Kyne Aracelli, "The finite mind cannot grasp the infinite." ???
NAME β Kyne Aracelli
AGE β 17 Years Old
LOCATION β Fucking your mom
Kyne Aracelli, a human-mimicking thing. He uses many names, such as Eden, Dorian, Emmett, Arthur, or Vincent. His gender identity is best described as 'GuyGal' paired along with the label 'Boy+' among other such labels. He has been involved in the queer community for approximately 9 years, and the MOGAI community for approximately 5 years. He is still in school, and is employed. Due to this his activity may be inconsistent at best. His attraction is complex, however we find it to be best described as him being an Androsexual FagDyke. He is currently in a relationship.
He is disabled, however in which ways will not be listed in detail. He is visually impaired and has memory issues, among other things, which effect his day-to-day life. He has multiple disorders as well, namely Histrionic Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is also afflicted with other disorders, some of which cause paranoia and dissociation.
He is a non-human, however he mimics the form and biology of a human, ergo he identifies as a human. He is also fond of the forms of a Mountain Lion, Coyote, many Canine and Feline forms, Rabbit, Hare, Shark, Jellyfish, Pigeon, and many other birds. His main form (aside from Human) is an Alaskan Malamute. He self identifies his mimic side as being The Thing from John Carpenters 1982 film The Thing, a Slime, and/or simply a shapeshifter.
While he does use "Dehumanizing" pronouns and on occasion terms, he would prefer if people saw him as an 'inherently non-human human'. Unless otherwise specified he is always mimicking a human biology, and wishes that people respect his wishes to use humanizing language when he does. He identifies with things such as werewolves, 'Shifters', Vampires, and other similar creatures.
His self-identity is also very heavily influenced by certain natural events, climates, objects, and plants. Some of these include The Arctic/Antarctica, Moonbows, Sundogs, Snow, and Auroras. He identifies with many such concepts, as well as ones that may seem otherwise contradictory (i.e. correlating his identity with both Winter and Spring).
He is connected to many objects as well as the previously listed animals and concepts. Some of these include Flare-guns/Flares, Stained Glass, Scythes, Daggers, Double Barrel (Break-Action) Shotguns, and many other objects. He is also connected to many concepts and occupations.