flowering cactus.- junglesys rentry

fronters that actually go on main and dont stick to dpriv

ceru/valk - he/she/it/mew. main host and memory holder. splitro rentry
cinnabar/taggy - they/it. cohost and protector (specialized for cerussite and citrus). fictive
will/droledit - he/fi/sea (plus any other ocean and water-related neos). cohost ish and protector. splitro rentry
neil - he/she/ze. ish. splitro
mephone - she/he. i dont know her role at all what is he doing here. factive
citrus - he/she. protector and former host. splitro

Pub: 02 Aug 2022 23:01 UTC
Edit: 15 Mar 2023 08:52 UTC
Views: 300