Shinji’s fate part three
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Shinji sat sleeping next to Kaworu, the previous stuffing having put him to sleep and seriously bloated him. The digesting food already adding pounds to the plump boys frame. Kaworu began rubbing Shinji's gut forcing a rather potent BRRAPP out of him. Kaworu quite enjoyed the experience so he kept rubbing shinji's growing gut, eventually shinji would wake up feeling his tummy being rubbed. “Mmm-keep going Kaworu…”
Kaworu would keep rubbing, groping and generally feeling up Shinji’s body. A good squeeze of his belly would make shinji burp. “BUOOuooOORrrruUUP” shinji would pretend he didnt just burp loud enough to be heard if the two had neighbors. All the gas leaving shinji would free up room in his gluttonous belly causing him to crave more food.
“K-kaworu could you maybe make me more food? I umm i'm getting hungry again.” Kaworu nods before sitting up “oh absolutely, i’ll make a huge delicious lunch for you.” As Kaworu walked off into the kitchen Shinji stared at his ass, Kaworu was getting pudgy too. In the kitchen Kaworu began cooking up a feast, his belly would bump into the stove and he would giggle realizing he was getting fat too.
When Kaworu returned he was carrying a platter of delicious foods, he would place the patter atop Shinji's gelatinous belly and watch as he devoured his meal. Shinji was becoming quite slobish letting out little burps between bites causing his marshmelloy flesh to wobble. Kaworu giggled a little watching shinji enjoy himself before snagging a bite off Shinji's platter. Shinji would whine a little bit with his mouthful in response. As shinji continued to fill his thigh covering stomach.
Eventually Kaworu would take the opportunity to hand feed his gluttonous boyfriend, feeding the slob handful after handful of food, occasionally sneaking a bite for himself. "Your such a good boy for me shinji, so obedient and loyal." shinji nodded his head happy to receive praise from Kaworu as he was being filled to the brim. As shinji was fed grease dripped down his chin staining his already stretched clothing, not that he minded he was already a huge slob with a potent odder.
Shinji's belly groaned, it was nearly full but Shinji himself ever the gluten couldn't care less he just wanted more more more. “K-kaworu can we BBBBWOORRP take this to the bedroom? I want to eat in bed.” Kaworu loved the idea and loved the gas coming from his boyfriend. “Yes my dear Shinji, would you like help getting there?” Shinji nods and is promptly helped to his feet by Kaworu whom proceeds to squeeze his belly. BBBBBRRAPPPP ffffppp shinji blushed as his lover forced gas out of him.
The pair would make there way into the bedroom where shinji would lay down exhausted from the short walk, Kaworu carried a platter in to the room intending on feeding it all to Shinji. “You look soo cute in bed UUORP excuse me, adorable Shinji.” seeing Kaworu burp excited Shinji a little bit. Kaworu would crawl in bed with him and resume the feeding. He’d stuff handful after handful of food into Shinji's gluttonous gullet causing the boy to grow gassy.
Eventually the food ran out leaving shinji mostly satisfied but still very horny. “Kaworu could you GUUOORP maybe… help me get off? I cant reach myself…" "oh absolutely darling, just lift up that belly of yours and i'll get to work.” Shinji did as asked and lifted his gut, Kaworu would lower his head under Shinji's belly and push oh his fatpad revealing his rock hard dick, he’d take it into his mouth and begin sucking and licking. The excitement caused Shinji to let out an enormous BBBBBRAPPPPPPP* that Kaworu savored. Shinji as sensitive as he was would cum very fast, Kawour got out from under shinji and swallowed.
Kawour would then cuddle up with shinji, take the boys shirt off and put his mouth on Shinji's nipple, sucking as the two drifted off to sleep.

Pub: 10 Apr 2023 12:41 UTC
Views: 619