finley's rentry hoard mostly moved to /sillyerra key: using/planing to use, tradeable, attached, very attached, not trading

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。wish list
/davejade /erivris /jadekat /vrisrezi /dawnkota /heatherra /coderra (taken by an anti but a girl can dream)
but ask about my intrests

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。homestuck
/jasperrose /trickster-jane /jadestrider /dave-jade /davejader /davejadeceo /-spacetime /spacetime- /spacetimecontinuum /timeandaspace /candydavejade /meatdavejade /hs2davejade /staryknight /katsndogs /riflerose /YifftyShadesofGrey /YifftyShadesofGray /davidjadiv /spider8yte /piratebones /erivvris /epiloguesdefender /candyepilogues /meatepilogues /candyormeat /fureva /doubletiime /4CONF3SSION /ap8l8gy /roxykin /rosekin /vriskakin /trollkin /mindfag /vriscourse /nepeepee /les8ophobia /les8o /vriskbian /housestuck /carezi

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。black mirror
/black-mirror /blackmuseum /ashleytoo /joanisawful /lochhenry /mazeyday /demon79 /MenAgainstFire /stripekoinange /15million

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。steven universe
/peedee /gregorydemayo /pearlidot /larsadie /polygems /stevonion /renegadepearl /overcookedrunt /pearlescentpearl

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。macbeth
/ladym /kingduncan /donalbain /foulfair /fairfoul /fairisfoul

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。an inspector calls
/aninspectorcalls /inspetorcalls /birling /mrbirling /arthurbirling /mrsbirling /sybilbirling /sheilabirling /ericbirling /geraldcroft /evasmith /daisyrenton /inspectorgoole /milwards /birlingandco /croftslimited

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。music
/betterthanfine /waltzbetterthanfine /stupidache /anjela- /grapesaponthevine /girlgiants /speckofdust /thickerthanavelvetring /theydontknowaboutus /2ofmany /yuppiemoms /saddudes /timemoveslow /mr-bluesky

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。religion
/methodism /babtimal /inpersonachristi /supplication /intercession /excathedra /apostlic /apostolictradition /apostosuccesion /paschalmystery /inconsistanttriad /triad /godthefather /godtheson /godtheholyspirit /ichthus /chirho /angelmoroni /christendom /stewardship /peterscross /stpeter /divinemercy /mercyonman /hopefull /popeanti /antipope /ihatethepope /popehater

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。history
/edwardjenner /vesalius /andreasvesalius /robertkoch /sirfrancisdrake /elizabeth-i /dessingstation /casualtyclearing /basehospital /basehospitals /feildambulance /feildambulances /stretcherbearers /stretcherbearer /reformation /spanisharmada /germtheory

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。total drama
/coderraceo /dawnkotaceo /noerra /siody /lesheather /codyerra /vampirevacation /nocoderra /heathcoderra /heathnocoderra /lebomba /coderras /sillyerra /obsessiveuberfan /uberfan /chrismclainscholar /gwerra /izerra /zoerra /alerra /owerra /tdfan /sierras /codyjr /fallinginlourve /fametown

(ᴗ ᴗ ⭑)。other
/staffordshirebullterrier /trills /catic /pepsisupremest /pepsilover /pepsiveins /pepsiblood /untie /meon /panp /girldyke /spiderdyke /oxymoronic /calabp /ryankephalas /mrkephalas /wiss /seafoamie /polishgirl /lymerence /coolchamp /fishley

Pub: 15 May 2023 03:00 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2024 15:54 UTC
Views: 1019