Basil Birthday Story:

"Happy birthday, Basil.", were the words that came in quiet mumbles from the phone before the call was hung up.
Basil sat on his bed, holding his knees to his chest, the bulky handset in his pale hands as he gently smiled.
Sunny had called him from the city, that was the first time in the past four years he had gotten to spend time with his friends on his birthday, even if only through a short phone call.

Basil sighed, the smile on his face slightly fading as he placed the handset back onto it's stand.
His eyes glanced around the room for a moment, as if contemplating what to do now that he was alone, before landing on a large, green book placed neatly on the small, wooden bed stand.
The boy slowly stood up from the comfortable bed, his small frame gently shook, seeming apprehensive about the actions to come next.
He gently approached the bed stand, his eyes locked on the book.
The book was bound in thick, green covers, the colour seemingly faded by time. The front cover was adorned in big, white letters which read "Basil's Memories", A small, scratched brass plate engraved with the boy's name.


He shakily lifted the photo album, bringing it close to his chest and holding it tight, he let out a sigh.

The day Sunny left for the city, after everything they've been through, after all the pain.
Sunny should have hated him.
The quiet boy approached him, holding the green book in his arms, "Basil, I want you to keep it, they are your memories, I want you to keep them, keep them and remember all the good times we've had, and that no matter what, no matter how far we are, we will always be friends", A nervous yet serious look on his face as handed it to Basil.
"N-No, Sunny, I don't - I don't deserve these, please, I can't take them".
"Basil, you do, these are your memories, keep them and cherish them".

Taking a seat back on his bed, he laid it on his pale lap, taking a deep breath before opening to the first page.
His eyes landed on a photo.


->(2/18 - MY BIRTHDAY): It's my 12th birthday today! I thought my friends forgot, but they all surprised me with a strawberry cake. I feel so lucky... This year is looking to be a good year!
His breathing quickened slightly as he looked at the scene, his friends, those he loved more than anything, they warmly smiled behind him, happy.
Basil often wished he could go back, to just wake up one day to find that he was just having a bad dream, but he knew not to get caught up in such thoughts, nothing good came of them.
His eye, wet with tears, gently glistened in the sun as he looked at another photo, a small smile on his face.


->(2/18 MY BIRTHDAY): Another group photo. This was a little after I opened all my presents! MARI bought me this photo album, and everyone else bought me film for my camera. I'll try my best to use it all.
He felt tears pooling in his eyes as he looked upon the scene, everyone was so happy.
Tears began to stream down his face, gently dripping onto the paper, creating small, dark spots.
They were so happy.
And he ruined it.
He ruined it all.
He hurt everyone so much.
He.. No..
He was spiralling again, he promised himself this wouldn't happen any more.
He took a deep breath, like Polly had taught him.
In and out, In and out.

Basil closed the Album, quivering gently as he placed it back onto it's place on the bed stand with a light sigh.
Why is he like this?
Why can't he even just look at the Album?

A light knocking on the door stopped that train of thought, startling him slightly.
"H-Hey, Basil. Could you come to the Kitchen for a moment please?" Came a kind, gentle voice from the other side of the door.
"O-Oh, Y-Yeah one moment Polly".
"Thank you, Oh and, please don't worry about watering the plants today, I took care of that already".
"Thank you, Polly, You Didn't have to..."
"It's fine, it's your special day after all" She said, beginning to slowly walk away.
He exhaled slightly, walking over to the small wardrobe, opening it carefully.

He slipped on a warm, green sweater, one his Grandmother knitted for him a while ago, it was a little bit of a tight fit now that he had grown a little, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
He took one last glance at the album, laying on the bed stand, taking a deep breath as he exited his room.

He entered the kitchen to see Polly doing something at the counter, her body obscuring whatever it was.
"Oh hi Basil, please, take a seat"
Basil sat down at the table, waiting patiently for a few awkward moments.
Despite all the time he spent with Polly, there was always a strange, "distance" between them, She was a kind, caring person and Basil enjoyed her company, yet it always seemed a little strange.
"And Done!" Polly exclaimed.
He could smell... Burning?
Polly turned around with a smile on her face, in her arms was a plate, on top of which was a small cake, pale pink icing covered the round shape while small dollops of cream adorned with strawberries covered its surface.


"Polly, I-I!?" gasping slightly in surprise.
"Happy birthday, Basil!, I know it's not much... but I tried baking you this cake, I'm sorry if it's not that good, but I hope you can at least enjoy it..." her warm, yet slightly awkward smile looked down at him.
"N-No it looks amazing. I-I just thought you forgot, it looks amazing b-but, y-you didn't have to" He stuttered slightly, anxious.
"Forgot? You know I would never do that! Now then..." She walked up and placed the plate, on the table in front of him.
"S-So, blow out the candles!"
"R-Right, thank you, Polly, this is really kind of you... really".
Basil looked into the 17 flames flickering silently atop the candles, taking a deep breath.
He was supposed to think of a wish, right?.
He thought to himself for moment, before blowing out the candles, the flames distorting slightly before going out, leaving behind nothing but thin streaks of smoke, slowly rising and fading away.
"So, do you want me to cut you a slice of cake?" Polly asked
"Y-Yeah, thank you, Polly."
The boy thought about the photos he had looked at in his room, those times were a far cry from the scene before him.
The empty seats around him, those that once would have been filled with the smiling faces of his friends,
The awkward, cold atmosphere that enveloped everything.
His eyes began to water.
Things were never going to get back to how they were, this was his life now.
Tears began to fall from his face, splashing silently onto the wooden table.
B-Basil? Is everything alright!?" Polly was caught off-guard.
She rushed to his side, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into her warm embrace.
"Ssshhh, it's okay", she gently stroked his hair.
"I know it's hard, a-and I know it can get lonely, but your friends, t-they love you, but they need time."
"T-Thanks Polly, b-but..."
Was that true?
Of course not, he was a monster, he ruined their lives, he lied to them for years, he...
Ding Dong, the doorbell rung.
Who could it be?
Probably just a delivery for Polly or something.

"S-Sorry Basil, I'll go get the door, okay? I'll be right back."
Basil watched as she walked towards the front door, already missing her embrace.
She stood at the door, the light from the open windows framing her as she wrapped her fingers around the door's handle.
Her hands twisted the cold metal down, gently pulling open the door.
The light from the outdoors beamed in, Polly stood in the doorway in such a way that Basil couldn't see who was on the other side.
"O-Oh hello, do you need something?", Basil could hear Polly ask, he couldn't make out what the person on the other end was saying.
Polly stood there for a minute or so, seemingly listening intently to what the person on the other end was telling them.
"S-Sure thing, I'm sure that he'll be happy to see you"
He'd be happy to see them? Who could it be?
Polly stepped aside, making way as the girl stepped into the house.


She nervously walked in through the open door, a hint of well-hidden anxiety in her face.
Her hair pink hair framing it in the sunlight, the roots of which had begun to fade and reveal it's true colour.
From her left hand hung a small, red gift bag.
"H-Hey..." She turned to face the boy.
Aubrey? Why was she here, she must want something from him, she hated him, hated him for what he had done.
So why was she here?
"H-Hi..." Basil stuttered out.
The girl approached him slowly and carefully, as if approaching a scared animal.
"Look, I know I've done some... horrible things to you, and how much I've hurt you... I-I don't know if I forgive you for... what happened, I don't know if I can, b-but..." She was nervous, her eyes slightly watering as she spoke.
"But, whatever happens, y-you're always going to be my f-friend, whether you believe so or not..."
Her friend?
Did she, not hate him? He ruined her life, he lied to her for years.
Why was she here?
"N-No, I-I, why?" he felt his breath quicken, he struggled to get words out.
"I know I haven't been the best person to you, a-and that you must hate me, but..." She spoke to him.
No, he didn't hate her, not at all, he deserved everything.
"B-But, either way, I thought I'd come by today... happy birthday, Basil" she held out the gift bag "I, um, got you a little something, it's not much but..."
Basil's eyes began to water slightly, "T-Thank you so much, for coming, I-I'm sorry, I don't hate you, not at all, I... thank you..."
A small smile spread across his face as tears began to slowly flow down his red cheeks "Thank Y-You"
He took the bag onto his lap. And slowly looked into it, curious. "A-Aubrey!? How much was this?"
"Don't worry about it... all the hooligans chipped in..."
He didn't know what to say, he reached into the bag and revealed a black Polaroid camera, the newest model.
"T-Thank you so much, I-I don't know what to say I..."
"It's fine... I'm just glad you like it..., I know it's hard, it's hard for everyone, but I know what it feels like to be alone, to feel abandoned, I don't want that for you. I've talked with the other hooligans, if you ever feel like it, feel free to come say hello, okay?"
Basil covered his crying face, "T-Thank you so much...".
Polly approached from behind, listening to it all, she wrapped her arms around both of them, hugging them close.
Maybe things could never go back to how they were, but he could make new memories, new happy memories.

Pub: 17 Feb 2022 20:52 UTC
Edit: 19 Feb 2022 00:13 UTC
Views: 734