yellow cat interests !!

bold means i talk about it a lot, and italic means i dont know much about it

games star project sekai, sky:cotl, genshin, bandori, omori, enstars, d4dj

other media star milgram, saiki k, mob psycho, demon slayer, honeyworks, sanrio, spy x family, bloom into you, kagepro

fav characters

pjsk star kamishiro rui, akiyama mizuki , asahina mafuyu, tenma saki, wxs, niigo, i like literally all the units actually

omori star aubrey, basil, mari

milgram star amane, haruka yuno

main ships star kanaena, mizurui, mafuemu, polyneed, polyniigo, polysho (main rksa emnn nnri), kotoyuno, heromari, hiyomona

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Pub: 16 Aug 2022 13:40 UTC
Edit: 15 Oct 2022 14:39 UTC
Views: 164