proship, racists, homophobes, transphobes, overall haters,
crossdressedyosuke fans (the tiktoker), anyone I have met off of drawesome.uy, SH,ED TWT,

Thin Ice
People who overuse the r slur, Enstarries, close minded people, very sensitive people, Drake fans. Enstarries, Fujoshi/Himejoshies, Cutegores, Shuake truthers/haters.

Im often mean as a joke and almost never serious, Ill let you know in a nice way if Im actually annoyed.
If Im dry or ignoring you its nothing serious, Im dry on a basis and I accidentally ignore people CONSTANTLY


Pub: 16 Jun 2020 02:10 UTC
Edit: 18 Jan 2025 11:12 UTC
Views: 46