Sephiroth's name and pronoun list.

Disclaimer, I do not use all of these name or pronouns at any one specific time so call me whatever you'd like. I also have been gifted one or two of these names by people of said culture / race while others I picked up because I am said culture / race.

Names Sephiroth / Vegas / 수국 (Hydrengea) / Damian / 아리랑 (Arirang) / Madame / Smoke / Athena / Atlas / Jack / Kon / Metztli

Pronouns She / her ; He / Him ; Mako / Makos ; Web / Webs ; Blood / Bloods ; It / Its ; Bone / Bones ; Love / Loves ; Snow / Snows

This can and will be updated the more names and pronouns I take on / get rid of.

Pub: 28 Jan 2022 01:02 UTC
Edit: 24 Jun 2024 19:46 UTC
Views: 555