image description

image description DNI image description

image description basic dni criteria(homophobic, proship, ect), nsfw accounts, toyakasa/sakitoya shippers, those angstkasa fans, 0703 and 0503 shippers, youre part of sh/ed twt, you ship Haruka/Amane romantically or sexually with anyone, you ship anyone(romanticlly and sexually) from the mandela catalogue, you are or are friends/mutuals with Quwih/Airy aka notinterestingnorartistic on insta, youre under 13/over 24, use fonts when texting(nothing against you personally but i just have dificulties with reading fonts), you hate my interests or faves, mainly post about kanamafu(kanamafu is just a major discomfort of mine)

I will block you if you fit into the criteria or youre just weird

Pub: 27 Mar 2023 13:20 UTC
Edit: 30 Jul 2023 10:23 UTC
Views: 167