Hello, welcome to Eva's yume account!

About me!

Eva! or Epa, Evachan, Evacchi, Epachama, up to you!
esfj 3w2
leo sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising

BYF & DNI Before You Follow:
✾ Karena ini akun khusus yume. jadi untuk disini aku lebih banyak ngomongin perihal yume!! Kalau ngomongin perihal fandom itu gak di akun sini ehehe. Aku juga gak bakal gunain tag (kayak "// yume") di akun ini karena ya ini akun yume ges....
✾ I accept all ships, BL/GL/HL OK! Not only that, I also okay with NSFW content, even I use the circle feature for NSFW content... DM me if you wanna be added to it! (18+ only)
Oyawagaidoutankyohi* to Figaro and Faith which mean I'm okay with sharing only just with my close friend, so current moots it's okay! But for new moots, I'm sorry.... ;;-;;
✾ Suka ganti-ganti pake aku-kamu-lo-gue sesuka hati, juga sering pakai; keysmash, capslock, meme! Gak masalah (dan kadang suka pake) juga sama ketikan jametzz awh hie mniezz.. /mngecup pipimu/..... Also I don't mind with harshword! since sometimes I used it too I'm sorry

Do Not Interact/Follow:
✾ Fit basic DNI criteria
✾ Under 15 y.o. (current moots okay)
✾ Don't want to interact with me/just want to gain follower :'((
✾ Hates me, my moots, my oshis ^____^

Yumeship & Interest

Yumeship Character Fandom
FeiVa ; フェヴァ Faith x Evaline HeliosR
CaiEva ; カイエヴァ Cain x Eva Mahoyaku
DeuLie ; デュリ Deuce x Liese Twst
FigaLyn ; フィガリン Figaro x Lyndsea Mahoyaku
ASu ; 綾素/アス Ayato x Suyin Genshin Impact
YuKoBa ; 弓恋茨 Yuzuru x Kozue x Ibara Enstars
GouAi ; 豪愛 Gou x Airi Sutamai
YukiRie ; 幸麗 Yukiya x Rie On Air!
AzuRi ; 東璃 Azuma x Fuyuri Esuri

Untuk emoji yumeship, bisa diliat di tweet ini: https://twitter.com/fIowersfeeling/status/1529447350439014405?s=20&t=EOfjoUYldh74Cy8yXNNvCQ

gak semuanya sering diomongin sihh, tapi itu yumeship yang kupunya. tapi kalau ditanya mana yang paling sering diomongin, jawabannya ya, yang tulisannya bold hdkfjkdjgkdfg (maaf adminnya sedikit sinting)

Additional Notes

  1. Mau DM buat bahas OC/yume bareng? Boleh bangeett!! (emot pien)
  2. Feel free to bub for break mutual
  3. Don't hestitate to knock my DMs if I ever do wrong!
  4. More active on my locked account, just tell me if you want to follow my locked account! But I didn't talk about yume there, I just talk about my daily stuff and fandom-dumping. But I more selective there since that's my comfort account, so please don't hard feeling if I refuse your demand :')) we still can talk on my yume account!
  5. That's all for now! Semoga nyaman ya kalian semua, lopyuuu <3
Edit Report
Pub: 01 Apr 2022 12:54 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2022 17:29 UTC
Views: 1334