Some Mapbase Convars, idk Image description

these default values might be wrong, dont just copy paste without checking

Convar Default Value Description
ai_death_pose_enabled 1 fixes long standing deathpose bug, making ragdolls like its 2004 baby
ai_door_enable_acts 1 overrides default door opening gesture animations for NPCs. “Open Distance” keyvalue MUST be set to 32 on doors to work correctly.
ai_dynint_always_enable 1 ALWAYS allows dynamic interactions like alyx kicks for citizens, antlion stab instant kills etc, better to give capabilites manually using inputs imo
ai_norebuildgraphmessage 1 Disables the Node Graph out of Date. Rebuilding... message. does not disable the rebuilding of the graph itself. Use ai_norebuildgraph to disable nodegraph rebuilding altogether.
ai_tank_allow_expanded_npcs 1 lets Barney, Grigori, and Vortigaunts use func_tank / mounted guns
ai_turning_enabled 1 Enables NPC turning, which was previously disabled by Valve at some point after 2004 due to a now-unknown major issue.
antlion_no_ignite_die 0 cvar of 1 allows antlions to be lit on fire
cl_globallight_depthbias_shadowmap 0.00001 cheat protected proj texture setting
cl_globallight_depthres 8192 cheat protected proj texture setting
cl_globallight_shadowfiltersize 0.1 cheat protected proj texture setting
cl_globallight_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap 16 cheat protected proj texture setting
cl_player_allow_firstperson_projtex 1 Allows players to receive projected textures even if they're in first person.
cl_player_allow_firstperson_rttshadows 0 Allows players to cast RTT shadows even if they're in first person.
cl_player_allow_thirdperson_projtex 1 Allows players to receive projected textures if they're non-local or in third person.
cl_player_allow_thirdperson_rttshadows 0 Allows players to cast RTT shadows if they're non-local or in third person.
cl_worldlight_use_new_method 1 Uses new world light iteration method which splits lights into multiple lists for each cluster. idk what that means
commentary_audio_element_below_cc 1 allows a commentary node audio progress bar to be under subtitles
commentary_combine_speaker_and_printname toggles new printname behavior for commentary nodes
demo_autorecord 1 automatically records a 30-second demo files until you turn it off.
explosion_sparks 0 fixes bug giving default explosions sparks, 0 is vanilla hl2
g_ragdoll_client_impact_decals 1 Applies decals to clientside ragdolls when they are hit.
g_ragdoll_server_snatch_instance 1 Allows serverside ragdolls to snatch their source entities' model instances in the same way clientside ragdolls do, thereby retaining decals.
g_ragdoll_steal_impacts_client 1 Allows clientside death ragdolls to "steal" impacts from their source entities. This fixes issues with NPCs dying before decals are applied.
g_ragdoll_steal_impacts_server 1 Allows serverside death ragdolls to "steal" impacts from their source entities. This fixes issues with NPCs dying before decals are applied.
host_pitchscale -1 If greater than 0, controls the pitch scale of sounds instead of host_timescale.
mapbase_version shows the version of mapbase currently being used
mat_colcorrection_forceentitiesclientside 0 Forces color correction entities to be updated on the client. From alien swarm code. Cheat protected.
mat_showcamerarendertarget_all 0 mirrors camera screens idk
mat_specular_disable_on_missing 1 Disables specular reflections on a material when the envmap cannot be found.
metropolice_new_component_behavior 1 idk, new gun support maybe
npc_alyx_allow_fly 0 Allows Alyx to use FL_FLY outside of scripted sequences, actbusy, or navigation.
npc_alyx_interact_manhacks 1 allows alyx to hack manhacks
npc_alyx_interact_turrets 0 allows alyx to hack turrets
npc_barnacle_ignite 0 allows barnacles to be lit on fire with flares. 0 = off
npc_citizen_squad_secondary_toggle_use_always 0 Makes Mapbase's new citizen "Alt + USE" squad toggle enabled by default on all citizens, regardless of the spawnflag's status.
npc_combine_altfire_not_allies_only 1 Allows elite soldiers to use their energy balls on any enemy, as opposed to their original behavior of only using them against the player and their allies, which can be re-activated by turning off this convar.
npc_combine_fixed_shootpos 0 Toggles fixed Combine soldier shoot position. When a NPC it can run a dynamic interaction on comes within 128 units enabling makes this fix occur under all such cases.
npc_combine_idle_walk_easy 1 Allows soldiers to use ACT_WALK_EASY (not to be confused with the "Walk Easy" keyvalue) when walking while idle.
npc_combine_unarmed_anims 1 Allows soldiers to use unarmed animations when they don't have an active weapon.
player_autoswitch_on_first_pickup 1 how the player should autoswitch when picking up a new weapon. 0 = no autoswitch, 1 = always (default), 2 = use unused weighting system
rr_enhanced_saverestore 0 Enables enhanced save/restore capabilities capabilities for the Response System.
r_coreball_update_sphere_center 1 enables citadel coreball shader fix to work anywhere
r_flashlighttextureoverride custom flashlight projected texture path like effects/flashlight_soft001, etc
r_RainParticleClampOffset_Ash 300 How far inward or outward to extrude clamped precipitation particle systems using the 'Particle Ash' type.
r_RainParticleClampOffset_Rain 120 How far inward or outward to extrude clamped precipitation particle systems using the 'Particle Rain' type.
r_RainParticleClampOffset_RainStorm 112 How far inward or outward to extrude clamped precipitation particle systems using the 'Particle Rain Storm' type.
r_RainParticleClampOffset_Snow 300 How far inward or outward to extrude clamped precipitation particle systems using the 'Particle Snow' type.
r_vguitext_bg 0 enable background for text on vgui_text_display entity i think
sk_alyx_health alyx health override
sk_barney_health barney health override
sv_player_enable_propsprint 0 If enabled, allows the player to sprint while holding a physics object (with USE key)
sv_player_enable_gravgun_sprint 0 Enables the player to sprint while holding a physics object with the gravity gun.
vgui_mapbase_custom_schemes support for custom clientscheme.res (if i had to guess)
v_viewmodel_fov_script_override 0 If nonzero, overrides the viewmodel FOV of weapon scripts which override the viewmodel FOV.
weapon_pistol_upwards_viewkick 0 changes pistols viewpunch to go upwards ( instead of downwards )
zombie_no_flinch_during_unique_anim 1 Prevents zombies from flinching during actbusies and scripted sequences.

mapbase exposed dod/cs:s convars:

you made it to the bottom good job - vizzys
join da mapbase discord

Pub: 10 May 2023 05:47 UTC
Edit: 15 Apr 2024 01:12 UTC
Views: 208