DNI ♧ basic dnis, pedophilia, racist, shota/lolicon, misogynist, dsmp fan, genshintwt, if ur otp is akian, proshipper, ships minori with men/thinks she isnt a lesbian, aqua x ruby shipper (onk), if you hate any of my otps or nightcord, cis/straight/ neurotypical (if ur at least two of these 3), toyakasa/toyasaki shipper, if u ship 03(fuuta) with 05(kazui) or 07(shidou), any 01(haruka) or 08(amane) romantic shippers, if u ship 0104/harumuu romantically (i see them as siblings), akimizu or akiairi shippers(theyre my biggest discomfort ships /gen it makes me nauseous ) , IF YOU HC AIRI OR MIZUKI AS TRANSMASC/MALE

more lenient w close oomfs/proomfs for these!! ^^


Pub: 17 Jan 2024 00:21 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2024 22:52 UTC
Views: 388