EDEN, he/she
18, white tme
ENTj sp7, sang (sort of--I'm not a fan of typology, but my friend swears on this assignment for me.)

I'm a Psychology major currently going into my sophomore year of college! My favorite genre of movies is horror, specifically psychological, and I listen to multiple different genres of music--right now I'm a bit obsessed with early 2000s pop, but it really really depends on my mood that day.

I value my irl commitments (academic and social) a lot more than my online ones. This is not anything personal, but more of a general warning that my activity can be spotty at times for a variety of reasons!

That being said, I still consider myself to be a very social person--I enjoy meeting new people and talking like I've known them for a decade, so please always feel free to message me about anything!

When I'm writing something I see as 'official', I tend to use a very formal way of speaking compared to my usual tone. This isn't really a conscious decision--the formal tone is still natural to me, it's just some sort of instinctual thing! Don't be offput if I get all formal, the level entirely depends on how lazy I'm feeling!

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Pub: 11 Jul 2022 21:00 UTC
Edit: 18 Jul 2024 22:29 UTC
Views: 983