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scrollboxes lace borderdouble borderno borderscrollbox w buttonsscrollbox w bg imagerounded borderbow borderpink laceuneven borderhorizontal scrollboxvertical scrollboxexpands on hoverrainbow borderdashed borderdisconnect crd scrollbox

cursors & scrollbars heartsbubblesclicksplosionimage clicksplosionstarsquestion marksflowersheartsplosion cursorimage trail cursorfalling objects generatorblobs in a jar cursorhidden scrollbarold web scrollbar7.css scrollbarretro scrollbargradient scrollbarcolored scrollbar

backgrounds floating heartsrainbubblessnowspace warpsnowflakesfalling butterfly img bgfalling sakura leavesradial gradient bgblock rain

menus drop down menudrop down menu #2drop down menu #3gina crd co menuflip cardscrollboxes on hoverbuttons menudefault blur menublur rotate menuslide up blur menublur x expand menublur y expand menuimage blur & scrollboxbox shake to reveal scrollboxslide up to reveal scrollboxroman numerals hover menucr intruosers menu

music players minimalistdiamondcr ramdonscd spinspinning notepixel marqueedraggablekill billspinning music notenotebook crdsimple music player with gifglenthemesspeakerhoyeon ju mp mpkokonai ju mp mpmultiple songs

misc. codes typing website titlenotification pops up when page opensdisable right click + alertchatboxpassword lockdollzito crdnana crdcbox on hoverupdate log used in this crd7.cssXP.css98.cssNES.cssclay.csspaper.csssystem.css

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Pub: 07 Dec 2022 20:57 UTC
Edit: 08 Feb 2023 23:35 UTC
Views: 2936