kthanidblood hoard

discord: n/a most of these are just my sp/ins but if for some reason you want one and you find a way to contact me, i probably wont mind just giving u it for free since i dont like hoarding. i mostly like urls that are just short words (ie. "dead" "decay" "gauge" etc) so none of those i will be giving away and plan to decorate at some point !!! they will be bolded


SCP SCP-1471 , MaIo , SCP-079 , 05-council , epsilon-11

book related kthanid , HPIovecraft , xie-qingcheng , he-yu

soulsborne undeadsettlement , roadofsacrifices , princelothric , DevourerofGods , BorealVaIIey

horror game related midnightscenes , mort1s , silentheaven , bIankfairy

music kyeaintdead these are all his songs lol letmewearyourskin , 01101001 , B0DYBAG , BREAKSH1T , d-i-s-e-a-s-e-d , BLOODNOISE // RADlCALS // rammstein DICKE-TlTTEN , LAlCHZEIT

games Limbus: bug-guy , kromerpilled ,
Honkai: marastricken , JlNGREN , gyarukiana , herrscher-of-finaIity , renjingheng
Idv: aesops ,
Enstars: kanatsume
Fire Emblem: flayns , seteths , blue-lion , black-eagle , golden-deer , ashen-wolf , -tharja ,jeritzas , marihilda , -linhardt , alcrysts , -velour ,

misc , robloxaddict , bloodsheds , asylums , painkiIIer , cursed-blade , cannibaliztic , adderallzombie , -liveleaked , vein-gush , deadboy , woundme

Pub: 15 May 2023 00:33 UTC
Edit: 11 Sep 2024 08:33 UTC
Views: 1043