Be anon.
You're currently walking through some quiet, peaceful forest, looking for a suitable place to kill yourself.
You've spent the last 10 years alone; with absolutely nothing to ever look forward to.
You've decided that you have had enough of living.
Looking at your fathers old hunting shotgun, you decided it would be a surefire way to make sure the job was done right.
You were too nice to leave a mess in your apartment, so you had decided to end it all somewhere away from others, hopefully in an area where your body would never be found.
You didn't even bother to write a note. It's not like anyone cared enough to check up on you, so why waste the effort?
You stop in a grassy clearing.
Yeah, this will do okay. You were starting to get tired of walking anyways.
Not that it would matter in a few moments.
As you raise the shotgun under your chin, suddenly, something slams into you from behind.
You fall face-first, and before you can regain your senses, a furry arm snakes around your neck, pressing on your throat and choking you.
At first, you try to struggle a bit, but quickly give up. Why fight? You were only going to kill yourself anyways.
If whoever was choking you intended to finish the job for you, then so be it.
You hear a whine come from the person choking you, along with a gentle lick against the side of your face.
As your airway is constricted, you black out from the lack of oxygen.

You wake up groaning, sitting on something soft.
Opening your eyes, you take a moment to examine your surroundings.
It seems like you're in some sort of weird triangular tent made of animal hides.
Try to get up, only to realize that you've been hound at the hands and feet by a homemade, yet sturdy, rope.
As you try to wiggle out of your bindings, a flap on the tent opens, a large furred woman walking in.
Oh damn, it was one of those tribal wolves. You've heard about them once or twice on TV before.
She seems surprised to see you awake, appraising you with wide eyes.
Before you can say anything, she lets out a loud whine, a look of deep concern on her face.
She drops to all fours, crawling over to you as you lay helplessly on the ground.
Shit, is she going to eat you? Is that why she took you back here?
Panic erupts in your mind as she begins to lick at your face and neck.
Before you can react further, she lays down next to you, staring at your eyes.
She scooches as close as she can next to you, before throwing a leg over you and dragging you into her arms.
One of her hands affixes itself to your back, while the other gently guides your face into the space above her breasts.
A memory flashes through your mind.
The last girl to ever hug you had been your Mother, back when you had graduated from High School.
You can't help but tear up a little.
You breath in through your nose, the scent of the Wolfess filling your body.
She hugs you tight, and your combined senses and emotions practically force the tears from your body.
As you softly cry into her soft coat, she rubs your back, whispering soothing, if unknown, words into your ear.
For the first time in a long while, things felt like they might turn out okay.


Be a tribal Wolfess.
Currently, you were stalking some random human through your tribes' hunting grounds.
He was carrying one of those loud, tube weapons that humans were so fond of using.
At first you had been angry at him, thinking that he was going to try and hunt on land that wasn't his.
Now though, you were just curious.
He's had plenty of opportunities to kill the scattered game in the forest, but he's ignored all of the chances hes had.
Why was he carrying a weapon of he had no intention to use it?
When he stops in a grassy area though, your heart jumps into your throat.
His hand tightly grips the large weapon, and he begins to raise it pointed at himself.
By the Sky Mother, he was going to hurt himself!
Acting on instinct, you pounce at him, sending him sprawling into the grass.
Not wanting to give him a chance to retrieve his weapon, you do the first thing you can think of.
You choke him, your arm pressing against his windpipe.
This... was probably a bit too rough to be honest.
Even worse, he wasn't even trying to fight back! It was almost like he WANTED you to hurt him...
It makes you whine a bit, and you try to reassure the human by licking his cheek.
You didn't want to hurt him. Just... prevent him from harming himself.
After a few more moments you feel his body go limp, and you let go of him.
He flops forward, unconscious.
This may have been a bad idea to knock him out... It's not like you could just leave him here!
You resolve to take him back to your home. He would be safe there. From the wilderness AND himself.

After a short time of carrying him, you arrive back at your home, a cozy little tent set up near a small creek and some apple trees.
You lay him gently on the hides you used as a bed.
You make the decision to tie him up. After all, you had some knifes you used to gut fish and dress game, and you didn't want him to hurt himself (or you!) If he woke up.
After you finish tying him up, he's still unconscious.
Satisfied that he won't be able to harm anything when he awakes, you leave the small shelter to gather some apples. The Human may be hungry when he awakens.
You set out to gather a few choice looking apples, putting them in a basket.
You're walking back to your shelter with them when you hear a groan emit from the tent.
It's the Human! He's awake!
You set the apple basket outside of the tent, before stepping inside.
Sure enough, he sits there staring at you with confused eyes.
You're pretty surprised that he woke up this quickly.
He's sweating a bit, and you can tell the distinctive smell of fear emitting from his body.
Oh no, he was afraid of you!
You let out a whine a little louder than usual, and look worriedly at him.
To show you were no threat to him, you drop to the floor, crawling over to him slowly.
You even lick at his face and neck a bit to show some affection.
Unfortunately, it seems to have the opposite effect on him, and he starts to panic a bit.
No, no no! You weren't going to hurt him!
You quickly wrap your arms and legs around him, holding him close to your body in an attempt to calm him down.
Using on hand, you guide his face into the space on your chest where your fragrant fur was thickest, right above the swell of your chest.
You gently rub your muzzle against his head, and you can feel moisture start to gather in your fur.
Oh no, he was crying now! You were making things worse!
You can feel him deeply inhale through his nose, and then press his face willingly against you.
You can hear him quietly cry, kicking your motherly instincts into overdrive.
It was time to break out the big guns.
You gently rub his back, occasionally giving him a gentle scritch with your sharp claws.
You crane your head close to his ear and start to whisper a prayer your Mother used back when you were a pup whenever you were upset to calm you down.
It works like a charm, the Human going limp in your strong arms as he softly cries his sorrows away.
All you wanted to do was make him feel like everything was going to turn out okay.

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 07:27 UTC
Views: 351