WELCOME to my xenogender coining
blog, im your host halo here to give you
an introduction to the ins and outs of how
this particular blog works!

don't request or interact if
ONE. fit into any of the basic criteria
TWO. you will attempt to start discourse,
this isnt the blog for that, seek elsewhere.
Any asks asking for my opinion on discourse
or such will be deleted and not acknowledged.
THREE. i do take more dark requests but
i do not coin anything insect related
PLEASE NOTE i do not allow
for my terms to be recoined!

extra information
ONE. im still in school, so that takes
priority over coining on this blog, since
this is just for fun & its all for free anyway!
TWO. i may not coin something if its from
a media im not familiar with or if it is from
something i am uncomfortable with!
THREE. addtionally to the above point, some
requests may be rejected for personal reasons
FOUR not as important but you can click
here for a mod introduction

Pub: 02 Oct 2022 15:28 UTC
Edit: 22 Oct 2022 12:53 UTC
Views: 271