Haru's Quest for Cute Boys


One day, when they were very young, a certain word crossed Haru's innocent ears.
Marriage. What could that mean?
She went to the smartest person she knew; Mari. And asked her big sister the question.
"Mari? What does...marriage mean?" She gave a confused look.
"Marriage? Well...It's something two people do when they want to be with each other forever." Mari answered.
"Woah..." Was all Haru said before rushing over to Sunny to tell him all about it. Mari followed after and couldn't hep but giggle at seeing how excitedly she was to tell Sunny about marriage and what she knew. She barely told her a thing, and there she goes. So cute...

This moment would have remained an innocent memory if it hadn't resurfaced one day when everyone gathered for dinner a few nights later. Today was special as dad cooked up one of his best steak dinners that they always loved. Things were going so swimmingly too.
And then, completely unprompted, Haru put her fork down on the plate and said out loud "When I grow up, I'm gonna get a marriage with Sunny!"
Mari blinked. Everyone blinked. And then they heard the rare, usually silent voice of Sunny say "that'd be nice..."
"Harumi and Sunny Suzuki, what exactly do you mean by that?"
Oddly enough, Haru's declaration wasn't the bomb that went off. It was the lightning to the thunder of their dad's serious voice.
Haru immediately locked up, and knew she said something really bad. Sunny looked down. Dad wasn't glaring at them, but it wasn't a friendly look.
Haru let out a sharp gasp, "O-oh, um..." and quickly thought up a desperate excuse as she pointed at Mari. "it was Mari! She told me you marriage with someone you wanna be with forever, me and Sunny are gonna be together forever, so-uh-"
She heard her dad's commanding voice tell her "That's enough." Haru clammed up and looked down at the table, away from everyone's eyes staring at her. She felt a familiar hand under the table and held it.
"Mari, is that true?" His voice softened up a little, but still held an edge to it.
"Oh, let them go, dear." Mom bailed them out. "They're only kids, Haru didn't know what it meant."
Dad closed his eyes for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "I suppose."
And that was that, dinner continued on even if the atmosphere was ruined. Haru didn't touch her food, too busy squeezing Sunny's hand.
And to both their dismay, dad insisted they sleep in separate rooms from now on. But luckily for them, he quickly reversed the decision after Haru woke up everyone with the nightmares she had. It was a bit too soon to give the kids separate rooms.


Haru couldn't keep her eyes off Hero. He was so...wow! Tall, handsome, friendly, his voice, how nice he is, Haru was smitten from the moment she saw him. And it only got stronger whenever he said her name, or helped her with things, and when he gave her a piggyback ride home one day...wow...!
So one day she saw him leaving home alone, and something in her head screamed Now's your chance! and she snuck out to follow him down the street, and to the park. Eventually he noticed her and she asked him where he was going, what a coincidence that I was going there too, hehe.
It almost felt like a date! She stayed close to Hero, helped carry some things, and passed time with her wonderful Hero~
"Haru, are you okay?" She found herself snapped out of dreamland by a concerned Hero.
"O-oh, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me, Hero." She gazed up at his dreamy face. He cared about her!
"Are you sure? Your face looks oddly red." He put a hand on her forehead to check for temperature, and didn't feel anything despite her face warming up faster. This was her chance, she had to say it!
"A-actually, there is something wrong. Hero...I have to tell you something."
He looked at her, face turned serious. "What is it? You can tell me anything."
Given the okay, Haru suddenly threw herself at Hero in a hug, and proclaimed "Hero, I love you!" and nuzzled against his chest.
"Wha-wha-what?!" Hero exclaimed, knocked back and barely kept on his feet by her flying tackle.
"And, you like me too, right?" Haru got carried away. "Then we should go out, date, it'll be magical, and-" And continued a one sided fantasy.
Hero just stared at her in shock. Haru liked him? That's...how does he tell her? Hero almost froze up, but had to say something.
"Haru...I already love someone." He said sternly, gently pushing her away.
"And we'll ride swings together and-huh?" Haru had the wind taken out of her sails. "What? Who?"
Mari. "I can't say just yet, it's a secret." Hero felt guilty keeping Mari's sister out of this, but just for now.
...Haru's face started burning up for a different reason. Oh. Oh dear, she really messed it up this time...
"Um...I...g-gotta go!" And with that, Haru turned around and ran away, so embarrassed that she started crying halfway home.

About a week later, Haru caught Mari kissing Hero on the cheek when she thought nobody would notice, and it all made sense. And not long after that, they came out and admitted to everyone what was happening. Haru wished she had a face like her brothers for that moment.


One day Haru was walking down the street with everyone, standing to Sunny's left close to the street. She wanted to walk on the narrow line where the curb raises slightly before meeting the road. It was fun, and she even hopped a few times. Unfortunately, on one of the hops her foot landed awkwardly on the edge and she tripped. And what happened next would be seared into her mind for quite a while. A hand grabbed her arm, and managed to spin her around until she was face to face with a certain boy, one she had never really thought too much about until then.
"Woah, that was a close one!" Kel's face was so close she could feel his breath with each word.
"O-oh, thanks...Kel." Haru was still shaken by the last 7 seconds that had passed in a blur.
"Haru, are you okay?" Mari quickly attended to Haru after her almost nasty fall, and after making sure she was okay they carried on as usual. Mari thanked Kel and forbade Haru from walking on the edge of the curb like that anytime soon.
But Mari's worry about her and her almost fall weren't what stuck in her head. It was Kel saving her.
Haru had never really thought much of Kel, usually choosing to play with Sunny or Aubrey instead. But after that moment, she started thinking about him more. She even played with him a few times. It was tiring with how much he ran around and jumped, but she still tried until her legs gave out. It was...fun. She liked playing with Kel, and Aubrey didn't seem to get it. Haru never paid any mind to when Aubrey would say mean things about Kel, but now it felt rude. One time she even tried Orange Joe when he asked her to, which she immediately regretted.
"Haru, are you okay? Maybe we should get you to a doctor?" Aubrey couldn't help but worry about Haru.
"I'm fine, I promise." Haru knew what she was doing. It had been months since that incident, and the embers of it turned into a blazing fire.
"I mean...Kel? Kel??" Aubrey felt a compulsion to talk Haru out of this. "He's just so...gross! And rude. And he likes orange joe, you realize what his breath must smell like? And when it's raining he plays in the mud, and he's just so-" Aubrey could go on, but nothing would change her mind.
After a short walk, they found Kel at the spot. Haru had left a letter for him telling him to meet them at the giant yellow cat at the park. Faraway Park wasn't empty to day, but nobody was going to listen in on them.
"Yo!" He called out. "What did you have to tell me?" He gave a smile, before he noticed Aubrey. "And why's she here? Wait...you aren't here for that stupid eggplant, are you?" Kel backed up a little.
"No, Kel. We're-WHAT?!" Aubrey suddenly yelled. "It was you? Mr. Plantegg's been missing for days, how could-"
"Aubrey, please." Haru interrupted, grabbing her shoulder. Aubrey was upset, but relented and let Haru say her thing.
"Kel...I like you." She said bluntly, but sincerely.
Kel's face remained unchanged for a moment, until he suddenly recoiled and said "Eww! But you're a girl!"
Haru stared at Kel, but somehow felt like she wasn't looking at him. Three seconds passed, and they noticed tears forming in her eyes. She reached a hand up to her eye and felt wetness, before letting out a choked sob and turning around to run all the way home.
Aubrey reacted first, punching Kel in the shoulder. "You JERK!" She couldn't believe it! "Kel, that was awful!" And before Kel could even let out a single defense or even a word, Aubrey ran full speed after Haru to make sure she's okay.
Kel can be dense and careless sometimes, but even he knows when he messes up. He did something really bad if Haru started crying like that. After some thought, he decides to go home. What could he say? Sorry? Yeah, like that ever works with Aubrey...she probably hates him now...

The following days were noticeably strained. Haru started ignoring Kel, Aubrey was even more aggro with him, and whenever Hero and Mari asked everyone was quiet. but over time things slowly went back to normalcy. Except Haru didn't play with Kel if she could avoid it.


A few years passed since then. And, well...Basil was cute. Really cute. He had a cute little garden, he gave a cute smile, he was always so happy to talk about flowers, he took photos of everyone with a cute camera, and he was always a source of joy and happiness, and smiled so brightly when they looked at the Photo Album. Every day felt a lot more magical since he started taking photos of them.
Sunny would often tell her about a lot of things. Everyone says he rarely speaks and when he does how quiet he is, but when they were together he would open up more and they'd talk together. Sharing secrets, talking about their day, their friends, Mari, what incredible thing Hero did, Aubrey and Kel's latest fight, the latest Spaceboy comic or show, the two would gossip like this a lot. She wondered if he was ever this open with Mari. But what Haru was most excited to hear about was when Sunny would talk about Basil. It was clear he was keeping some details to himself, but what he did tell her was always most interesting. She never realized how secretive Basil was until Sunny told her. It's not like he had a secret side to him, but more like he was keeping some things hidden. Haru wished Basil would tell her these things himself...
And over time, he did. She tried hanging out with him more, and he started to open up. From what Sunny told her there were things he still wouldn't tell her about, but he was saying more. She helped with his garden, watering plants and tending to the flowers, even with the struggles of carrying heavy items that Basil sometimes had to help her with. It was also fun getting to hang out with his grandma, what stories she had to tell! And all of Basil's plants were so interesting. She always looked at the White Egret Orchid with awe. It looks like a bird. So pretty...
One day, Haru felt Basil hold her hand to guide her to a flower. It was a shock...she didn't realize why until a while after he showed her how the Gladiolus looked after reaching full maturity with a pretty pink color. She had only ever held hands with Sunny and Mari before...
"Basil?" For better or for worse, she'd tell him. Things were only going to get worse if she didn't. And she won't cry this time, either.
"What is it?" Haru had taken him over to the White Tulips in the backyard. It was a quiet day, only the wind blowing through the leaves made noise.
Her cute little bunches blew through the wind as she kept her silence, trying to think of what to say. Thankfully Basil was patient.
"...Basil...how do you feel about me?" A good start?
Basil wasn't expecting that question, but it only took a few moments to answer. "You're nice. You help me out a lot, and seem to be great friends with Aubrey. She tells me how you help her out, and Sunny always has nice things to say. I think you're a good friend."
Basil gave a warm smile. Haru felt embarrassed, and a bit upset. But that wasn't exactly what she was hoping for...
...Haru got cold feet. She didn't know what she'd do if he said no.
"Thanks...I just wanted to hear that from someone." And with that, she quickly backed up and sprinted away before Basil could say a thing.



Mari found Haru sitting in their room, a look she had never seen on her face before. Instincts told her something was wrong.
"Haru? Is something wrong?" She walked over and sat across from her little sister.
A deep sigh from her told Mari that something was definitely wrong. "You can tell me anything. All it costs is your love."
"...Mari?" Her ears perked up to respond. "What did...you say when you confessed to Hero?"
"What?" Mari certainly hadn't expected a question like that.
"You and Hero are going out, you must have said something special. Or maybe he did?"
Mari let out a gentle laugh. "Sorry, Haru. I'm afraid I can't tell you, it'd ruin the ma-"
"PLEASE!" Mari jerked violently back as Haru yelled and practically grabbed her arm, desperation written in her face. Mari felt her heartrate spike as she stared into her desperate sisters face. Haru almost as quickly retreated back and looked guilty. After a moment of silence, Mari spoke again.
"Why do you want to know that?" She was getting scared. What was up with Haru?
"Mari...I've confessed to every boy in our friend group and they all turned me down."
Mari slowly remembered. What Hero told her that one time. A memory of a very eventful dinner crosses her mind. Haru's soured friendship with Kel.


From that day onward, Hero occasionally asked Haru if she'd ever teach him how to make a joke like the one she did to make Mari laugh like that.

Pub: 06 Jun 2023 00:27 UTC
Views: 240