Screams of panic, people rushing out of the scene.

At first, he didn’t notice his wound, running a red river on his stomach, it wasn’t until he tried to get away too he noticed the pain walking would cause him. Staring into the crowds of people, he saw him, wearing his black coat and hat as he put the gun back into his clothes.

Then he understood.

“Oh, so it’s finally time…”

Abe fell to the ground, his vision blurring. All he could see where vague shapes of the passersby, the screams were becoming muffled. His limbs began going numb as his body grew cold.


By some play of chance, he was granted a few seconds of full consciousness. He saw a young man above him, his eyes letting out tears of panic. He could feel his hand on the back of his head and how his own hand wettened with blood while he held the wound.

“COME ON, TALK TO ME!” He heard the man say.

Using all of the strength left in him, he spoke.

“Have sex. My final message. Goodbye.”

With a smile, and one last vision of Japan’s future,

Shinzo Abe was dead.


The news were received with mixed feelings all over the world, the one thing most people had in common was confusion and intrigue. Japan’s former PM died in a relatively safe place, thus, gun violence was unexpected, moreover, the coroners found no trace of any kind of bullet, instead they found a sort of tunnel that began on his stomach and somehow changed its direction to aim straight at his heart in a perfect angle. The shooter’s identity was a complete mystery, no one saw anyone in the scene or the surrounding areas. Trying to squeeze an answer out of some known political activists, none of them knew anything, and “enhanced interrogation techniques” yielded no results either.

A man sat in his home, watching the news unfold just as the clock hit 9 pm. His wife was cooking dinner when a sudden rush of adrenaline took over her. The sizzle of the pan slowly died out, the man, thinking dinner was about to be ready, got up from his sofa just as he felt the weight of his wife falling over him.

“T-Tsumugi, you okay?” He asked, thinking his wife tripped.

She didn’t respond, instead, she hurriedly took off her clothes and exposed herself to her husband, looking at him lecherously and obscenely. The man’s shirt was practically ripped from him as he undid his pants in a hurry. It had been a while since his wife was this…excited, years maybe.

There she rode him on the couch until he came inside, and with his cum dripping between her legs, she went back to the kitchen and continued cooking while he caught his breath in ecstasy.


You were about to clock out. With your alarm telling you it was time to go home, you did everything in your power to do some overtime, until one of your bosses came around and saw you doing whatever mundane task you were currently performing.

“Anon.” He spoke to you.


“It’s time to go home. You’re going to miss the bus.” He commanded.

“Y-Yes! I just need to…tidy up a bit.”

“Anon.” He repeated your name with a more dominant tone. “Company policy, you know how it gets after dark.”

“Y-Yeah.” You conceded with a solemn tone.

“Go, now.”

Like a puppy hiding its tail between its legs, you complied.

You went down the staircase, men hurried out left and right, pushing each other so they could reach the exit while you were lost in your own thoughts, among them, you found a little comment made by one of your coworkers.

“You’re being too sentimental in times where that just won’t float.”

He was right. Completely right. But fuck, how could you pull out of your own emotional masochism? She meant so much to you, and yet…

For now all you had to distract yourself was your job, going back to your empty apartment wasn’t the most tempting of choices, knowing you’d give in to your alcoholic tendencies while listening to sad music, against your better judgement, you ran greater risks just to escape those lonely few hours before sleep.

As you reached the exit, you noticed the usual security guard wasn’t there, you could practically see some of your colleagues shiver as they saw that instead of him,

There was a woman.

You checked your phone. You’ve got time, not a lot, but it should be enough if this damn line hurries up. You controlled your breath the best you could. Soon enough it was your turn to show your bag and leave.

“Signature here.” The lady commanded you. You complied and opened your bag to show it carried nothing other than the tupper for your lunch and a hoodie for the cold winds.

You waited for the woman to dismiss you, but instead, she put her hand over yours. Adrenaline began shooting down your spine, your fight or flight instinct had kicked in at full gear.

“Anon, right?” She took off her glasses and brought one of the pins to her mouth. “Say, do you have anything to do tonight? My shifts almost over and I thought-“

“I have a wife, sorry.” You cut her off trying to get the hell out of there, as you were about to take your hand off the desk, she grabbed you by your wrist.

“She doesn’t need to know~” She spoke, giving you a libidinous stare.

“I really can’t, sorry, gotta go.” You pulled your arm away from her grip, she was stronger than she seemed.

You headed for the exit as she gave you an angry, needful glare, the change in temperature hurried you to put on your hoodie.

Quickly, you headed to the spot where the shuttle bus was supposed to be. Soon you should see the groups of people smoking, talking, checking their phones...

Only to find it completely empty.

Standing around a bit, praying it was just a bit late, you received a phone call, it was one of your coworkers.

“Anon, did you get a cab or something? You had me dead worried man.”

“A-A cab? I was supposed to get on the bus.”

“Oh god…” He replied bluntly. “Shit, do you have a way to get home? Maybe the driver will understand if we tell him that… What? Oh fuck. SHIT, SHIT SHI-!”

You heard screams of terror and a loud thump, he dropped his phone, but accidentally put it on speaker as he did. Now you could hear giggles, high pitched voices, moans and the shrilling laughs of someone who’s being undressed against his will.

You hung up. You had greater problems to deal with. Hopefully tomorrow you’d see him safe and sound. You took a deep breath, the cold wind digging deeply into your nostrils, feeling it on your lungs, you let it out.

And began sprinting home.


A few more men walked in crowds in which you tried to blend in, you could hear the lustful laughs in the distance, all of you were like deer during hunting season. One of the guys next to you shakily took out a cigarette and tried repeatedly to turn it on, but his lighter wouldn’t yield a spark.

You took out one that you were carrying in your pocket and gave it to him. After a long, deep drag, he calmed his nerves and stretched his hand out to give you your lighter back.

“Ah, you can keep it.” You told him.

“Thanks.” He said as he took another drag. “You want one?” He offered you to take one out of his pack.

“No thanks, I don’t smoke.”

As the crowd became more dispersed, you found yourself in an ever-shrinking group, until the last guys suddenly disappeared and you found yourself all alone, nearing the train station. The last train home was about to leave. If you ran, you might make it, but just as you finished looking at your phone, a voice sent shrills down your spine.

“Hey there, young man~” A deep, slightly nasal voice pierced your ears. Your heart felt as if it was going to burst.

You turned around to see, a slightly chubby woman in sportsy clothes, under the streetlight you got a look at her face, purple hair, purple eyes, cat ears, and the most lecherous look you could imagine.

You gulped your fears and prepared for the worst. She approached you slowly with a sexy strut.

“I need some help to move a few things in my room, care to lend a hand? I’ll make it worth your while~”

Before you opened your mouth, she had already closed most of the distance between the two, you just didn’t notice out of fear. Snapping yourself back to reality, you put all your strength into your legs and ran blindly towards anywhere.

The woman gave chase, she was surprisingly fast for her size, you tried to lose her around corners and tipping over trash cans which she jumped over with ease. You found a fence that trapped you in an alleyway and did your best to climb over it, but your energy was spent. Pathetically, you tried to bring yourself over and failed miserably, your shoes slipping and your grip weakening, you fall facing the entrance of the alleyway.

It’s over. If you’re lucky, you’ll see the sunrise.

The woman has found you, she gets on all fours as she approaches you.

“Neee~ Don’t be so mean~!” Her hands get a grip of your pants, she pulls them down along your underwear and licks her lips in expectancy, lowering her head slowly…

…before falling to the ground in one go, completely unconscious.

Your vision blurs, you see a figure walking towards you, the front was completely obscured, while the contour was clearly visible from the lights from outside the alleyway, you could tell it was another woman, her hips, her breasts, long hair that reached down to her waist, from one predator to another, nothing has changed.

The mysterious figure lowers her arm, letting it fall to the side. Regaining your consciousness, you manage to spurt out one last plea.

“Hey, are you ok-“


Her slim, soft hand covers your mouth in an instant. She turns back to check if you caught anyone’s attention. As she checked if the coast was clear, she turns back to you, incredibly mad.

“Shut, up!” She demands in a muffled voice. “I’m trying to help you, now get up.”

You bring yourself up and almost trip, before remembering your pants were down to your ankles. You instinctively cover your manhood, the woman doesn’t seem to care.

“Hurry up.” She says as she heads for the entrance of the alleyway. Quickly, you pull your pants up and follow her. She peeked her head out to check the surroundings once more, she hears nothing.

“Alright, come out.”

You follow her onto the street, all you can see is her back. Her hair is gray like silver, but not the old kind, rather, it was as if that was her natural hair color, she wore black clothes, including a fur coat that she wore down to her elbows, one of her legs was milky white, while the other wore a half-torn pantyhose and…is that a tail? She’s one of those too then.

She turned back to face you, and you got a good look at her face.

Gray eyes, a somewhat shiny tone that expressed tiredness, her hair ran down to her cheeks, her mouth was open for a few seconds, and you got a glimpse of what you thought were fangs. She eyed you with an annoyed expression. You trembled before her, she noticed your fear and decided to put you out of your panic.

“Don’t worry.” She said. “I’m asymptomatic.”

“Oh, c-cool.”

“Asymptomatic.” That word once had meaning to you. Once. How could you trust this woman? For all you knew, she was about to do to you just what the one in the alleyway planned to.

But her mannerism, her controlled attitude, she seemed like someone you could trust, you wished for a little rest too, so you hoped she was telling the truth.

Suddenly, she grabbed your hand, and before you could panic, she brought her finger to her mouth in a “shh” gesture, she got a good look at your hand that wore a silver ring.

“You’re married…” She seemed lost in thought, eyeing your hand with great detail.

“Y-Yeah, so if you’d please.”

You heard her give you a hearty, non-malicious laugh.

“Ahahah! ‘Married’.” She said, before giving you a sly look. “This... is a Chinese sweatshop ring, isn’t it?” Ouch, bullseye.


“You know no one’s gonna stop at the sight of this, right?” She let go of your hand. “Even if it was a real one, I mean.”

“I-I wear it as a good luck charm.” You spurted out.

“Oh, I see.” She laughed again. “Well, a young man such as yourself shouldn’t be out at this time, I doubt you don’t know that, so, what gives?”

“I missed the shuttle bus.” You spoke. “B-But I think something happened. One of my coworkers called me and…”

“Hmm, seems like your ring might bring good luck after all.”

“When you put it like that…yeah…” You looked at your hand, almost perplexed. “I think it does.”

You stood with her in the streetlight without saying a word for a few seconds, a yelling cat reminded you that danger still didn’t subside.

“Alright, I should get home. Thanks for-.”

“Hold on, I’ll give you a ride.”

“Oh please I couldn’t trouble you any further.”

“If I don’t.” She said in a firm, demanding tone. “You might become another statistic. This isn’t an exactly safe part of town either.”

She was right, but regardless of that, you knew you shouldn’t get in the car with a stranger, much less a woman. Yet, your heart was calming down, as if gently feeling a river wash over it. A gentle stream of peace.

“Alright, thanks, I guess.”

“Don’t mention it.”

You walked alongside her to where she said she parked her car, thinking a thousand different things and not a single concise one. Ah, perhaps if it’s with her, it won’t be that bad. Wait. What happened to…

“Uhm.” You said.


“Oh it’s nothing.”


You continued walking.


“Yes?” She said with growing irritation.

“What did you do to the chick that was chasing me?”

She brought her hand to her side, and out of a holster, she pulled out a silver colored gun with a long cannon.

“A-A-A gun?! You kill-“

“It’s a tranquilizer.”

“You walk around with a tranquilizer gun?”

“You don’t?” She said. “Because you should.”

She didn’t holster the weapon, instead the stuck it out to you so you could see it. You looked into her silver eyes for her approval to take it, she nodded with a solemn look.



It felt somewhat heavy, but the grip was nice. It shone under the moonlight and showed an engraving done in the handle.


You aimed at the distance with one hand feeling like a cowboy.

“Careful!” She repeated herself. “What your trigger discipline.”

“My wha-.” You said, as you pulled the gun down and accidentally shoot yourself in the leg. Soon it felt numb and light.

“Shit!” She screamed.

“Oh…isitlunchtime?” You babbled as your vision darkened, and your body fell to the ground like a wet noodle.

Pub: 21 Jul 2022 18:37 UTC
Edit: 22 Jul 2022 02:17 UTC
Views: 224