"Sinner? May I have a question?" despite her wording, Serafi's tone was anything but calm. Her eyebrows twitched as the emerald eyes glared at the strange contraption installed on the concrete floor. "What the fuck is this?!"

"One bar prison? How is it supposed to- " her whirling mind came to the conclusion mid-sentence, and her words converted into a blushing face as she turned her glare at you. The exacerbation still remained, but it gained a touch of embarrassment as she realized how this device worked, with its rather obscene top. "Goddamnit, my expectations for sinners were low but... why are you making something like that anyway?"

"For Amoria? To fix her habit of crossing her legs? What kind of some cheap porno plot is that - " the angel pouted and kicked the metal pole, only to feel the pain of her toes as the device was bolted to the ground. Taking a seat next to the one bar prison, she hastily took off her shoes and socks to cradle the reddened toes. "Aw, aw, aw... who gave you permission to put it here anyway?"

"I swear to god, you're getting bolder and bolder ever since I read those stupid fanfics..." mumbled the soiled angel, her gaze turning aside as she lowered her volume. "... I didn't say you need to take it apart now."

"Look, sinner, if you're going to put anything in Amoria, you have to go through me first!" she helped herself up with the pole and said. Her brain only catching onto the Freudian slip seconds later, and her face reddened like a ripe tomato, and her words stumbled as she struggled to maintain her gaze as your grin. "... literally in this case, I guess."

"Stop laughing! I can already see how dangerous your shitty design is! One slip and you're going to turn your 'prisoner' into a kebab!" she lifted her leg, only to lower it moments later as the lingering pain suggested her to slap the phallic tip instead. "Tell you what, I'm going to help test this thing. Angels are immortal after all."

"The things I have to do to babysit y'all..." Serafi mumbled as she undressed herself, slowly but surely revealing her porcelain-white skin. She was slightly taller than Amoria, but her lithe physique and lack of curves made her body look less developed. As much as her youthful form invoked your guilt, though, her surprisingly round rear only served to arouse you more as she turned her back towards you, blushing and pouting as she removed the last of her garment.

"Alright... I just have to stand here, right?" the angel asked as her shivering legs carried her to the pole. With the pole lowered, its tip was about a palm's length away from her smooth nether region. Perhaps anticipating what was to come, droplets of transparent fluid started dripping from her slit, moistening the phallic tip right beneath her.

"What? I just don't want it to hurt too much..." she tried to convince herself as she slowly spread her legs apart, her gaze resting on you as you approach her and knelled down. It was a very primitive design, but it was functional. You pulled out the latch, freeing the upper part of the pole and slowly sliding it upward, until you heard the small whimper coming from the tip of the metal dildo kissing Serafi's lower lips.

"Yes, angels' regeneration also cover that. It's pretty annoying..." Serafi dispelled your concern with her mumbling answer. That would explain why she always appeared to be in pain during intimacy... but the idea of it conditioning her to associate pain with pleasure made your desire burn beneath your skin.

"Just make it qui- " her words were snuffed out by you pushing the pole into her, the sudden burst of pleasure and pain manifesting itself in a loud moan. Once you made sure the dildo was not piercing through anything important, you pushed the latch in once again, locking the pole in place deep inside Serafi's nether region.

"Argh... can't you at least be a bit more gentle?" the soiled angel shivered on the pole, her red-stained juice dripping from the dildo now buried inside her slit. Her clenched fists shook before her flat chest, before lowering themselves towards the impaled nether region. It was obvious that she had not been put into a contraption like this, and she had no idea what to do with what remained of her freedom. The pain from the broken hymen forced her legs to narrow, pushing her body up slightly. However, even when she tried to stand on her shaking toes, the tip of the dildo was still lodged between her lips, causing even the slightest movement to stimulate her aroused flesh. Now, she was finally aware of why this device was called a one bar prison - she was basically imprisoned by her most sensitive region, with no chance to escape except...

"Hey! Let go!" she tried to spread her wings in an attempt to free herself, but instead of the cool air, she could only feel the restraints from some kind of leather gloves. It was only now that she realize you were already standing behind her, tightening the belts of leather monogloves around her wings. With both of them fully buckled, she was deprived of the ability to fly... and to escape.

"I, I know she can't fly! I just want some safety precautions!" she bit her lips indignantly. The cold, unyielding sensation inside her nether region forced her to acknowledge her predicament. She felt like a slab of meat strung on a meat hook, an object to be used and put on display... the racing heartbeat causing her to become more and more aroused, her hands trying futilely to hide the juice flowing down along the pole.

"Wait! Stop! Put that goddamn mirror away!" her panic only increased as she saw the full-body mirror being put before her, showing the angel what her mind already knew deep down. Her shaking thighs closed against each other, pushing her torso up just enough to show a bit of the tip of the dildo. Still, even as she tiptoed and bit her lips, it was not enough to free her from the one bar prison, and when she inevitably let loose, her weight pushed the pole deeper inside her once again, forcing another lustful scream from the angel as she panted. The shame lingering in her mind continued to seep into her reason, persuading her to glance at the shameful figure in the mirror, and her lower lips to salivate more from the painful pleasure.

"Urgh... alright, I'll give you credit, this is pretty creative..." the angel tried to bend down towards the latch, but the metal dildo inside her limited her movement. The more she tried to reach for the latch, the deeper the dildo sank into her flesh, causing her body to shake in pleasure and her sweating fingers to slip right before the latch. Biting her lips, she knew there were no chance she could free herself without risking the phallic pole causing actual harm to her body... "I, I might need some support... just because I can't die doesn't mean I can't feel pain, y'know."

With pleasure. You return to your position behind her and wrapped your arms around her stomach. With a little squeeze, you could feel the vague shape of the dildo in her lower body, and the pulsating lust flowing through her burning body. She could feel her caress as well, her shivering lips mumbling something unintelligible as the angel's body buried itself deeper into your embrace. Compared with the cold steel threatening to impale her, the warm flesh hugging her must felt comforting even if you were the one putting her in this situation in the first place... then again, you know she probably would have enjoyed it regardless.

"... hey, sinner," forcing herself to take a deep breath, Serafi turned her reddened cheek and watery eyes back towards you, every syllable of her interrupted by her panting. As humiliating as it might be, her waking masochism could not handle it any longer, "I heard some humans treat their cold by shoving something up their.... and, y'know, I've been feeling the sicky icky lately..."

"Heh... seems you're into it as well. You horny, stinky, nasty..." she commented on the bulge pressing against her butt cheeks with a forced smile, and soon she felt the other pole that would be penetrating her pressing against her flesh. Unlike the steel dildo, though, its warmth and pulse gave it a more endearing touch to her. That said, she did not know if her other hole was ready to take it-

"AHHH!" her thought was interrupted once again, this time by the fleshy pole pushing into her. Even with the spilled juice and precum lubricating it, her rear was not designed to receive something like this. You could feel the walls of flesh clenching against your cock, her pulse massaging your shaft as you slowly but surely forced yourself deeper into the petite angel's body. She struggled in your hug, your hands keeping her from slipping away, and the greedy flesh suckling the rods showed the deep-seated desire Serafi had for this kind of extreme pleasure.

"Sinner... ah... damnit..." You reached for her hands, holding them tightly as you began thrusting inside her, each push and pull causing her body to bob up and down on the one bar prison. It felt almost as if she was being fucked by two sinners at the same time. As you felt her quickening breath, a mischievous side of you propelled you to lean closer towards her and whispered something into her reddened ear, causing her blush to spread further as her lust-addled mind process your words.

"You modeled the dildo after WHAT?! What's wrong with you!" the realization made her legs squeeze against the poles even more, her sensitive flesh feeling the size and shape of the insertions more despite the overwhelming embarrassment. With your reminder, now she could not shake the thought of both her holes being used by sinners... and her lust burned hotter and hotter, her lips drooling profusely with every thrust. The tight hole sucking your cock felt almost as good as her slit, if not even better... you felt you might want to use it more from now on. Enjoying the sensation of her twisting in your embrace, the bound wings shaking between the two bodies, the soiled angel soon pushed both of you to orgasm. As you release your load inside Serafi, your tight hug also instinctively forced her body down, shoving the painful pleasure deeper into her as she felt the full force of both phallic penetrations inside her sensitive body, her release manifesting in a loud moan echoing between the concrete walls.

"Damn... it felt better than it really should..." as you and Serafi slowly wound down from the extreme sensations, reason gradually returned to your mind as well, and the drenched angel parted her lips. Securing her body with your hands, you pulled the angel off from her one bar prison, the rim of the dripping dildo provoking one last moan from her. Her legs, finally without obstructions, crossed against each other, the juice of red and white dripping from the narrow gap and mixing between her thighs.

"It's a bit too intense for Amoria..." Serafi mumbled as you rested her on the ground, her exhausted body leaning against you as she looked up with a tired, yet lascivious smile. "... let's test it some more."

Pub: 17 Mar 2023 04:01 UTC
Views: 351