Naómie's boundaries/byi/dni!!!!!!!!

• I love pda and will most likely give it towards u so pls tell me if ur uncomfortable with that!!
• HEAVILY ship neuvifuri due to source memories
• dont text or int with me while you're in an intoxicated state (drunk, high, etc)
• I like to connect myself to my source and refer to myself as the character im a fictive of :3 • I'm completely alright with irls/kins/alters who don't wanna interact with me because they see me as a double, it doesn't affect me nonetheless and if u don't wanna int just tell me and ill respect it!! • "loud over text" • I dont have a specific dni besides basic dni • don't separare myself from my non human identity & separate me from my source only if I allow you to • sourcemates r ALWAYS WELCOME!!! idc who or what!!
• not obligatory but I like to be referred as high status like "your Majesty" "your divinity" etc due to my nonhuman identity, but again, not obligatory

Pub: 13 Nov 2023 13:22 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2024 13:46 UTC
Views: 373