jax !

i love jax a whollleeee lot. i love him so sosososososososoos much hes the best fp ever !! i very likely have bpd and adhd so i am very sorry for the illness. #ajjax aka me and jax i talk abt ajjax a lot i love jax. heres the ajjax rentry i looooooveee jax jax is my fav ever IMSO SORRY GUYS god i love him sm. i love jax to the summer and back! its not the winter but hes frozen my heart and got me warmin up my liver!!!! jax is the best fp in the world literally hes my little bf i love him sooososososos much. lmfao IMSORRY THIS IS HALF IRONC. i jsut want u all to know how much i love jaxxy. BE WARNED

heres a little (very very shortened) list of ajjax tags

aj jax
kaveh alhaitham
deadpool spiderman
ren amamiya goro akechi
jing yuan blade / ren
gwen stacy miles morales

Pub: 10 Jun 2023 15:25 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2023 18:35 UTC
Views: 116