will add descriptions and clean up wording+syntax later. currently working on organizing and formatting this massive infodump

to do list

  • add table of contents
  • sort shit by category (website specific, general QOL, privacy, etc
  • add other reasons to switch to firefox like privacy shit n general features (picture in picture built in pdf editor cookie jars etc)

made by @dangerouscoIors on twitter hehe. feel free to message me if you have anything you want me to add to this document or just any general input/feedback!

general built in reasons to use firefox

text marked with an *asterisk is taken straight from mozilla

  • nonprofit FOSS (free and open source software)
  • prioritizes privacy and isnt literally built to be adware
  • has a built in pdf editor
  • cookie jars
  • picture in picture with controls: *The Picture-in-Picture feature allows you to pop videos out of their webpages into floating, always on top, windows, so you can watch while continuing to work in other tabs. You can have multiple Picture-in-Picture windows open and move or resize them to your liking. Picture-in-Picture offers a convenient way to control video playback. You can play, pause, mute, skip forward or backward, or go fullscreen without having to leave your current tab.
  • you can import all your data (logins bookmarks etc) from chrome
  • chrome is cracking down on adblockers by updating its code for extensions to prevent them from working properly. fuck that noise, right?


none of these addons are essential to use firefox

you can still have a great experience out of the box on a fresh install! think of them more like minecraft mods than bethesda mods. they make some things more convenient or accessible or even fun but aren't necessary to keep everything from breaking.

general QOL


website specific




Pub: 31 May 2023 09:15 UTC
Edit: 28 Jan 2024 16:12 UTC
Views: 255