First Day at Arc img

First Day at Arc, Senior First Period


You sit down in front of a computer station with a deep sigh. You look around and find a standard clock on the wall. It is not even eight o'clock.

What more can I expect before the end of the day, you wonder.

Your first class is Computer Coding Basics. Surely you will have very little excitement to worry about during such a nerdy class. You remember that you and the girl with the auburn hair were headed in two different directions after your hallway interaction. You hope that will mean that she will not show up in your first class.

"This isn't a class for anyone who isn't clumsy, who has no style or a clue," you mumble to yourself.

You realize, however, you won't be safe for the rest of the day.

You watch the door as students walk into class. Just as you expect, the boys and the few girls all look very quiet, or strange, and in one case, both. Thankfully, no blue blazers come through the door. No blue at all, in fact.

Just as the the bell rings, two boys enter the class. One of them is tall, very white-skinned with bright blue eyes. The other is brown-skinned with hair hanging down in his eyes and a mischievous smile. They both wear bright red clothing. The must be members of the same crew, you think.

The teachers jumps on them immediately.

"Polus and Aaron. You two are back to terrorize my class?"

The tall one continues to a seat, whichever one he is. The other boy stands near the teacher.

"Terror? Mrs. Quimby, the only terror comes from your coding assignments. Students--"

The brown-skinned boy pushes his hair back from his eyes and then stands before the class as if he intends to do the teaching.

"You all are on notice. Don't ever come to class unprepared. Mrs. Quimby don't play that."

The teacher, Mrs. Quimby, makes a motion like she is strangling the air. Meanwhile, the boy dances his hands around elegantly before causing a rose bud to appear out of nowhere. Mrs. Quimby gasps, calls the boy Aaron, then pulls the tiny rose out of his hand. Some of the students applaud. You glance over at the tall boy where he is sitting. He watches with a small smile.

"What am I going to do when you boys graduate?" Mrs. Quimby asks.

Aaron--now you know his name is Aaron--answers, "Retire, of course."

Aaron sits next to his tall friend on the other side of the room. You stare at him for minutes on end. He has everything. He is good-looking, confident, charming and interested in coding. You love him already. He happens to catch you staring at him and he responds by smiling and winking. You look away. Then you smile.

It turns out that your Computer Coding Basics class is combined with the intermediate and advanced classes. That explains the relatively large number of students in the class. Your old school didn't even have a class, just a club. The advanced students also act as class helpers and the two boys in red, along with two other boys, begin moving around the room soon after Mrs. Quimby gives out instructions for setting things up and starting the first assignment.

You hold your breath as Aaron approaches your station. He winks at you again and looks over your work.

"Yeah, mama, looks like you know what you're doing."

You giggle.

"I should probably be in the intermediate class but I'm new to this school, so I had to start with basic."

"You should talk to Mrs. Quimby about that," he says while hijacking your keyboard and typing furiously. "I bet she will let you work on the harder projects so that you don't waste your time."

"Oh, okay," you say.

That is a seriously great idea.

Aaron returns the keyboard and nods slowly.

"And you're a girl coder, too? I like."

You stare after him when he walks away and works with the next student.

"A picture will last longer," says the boy sitting at the station next to you.

"So will your silence," you mutter, "if you can keep your mouth shut."

You turn your attention back to your computer screen. You see that Aaron left behind code. You run it and see an animation showing balloons and a message saying, "Welcome to Arc."

You grin like a fool for the rest of the class period.

You decide to:

Try to give Aaron your phone number


Find the nearest exit and start walking home




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Pub: 26 Nov 2020 23:28 UTC
Views: 90