here's my official ranking of the doom games from best to worst. shortened version.

doom/the ultimate doom. started everything. the classic. 4 episodes of pure carnage and destruction. not too long not too short, INVENTED speedrunning and the competitive scene in speedrunning. just simply... chefs kiss.

doom 2. came out a year after and was just as fun if not even more fun. cant put it above the OG in good conscience though. introduced just enough medium difficulty enemies to make the game feel more alive and engaging. ALSO ADDED THE ARCHVILE. everybody who worked on that enemy is a genius.

doom 64. underrated. darker take on the originals. people thought it was an N64 port and skipped it. this is considered blasphemy. i love the art style change but lamented the loss of many of the previously mentioned enemies AND of the shotgun animations. extremely fun regardless of all the changes. i love the secret levels and how difficult they can be to figure out.

doom 2016. enjoyed this game IMMENSELY. it retold doom with a bit more story this time, if not still being a bit bare bones. introduced samuel hayden. love samuel hayden. need more samuel hayden. kind of crazy about the gauss cannon that was in this game. CANNOT forget to mention glory kills, they added so much personality to doomguy. im so glad that they decided to take the run and gun blood and guts of the original doom and just turn it up to a billion. love this game to death.

doom eternal & DLC. it was good. fun. smoother gameplay than doom 2016 but the story felt like a patched together sci-fi plot that was rejected from another franchise, ESPECIALLY with what happened in the DLC. it changed samuel hayden in ways i cannot describe and i preferred it when he was just a creepy functionally immortal cyborg scientist and not... a biblical creature. other parts of the story were... good... but i wish it was better. still. regardless of this the gameplay is FUN, especially with the addition of the meathook and the dashes. and i always find myself coming back to it. improved immensely on gameplay aspects of doom 2016 that i disliked but unfortunately went a step back with worldbuilding & atmosphere that 2016 had adapted from the original games, that's the tradeoff i suppose.

final doom. does anybody even remember. a bunch of levels for doom 1&2. i really LOVED playing plutonia experiment and TNT evilution on their own as .wads but there's no need to pay money for them.. most official ports nowadays have them included for free anyways

doom 3. more of a... spinoff than a main doom game. i liked it a lot actually as a horror survival and it was extremely innovative for its time, but it doesn't feel like it's doom and doesn't even have the same doomguy, and he gets SCARED. i really wanted to like him but john kane isn't doomguy. now, you might think this is me hating, but i truly don't believe there's a single bad installation in the doom series despite how i feel about john kane and the shotgun in this game. feels weird to make a tierlist and have something i actually enjoyed at the very bottom.

hope you enjoyed that's all

Pub: 06 May 2023 17:50 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2023 19:52 UTC
Views: 83