online @firstname.lastname jar open in browser, use lightmode

sparkles YOU CAN CALL ME name, name, or name star paw prn/prn/prn/ETC.


Primary Labels; flaglabel. flaglabel. flaglabel. flaglabel. Secondary Labels; wingleft flaglabel. flaglabel. flaglabel. flaglabel. wingright

role and introject (type of introj. or delete this part) of: character name (p.s. click on the image!)*

you can put any extra info here like personally i put examples of my typing quirk but you could do whatever with it, or just delete it if u dont want it here this is a pretty long template.


star2 general.
DMs ;; yes/no/ask
PDA ;; yes/no/ask
flirting /p ;; yes/no/ask
flirting /r ;; yes/no/ask
RP touch ;; yes/no/ask

star2 source.
doubles;; yes/no/ask
source mates;; yes/no/ask
source talk;; yes/no/ask

FAQ. loves
common question 1? info info info
common question 2? info info info
common question 3? info info info

BLINKIES!!! pretty in pinkcannot be killedpink addictur love itselfi love pinkgot love?love=eternitysending you my lovei love my computeri ate my braincellshugs&kissessweetheartlove always

find your flags here ++ 🗃 🗄

Pub: 20 Nov 2022 03:17 UTC
Edit: 22 Dec 2022 21:24 UTC
Views: 1388