First Day at Arc img

First Day at Arc, Freshman Second Period


Everything goes fine in English class. The boy and girl in the blazers mainly act normal, but he--Wes McKesson--and she--Taler Routledge--would talk around you at times as if you weren't there at all. You noticed Claire smiling a lot at Wes McKesson, which you can understand because he is the classic example of the good-looking guy, but something about him really bothers you.

Toward the end of class, you asked Claire if all of the freshman who were already part of crews had older brothers or sisters in those crews. Claire kept her voice low as if she didn't want anyone to hear her.

"It's that way sometimes, but not all of the time. Sometimes they have older friends who are in a crew so they end up with those, or if they are play sports or something, they'll end up with one of those. If you don't know anyone who is in a crew, you kind of have to get to know someone. Other than that, you can join one that recruits you."


You don't like the sound of that.

"I'm sure they'll tell us about crews that are recruiting today during the assembly."

"What about them?" you ask while staring at Wes McKesson's back.

You don't want to say that name, the Vanities. It sounds weird. Luckily, Claire gets the idea.

"Oh, no," she says. "You don't choose them. They have to choose you."

"Would you join them?"

You don't even know why you asked that question. But Claire answers immediately.

"In a heartbeat."

Second period is only a couple doors down from first period. That is lucky. Your second period is an art class. You aren't into art that much but it's a good way to de-stress. Arc seems like a stressful place.

The class size is small and you notice that there are no students wearing blazers this time. That is alright with you.

For the first day, the teacher has everyone use their phone to take pictures. She says that you will turn that picture into something else over the next few weeks. Sounds good to you. She allows the students to move freely throughout the classroom and around in the hallway just outside of the classroom.

You decide to:

Stay inside the classroom to avoid any trouble


Call home and ask for someone to pick you up and take you home




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Pub: 09 Sep 2020 01:10 UTC
Views: 73