Find Partially Watched YouTube Videos

start scroll
javascript:(function(){if(!window.scrollInterval){window.scrollInterval=setInterval(function(){window.scrollBy(0,500);}, 5);}})();

stop scroll

  1. save start scroll and stop scroll codes as 2 separate bookmarks
  2. download and add the extension
  3. go to
  4. click start scroll
  5. keep it running until reach the end of history
  6. click stop scroll
  7. wait until all fully watched videos are automatically hidden. it might take some time.

The process isn't 100% accurate, videos' thumbnails' which has 100% progress (but actually not fully watched) also gets hidden. But this is a problem of YouTube. Not because of the extension or script.

for example, this videos progress bar shows 100% complete, but in reality this video is not watched till the end. But this will be hidden too because of the 100% complete progress bar.

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Sep 2024 11:37 UTC
Edit: 29 Sep 2024 03:33 UTC
Views: 755