-Foreignaitos, the Order Abroad:- --


Foreignaito is the general term for lunaitos that operate outside of the Candy Kingdom's borders in collaboration with foreign nations as well as those that operate outside of traditional lunaito organizational structures in foreign lands. Various expeditionary fleets and diplomatic excursions have been conducted with the allies of the Candy Kingdom for centuries however those who are considered foreignaito are expected to be adapted and ready to fight in whatever territory or terrain is demanded of them.
Among the first foreignaitos were those of the Impixie Shock Units in collaboration with the Kenzoku and the Mousquetaires de la Garde in collaboration with the Kingdom of Oiseau in accordance to their long standing friendship with the intent to create a strong unit of reinforcements to the royal armed forces that can protect the allies of the Candy Kingdom abroad. While many luknights were eager to journey to new lands in order to assist a much respected ally of the Himedom, initial deployments were met with disappointing results. Many lunaitos were not acclimated to the intense change in climate and diet that would follow long term separation from the Candy Kingdom and suffered from heat exhaustion as well as sugar deficiency which greatly limited their fighting capacity, this problem was so widespread that it was decided that the common luknight was not properly equipped to aid their foreign allies a conclusion that stung the noble knight generals who quickly began to organize a way to acclimate lunaitos to perform in contrasting climates. Through a joint training effort between Moriji, the Elysian of Mans, and the tribal states of /risu/, a new sequence of training for foreign lunaitos deployments was put into practice.


The training to become a Foreignaito is long and hard, substituting the many years of training and stewardship under a luknight for a much more intense and hands on training experience at younger ages. Lusquire foreignaitos are trained primarily on foreign soil, beginning their training at the Elysian of Mans before traveling to Moriji, Risu, and finally the Kingdom of Oiseau.
Beginning from ages 10 to 12, these lusquires would spend around one and a half years training at each nation while chaperoned by either a luknight captain or a graduated foreignatio, in special circumstances a lusquires training can be taken over entirely by special brigades of foreignaitos who work with specific goals in mind in a format not dissimilar to the training of Impixie units. While the general age of a lusquires introduction to foreign territory is prepubescent, older lusquires can enter the ranks of the foreignaito however their training is usually set to match their individual group with a greater focus on endurance and climate acclimation overall and a generally shorter training time.
While the Moriji, the Elysian of Mans, and the Confederacy of Risu are the three nations most commonly used to train foreignaitos, these are not the only nations. In times of war or intense duress, other allied nations such as /towa/ can be substituted with training regiments that commonly field lunaitos towards rapid fortification drills and tower sieging implements.

Mercenary and Crusader Foreignaitos

Once foreignaitos have completed their training, they’re given an option as to how they’d like to use their new found talents. Many return to the Candy Kingdom and train luknights on the power of the musket and how to combat it on the field of battle while others stay amongst foreign allies to aid them in battles to come. A notable few foreignaitos take up the cause of a mercenary for higher, not abandoning the Himedom per say but dedicating themselves to a personal crusade that they believe in. It’s traditional for these lunaitos to swear an oath of pledge witnessed by a lupriest to never forget the honor of luknighthood and to strive to bring glory to the Himedom in their crusade, in addition, these luknights announce their intentions on their crusade and relinquish the right to hold land until they return victorious; it should be noted that a luknight crusader can still return home however they do so with a vast amount of shame and are forced to live on the charity of others due to the breaking of these holy vows, their household typically casting them off for the dishonor. Not every luknight mercenary takes this sort of pledge however luknight crusaders are considered to be a step above the average paid solider, fighting with the valiance and efficiency of a foreignaito musketeer unleashed. Foreignaito crusaders do not typically take whatever assignment is brought to them, holding themselves to high esteem and considering mercenary work that doesn’t help fulfill their vows to be beneath their notice. If the cause they’re being hired to fight for is righteous, one might have a better chance at appealing to the warriors otherwise, it requires a hefty sum to get a foreignaito crusader to aid you on the battlefield.

Training Regiments

Description of /mans/ training:

The group would be welcomed at the royal capital, and introduced into the military academy. For the next 6 weeks they would learn the basics here. Handling of different weapons, formations, information on different fauna and monsters they might encounter on their stay on the island, they would have their fitness evaluated, all that sort of stuff. Once they "graduated" from the Academy (to graduate for real, they would need to attend it for a few years, this is a top of the line establishment that trains future commanders of the nation) their group would venture out into the wastelands, accompanied by a squad (usually 5-6) of seasoned adventurers, with at least one scout Axelotl, and a commanding officer, in most cases an Altventurer. This is where the real experience begins. The main focus of the practical part would be "Survival" The group would, for the most part, live off of the land and explore various different areas, helping at any settlement they might come across. They would escort caravans that traverse this dangerous land, and at times uncover and dispose of growing settlements of schizos or other various monsters. They would learn to use all they have at their disposal to survive, even making makeshift weapons if need be and using their environment to help solve problems. And yes, if survival meant consuming the flesh of monsters or even schizos, then so be it.(Lusquires would, however, be observed on their reactions if/when faced with such an option, and peculiarities would be noted. A cannibal soldier/adventurer can bring discourse and danger to the whole of the group, if left to his own devices). Long story short, we would try to prepare them for anything that might arise on their journey, be it a treacherous environment or endless hordes of enemies, starvation or exhaustion. At the end of the year-long trek around the island, they would for all intents and purposes be on the same level as experienced adventurers that could be assigned to various regions of the island. They would come to us Lusquires, but would leave the island Lumen.

Description of /moriji/ training

Now that the /mans/ training has drilled the Lusquires in the art of survival and combat, the Moriji training will teach how to think on the battlefield.
The cohort of Lusquires will stay together for the first part of their education, which will consist in a two six-month stints in the Black Fleet's Naval Academies. The first one will be focused war history, strategy, tactics, use of artillery, reviews of past battles and the geopolitics of the nations in contact with /mep/ and the Himedom. The objective is that the Lusquire should be able to shoulder the duty of commanding officer at any level in whatever situation he's thrown into. The second will have them go to one of the Academies equipped with a chuubanitics laboratory, and will have them be familiarized with all the different supernatural technologies they might come across during their careers. They will have demonstrations of the Kaiserreich Flammenwerfers, their range, and how to best survive an encounter with them. They'll witness the magnitude of the regenerative abilities of /meat/ chuubanite through lab experiments, obviously study the mechanisms and effects of candification, receive lectures regarding witness accounts of rarer magical abilities such as those displayed by catalognauts. This is also where they will receive an education in the field of schizology; what various types of schizos exist and what their capabilities are, what is known of the creation of schizos, how schizos interact with chuubanite, what are the main sources and active groups of schizos in the continents.
All the while, they will receive continuous drilling and combat training, obviously.
The Lusquires will be evaluated at multiple points throughout, and may be rejected from the next step of the training if they fail to meet standards, but the cohorts coming from /mans/ tend to have good graduation rates.
After this year of brainy work, comes what is called "the gauntlet". For four months, the cohort will be put in simulated battle scenarios with strict realism rules, putting them up against disadvantageous odds, and one of the Lusquires will be selected to be the commanding officer each time. The combat will use full weight, but padded weapons and wooden bullet muskets, so that holding back strikes doesn't interfere with their decision-making. The scenarios might involve having to get an enemy out of an entrenched position, getting out of a fortification that is on fire, facing a pincer attack, approaching a fight with a high-strength opponent such as a Goddess Faithful priestess. The Lusquires will be evaluated on the effectiveness of their tactics, their discipline and ability to follow their commanding officer's orders, and their mental strength as they're put through those grueling battles, day-in, day-out for multiple months.
The last part of their training will be a stint as sailors on a Black Fleet frigate, nominally to have them familiarize themselves with the functioning of military naval vessels, in case this is required, but also potentially to have them face real combat situations; with a Black Fleet corvette on the Holosea, this is highly likely, though it wouldn't take on particularly risky missions.
The corvette would take the cohort directly to /risu/ once they're done, having now had both their minds and body forged in the arts of war.

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Pub: 10 Dec 2022 23:19 UTC
Edit: 15 Jan 2023 18:25 UTC
Views: 534