about any lovemaking
you checked your burner phone and saw the time
you called your boss and faked a cough
much too sick to come in
he seemed to buy it thank God
Roxanne was bored with the conversation and decided to scan your room
this giant was your responsibility now
he looked entranced by your cheap tv
probably remembered watching Predator on your first date
you were almost off the phone when the boss dropped a new bombshell
your security job was no longer needed because now they'd install a better security system
no idea what brought that on but that was hours you couldn't recover
and your boyfriend here would probably change the power bill a little
you frowned a little
but honestly, considering you wouldn't have company at night you wouldn't miss the shifts
you hung up and gently tried to encourage Roxy off
you undid his torso plate and grabbed your phone
he looked a little disappointed you just slid the plate back on
you tossed him the remote and let him figure that out
you put the phone on the charger and went to start a pot of coffee
he finally got a hang of the buttons with his big fingers
while he channel surfed you excused yourself to shower
he looked interested but you didn't need to get his parts wet
no idea how his body would react
his ears slumped and he looked like a disappointed child
your dumbass almost asked why he wanted to shower with you when your mind answered that almost after it had posed the question
the shower was a relief
you felt comfortable walking out of the bathroom nude and Roxanne instantly turned to look at you
he liked what he saw
”come here.”
well at least he waited until the shower
since you had the day why not?
he patted his thigh
”you didn't even hesitate to come for me.”
he pulled you onto him
”you know how amazing that is?”
you didn't think it was that amazing
”come on, you know you want to strip me.”
he ruffled your hair and pulled you into the nape of his neck
this made the felony worth it
by now you could unlatch his shell blindfolded
so being buried in his neck was no challenge
you almost lost this
it was all dumb and crazy but Roxy was a real connection
the bottom plates were easy
the top plate required you to lift up slightly
he didn't have a heartbeat like you but there was an ever-present hum
you noticed it ages ago, something no one else seemed to pick up on
it was like pressing against a running car hood
the slightest vibration
you were both aroused but didn't immediately act on it
just quietly cuddled
rain started up outside
the patter of drizzle on the windows mixed with the background noise of the TV
all you'd need was Predator on the screen and it would be a nice nostalgia trip
this was a rare time you had him pinned though
he had a smug look and you felt like you were the source of that pride
you'd never even stolen a pack of gum
and you broke the law for him
he understood that
did he think you were like a bad boy now?
his hands reached down and he gave your ass a squeeze
”well, don't just stare you dork.”
you went for kisses on his bare chest
”that's much better”
you realized how taboo this was
you claimed Roxy
like some sort of barbarian running off with a warbride on his arm
sure, he carried you
but you still felt like a conquering hero
Roxanne muttered down to you
deft claws ran over your bare back
you were hard, he was hard
your hands locked on his legs
Roxanne realized pretty quickly what you were doing and allowed it
the robot's legs were up in the air with little effort on your part
the bed was so destroyed you didn't dare risk cowgirl here
so he was getting bred like this
his hole was prelubed again
this was a real reversal of your first time
it might be the first time you loomed over him
he grabbed at your dick and guided it in its proper place
he was smiling
there was a confidence there
you'd gone to great lengths for him and he knew that
he really was your favorite and that soft smile was him confident he'd won you
he really had
Roxanne pulled you down and licked at your neck and face
one benefit to a robot is he was pretty clean no matter what
the robot was overwhelmingly affectionate
he was so happy
that recall was the best thing to happen to him
now he knew for sure
he had you
the world outside looked fascinating but he was more than happy to stay like this
seeing those other Roxannes had unsettled him but you were there
you saved him at a cost to your life
you didn't pause
just chased him
”come on, I know you want it~”
Roxy was strong enough to force the issue and growing needier
your cockhead was right there
tantalizing him
one hand ran back down to you ass and he shoved you in balls deep
he laughed when you groaned at that
”good fucking boy, that's it.”
Roxanne thought back to last night
he waited until you were completely sunk in to ask the question
”I'm special, right?”
his clawed hand reached up to stroke your cheek
of course
he was very special
was this about those other Roxys?
it had to be
you'd be worried if you found out there was more of you
your hand went for his bare chest
in there he was your Roxanne
he was unique
an individual molded by his own unique experiences
you wouldn't share a moment like this with anyone else
he was so special
he'd imprinted on you as much as you hoped you did on him
you decided to pour on the charm a little
you held his chin up
none of those Roxanne’s could be the rockstar he was
and now?
you two could have private shows like this all the time
you didn't exactly have much of a home but I was his too
the world was open to you both but right now there's nowhere you'd rather be
you went back to holding his legs up
no one got a show like the one he gave
and you wouldn't change that for anything
”even if I'm not a girl? they said I was faulty”
he was perfect the way he was
they could say whatever bullshit they wanted but wasn't the connection you two had proof?
you shifted your hips to emphasize it
he laughed
”you're right. it was just last night…”
yeah that was it for sure
Roxy looked a little timid
but you started pumping
you'd let your actions speak for you
the whole time you didn't break eye contact
this was your Roxy
he was special
and you'd show him that
you thrust up in an effort to find whatever amounted to a prostate
he bucked after the second attempt
you'd have him so sticky and spent he wouldn't even be able to think, much less worry
you wrapped your arms around his legs, locking them against you
he was stronger but he submitted to you
that part was sweet
his hand ventured down to his own dick, now at full mast
you'd have to get better at understanding the mechanics of his body now
you wouldn't have help if anything went wrong
he softly pumped his cock in time with your thrusts
his ass had started working you over again, constricting and vibrating
he'd been jealous of you around women and his worry about the other Roxannes only made it more obvious
this little rockstar was nervous
that gave you an idea
Roxanne was confused and a little miffed when you stopped to reach for and look at your phone
understandable of course
that pause sort of ruined the tempo
it was cheesy but you had pulled up YouTube
the slight annoyance in his eyes was replaced by a grin when music came on
KISS was way before your time and this was sort of silly
but he appreciated you moving your hips again while “I Was Made For Loving You” played in the background
it just felt appropriate
you don't know if it would be “your song” but it fit
your minds went back to the pleasure at hand, slowly enjoying yourselves
within the safety and privacy of your home this felt better than even the dates at the mall
the fear and hesitation from months before had vanished
hell, you didn't even consider him just a fuck buddy like originally
there was something deeper behind this
something you'd never felt with anyone
and your hips were busy telling him that
the bond you two had started to share was more than physical
he was still girly
for a giant robot wolf that is
but the weird mixture of hard and soft didn't just apply to his shell and privates
you never would have thought someone that towered over you could be considered cute but the way he pleaded to you with his eyes spoke louder than words
you kept your pace, pumping him slow and deep
there was no frantic need to nut in him
not the quick and dirty way
it had more meaning behind it
that first time was about making it official
this was about sightseeing
occasionally you'd kiss along Roxanne’s leg
you were sure he didn't have nerves along his shell but he appreciated the gesture
he kept stroking himself while watching you
his own cock leaking precum as his body did what it was designed for
no way in hell was someone that made you feel this good a defect in any sense of the word
his toes curled as you groaned your name
even with the slow pace he was enjoying himself
eventually he pulled his hand away from his cock, your efforts apparently pleasing him more than his own hand
he arched his back and nearly took you along for the ride
but you were focused on pumping him and held on through it
his soft ass against your hips made a wet sound
not like flesh on flesh but percussion unique to your lovemaking
you were making music now
one clawed hand roamed up his chest as the other gripped your bedsheet
he was grinning, watching the sweat on your brow
he wasn't breathing hard like a human partner might
but he was reacting every other way
he bucked a little when you'd bottom out
whine at the sudden vacancy inside him
then softly moan when you came back in, peppered with encouragement
a lot of “just like that” and “you're doing great”
for someone who could be as insecure as he was sometimes he really pushed to make sure you felt like the best
but you turned it back on him
you saw his cock twitch when you called him the best
he really was the best and you'd make sure he knew it
you were using his legs for leverage and just moving your hips now
”you going to cum? I feel it throbbing”
you were trying to hold back a little
the grin on his face was eager as he looked up to you
”of course you're going to cum”
he was getting off on being desired
his insecurities gone for the moment when he realized he was center stage
your reassurance helped bring out his confidence
real confidence
not just that stage face he'd fall into
Roxanne was pleased
you really wanted him
he was always going to be a little nervous
but the way your body reacted to him made the fears feel stupid
it was silly worrying
you had stolen him back from his creators
you did that without a second thought
the thought made his cock leak
maybe he also liked how much a bad boy move that was
you'd basically claimed ownership over him
he didn't know what his creators would have done to him
but they thought he was a defect
you didn't
you saw value in him
your cock was also hitting a button inside him that felt fucking amazing
you had said he was the best and he was keeping that memory at the forefront of his mind
he wasn't letting you leave the room if he could help it
Roxanne needed your seed and he really, really didn't want to be cleaned out immediately
that warmth was love
when you bottomed out he clenched, locking you in
you were confused
the wolf didn't want to be rude and knew how sweet you were being
but the idea of getting your cum made him a little greedy
he had been enjoying you taking charge but he really needed it
then the massage over your cock intensified to the point you swore he was milking you
he'd reasserted just enough control to get what he needed
Roxy's hands went back down to his cock and he stroked himself frantically with them
nice and slow had led to a full sprint
he'd thrown his head back and was lost in the passion of it while you grit your teeth
well if he wanted your cum he was getting it
KISS had started to autoplay in the background and you weren't going to look at “Nothing to Lose” without this mental picture
both of you climaxed and immediately after Roxanne’s hands pulled you down to recover on his chest
he wasn't freeing your dick
you'd worry about that in a bit
claws gently ran over your bare back as he gingerly kissed your head
he'd hold onto this memory too
you said he was the best and the heat in his insides was proof to him

the next couple of days felt amazing
it was easy to smuggle Roxy to your van
usually you left him at home
you wondered what allowing him access to your TV would do
trying to use a DVD was a challenge for him sometimes
you'd show him your phone too occasionally
occasionally it got dirty
he liked learning a lot of things
a lot
you had to explain the Amazon position
you might be a tad squishy for that
leaving him at home at least allowed him to occupy his mind
you felt guilty having him sit in the van for 8 hours doing nothing
you were dreading the next power bill
maybe you'd give him that spare phone eventually
all around, it was a relief being completely open with him now
no one to fear when you explained things to him
you were an open book and he was fascinated by any bit of news
work had become very dull with no real company
if you got lucky smuggling Roxanne to work you'd spend your time with him in the van
after about a week management came to you
you feared a firing
possibly a cop interview
you had a bugout bag in the van just in case constantly
just in case you two had to bolt
instead you were told Fazbear was sending out a new Roxanne model
sort of an apology
that the mall still had to pay to get delivered
one without defects that had resulted in the recall
well this was going to feel weird
it was a relief the news was so mundane but you might keep Roxanne in the dark about this news a little
but so far so good

you thought about how you'd eventually tell Roxanne
would it be prudent to just get a different job?
you could stand to have a bigger apartment
a giant robot is good at showing you how cramped your little room is
but you would have to think about this
Roxanne didn't like being around other Roxys
no telling how he'd react knowing you were stuck as a mechanic on another one
one quick trip home and you were happy to see Roxy flicking through channels
you didn't have cable, but internet allowed you watch stuff on the tiny TV
unsurprisingly he took a liking to music videos
especially hair metal
not shocking
he did once ask if you wanted him to dress like one of those girls in that Motley Crue video
just unprompted
you'd appreciate it but the wardrobe wasn't easy to find of him
but you definitely considered it
today you came in and he was watching some sort of cooking show thing
strange for him to take an interest in that
he didn't need to eat
hell he didn't have taste buds best you could guess
he wagged his tail and looked to you when you opened the door
while you would like letting him out to experience the world, you were deathly afraid of the consequences and giving him even a small window was best you could do
yeah, as stressful as these past few days could be, you were happy to come home to someone
and he was happy to have some small measure of freedom and to be with you
you went to get a shower and nowadays felt really no shame in undressing around Roxanne
the TV was briefly an afterthought for him
after that news from the boss you felt a little guilty hiding the information at the moment
it felt like a lie by omission
the shower gave you time to think about it
maybe you would tell him
better to pull the bandaid off now
but how to put it?

you took your time in the shower
this was a tough one
fine, fuck it
he was owed the honesty
you just had to emphasize he was important
you toweled off and prepared yourself
you started by saying you had news about work, piqued his interest
his ears even perked up
so you would be stuck fixing up an animatronic
you distanced the new mall Roxy from your own
by bringing up the work aspect
it was just a job
your Roxanne on the other hand was special
you eventually brought up the robot was a Roxy
he looked a little crushed
no doubt worried he'd been replaced
you sat down next to him on the bed
slipping an arm around his waist, you leaned against him
you could try to offer a bunch of excuses
but instead you kissed his cheek
work was work
you could quit tomorrow
but you'd still be his
you praised him, ran your hand over his side, intensifying your kisses
they were simple things but it did raise his spirits
you turned his head to meet yours and promised him
that no one
absolutely no one
could compete in your heart
”even if I'm not the real Roxy?”
you were taken aback
he was worried about that
it made sense
if you found out there were other yous you'd be worried if you were real
what mattered was he was him
you didn't have the deep answers for him
but you replied that he was the product of his experiences
you hand rested on his
he was real to you
no one else was special like him
that seemed to finally relax him
”I don't want you quitting work because of me…”
he looked down to his feet
you were honestly thinking about it though
maybe cutting ties with town
the possibility had been floating around in your mind
you kissed him again
he was always going to be part of you future
no matter how much things changed
you wanted him
you actually quoted KISS and said you were “made for loving him”
but he loved it judging by how he leaned into you

you sat like that and lost track of time
just silently leaning into each other while rubbing his hand
you appreciated the contrast in size between your hands
he was a delicate thing despite it all
it didn't matter what else happened
he was special
you did have a proposal and allowed the suggestion to hang in the air a moment
just to gauge his interest
finally curiosity got the better of him
you remembered he remarked about those girls in the music videos
maybe it didn't have to be as slutty…
”well that parts fine”
you laughed
well anyways
you suggested a little wardrobe change
he liked the Mrs. Claus outfit
clothes would be something none of these Roxanne’s would have
he really would be special on the outside as much as he was on the inside
you knew what was behind that shell of his
you had to clarify that wasn't just a dick joke
as much as you'd initially ran from the idea when you two first met you were with him
you weren't running scared
he did that
he might be a Roxanne but he was his own man
he was the only one that could have gotten the reaction out of you he did
you brought up how special it was to work with him
that he wasn't just some “product” like Fazbear said or even just a coworker
you'd grown to love him
that was something no one could claim
not even someone built identical to him
and that love you had for him was reflected in his love for you
that made him special and no one could replace that bond
you did make a mental note to take up sewing because goddamn if any girl's clothes you could pick up off the rack would fit him

you kept tabs on current news
as a way to get a warning about any legal trouble
in the heat of the moment you hadn't considered it but maybe Fazbear being shady had worked to your benefit
the rumors about all the weird shit involving with the company, would they really care about a missing Roxanne
they might want to keep the case hush hush
every day you checked and feared the worst
every day you were paranoid cops would show at the mall or your place
constant vigilance was taking a toll on your mind
for all the stress, Roxanne was a comfort
he was there for you
he was very aware of the risk you took for him
while he occasionally would slip into a depressive episode about his existence, he would try not to bring you down with him
sometimes it resulted in him being a little needy
but that was ok
you cared about him and he cared about you
he would thank you for how much you had risked rescuing him
the idea that his creators might have shut him down or wiped him had scared him
when he had gotten taken away the only thing that stopped him from panicking before they powered him down was you
he had trusted you
that helped cheer him up
you were trustworthy then
so you'd be trustworthy whenever
some hussy Roxanne could come along
he was the one you saved
neither of you two really let the other wallow in negative emotions too much
neither of you let each other dwell on your respective paranoia thoughts for long
your neighbors must have come to hate you after more than a few times one of you decided getting your rocks off for some stress relief was the answer
Roxy was all out of that artificial cum so every orgasm for the time being was a dry one
the lube was easier to acquire and you restocked him
all the sex shop in town had was apple flavor
but it was the right brand
one of the newer things you tried was using that fleshlight and frotting into him like you were fucking him mating press style
attempts to bring up the Amazon position were countered with not being sure your pelvis could survive the experience
life had returned to normal
occasional scares aside
in the long run the only thing that ended up changing was you looked forward to home more
Roxanne wanted to contribute more for you
he surprised you one day when you came home with dinner
he wasn't watching cooking shows because he was bored
it was… a first attempt
thank God you were fine with rare hamburger
but the care was there
he also wanted to get better at it
after a few months, neither the cops or Fazbear came knocking
you'd checked his inner workings up and down multiple times for any kind of tracker but maybe they were just that dumb
he was a bit more expensive than a cellphone
well, their loss
the bugout bag sort gathered dust in your van

the was a certain poetry in the fact that Roxanne was slowly becoming a housewife
his first move was in the Mrs. Claus outfit
it wasn't intentional
at least you didn't think so
he just sort to took to taking care of you
it was sometimes bordering on smothering
but given you were a young bachelor who'd never had a roommate, it was sort of welcome
he started having you go to bed earlier
and his cooking improved quickly
while he lacked the taste to know when something was good, he could easily stick to a recipe and respond to your feedback
he actually started looking up healthier stuff for you
you'd never had a relationship go this far
weird to have someone making sure you drank more water
maybe he was good with kids so the nurturing thing came natural
it was funny the mechanic was getting taken care of by his work
nowadays, he busied himself at home
the whole place was spotless
you wanted to clean the bathroom yourself but the rest of your tiny apartment was clean as could be
again, this was a first
you decided he needed a little something to help his boredom
something more than TV
you'd gone down to the pawn shop and we'll, acoustic was the best you could do for your price range
the mall had seized his guitar
he picked you up and nearly crushed the guitar in his excitement
paying half a week's pay for it was worth it
you wanted him to express himself a little and that was the first thing that came to mind
eventually, the mall's Roxanne came in
she was definitely not your Roxy
work carried on in a professional manner
your Roxanne did make you at least treat this robot as a person first
he'd made you aware these Fazbear robots weren't some simple ride attraction
plus you had the chance to work on a model that would help troubleshoot any problems for Roxy
he wouldn't be the only one to look out for his partner
eventually, your paranoia slowly faded
you had worried that you'd be punished
that the worst would happen
sketchy wouldn't begin to describe Fazbear
and that company being the way it was really might have been the best cover you could ask for
hey, at least this incident involved less dead kids
if the rumors were to be believed

you unclenched your ass after what felt like decades of fearing the police
things might just be working out
months turned into a year
a year of freedom
the mall had become the same old same old
nothing to write home about but you did get a 25 cents raise
no further news from Fazbear other than the usual advertising
they did briefly pick up in business
you had no idea what these new “Funtime” models were
well, ok, you had sort of an idea
but the advertising was subtle
the models were even slimmed down like your Roxy
no doubt equipped like yours too
you'd progressed along with sewing
eventually you were able to pick up stuff for him through thrift stores
that's where you got your clothes so no shame there
fitting him for a skirt was easier than you thought
the second you made one that fit he demanded the bottom plates be removed
so he just freeballed around your apartment
fitting him for a top was met with the same demand
it did make sense though
the shell was redundant if he was wearing clothes

while caution still drove a lot of your actions, you couldn't help but feel a small amount of swelling relief
after all, it got hard to not allow yourself to be happy around Roxy
melancholy was hard to maintain around him, let alone worried panic
your routine was a welcome one now
work was dull but working on the mall Roxanne helped
she wasn't as interesting to talk to
a bit more rigid of a personality
just sort of programmed
didn't come off as her learning from people or interacting as much as she was parroting
maybe they dialed back the AI a little with later models
she was pleasant but just kind of there
your mused about how Roxanne feared getting replaced when even their behavior was different
your Roxy had the ability to grow
that was the clearest difference
you thought about how much he'd changed
dressing like some sort of 80s groupie
constantly in your lap as carefully as he could be
he was a far cry from a children's entertainer now
you do wish he could perform for people though
you knew he enjoyed playing
when your lease was up you managed to find a bigger place on the outskirts of town
the house was run down but you'd have a house
with your job you were able to afford it
and the rancher was very capable of giving you the privacy and room you wished for both of you
looking at the spare bedroom gave you an idea too
a second hand desk
your old laptop
and the finally ingredient a decent mic
you wouldn't bother with a webcam
but Roxanne finally could perform for people
he'd play his guitar for a recording then slap it up on YouTube
initially he was a little hesitant with all the paranoia you'd been waist deep in since rescuing him but you felt there was no harm in this
he missed an audience and he had the room to do it
he decided to start with a cover
”I Was Made For Loving You”
not the best idea for an acoustic instrumental but you understood the significance
that song was important to him
after helping him with the studio you allowed him space to work
you had originally worried about him being bored at home without you but that was a thing of the past now
he had his calling back
you were curious if he'd start making music of his own
the exercise in creativity would be fun to hear
Roxy was elated with his new outlet
perhaps a little too enthusiastic
he submitted dozens of recordings in a couple weeks
there was a perfectionist streak that held some recordings back
he wanted to be satisfied with his own work
like his attire, his own music started to organically shift
he'd alter his covers a little here and add little touches
making them his
he really got into it and eventually you would make a point to get him an electric guitar
maybe you'd actually show him a Christmas
just for you two
you'd dug a comfortable little niche out for you both since the move
he was indeed a huge power drain
but that was a small price to pay and essentially just the alternative to more groceries
he'd gotten slightly better at the cooking
memorizing and then experimenting with it based off your reactions
you weren't eating tv dinners any more
in fact he damn near had gotten in the habit of having dinner for you for when you got home
kind of a pleasant domestic bliss
he also had gotten more of a wardrobe
seemed like he prefered short skirts that showed off his legs among other things
as far as colors went he of course prefered a lot of neons, his fashion tastes clearly embedded in the 80s as much as possible
all usually very girly
at least skirts were easy to open up for your still novice sewing skills
you'd become a jack of all trades before long
your domestic life was unusual but progressed happily along
before you knew it he brought up the idea of an anniversary
having read about such things on the internet trying to nail dating
you were curious, having never gotten this far into anything with anyone
one day at work you recieved a text
it was Roxy
he had gotten that spare phone you'd use to track him
touch screens were hard for him though
he'd have to use speech to text because the alternative was keyboard smash style texts
it was kind of cute watching him chicken peck type on the laptop
but the text he sent raised your eyebrow
then you had to hide your surprise in the mall crowd
it said “you can get me this” and had a link
lacy white stockings and garters
it was labeled men's sizes too
might not need to alter it too much for him if you got the biggest size
you texted back asking if he was serious
”no I totally want you to get me a waffle maker or something”
”of course I'm serious”
”do you not like the idea?”
of course you liked the idea
it was just a little frillier than his usual attire
you didn't say that last part
but hey if he wanted to pick out his gift that was fine
you were curious what he would do for you but wanted to keep that a surprise
you did shoot back a text asking if he wanted a matching bra
”don't be greedy”
you laughed at how quickly that was sent in reply
he would look good in those stockings at least
a year since you'd really be involved
you used to run from his advances
and now you were committed
you ordered the stockings on your lunch break
he'd made you a lunch so you hurried up with the phone and ate
it did feel nice having someone look out for you
even coworkers at the mall took notice of your attitude change
it was hard not to be upbeat
Roxanne kept you fed and kept your bed warm
you had a slightly better living arrangement with the house
the job was still a grind but you made it work
Roxanne sent another text after lunch
this time it was a audio recording
unusual but you clicked it
then immediately turned it off the second you recognized the sultry tone he would put on
that was a later thing
you asked why he sent that?
”just wanted you to know I'm waiting”
no doubt the stocking thing had excited him
fantasies of your reaction probably immediately running through his mind
in fact, you were right
after sending you the link and the chat Roxy's mind sort of started going off
the skirt doing little to hide his erection
he decided since he had the time he'd enjoy himself
then an idea occurred
he had the phone on his bare chest as he worked fingers in and out of himself
all the while dirty talking to you
he didn't quite cum before the recording was cut off but he was satisfied with his work
hopefully you'd get the message
rushing home, you nearly ran a red light
it had been the end of your shift when you got that audio
he knew when you'd be off
all planned
when you got home Roxy was waiting on the bed, completely naked
”took you long enough,” he softly remarked while grinning
he was laid back, one leg crossed over the other and his dick twitching
”get those pants off, dinners in the fridge for later.”
he lightly smacked his thigh and flashed more
”come to Roxy”
a year ago you were running from this
he snatched you up the second you got within reach of the bed
on your back with a robot wolf pinning you
at the very least you could say your love life was unique
his frame hadn't changed since you met him
slender but powerful
he wasn't anything like the animatronics you saw elsewhere
so slimmed down and his face far more pleasing to the eye
his tail wagged as he greeted you with his tongue, kissing at your bare skin
it hadn't taken much for you to get just as hard as him
so those stockings really did it for him?
”more how you'd react to them”
he remarked while burying his face in your hair and neck
”you don't just think I dress like a girl for my sake do you? I'd just as soon wear pants.”
he pinned your shoulders to the mattress as he leaned up
”I see the looks you give me.”
that was true
you were attracted to him but the clothes were like presenting a nice meal on a fancy plate
without the meal the plate was worthless but the plate made the meal look more appetizing
he didn't even hesitate in raising up and impaling himself on you
”hell, I'll put on a ball gown if it means more of this thing.”
he pinched the base of your dick to make the point crystal clear
the bedsprings protested as Roxy went to work
he leaned over you as his hips and hole toyed with your cock
he knew what he was doing
Roxanne was kicking himself for only just now thinking to record himself
he knew you rushed home
after all, he could time you and you'd come home ten minutes earlier than average
that meant you liked him
you had liked his voice
there was still the occasional insecure thought that bubbled up to the surface
but a lot of those doubts were in the past
you really had won him over
he was a bit relieved you didn't want him to actually wear a ball gown
you instinctively grabbed his hips for the ride, the material giving into your grip
no matter the time, Roxy was always so warm inside
the slender giant had enveloped your manhood in a constant warmth
he looked down to you as he rode you, eager to watch you
his mind was racing as he enjoyed the fullness of it all
while his hands pressed to your shoulder he had locked you down
he decided to pull back and roll his hips, showing off his body as he stretched back
his hands rested on your legs
the tingle through his body felt amazing
Roxanne knew he was built for this now
built for you
knocking on the front door made you try to sit up
Roxanne also turned his head to look towards the noise
another knock
you both froze
another knock
it was tough to untangle after you'd been enjoying yourselves but you needed to be ready for the worst
you crept over to the window near the door and were just in time to see someone slip an envelope through your mail slot
both of you were dead silent
barely dressed, you were in no state to go out and see what they wanted
so you grabbed the envelope
your heart sunk when you saw the return address being Fazbear's
your heart sank
they'd found you
Roxanne sensed your tension and when you slumped against the wall defeated, he sat down next to you
you were deathly afraid to open the envelope but you reasoned it had to be done
you looked over the document
it started with “dear esteemed customer”
it went into how you'd purchased this model of entertainment animatronic
and how you were now expected to pay in installments through various channels listed in the letter
on one hand
but on the other at least you weren't arrested
you'd just have to skip a few meals a week and eventually you'd pay off Roxanne in… approximately twenty years
you breathed out your frustration
Roxanne had seen the letter over your shoulder
”will you be ok?”
he looked to you with a look of concern
you leaned against him
you'd manage
you'd both manage
a little surprise debt was just part of life
his arm wrapped around you as you two sat there for a while until he spoke up
”let's get you dinner. I made meatloaf.”
not many men could say they had meatloaf made by a rockstar
you smiled as you both got up
there'd be another day to worry but for now you did want dinner
Fazbear's owed you for the cockblock though
he was right about dinner of course
sex was nice but even reheated meatloaf, mashed potatoes and lima beans felt good after the day you'd had
you pitched the letter onto the table dismissively
you'd pay them of course
he was almost the price of a car
you tried not to dwell on that
kind of bullshit they considered him faulty until they could make money off him
he handed you a hot plate and hugged you from behind
”I'm sorry about this”
he was regretful but you weren't
no good deed goes unpunished
you were glad you did what you did
and you'd do it again
at least the ordeal of worrying about the cops at your door was gone
in a way this was a relief
the anticipation was over
and this was the least punishment
he rested against your back
”you got in trouble because of me”
you felt his arms wrap around you as he leaned down
no time for that
and no pointing fingers
you ran into that warehouse of your own free will
the important thing is you two were safe now
it was funny
when you a had your first date at that mall he'd proposed living with you as the simple solution to your dilemma
back then it seemed impossible
you'd just rushed into all this and now that was the reality
you could tell the billing thing weighed on him
he felt responsible
but you insisted it was that company to blame
occasionally you could see remorse in his eyes and you were quick to nip that in the bud
over the weeks that followed you saw him slip into a glum self-deprecating mood
you refused to let him beat himself up though
it's like you had said, this had been your choice
the alternative was letting some company scrap him
he'd have done the same for you
that usually was the end of that sullen attitude whenever it surfaced
then you two would go and punish the bedspring
life went back to the routine despite the money woes
you purposely sent huge installments when possible
better to pay it off sooner rather than later
thinned out your budget a little
Roxy had noticed the groceries you brought home sort of became more and more lean
he sat down, gingerly, and talked with you about it one night
”I'm worried about you,” he started
he looked towards you
you tried to brush off the concern but he wouldn't easily take the excuses
”you took a huge risk for me. what can I do for you?”
he meant well but you didn't have any ideas
when you suggested you might have to take a second job he put you in a headlock and wouldn't release you until you said you wouldn't dare
he wanted to help you and he wasn't letting you kill yourself with more work
”you already had enough of that when I was still at the mall,” he remarked
there was the music as idea but he'd been getting a little trickle of money from it
something about the covers usually hurt ad revenue or some other stupid YouTube rule
the checks were a nice bonus but you hadn't considered it a goal
just an outlet
you weren't going to suggest he do what every YouTuber seems to devolve into and do horror game let's plays
however, the thought was nice
he meant well and really wanted to help
he took it to heart that you were in this together
so you should mean that
what about an album?
something virtual
sure MP3s might mean piracy but he'd get some attention
he had 100 or so followers on his channel so someone might buy it
he lit up and compared with how carefully he sat down at the dining table he practically threw the chair back rushing to his little studio
well that was comforting
he wanted to help
thank God you two lived in a rancher for how hard he ran back to the room
sounded like a washing machine stomping down your hallway
you didn't see him a whole lot for a week
he still got your dinner ready and kept the house in order but he was always working
he was… singing?
that was a first
he normally didn't have confidence in his singing voice
well, that might be nice
he certainly wasn't terrible at it
you had no rush to pry into his work so you gave him privacy
most of the time you heard muffled pieces through the door
in fact, he applied what he had seen and heard
hundreds of hours of music training him informally
it was like dinner
he might have trouble grasping concepts in a way you might but he can still apply lessons in a unique way
hearing him being creative was nice
you could hear him testing out original works, taking to it a zeal and enthusiasm you never saw from anyone
by the end of the week he was asking where to put the recordings
he could advertise them on his channel
you asked to hear them and only then did you see him get timid
apparently it hadn't occurred you might want to listen
he shifted but handed you your headphones
you plugged into the jack and sat back
looked like 11 tracks
when you listened to the first track you looked over to him
he refused to look back
a love song
track 2
another love song
you got around to track 6 and you noticed a trend
if he could blush, he would be a shade of crimson deeper than anything found in nature
by the end of the track he was peeking at you behind hands clasped against his face
all love songs
directed towards a certain someone
he didn't name names but his lyrics practically spelled it out
you set down the headphones
you asked if he was OK selling this
not due to the quality, you quickly clarified
he made sweet music
it was just a matter of selling something that personal to him
you could hear how personal it was in every little note
he'd poured his little mechanical heart into that
you wanted to make sure he was comfortable putting that out for sale
”I'm proud of you,” he murmured
that was a nice simple answer
well, you were proud of him too
he didn't want to make eye contact
surprising considering the track that complimented them that you just heard
but you meant that
he was the best
he still didn't want to look but you caught movement as his tail swished back and forth silently behind him
he was your favorite person
and you meant that
it wasn't some cheap platitude
you meant it
you would help him get the album online
then you'd take him in the van for some fresh air
could even make it a date
that word perked him up and he had a question, raising one clawed delicate finger
”can we take the van somewhere private?”
oh feigned mock curiosity
you knew full well what he was asking
yes, you could
you might even let him do that Amazon position
when you said that he had to adjust his skirt and you laughed warmly
both of you were right
neither of you were expendable
you'd both fought tooth and nail to have a little home and nothing could change that
browsing the internet you'd found a site that would host it and hooked your account to it
took like a half hour
the results wouldn't be immediate but you really were proud of him putting his heart out there
with darkness over the city Roxanne was easy to take over to your van
you'd grabbed something to eat and you'd take the van way further out to the outskirts
somewhere the crummy hatch on top of the vehicle could be opened and you'd see stars
sure your promise to allow him to go all out would be best described as poorly thought out
but you'd parked the van in a nice secluded spot and climbed into the back with him
you weren't soon going to forget him trying to give you his first blowjob
the teeth would scare others but he'd seen it online and wanted to take care of you
it wasn't as overpowering as his ass but seeing his eyes burn into yours as he sucked you off was an experience
he'd practiced what he'd seen
softly teasing the sensitive tip
a massive palm cradling your balls as he did his best to kiss along the manhood
but that was only the first act
against previous better judgment you let him do this Amazon thing he was so eager for
the embarrassment of having your legs in the air was offset by how hungry he was for you
he loomed over you, the moon above creating a shadow that encompassed you on the floor
he rode your cock harder and faster until the van was protesting
this would definitely not be an every day thing but seeing him throw his had back as he bounced on your dick was a sight
his legs worked a frenzied pace, the noise of the pistons constant in your ears
between a growing whine and little desperate romantic declarations he begged you to cum
”come on, do it.”
he growled out the command and your body followed
you flooded his ass again
but night of you were done
as a switch up from him dominating you you had him face down ass up on the van floor
you roughly pounded him until he started whining about being your bitch
you got him to whine out he was your bitch while his cum splattered the van floor
when you finished you collapsed on him
his eye glanced back to you as his muzzle rested on the cold steel
you kissed his cheek and pulled you phone from your discarded pants
he was a little confused until you put on his album
if he could shed tears you bet he'd do it now
you told him you loved him as you shifted to spoon him on the floor of the vehicle
all the while you stayed connected to him
in fact you'd sleep like that, your poor bruised hips connected to his
his hands clasped over yours as he wiggled back and pressed you against the steel wall
”I love you too”

Edit Report
Pub: 15 Jan 2023 20:59 UTC
Edit: 30 Mar 2024 23:16 UTC
Views: 2460