Chapter 4: A Strict Troupe
Koyomi: (After her debut in Gingaza and getting used to her role the first time around, and getting selected for a lead role the second. That's a pretty strong way to measure that actor's performance.)
Koyomi: (No matter how you slice it, she's already made it. But......)
Hatsumi: Koyomi! You came to see me. If you had just told me, I could've saved you a front row seat.
Koyomi: Why is it that I have to sit right in front of you?
Koyomi: I had a break from practice today, so I thought I'd see how everyone else was doing.
Hatsumi: You don't have to so cold like that. We're going to co-act together on this play aren't we?
Hatsumi: I'm trying to get to know you better.
Koyomi: (This girl is awfully easy-going. But as part of the Senju family I have no intent to fall for it.)
Koyomi: I thought that being chosen for the lead role for a second time would be a big burden on you. Seems like there's no need for concern.
Hatsumi: Concerned about your upperclassman now are we?
Hatsumi: Well I have been described as an ace, so I've got more to give.
Hatsumi: Well since we're going to be in the same play together, I'm hoping for a more involved role. I want you to focus your eyes on my acting.
Koyomi: Well, I went to see your previous performance several times. They were all a great turnout.
Koyomi: ......I can sense extraordinary talent within your acting.
Hatsumi: Well, of course. I'm glad I could hear that from you.
Hatsumi: Likewise, I'm also impressed by your acting. I hope we can inspire each other going forward.
Hatsumi: Once you've fulfilled your dream, I would love to have you on the stage with me.
Koyomi: Dream?
Hatsumi: Ah.
Hatsumi: Hold on a second.
Hatsumi: I've got an idea about the performance. It's going to involve changing the lighting a bit......
Staff: Again? Renjakuno, can you please stop it?
Hatsumi: Just hear me out. If we change it like this, I'm sure that the performance will be better.
Staff: Are you not satisfied with what we all planned out already?
Hatsumi: That's not the case. I just want to put on a good show--
Staff: If you've got time to poke your nose in other people's responsibilities, then you have time to go practice your lines. Gingaza is a place for pros, Don't open your mouth if you don't know what you're talking about.
Staff: I'll overlook you interrupting us this time. But please stop disrupting the team.
Hatsumi: .......
Stage Director: You're awfully pushy for a newcomer. Behave yourself.
Hatsumi: ......Hmph
Koyomi: Renjakuno-san.
Koyomi: I have something I want to talk to you about. Can we take this somewhere else?
Hatsumi: What's with the urgency?
Koyomi: I'm going to be frank with you. I've heard that you've been problematic with your actions.
Koyomi: Suddenly changing the lines, not following the director's instructions, deviating from the plan. And messing around with the lighting and ambience.......
Koyomi: You've been warned multiple times now right? If you continue doing this, you know what's going to happen?
Hatsumi: No idea. Whats going to happen?
Koyomi: gasp
Koyomi: Please take this topic seriously.
Hatsumi: I know what you're trying to say. But you don't need to worry, I'll be fine.
Koyomi: i'm not worried about you at all......! I'm just worried about disrupting Gingaza's discipline. Could you please stop disturbing everything--
Hatsumi: "There's no helping that Gingaza is such a strict place", do you ever find yourself thinking that?
Koyomi: What......
Hatsumi: Brutal competition, formulaic performance, and old school rules on top of that.
Hatsumi: I join one of the world's leading performance troupes...... Frankly, I'm bored.
Koyomi: What are you saying!? Everyone in Gingaza is proud of......!
Hatsumi: Calm down and just listen to me.
Hatsumi: I love performing, but I've always thought that I want to be able to perform in the way I imagine everything.
Hatsumi: Koyomi, why don't we both change troupes? Truth be told, this place is suffocating me.
Hatsumi: I want to pave the way for the new generation of plays. The path forward involves disrupting the playing field. If we keeps things as is, things will never change.
Koyomi: I decline your offer.
Koyomi: That way of thinking is unacceptable to me. It breaks the traditions that Gingaza has kept all this time.
Koyomi: I will never accept that way of thinking.
Koyomi: To even think of doing that, you.....!
Koyomi: Why don't you understand......!
Hatsumi: It's just that the old way of doing things is getting boring and slowly dying out. I don't see the value in preserving it.
Koyomi: If you hold such a selfish view, why don't you just start your own troupe!?
Hatsumi: Oh my, I guess negotiations have failed.
Hatsumi: You're going to stick to that side until your grave, huh.
Hatsumi: Thanks for all your kind advice.
Hatsumi: I hope you can forgive all the meddling I've done.
Hatsumi: See ya.
Koyomi ...... Why......!