felix — 25/12/2022 09:44
to keep it short , we get triggered when we see you around in chats , that's why we don't say anything or we leave . we'd rather do that then change channels and make everyone see that we're ignoring you . we've tried being nice and understanding of everything that's been happening but to be honest , we can't and we don't understand ! you broke up with niki because she's 17 but you like someone who's 17 ? and even if you don't like them , you're still letting them like you or letting them do whatever it is they're doing . we care so much about niki and seeing her like this is so , sad . also . after everything that happened in the pride flags server , we don't know if we want to be affiliated with you anymore . we don't want to be friends with someone who has pedophile allegations and is getting called racist when things could've been avoided . we don't want to be dragged into whatever is going on . yes , we are distancing ourselves from you and that is for our own mental health . you say you want to be friends with us but you don't talk to us at all . we always have to be the first the talk and even then . we don't want to make the first step anymore . we're so tired noya .

dork ◈ — 25/12/2022 10:21
we’re afraid of confrontation, that’s why we haven’t said anything. and we didn’t want to break up with niki, we felt pressured to because everyone else was saying that it was wrong. yes, we have pedophile allegations from a while ago, regret it every single day, what has been done, we tried apologizing for it, no one else listened. and we don’t know how to avoid being called racist, because we aren’t. we don’t want to be. we’ve been trying to talk to you more, or talk in your channel more.


do people think we’ve not changed, that we’ve not grown. how many times do we have to say that we’re repulsed and disgusted of what we’ve done in the past, that we’re ashamed of even admitting it. we learnt more, we’ve been taught more.
and now we don’t trust anybody, not even in this server, to not share the shit that we say. because obviously someone shared what we said here.
we’re so fucking tired of everything.


i’m fucking tired of people if you don’t like us or are set out to remove us from fucking every goddamn server imaginable, leave.
we have never even spoken in that server
but no
you’re moderator there.
we had done nothing since the almost 3 years ago.
no one fucking listens.
i’m tired
of acting like this is okay when it’s not.
we’ve been constantly blocked and unblocked, removed from every server they mod/are staff in, and the moment we block them, not sure if it was coincidence or not, they freak out!
if people actually listened, they’d know how much guilt and disgust we are in.
how much we don’t wanna do that, how disappointed we are in ourselves.
we don’t wanna fucking date or sexualize minors. that’s weird. we’ve learned our fucking lesson years ago.


i will be petty because theyre petty back
block us/ban us from everywhere because of something that youve heard? and not ask directly
assume shit about us thats probably not even true
its been so fucking childish and immature, ill say it.
were trying to handle it civilly, then they get angry/upset, throwing tantrums and all thay.
i want them to ask, and not believe something from a transcript.
that situation happened 3 years ago, and the 17/19 had been consensual because she had asked us out first. we thought it had been okay because, hey, shes turning 18 soon. if she recently turned 17, thatd be a whole different story.
the “racism” thing. we dont like confrontation, we still dont. we dont even know the persons other thought process, and we still dont. we dont bother asking because itd seem invasive and confrontational.
using cjk symbols in templates unintentionally too. weve heard from so many people, that theyre open, closed, or whatever. and some symbols, we didnt even know were cjk. we know the basics of which ones are closed, and thats really about it. we dont wanna manually check every single template we make because thats tiring.
intentionally making templates with closed symbols.
we only did that so the people who could use them, can use the templates. weve stated that when we made the templates themselves. im not sure why we cant do that. yeah, we arent able to use those symbols, nor would we want to. were just providing templates to those who are able to use them.
the current crush.
like said, hes going on 17 to 18. if it was 16 to 17, then yeah. not going to do anything at all. were taking peoples advice, and waiting until he does turn 18. because i guess thatd be better or something. i dont fucking know
and it was wrong of us to say “we couldnt wait until niki turned 18” when the truth is, we didnt see anything wrong with that relationship because it was a 1-2 year age gap.
the thing that happened 3 years ago. god, we regret it every single day. we shouldve saw the age gap sooner, how we had thought it wasnt wrong, it beyond us. now learning about power balance and all that shit, is just. fucking horrible. weve learned from that mistake, and havent done any relationships like that since, nor would we want to. we typically see a lot of the people younger than us, as a sibling, seraphim as a prime example.
if people just asked us, wed gladly explain! we arent gonna be like “no you cant know this” or blah blah blah. because people deserve to know our side too. instead of fully believing one side, like everyone has been recently.
its tiring being blocked/banned/kicked everywhere, without us being able to give an explanation or anything.
we arent able to give screenshot proof for the 13/16, because it was over quotev and the accounts since then have been deleted/removed.
wed have to go searching for the other ones, but those templates have since then deleted probably.
i say probably because the only two places we share our templates, weve been kicked/banned from.
kicked from the pond due to this, and banned from intro temps because of a server issue


we didn’t want to wait for too long, because by the time she was 18, our feelings might’ve been gone. (this might not make sense, but our romantic/platonic feelings come and go very quickly.) at first, we didn’t see the problem, because she’s turning 18 soon.

Pub: 28 Feb 2023 04:57 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2023 05:03 UTC
Views: 618