mp4's project sekai farming

basically we can farm crystals on your project sekai account. how much depends on how much you need.
we do both jp and en servers! money goes towards food and bills.
it's better to dm us on discord (qiqi#0007). we stopped responding to dms on our twitter.


how much?
there's no set price per crystals since we're really bad at pricing, but our price ranges are $2-5 usd depending on how much you want farmed.

how long does it take?
again, depends on how much you want. but usually 1-2 hours on a good day! weekends will take longer.

how will you farm?
songs that need full comboed or s-ranked. we'll ask beforehand if it's okay to upgrade character ranks (through character stories and card mastery)

are you trustworthy?
we don't have recent proof of farms, but to keep your account secure, please make sure your account is connected to a game center or google play account, that way once we're done, you can sign back in with your game center/google play account.

can i ask for updates?
of course! ask anytime.

can you do event rankings?
no. those can take a very long time and we can get very stressed and demotivated with ranking. we're sorry! we can however buy things from the event shop for you.

method of payment?
ko-fi. since paypal has a fee for sending money.

what do i need to send?
how much you need farmed and what server you play in! and preferably this screen so we know how many songs you've cleared.

Pub: 01 May 2022 00:39 UTC
Edit: 25 Jul 2022 03:33 UTC
Views: 647