gif finch gif she/mew gif demigirl black (AA) jewish eng/heb bodily 16 taken gif nd/system blkbiflag demigirl border choices, art commentary youtube, The Theorist, sanrio, urinternetmomash, hazbin hotel heart, border cake gif

-> boundaries: chainsaw *general: no they/them if you know our prns, respect the prns of the alters, don't correct my grammar/spelling, don't ss my tweets if your blocked/give my tweets to blocked parties (ur/their blocked for a reason??), idc abt dt jokes, don't jokingly report my tweets, sb to unfollow, fem or neu terms are ok

privtwt: pls interact, idc if you ss my tweets longest you tell me and mark out my name/alter sign off, don't request if i sb you<-

before you follow gif: i hold cc's accountable if i need to and are not afraid call them idiots, however i like holding nuanced discussions too, i qrt a lot and get into arugments frequently, i reclaim slurs, i say dts (for legal purposes they’re jokes) i sometimes say nsfw jokes, i have sorta have a hard time interpreting tone and i take offense easily, i absolutely will put discourse on ur tl (dirctly or indirectly), i keep moots from my previous fandoms and may occasionally engage with them, i used to be in dttwt/mcyttwt and may engage with their discourse every once in a while, i have a sapnap and dream introject who sometimes referance stuff relating to their sources

DNI knife gif: basic dni (moots and ppl i follow first are safe for highlighted ones) can't hold your cc accountable , lktwt(i hope you get mutilated) /shtwt/poppytwtedtwt, snitches, moots with/follow anya, daisy, vessel, dais, georgie, cicada, starberii, interact with lktwt / flktwt accounts, georgenotfound, wilbur, iliumina , wisp, forever, schlatt, tommyinnit, maxGG, rue fans, dream & sapnap / mcyttwt stan's, constantly tweet/ qrt/ argue abt cc's you hate (not crit)

border cake gif ccats gif

Pub: 07 Jul 2022 17:57 UTC
Edit: 18 Mar 2024 15:51 UTC
Views: 15340