Advanced img2img Tutorial or How to blob

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General Info:

Unless otherwise denoted, all generations use Vanilla PonyXL. All gens are done on a 3060 12GB Vram with 32GB of Ram.


This is an advanced img2img tutorial for applied techniques. Most of the basic img2img and inpainting info can be found here. I highly recommend getting familiar with the basic concepts first.

What this is about

Ai can be steered exceptionally well through drawing extremely crude sketches. And I do really mean crude. Take this as an example:

Sketch First img2img Eventual finished piece
Alt Tag Alt Tag Alt Tag

(I actually accidentally changed the aspect ratio on the img2img part on this one, and noticed it too late, oops!)

The main idea is that instead of letting the AI generate a random cloud of noise to solve, you instead hand it something that is already very constrained in what it can become. This example also shows that, ultimately, the AI tends to fixate on specific key points for reference, especially those that contrast. When blobbing it is therefore important to get shapes in place. Things like eye color blobs help the AI orient itself. For my kobold the ears tend to be inconsistent, but by shaping them in this way they are far more likely to manifest in that horizontal orientation. The tits were not properly blobbed, not to mention fairly misplaced by me, so the AI nudges them into their right place.
Another takeaway is also that lineart is generally suited more towards controlnets from what I can tell, or rather img2img and inpainting work far nicer with blobs.

What you need.

-A working install of an AI software capable of inpainting and Img2img, this one will use reForge as an example. For Comfy users, you can likely apply most concepts if you already know how to inpaint and img2img.
-An image editor. It won't be used for any complex stuff, so take whatever you are familiar with. If it has layers and a paint tool you are fine. Examples are Krita, GIMP, or of course Photoshop. You can even get away with paint, though you won't have a good time. I use GIMP because I'm familiar with it.
-Absolutely 0 artistic ability. You do not need a tablet.

Pub: 05 Sep 2024 23:58 UTC
Edit: 05 Sep 2024 23:59 UTC
Views: 58