how to fix tower of fantasy 33% \ 99% loading crash
open your windows 10 settings, go to apps then click on the Optional features option
after that you click "Add feature"
then search for Graphics tools and install it
after its installed, Press Windows + R and type in dxcpl and click ok.
Now the fix:
Follow the image above as a guide, then on the window that will open, click on n1 on the image, Edit List
Click on add and search for those 2 files on the Number 3 on your ToF folder and add them
after both is on the list, hit ok
5: Check the Force On
6: then on Feature level limit, set it to 11_1, and check Disable Feature Level Upgrade
after that just hit apply then ok
restart your pc and the game will open
If you face Crashes when you teleport, enter dungeons, or when press Launch on the launcher, Do the following:
Thanks for: Warhammerkun#7163 and MaƮtre Pinpin#1422 for finding it
- Close Launcher
- Go in your AppData\Local\Hotta\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
- Create a text document, then open it and copy those lines :
bPreferD3D12InGame=False - Register the file with the name : GameUserSettings.ini (it has to be a .ini, not a .txt)
- Try to launch your game
Here's the direct link for the GameUserSettings already configured, you just have to drop on the folder and try to Play :D